Carbon 12 isotopes WAR with the Earth’s magnetic field

RD-blog-number-3975 by Herb Zinser reviews the EARTH WAR battle that took place in the EARTH North Pole magnetic field geography location of
Fer = Ferrous oxide IRON atoms in
Fer = the mathematical-physics infer and logic applications region in
Fer = Ferguson, Missouri  …. that is a super-symmetry applications MIRROR for
Fer = FermiLAB iron Hemoglobin protein human  life forms known as theorists.

fermilab theory

To establish their existence and relationship to iron …..

picture  - table 2


Iron56 – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Iron56 (56Fe) is the most common isotope of iron. About 91.754% of all iron is iron56. Of all nuclides, iron56 has the lowest mass per nucleon. With 8.8 MeV …

they use the atomic English alphabet of 26 ironic letters

AND they had the State of Illinois build  an atomic mass 56   highway near Batavia …as  an EARTH LANGUAGE iron core signal   …… to be recognized  .. only if you are a down-to-earth EARTHLING.


picture - kane map 3


In addition, they have NORTH POLE magnetic field signs …

North Avenue ….. North Aurora …





  • Aurora – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


    An aurora is a natural light display in the sky (from the Latin word aurora, ….. the direction of field lines near the north magnetic pole (namely, into Earth), and …

  • Aurora Borealis (at North Pole) & Auroras Australis (at South…/auroraborealis-at-northpoleauroras-australis-at/

    Pins about Aurora Borealis (at North Pole) & Auroras Australis (at South Pole) hand-picked by Pinner Cheryl … Aurora lights the sky over Spencer Bay, Maine.




In addition, The EARTH LAB human specimens at FermiLAB  are near St.Charles(Darwin), Illinois ….. a sign of EARTH LANGUAGE evolution  and SYMBOL MACHINE language evolution …..  a human brain bio-computer SYMBOL PROCESSING.


The human mathematical-physics engineering BRAIN species at FermiLAB  …. acknowledging their  Charles Darwin  evolutionary origins   ….
arranged for one EARTH LAB human specimen to be imported from the Galapagos Islands region …. known as PerU –> for equation Per + U
–> Periodic atomic table element U = Uranium


Hence the atomic number 26 and its  atomic English language sign  in Batavia …..

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O Illustrious One,

O Illustrious One,

O Illustrious One  representative ought acknowledge the messages of ….,


  • A Symposium on Hermann Hesse

    One modern text, Hermann Hesse’s Siddhartha, can work admirably to bridge … and so I think, O Illustrious One, that nobody finds salvation through teachings.

  • SparkNotes: Siddhartha: Important Quotations Explained › … › Siddhartha


    Explanation of the famous quotes in Siddhartha, including all important … does not contain the secret of what the Illustrious One himself experienced—he alone …


Hence, let’s look at  the ferrous oxide IRON atom continuum and its systems architectures.

iron core - Earth



iron atom 26


Fe –> Ferrous oxide and EARTH geography location  Fe = Ferguson

ferguson missouri brown shooting


The EARTH magnetic field in Ferguson. Missouri has computer science abilities (state name abbreviation Miss and Miss = Management information social  schemes) …..

Within the EARTH magnetic field in Ferguson  live IRON hemoglobin protein structures named humanoid …. hence, the interaction mechanism with the EARTH iron core.

hemoglobin pricture

These human structures are primarily hydrocarbon structures ….. organic chemistry entities in biology format.   Hence, we view the humans a organic molecule structures with hydrocarbon thoughts and social behavior  ……  with the additional feature of connecting to the EARTH magnetic field.


Hence, we have humans living within the organic chemistry continuum comprised of many organic molecule expression formats:  plastics, oil, gasoline,  and organic molecule humans that talk and party.

The organic humans are subset within the organic chemsitry expression continuum AND the organic chemistry continuum is a subset within the larger EARTH magnetic field continuum.

The iron Hemoglobin protein of organic molecule humans allows Nature to create a communications  LINK  with the EARTH iron core and its atomic number …English alphabet of 26 letters.

Hence, we see the EARTH core  + college science textbooks …..code words core + text –> establishes  a  functioning SYMBOL PROCESSOR cortex within the  human skull.


Of  course, the   Botany professor that is HEAD of the Department has his unique LINK with the cellulose forest –> code word fore  + head –> forehead.



Now, let’s look at the carbon isotopes signal from Ferguson  …given the outline above.

I repeat another blog post that covers the concepts.


Herb Zinser’s organic chemistry –> social chemistry SCIENCE WAR reports

The modern social science wars of atoms, math equations, biochemistry molecules, television photons, English language nouns and symbolic life.




Rd-blog–number-3926 by Herb Zinser  reviews the organic chemistry continuum …. information database from the St.Louis region.


The molecular social engineering FEEDBACK CONTROL system signal  from the Brownian motion social expression system –>


Shooting of  (ato)Michael Brown

The shooting of Michael Brown occurred on August 9, 2014, in Ferguson, Missouri, a suburb of St. Louis. Brown, a young black man, was fatally shot by Darren Wilson, a white police officer.


Time 12:01 p.m.–12:03 p.m.
Date Saturday, August 9, 2014
Location Ferguson, Missouri, U.S.


