Rd-blog-number-4386 by Herb Zinser reviews the evolution of Nature’s new social engineering control system for human organic RCH life forms and their EARTH geography surface location coordinates.
In addition to the EARTH equation …organic entity existence LINK to earth surface location ..we a have the Korea 38th parallel SYMBOL MACHINE signal.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M |
SYMBOL MACHINE computer address
location 3 = C = Carbon atom
location 8 = H = hydrogen atom
The 38 parallel equation of K = Korea social chemistry ….
3 + 8 = position 11 –> symbol K
Carbon + Hydrogen –> K … thinK molecules
Nature’s LANGUAGE systems code —> Korea –> K + or + rea –> thinK orders reality VS the world of social science policy based on Hollywood STUD fantasy
Let’s look at a blog that outlines some of the concepts.
The RCH NIXON … organic chemistry continuum and its COMPUTER EARTH matrix coordinates map
RD-blog-number-4132 by Herb Zinser reviews the President Richard Nixon model of the EARTH organic chemistry continuum and its EARTH geography coordinates ….. linear algebra matrix coordinates … rows and columns needed for COMPUTER EARTH data record processing.
Let’s look at the Richard Nixon code and then at an application example from Cincinnati, Ohio.
Nature’s SYMBOL MACHINE languages, equations, and concepts suggest the translation ….
RICHARD –> subset letters –> RCH –> R + CH –> Reactive site Carbon Hydrogen entities
NIXON –> subset code –> N X N –> an N by N square matrix –> in addition … it implies a rectangular matrix
Spiro Agnew –> Spiro –> subset –> ro –> row …. such as rows and columns
Agnew –> Ag –> Agriculture –> farm land …coordinates /grid of the EARTH geography surface ..land on farms and in cities ….. all included in the surface map grid / template
Thus the project announced by Richard NIXON and Spiro Agnew ….. that .. human RCH organic chemistry entities existing on the Earth GEOGRAPHY SURFACE have a location / coordinates.
Given this model of REALITY … the year 1968 / 1970 project ..let’s look at an example VIA its generated EVENT … an attention getting database … signaling EVENT.
Man shot in head at Richie’s Fast Food Restaurant in West …
May 27, 2014 – Cincinnati police are investigating a shooting reported Tuesday evening in the West End.
Man shot in head at West End restaurant dies – Cincinnati …
May 28, 2014 – A 27-year-old man shot in the head Tuesday night in the parking lot of Richie’s Restaurant on Linn Street died Wednesday, Cincinnati police …
Thus the organic chemistry SIGN above …stating that this fast food site is a RCH site.
Thus we had an RCH elimination …organic chemistry –> social and economic chemistry.
Dathan Hall: Man charged in deadly West End restaurant …
The suspect accused in the shooting death of a man outside of Richie’s Fast Food … in deadly West End restaurant shooting – Cincinnati News, FOX19-WXIX TV.
Dathan Hall:
Dat ….code Dalton
John Dalton – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- WikipediaJohn Dalton FRS (6 September 1766 – 27 July 1844) was an English chemist, physicist and meteorologist. He is best known for his pioneering work in the …
John Dalton | Chemical Heritage Foundation
Chemical Heritage Foundation
John Dalton was one of the most important people in the history of chemistry. He established a theory of atoms that he published in “A New System of Chemical ..
Dathan Hall:
Dathan Hall:
Dathan Hall:
Hall Research Group – Department of Chemistry – University …
University of Alberta
Hall Group, Summer 2012, CCIS building. From left to right:
pearsonschool.com: Prentice Hall Chemistry ©2008
Scott Foresman
Prentice Hall Chemistry meets the needs of students with a range of abilites, diversities, and learning styles by providing real-world connections to chemical
school.com: Prentice Hall Chemistry ©2008
school.com: Prentice Hall Chemistry ©2008
school.com: APPrentice Hall Chemistry ©2008
school.com: APPrentice Dalton Hall Chemis….try
Dathan Hall:
Dathan Hall:
Dathan Hall:
Below, the reactive site of the social chemistry … message processing experiment
Man shot in head at Richie’s Fast Food Restaurant in … – WIS
Cincinnati police are investigating a shooting reported Tuesday evening in the … p.m. to Richie’s Fast Food Restaurant located in the 1300 block of Linn Street.
