Monthly Archives: March 2015

The Base 16 Hexadecimal  neuroscience ORDERED air crash in the French Alps

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Rd-blog-number-4514 by Herb Zinser reviews the tragic neuroscience signaling EVENT from Europe.

The EVENT in March 2015 in Europe ….

Reports: One pilot locked out of cockpit before crash…/frenchalpscrash/70416962/
USA Today

15 hours ago – … 150 people killed in the crash of a German airliner in the French Alps, … airliner indicates one pilot left the cockpit before the plane began its …

The reports raised grave new questions about the cause of the crash, which killed all 150 people aboard the Germanwings Airbus A320 flight from Barcelona to Dusseldorf that went down in rugged Alps terrain of France. Officials said air controllers heard no distress call from the jet and that the pilots did not respond to radio communications as it descended into the mountains.

Germanwings plane crash: Co-pilot ‘wanted to destroy plane ……/world-europe-32063…
British Broadcasting Corporation

3 hours ago – The co-pilot of the Germanwings flight that crashed in the French Alps, named as Andreas Lubitz, appeared to want to “destroy the plane“, …

We use the SYMBOL MACHINE to study the EVENT database.

 Nature’s SYMBOL MACHINE is comprised of  nouns, verbs, concepts, math equations,  flowcharts, etc.  The ideas found in math and science textbooks are part of the SYMBOL MACHINE.

Maps and Territories – Rijnlandmodel

Language in Thought and Action, S.I. Hayakawa.
Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and Territories
There is a sense in which we all live in two worlds.



Thus we look at the keywords and concepts of  Nature’s created BASE 16 system crash message using the human bio-computer named–>  Andreas Lubitz



Word code analysis


–> Andreas  –> subset code –> An –> alpha/numeric 


–> Lubitz  –> Lu + bit + z –> Logical unit  (data )bit   (system)   Z


Thus we have the human bio-computer parallel to the  IBM copper wire main frame computer.



IBM System z is a family name used by IBM for all of its mainframe computers.




IBM z Systems Software –‎‎

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IBM System z Mainframe

IBM System z Mainframe. 5407 likes · 171 talking about this. Welcome to the official IBM System z page. It is managed by Pratin Ashtekar & Mary Hall and…


The latest Tweets from IBM System z (@IBM_System_z). Get updates on IBM z System hardware & software @IBMzSystems. This page is managed by Mary Hall …




iv20339: system z jit-compiled code crash  after catching an …


IBM Print. United States. Welcome. [ IBM Sign in / Register ]. IBM® … IV20339: SYSTEM Z JIT-COMPILED CODE CRASH AFTER CATCHING AN EXCEPTION … Stack Trace: . This failure only occurs on a z196 system running z/OS or z/Linux.




–> Lubitz neuroscience processor   –> Lu + bit + z –> Logical unit  (data )bit   (system)   Z  .. brain crash

System Abend Codes…ibm.zos…/sysaco.htm

A complete list of the reason codes for the ICSF abend (X’18F’) is contained in z/OS MVS System Codes which is published on release boundaries.

SYMBOL MACHINE.. Bse 16 code –> French Alps –> F alps–> F  alphabets.

Base 16 hex’F’ =15  ……..  EARTH LANGUAGE and neuroscience DEMO in the French Alps 

Thus Hex’F’ = 15  multiply decimal 10 = 150 dead code …COMPUTER EARTH systems and the BAL region of the BALTIC computer science region.

BAL = Basic Assembler Language geography region  

Base 16 hex’FF’= 255  ….. the accident death crash of Matt Anderson of the base 16 FFA  ..hexadecimal Future Farmers of America organization in Wisconsin , USA 



Above, we see the OS/JCL human bio-computer system with OS = Oslo, Norway. 


Norwegian Constituent Assembly


The Norwegian Constituent Assembly (in Norwegian Grunnlovsforsamlingen, also known as Riksforsamlingen) is the name given to the 1814 Constitutional …

‎The Assembly – ‎Background – ‎Rumour about an African … – ‎See also

Storting …. sorting brain data records


The assembly is led by a president and five vice presidents—the presidium. …. This article is part of a series on the politics and government of. Norway.

A brain computer ASSEMBLY program  is similar to the copper-wire computer program shown below.


Europe has a history of lies,  schemes,  and neuroscience communication ERRORS  …consquently, Nature’s systems created the BATTLE of LIES ……..  at Liege, Belgium.


Liege attack: Gunman kills four in Belgium – BBC News…/world-europe-161617…

British Broadcasting Corporation

Dec 13, 2011 – A man opens fire in the Belgian city of Liege killing at least five people including himself and a toddler, and wounding 123 others.

Liege attacks › … › Europe › Belgium

The Daily Telegraph

Dec 13, 2011 – A lone gunman

spread terror in the Belgian city of Liege, opening fire … Liege attacks

Other base 16 hexadecimal conflicts have occurred in the past ..such as the FA IS war in 1982  ..that is FA = Falkland  and IS = Islands ….. hence the information  islands argument (symbolized by geography country  Argentina  … a poetry word approximation ..argument).

The Falklands War…/html/
British Broadcasting Corporation

On 2 April 1982, Argentina invaded the Falkland Islands, a remote UK colony in the South Atlantic. The move led to a brief, but bitter war. Argentina’s military …

The air plane crash in the French Alps generates 2 major code formats  .. both accurate.

