Nikola Tesla EARTH waves and Wisconsin sin waves created  Madison  string theorists 

RD-blog-number-3741 by Herb Zinser reviews the existence of the geography state of Wisconsin and the properties of the EARTH soil/ land of the EARTH geography surface that comprise Wisconsin.

Terrestrial stationary waves – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


It was considered by Nikola Tesla to be his most important discovery. Earth’s surface constitutes an interface that supports the wave. On July 3, 1899, Tesla

The Discovery of Schumann Resonance – Earth Breathing

Due to their extremely low frequency these waves could penetrate the earth without resistance and thereby Tesla discovered the resonance frequency of the …

Thus we have the EARTH LANGUAGE code for string theory ……..

Wisconsin earth ………..

……….sine  waves of LAND  next to Lake Michigan sin waves of water 

dualities –> implies 2 –> implies binary
–> implies DOUBLE-HELIX character to Nature
–> implies LAND wave and WATER   waves 

Thus we have string theory ………..  practical applications in Wisconsin.

Children – Jump Ropes / Accessories: Sports & Outdoors…, Inc.

Results 1 – 24 of 293 – Vortex Weighted Jump Rope – Heavy Speed Rope for Crossfit Workout – Best Exercise for Kids or …. Speed Rope Cable for Adults and Kids.,

Double Dutch is a game in which two long jump ropes turning in opposite directions are jumped by one or more players jumping simultaneously. In America, double Dutch began in the cities[citation needed]. It is popular worldwide.[1] Competitions in double Dutch range from block parties to the world level. During the spring of 2009, double Dutch became a varsity sport in New York City public high schools.

From Nature’s point of VIEW ….. the EARTH and the geography region of Europe is a rope ….. and the rope center of mass is HUNG in the country of HUNGary –> HUNG + G + ary –> Hung Gravity constant array 

Europe …….

…rope implies string 

String theory – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Jump to Number of dimensions – In classical string theory the number of dimensions is not fixed … One such theory is the 11-dimensional M-theory, which …

‎M-theory – ‎Introduction to M-theory – ‎String – ‎Calabi–Yau manifold

M-theory – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The fundamental objects of string theory are open and closed strings. …. refers to a two-dimensional brane. In string theory, the fundamental objects that give rise …

The Multiverse Has 11 Dimensions | Big Think

Big Think

There is something that has miserably failed to convince me in string theory. Why the fact that we have not yet discovered other dimensions and mathematical …

M-Theory: The Mother of all SuperStrings – Michio Kaku…/m-theory-the-mother-of-all-superstring…

Michio Kaku

Every decade or so, a stunning breakthrough in string theory sends shock waves racing …. In 11 dimensions, in fact, there are alternate super theories based on …

Below,  the string theory region of Europe  with an I/O PORT  at Portugal (input/output to rope theory cousin of string theory)

Hungary in Revolt, 1956: The First Rip in the Iron Curtain ……/hungary-1956-a-rip-in-…

The Huffington Post

Oct 23, 2014 – It lasted less than three weeks, from October 23 until November 10, but the Hungarian Revolution that convulsed Budapest and the rest of …

Thus in year 1956 –> number 56… we have the periodic atomic table IRON-56 Curtain expression element  and its interaction with HunGARY  human gravity life forms. . 

The  Isaac Asimov psychohistory …… IRON CURTAIN  equation .

…………………………………………….IRON Cu = Copper 

Thus, we see year 1956 Iron Curtain messages   ..information strings  from the periodic atomic table  AMPLIFIED via human displays on the EARTH geography surface in Europe.   Route messages to Tesla SIN wave state of WisconSIN.



In Wisconsin, in year 2015 …. they ignore everything  ..especially data facts not approved by the university INTELLECTUAL sports department  Camp Randall.



Alice in Dairyland – Wisconsin Department of Agriculture …

One of the most recognizable spokespersons of Wisconsin agriculture, Alice in Dairyland is a public relations professional working for the Wisconsin Department …

Images for the cow jumped over the moon

Images for the cow jumped over the moon

Images for the Wisconsin INTELLECTUAL cowards jumped over the moon –> code –> Mo on –> Molecule oxygen 

University of Wisconsin System

University of Wisconsin System

Regents honor 7th annual Diversity Award winners (Feb. 6 news summary) · Regents weigh in on proposed biennial budget and impact on UW System (Feb.



Thus, in year 2015, Nature’s SYMBOL MACHINE and EARTH Language help us understand some pieces of applied ROPE theory and String thoery …..  to geography  and people and cities like OSHKOSH.



Oshkosh, Wisconsin – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Oshkosh, Wisconsin – Wikipedia,


Os……………….sin – Wikipedia,


Oscillating        sin wave  – Wikipedia,,_Wisconsin


Oshkosh is an OS –> OSCILLOSCOPE  city in Winnebago County, Wisconsin, United States, located where the Fox River enters Lake Winnebago from the west. The population was …

EARTH LAB instructions …… place the ground clip in OS = OSHkosh  and  put the probe in Madison.