Fast Food Restaurant located in the 1300 block of Linn Street.
F –> Base 16 hexadecimal Food Restaurant
Man shot in head at Richie’s Fast Food Restaurant in … – WIS
Cincinnati police are investigating a shooting reported Tuesday evening in the … p.m. to Richie’s Fast Food Restaurant located in the 1300 block of Linn Street.
located in the 1300 block of Linn Street.
located in the 1300 block of Lin ..nn Street.
located in the 1300 DATA block of Line n x n square matrix Street –> Linn –>
referback to the 16th President of the United States …..
President Linn –> Lincoln –> Lin + col + n –> Line column n –> Linear algebra grid of the Illinois land in year 1860.
Thus Nature’s system project started with the Base 16 hexadecimal President …
and then 100 yeras later around 1960 thru 1970 …… NIxon represented part of another project milestone.
Thus in August of year 2014…we have the data generating event …
The suspect accused in the shooting death of a man outside of Richie’s Fast Food Restaurant in the West End appeared in court Friday morning.
Dathan Hall, 21, was arrested Thursday night and charged with murder in the death of 27-year-old Jariell Dean last May. He’s being held on a $500,000 bond.
Police said Dean was shot May 27 in the parking lot of Richie’s at 1301 Linn Street, causing him to crash his vehicle into the restaurant.
Dean suffered a gunshot wound to the head and later died at the hospital.
Hall appeared in a Hamilton County courtroom at 9 a.m. Friday for arraignment. The case was scheduled to go before a grand jury August 18.
appeared in a Hamilton County courtroom
appeared in a Hamilton County courtroom …
The Cayley-Hamilton Theorem and the Matrix … – MIT
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
The matrix exponential eAt forms the basis for the homogeneous (unforced) and the forced … The Cayley-Hamilton theorem states that every matrix satisfies its.
The matrix exponential eAt forms
The matrix exponential eAt forms
The matrix exponential –> eAt forms
—> at Richie’s fast food restaurant
..food for thought ……… food for organic chemistry and math INTELLECTUAL thoughts
Thus ..in year 2015 ..we have some data clues about Nature’s puzzling message EVENT.
Another blog post provides additional concepts for consideration.
EARTH and RCH Nixon organic chemistry war at reactive site in Asia
RD-blog-number-4131 by Herb Zinser reviews the PLANET EARTH organic chemistry continuum WAR site ..known as the Vietnam WAR.
We will outline the hydrocarbon molecular war under President N (Nixon) for the Avogadro’s number problem.
Avogadro constant
In chemistry and physics, the Avogadro constant (symbols: N) is defined as the ratio of the number of entities (usually atoms or molecules) N in a sample to …
President RICHARD Nixon ….. subset letter codes ..
…………..R CH –> Reactive site Carbon Hydrogen ….. in this case the reactive site for Carbon Hydrogen human life forms was the Vietnam region.
Chemical Reactivity – Chemistry
Most of these reactions occur at special sites of reactivity known as functional …
The letter R in the following illustrations is widely used as a symbol for a generic group. It may stand for simple substituents such as H– or CH3–, or for complex …
Fundamental Concepts of Chemistry
Peroxide -> R (26.1) Free radical R + CH: =CH2 -> R-CH2 -CH2
Let’s review another blog that explains many concepts ….. and then we will continue with the organic chemistry –> social chemistry ….. human … hydrocarbon molecular war under President N (Nixon).
The astrophysics chemistry WAR message
from Richie’s Fast Food in Cincinnati, Ohio
Rd-blog-number-4130 by Herb Zinser reviews the astrophysics war message for Cambridge University WEST ROAD United Kingdom.
The astrophysics galactic LOCAL REGION (Planet Earth) message originates in the United States.
The signaling EVENT ……
Man shot in head at Richie’s Fast Food Restaurant in West …
May 27, 2014 –
Dathan Hall: Man charged in deadly West End restaurant …
Aug 8, 2014 – The suspect accused in the shooting death of a man outside of Richie’s Fast Food Restaurant in the West End appeared in court Friday ..are investigating a shooting reported Tuesday evening in the Wes

