Book-016 by Herb Zinser reviews
messages embedded within the Star Wars military manual titled the Dark Lord.

Nature’s SYMBOL MACHINE is comprised of nouns, verbs, concepts, math equations, flowcharts, etc. The ideas found in math and science textbooks are part of the SYMBOL MACHINE. Using Galileo’s suggestions of ” 2 CHIEF WORLD SYSTEMS” we now perceive Sartre existentialism as partitioned into 2 or more data spaces……. the 2 CHIEF existential entities 1) physical reality of objects: concrete highways, iron automobiles, cellulose trees, humanoids, etc.
2) The world of symbols, concepts, process control system flowcharts, biochemistry diagrams, math and physics equations, etc. Maps and Territories – Rijnlandmodel
Language in Thought and Action, S.I. Hayakawa.
Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and Territories
There is a sense in which we all live in two worlds.
Thus we have the source domain of SYMBOL LIFE and thought that may get a mathematical-physics mapping to the destination range of physical biology with human proper nouns, human activities, etc on the geography surface of EARTH.

The Jeffrey Fowle codes
Jeffrey Fowle released from North Korea after being held for ……/vCyGhZ/
Jeffrey Fowle released from North Korea after being held for 6 months.
North Korea releases American detainee Jeffrey Fowle … › … › Asia › North Korea
The Daily Telegraph
Oct 21, 2014 – American detainee Jeffrey Fowle has been released from North Korea nearly six months after he was taken into custody, the State Department ..

Jeffrey Edward Fowle – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jeffrey Edward Fowle (born c. 1958) is an American citizen arrested in North Korea in May of 2014 for leaving a Bible in a nightclub in the northern port city of Chongjin.
In May 2014 Fowle was arrested in North Korea after authorities discovered a Bible he had left behind in a nightclub.[1][2] Religious proselytism is a crime in North Korea.[3] At the time, Fowle was one of three incarcerated Americans in North Korea and they were individually granted interviews continually pleading for help. September 1, 2014 was the first time these captives were been allowed to interview together with two American news stations, CNN and The Associated Press.[4]
Jeffrey Edward Fowle
Jeffrey edward Fowle –> Fowl –> letters –> Flow
……. ey e..war Flow –> optical data stream flow

US Tourist Jeffrey Fowle Was Arrested in North Korea for … › world
The Christian Post
Aug 3, 2014 – North Korean authorities arrested U.S. tourist Jeffrey Fowle three …
under a bin in the toilet
at a restaurant during his 10-day visit to that country, …
the art or practice of using symbols especially by investing things with a symbolic meaning or by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible…
May 23, 2008 – The message may seem like it isn’t saying anything significant. But if you read and think harder or look deeper into the meaning you will find what your looking for or what the person is trying to say …
d_r_siva answered 7 years ago
It means trying to understand the deeper meaning of literature rather than just the
written words.…
read between the lines:
To perceive or detect an obscure or unexpressed meaning: “learned to read between the lines of corporate annual reports to discern areas of fiscal weakness.”…
read between the lines:
to try to understand someone’s real feelings or intentions from what they say or write. “Reading between the lines, I’d say that Martin isn’t very happy with the situation. “…
Discern a meaning which isn’t made obvious or explicit.
Meaning: When you read between the
lines you try to understand what someone implies, but doesn’t openly state, when they say or write something.
For example:
I got a letter from Robyn and she isn’t happy. She didn’t say anything but I could tell by reading between the lines that something’s wrong.

American says N. Korean detention over Bible worth it…/18294911/
USA Today
Nov 1, 2014 – Jeffrey edward Fowle of Miamisburg, OHIO, gives his account of detention in North Korea. Fowle was detained for six months after purposefully leaving …
Miamisburg man detained in N. Korea is family man of three …
Jun 6, 2014 – DAYTON, Ohio (WDTN) – 2 NEWS has confirmed that Jeffrey Fowle, 56,
American says N. Korean detention over Bible worth it…/18294911/
USA Today
Nov 1, 2014 – Jeffrey edward Fowle of Miamisburg, OHIO, gives his account of detention in North Korea. Fowle was detained for six months after purposefully leaving …
Thus we have Nature’s system LINK of ami (20 standard amino acids) wit 20/20 optical standards ….. VIA secret SCIENCE agent .. Jeffrey e. Fowle ….. and his data generating experiment in Asia for OO –> OhiO optical systems and the OhiO STATE of MIND optical nerve symbol processor.