The Keyword signals involving the event are ….  carbon black represented by human display device –> black man named Michael Brown.



Carbon black – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Carbon black (subtypes are acetylene black, channel black, furnace black, lamp black and thermal black) is a material produced by the incomplete combustion …

Common uses – ‎
Pigment – ‎


The key signal produced by Nature’s CREATED information display EVENT comes from the EARTHLY space/time continuum that we live within.

Ferguson police identify officer in Michael Brown shooting…/ferguson-police-identify-officer-in-micha


Aug 15, 2014 – Police on Friday identified the officer who fatally shot an unarmed black … later, he encountered Michael Brown walking down Canfield Drive.

Hence, we have Einstein’s FIELD theory providing data on the EVENT   …. using the COMPUTER EARTH system application known as Einstein’s data processing DATA FIELD theory  and the field drivers ….that is field theory subroutine drivers …. such as  the Canfield  subroutine Driver.


Looking at the TIME data  gathered by from Einstein’s  data field processor …we use the Stephen Hawking concept of the EVENT HORIZON  ,,,,,, and we look at  the evnt from a distance ….. with objective views and  the honest usage  of the SYMBOL MACHINE and its languages,  words,  numbers, and  equations.

The key numeric signal ……….

Time 12:01 p.m.–12:03 p.m.



Time –> 12 –> carbon 12 …. that is carbon atomic mass number 12



Time 12:01 p.m.–12:03 p.m.


Hence ..given carbon 12 …..we have the numbers 12.01  …  12,02  …..  12.03  …a reference to the carbon isotopes war in St. Louis.


Hence, super-symmetry  physics / chemistry  MIRROR concepts …   tell us Nature’s point of view  …. of the human organic chemistry ….  molecular  behavior/action FIGURES  …. are places into 3 Darwinian human groups ….. using the terminology of carbon isotopes(t).

In Europe, the city of Budapest …conveys Nature’s  social and political message that has been ignored.


Thus we have a classification system as outlined  by Franz Kafka in the Metamorphosis. 

The Metamorphosis – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The story begins with a traveling salesman, Gregor Samsa, waking to find himself … literally “monstrous vermin”, often interpreted as a giant bug or insect.


Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka – Project Gutenberg

Project Gutenberg

The Project Gutenberg EBook of Metamorphosis, by Franz Kafka Translated by … One morning,

when Gregor Samsa woke from
troubled dreams, he found …

I Have a Dream – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


I Have a Dream is a public speech delivered by American civil rights activist Martin Luther King, Jr. on August 28, 1963, in which he calls for an end to racism in …




Common uses – ‎


Thus we see Nature’s carbon molecule   ……. social engineering   …….message system and how it works VIA the St.Louis   information GENERATOR of empirical data via the Michael Brown DEMO ….   like   a  Joe Louis boxing match.




Hence, we see the  deeper levels of  REALITY that underlie the molecular social expression SIGNAL from the EARTH LAB geography TEST site of  Ferguson, Missouri.



Herb Zinser provides some data about Nature’s SYMBOL MACHINE that is  comprised of  nouns, verbs, concepts, math equations,  flowcharts, etc.  The ideas found in math and science textbooks are part of the SYMBOL MACHINE.

Using Galileo’s suggestions  of  ” 2 CHIEF WORLD  SYSTEMS”   we now perceive Sartre existentialism as partitioned into 2 or more data spaces……. the  2  CHIEF existential entities

1) physical reality of objects: concrete highways, iron  automobiles, cellulose trees, humanoids, etc.
2) The world of symbols, concepts, process control system flowcharts, biochemistry diagrams,  math and physics equations, etc.

Maps and Territories – Rijnlandmodel

Language in Thought and Action, S.I. Hayakawa.
Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and Territories
There is a sense in which we all live in two worlds.

In summary ….. we see organic molecule humans  as living subsets embedded within the Earth’s magnetic  field.   The iron Hemoglobin proteins  copies  ideas from the human brain and use transfers them to the Earth’s magnetic data fields  and that information data stream  flow  converges to the  geography North Pole / South Pole  (or the magnetic pole which can change)  …. and the the magnetic field data is concentrated in the EARTH’s iron core and its 26 atomic number English alphabet  ….. giving the center of EARTH thought processing abilities ….. giving Nature and INTELLECT that is comprised of the Carl  Jung human collective mind   …… and then Nature creates an optimal model of thought and behavior  …  sort of … an advanced MODEL version of the Central Nervous system 370 brain SYMBOL PROCESSOR  …and the direction of such evolution.
Hence, we see the anger of Nature’s EARTH systems   …played out in Fer –> Ferrous oxide IRON atom region of Fer –> Ferguson, Missouri  …… with  the organic molecule DISPLAY EVENT involving  organic structures–> Michael Brown   and  the Darren Wilson message for Wilson Hall in Batavia,Illinois, Because the citizen/federal government have no interest in the Nature’s structure and  existence   … the people at Wilson Hall are prevented from working and explaining EARTH LANGUAGE, society,   and the  Ferguson empirical data SIGNAL.
Therefore we see the EARTH WAR …the EARTH iron core and magnetic field VERSUS  human carbon life form ERRORS