Man shot in head at Richie’s Fast Food Restaurant in … – WIS
Cincinnati police are investigating a shooting reported Tuesday evening in the West …
Authorities responded at about 9:40 p.m. to Richie’s Fast Food Restaurant …
Let’s look at the message keywords and numbers
about 9:40 p.m. to Richie’s Fast Food
…….. 9:40 p.m. to Richie’s ast
year 1940 ……………………astronomy/astrophysics WAR known as World War 2
about 9:40 p.m. to Richie’s Fast Food
about 9:40 p.m. to R. ch …ast
year 1940 organic chemistry RCH astronomy …EARTH RCH –> EARTH .. the reactive site of organic chemistry molecular continuum war in the context of an astronomy/astrophysics military to RECAPTURE control of EARTH.

Social chemistry …..
Chemical Reactivity – Chemistry
Michigan State University
Most of these reactions occur at special sites of reactivity known as functional … It is useful to begin a discussion of organic chemical reactions with a review of ….. not be positively charged, are attracted to electron rich species or groups, which …

RCH ….. Darwinian molecular SYMBOL selection of Richie’s at the WEST END … for the message generating EVENT and its proper noun routing codes –> RCH WEST ….. send to INTELLECTUAL reactive site on WEST ROAD.

Alcohol Reactivity – Chemistry
Michigan State University
Gas phase dehydrogenations of this kind are important in chemical manufacturing, but see little use in … RCH2–OH + hot Cu RCH=O + H2 … substituent enhances the reactivity of the ring and favors electrophile attack at ortho and para sites.
attack at ortho and para sites.
attack at ortho and para sites.
attack at ortho and parallel sites –> West End –> End –> SEND message to West Road astrophysics DAMTP.

RCH ….. Darwinian molecular SYMBOL selection of Richie’s at the WEST END … for the message generating EVENT and its proper noun routing codes –> RCH WEST ….. send to INTELLECTUAL reactive site on WEST ROAD.
The Stephen Hawking Building | Gonville & Caius
Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge
… down the line, but it is decidedly apt that the beautiful new building at 5 West Road should be named … Professor Hawking lived in a Victorian villa on the same site for a number of years, where he raised his … University of Cambridge logo.
West Road
West Road
West Road
West Road

North American EVENT ….. and message routing requirements
Man shot in head at Richie’s Fast Food Restaurant in West …
May 27, 2014 –
Cincinnati police
Man shot in head at Richie’s Fast Food Restaurant in West …
Man………..head of department RCH life forms Base 16 “HEX ‘F” ast –> astronomy/astrophysics in West .
Apparently the University of Cambridge in Great Britain has eaten their brains out ..like they did with Margaret Thatcher.
Great Britain
Great Britain
.. eat Br..ain
…eat Brain … the policy of British education …that will not help understand and fix the problem.
Halloween in United Kingdom – Time and Date
www.timeanddate.com › … › Holidays › United Kingdom
Time and Date
Halloween is a holiday annually celebrated on October 31. Some people hold Halloween parties on or around this date, where the hosts and … Halloween UK.
Hallowed Be Thy Name: In All the Earth | Desiring God
Nov 4, 1984 – “Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, On earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our …
hollow – Dictionary Definition : Vocabulary.com
If something is hollow, it is empty on the inside
Hollow be thy name …. thy BRAIN symbol processor should be empty …so you can be dumb and arrogant ..and not communicate about the brain bio-computer cannibal subroutines …
as forwarned by David H.Clark …
subset letter code HC –> Hydrocarbon astrophysics specialist in EARTH molecule brain wars

Above code –> circinus –> cir + cin = us –> application
–> circle (Region of convergence SYMBOL O –> Ohio) Cincinnati USA

Thus David H.C –> Hydrocarbon social chemistry prediction of a cannibal problem …
now has EARTH empirical battle casualty data on the
RCH … reactive site Carbon Hydrogen.
The 2nd empirical data signal
Thus David H.C –> social chemistry prediction of a cannibal problem … cannibal –> can –> canfield Drive in ferguson Missouri.Canfield Drive – Site of Mike Brown Shooting – Becomes …
Nov 26, 2014 – In Ferguson, Missouri, the site on Canfield Drive where robber Michael Brown was shot dead by white police officer Darren Wilson is becoming …