In addition, he is a bio-physics linkage agent for the EARTH iron core and the NORTH POLE magnetic field flow lines that pass thru and interact with the human body.
US Tourist Jeffrey Fowle Was Arrested in North Korea for … › world
The Christian Post
Aug 3, 2014 – North Korean authorities arrested U.S. tourist Jeffrey Fowle three months ago … Fowle, a 56 year-old from Miamisburg, Ohio, who used to attend church … Chongjin Seamen’s Club, in the North Korean city of Chongjin just before he … lying under a bin meant for discarding used toilet paper by aged people.

Thus we have Jeffrey Fowle as Nature’s messenger and integrator of various concepts and existential formats that exist in the various Carl Jung collective unconsciousness levels and its thoughts …thoughts that rise up to a level of some type of visible expression …. a such as the display format of Jefferey Fowle’s actions and behavior …that contain Nature’s primordial message from the EARTH’s iron core …route message/ LINK to/ city of IRON (Chongjin) on the geography surface of EARTH.
Mission accomplished by agent Jeffrey Fowle. It is now scientists and researchers that need to decode and translate Nature’s message into everyday science words and concepts found in basic college textbooks.

Now, we mentioned the IRON atom and its communications line.
The ferrous oxide IRON atom has atomic number 26 and has 26 letters of the atomic English alphabet.
The next role of INTEGRATOR Jeffrey Fowler and his secret bio-math life ……….
Integration by Parts – SOS Math
Calculus: Techniques of Integration … A partial answer is given by what is called Integration by Parts. In order … This is the main idea behind Integration by Parts.

Thus the Jeffrey Fowle integration of various formats of existence…..
a) he lives in a house with electric fields and —> the city contained on word –> electricity ..hence, his role as a street worker in the EARTH land /geography dimension ….. might be useful in developing STREET signs and ROAD maps for the city in electricity
b) At Christmas he believes in Santa Claus ..the magnetic DATA FIELD life form from the North Pole
c) during daytime, he uses sunlight electromagnetic fields to see … as he works outside … repairing streets …while he and his co-workers listen to the song …
Where the Streets Have No Name – Wikipedia, the free …
“Where the Streets Have No Name” is a song by Irish rock band U2. It is the opening track from their 1987 album The Joshua Tree and was released as the …

Thus we see the integration by parts process with Jeffrey Fowle …… he is working outdoors with fellow street workers …..
North Korea detainee Jeff Fowle close to losing job | Dayton ……/nhDCB/
Sep 1, 2014 – UPDATED: Jeff Fowle, the Moraine street department worker held ….. in North Korea, is close to losing his job because of his
the Moraine street department worker
the Mo + rain + e street department worker
the Molecular brain electron streets/ circuits department worker
Thus we have the pieces to the puzzle that need to be integrated into a SYSTEM DIAGRAM …
1) the electric field of electricity .and the related magnetic field of copper wire –> interact with the body and eyes of Jeffery
2) the North Pole magnetic field flows into Jeffery’s body and eyes (just magnetic lines)
3) sunlight comes into Jeffery’s eyes with alternating electric /magnetic existences
His subconscious MIND processor takes these various components and tries to get them to work together some coordinated fashion …. for Nature’s LINKAGE communications project.
Then, his subconscious mind is instructed to take HIS version of this hybrid EM Poynting vector entity and ren·dez·vous with the capital of poynting vectors which is in North Korea.
Poynting vector – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jump to Invariance to adding a curl of a field – Since the Poynting vector only occurs in Poynting’s … A new “magnetic free” Poynting vector leading to the …
Definition – Formulation in terms of … – Time-averaged Poynting vector
Pyongyang and Poyn Poynting vecotrs- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jump to After the Korean War – Pyongyang is the capital of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (commonly known as North Korea) and the largest …
Ryugyong Hotel – Yanggakdo Hotel – Pyongyang Metro – Juche Tower
1.a meeting at an agreed time and place, typically between two people.
synonyms: meeting, appointment, assignation; More
iosn of this to rn

Above, the earth SPHERE surface and the location of the code –> Poyn vector ….. symbol permutation –> Pyon capital.

Thus we have data generating experiences of Jeffrey Fowle AND the cover-up of the TRUE NATURE of his mission by the newspaper publishers in their attempt to control the human EYE optical data stream VIA language manipulations, incomplete explanations, etc.

The secret codes of author James Luceno ………….
Maxwell’s Equations – HyperPhysics…/maxeq.h…
Georgia State University
Maxwell’s equations represent one of the most elegant and concise ways to state the fundamentals of electricity and magnetism. From them one can develop …
Maxwell Equations — from Eric Weisstein’s World of Physics
The Maxwell equations are the set of four fundamental equations governing electromagnetism
(i.e., the behavior of electric and magnetic fields
in human beings that read STAR WARs books ). They were first …
James Luceno – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jump to Star Wars – In the Star Wars universe he has written three Star Wars: The New …
In an interview with
Star Wars Insider magazine, Luceno said that …