Gateway Arch – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Gateway Arch is a 630-foot-tall (192 m) monument in St. Louis, in the U.S. state of Missouri. It is also 630 feet wide. Clad in stainless steel and built in the …
Catenary – Eero Saarinen – Jefferson National Expansion
Gateway arch –> signal code –> Information logic gate …Milky way … systems architecture WAR site

Hence, we see the shooting at Canfield Drive is a message about astronomy DEFENSE project SS433 and the cannibal galaxy attack …such as the skirmish in the ST,Louis Area …with the arch … a symbol of the architecture of Planet Earth SPACE/TIME CMS systems ..Content Management Systems which include humans, communities, countries and their people, and human governments and institutions.
Content management system – Wikipedia, the free …
A content management system (CMS) is a computer application that allows publishing, editing and modifying content, organizing, deleting as well as …
List of content management – Web Content Management – Document Management
Now, returning to Nixon and the Vietnam reactive site.
Below, we also see China –> Ch –> Carbon Hydrogen TEST country.
The EARTH LAB China organic chemistry MESSAGE experiments ..had the Chinese people dress in carbon black.
Mao Tse-Tung: Father of Chinese Revolution
Sep 10, 1976 – Mao’s only official post after that was Chairman of the Chinese …. to be called a Mao suit in the West and for a period in the 1970’s became a fashion craze.
Thus we see the organic molecule expression system in CH = Carbon Hydrogen region –> CHINA.
In Vietman …the reactive site …
Ho Chi Minh trail – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Hồ Chí Minh trail (also known in Vietnam as the “Trường Sơn trail”) was a logistical system that ran from the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (North …
Ho Chi Minh trail – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
H…C.. M … trail – HydroCarbon Molecule system information TRAIL
Thus we see EARTH SYSTEMS and Nature’s method of constructing SOME social chemistry display messages …… for all to see ….and study … and explain.
Now, let’s return to .Korea.
In addition to the EARTH equation …organic entity existence LINK to earth surface location ..we a have the Korea 38th parallel SYMBOL MACHINE signal.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M |
SYMBOL MACHINE computer address
location 3 = C = Carbon atom
location 8 = H = hydrogen atom
The 38 parallel equation of K = Korea social chemistry ….
3 + 8 = position 11 –> symbol K
Carbon + Hydrogen –> K … thinK molecules
Nature’s LANGUAGE systems code —> Korea –> K + or + rea –> thinK orders reality
Above, the EARTH LANGUAGE message processing expression region.
Thus we see why Jeffery Fowle traveled to Korea to generate a RD science message for OS = Ohio State university …… Nature’s OS = Organic Systems message for an EARTH subset human institution that is too arrogant to communicate.
Thus the carbon atomic number 6 signal.
6 months for Bible in N Korea, local man says worth it
Oct 31, 2014 – Jeffrey Fowle, the Miamisburg man who became the center of an international incident when he left a Bible in North Korea, and who later …
Ohio man who was released by North Korea after 6 months …
Oct 31, 2014 – Jeffrey Fowle said he traveled to the country as a tourist but saw the … for nearly six months in North Korea after leaving a Bible at a nightclub..
N Korea,
N Korea —> N-space and Carbon +Hydrogen = K
…… his generated database
…..the N coordinates of earthly surface space/time juxtapositioned with his organic chemistry life form.
Thus …. we see some pieces of the puzzle that is to be included in TOE theory.
Theory of everything includes YOU- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A theory of everything (ToE) or final theory, ultimate theory, or master theory is a … Over time, the term stuck in popularizations of theoretical physics research.
Grand Unified Theory of your bull-stories – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grand_Unified_Theory -
A Grand Unified Theory (GUT) is a model in particle physics in which at high … three interactions would provide a theory of everything (TOE), rather than a GUT.
Unified field theory includes the grid-iron football field with team uniforms
…therefore a uniform field– Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In physics, a unified field theory (UFT), occasionally referred to as a uniform field
Junior Seau, former NFL linebacker, dead at age 43 of …
May 2, 2012 – OCEANSIDE, Calif. — Junior Seau, a homegrown superstar who was the fist-
Ocean –> implies wave mechanics WAR casualty
age 43 –> Max Planck Time exponent WAR casualty