French  Alps –> symbol  F  –> Hex’F’ = 15  alphabets

French Alps–> initials –> FA –> Base 16 range in descending order –> F = 15 ……… A = 10

Hence, the co-pilots final message to the COMPUTER WORLD magazine … as the airplane DEMO of Base 16 descending order was actualized in REALITY.



base-16 to hexadecimal (— measurement units conversion.



Convert base-16 <—> hexadecimal – Translators Coffin coffin –> Co + FF + in  –> code High-values  injury 



The airplane flew at a high-altitude ( a symbol   of  Base 16 HEX’FF”= 255 = High-values)  
we have France with SECRETS of PARIS –> Par+ is –> Parallel information systems RACKETS of Europe
and their neuroscience BRAIN dribble system with the ….


brain neuron financial system
 ..buying and selling human brain cells based on the … code system



..euro dollar   …… brain cell WALL –> WALL STREET Journal newspaper reports on insider trading inside the  human brain.

…… slick tricks  of the citizen/ governments  that use  WORDS, Languages and MUSIC  manipulation commands as input to the human brain processor   … in excess ……. thus violating Nature’s systems laws.


Thus Nature’s DARWIN symbol selection of  the base 16 CODE NAME of the co-pilot 


Germanwings plane crash: Co-pilot acted deliberately ……/france-germanwings-plane-crash-mai…


47 mins ago – A co-pilot apparently “wanted to destroy the aircraft,” a prosecutor says. … along a mountainside in the French Alps on Wednesday, March 25.

German police search house of pilot who flew A320 into ……/us-france-crash-idUSKBN0MK2U02015032…


39 mins ago – PARIS/SEYNE-LES-ALPES (Reuters) – A young German co-pilot locked… explanation for what was behind Tuesday’s crash in the French Alps.


Marseille prosecutor Brice Robin said the co-pilot, 28-year-old German national Andreas Lubitz, apparently “wanted to destroy the aircraft.”

It’s unknown whether Lubitz planned his actions, Robin said. But he “took advantage” of a moment in which the pilot left the cockpit and

“activated the descent,” which can only be done deliberately.

Base 16 hexadecimal range in descending order –> Hex’F’ = 15  14  13  12   11  Hex’A’ = 10

Computer programmers and data processing people in Europe near heard of Base 16. … deny the existence of hexadecimal  …… deny base 16 Oxygen atomic  data processor  is used by the human  LU = Logical Unit = Lung.

LubitZ –> Lu  + bit + z –> Logical Unit data bit  z   ….

apparently to complicated for the university bull-story,  cover-up scheme   systems of Europe and their citizen INTELLECTUAL clown communities.

Thus you have  some clues  about the deeper levels of REALITY that underlie the tragic event.

Alfred Korzybski – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Jump to General semantics – Alfred Habdank Skarbek Korzybski was a Polish-American independent scholar who developed a field called general …

‎Early life and career – ‎General semantics – ‎”To be” – ‎Anecdote

General semantics – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Similarly, Kenneth Burke explains Korzybski’s kind of semantics contrasting it, …..Alfred Korzybski Memorial Lecture · Harold Innis’s communications theories  ..

Thus we see the evolution into new areas of words, concepts, base 16 brain computers, etc ..that we ought try to understand.,


KLM principle quantum number CREATES air plane crash in Kentlucky

Published by:

RD-blog-number-4511 by Herb Zinser reviews the periodic atomic table of elements of life and thought …and its output expression system  … such a 2-legged humans with an atomic, bio-physics brain.  That atomic human brain  is comprised of KLM principle quantum numbers THAT may get angry and express that anger in some method.

The KLM quantum number exist in 2 fashions. 

a) they are part of an atomic physical structure ….. 

b) that physical structure was finally understood and explained using symbols and diagrams  …as seen in college chemistry and physics textbooks ….. that in year 2015, usually have 1 or more chapters on the atomic structure of matter.

Thus we have the actual atomic physical existence AND the symbol models that describe that existence.

The textbook symbols models  are inoput to your eyes/optical nerve ….. and then become part of your BRAIN symbol processor.   The KLM principle quantum numbers enter your neuroscience brain  …and  then they may become involve in KLM atomic brain engineering and KLM social engineering  ….. new applications extensions of the original KLM concepts.

Thus Nature’s creation of a new area of thought ….  the  Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family with atomic  social sciences and their atomic table conflicts ….. and those conflicts may be projected outward onto  the EXTERNAL display world human activities, actions, mistakes, events that occur as DISPLAYS on the EARTH geography surface.

Let’s look at such a message display ..the Runway 26 air plane accident.

Comair Flight 5191 – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It crashed just past the end of the runway, killing all 47 passengers and two of the three crew. … Actual path via Runway 26, ending at approximate crash site.

Accident Overview – Lessons Learned – Federal Aviation ……
Federal Aviation Administration

Weather conditions at the time of the accident were 8 miles visibility, broken clouds … This instruction at that time authorized the airplane to cross runway 26 (the …

Thus we have the Fe = ferrous oxide IRON atom alphabet of 26 English language letters ….. used by the KLM principle quantum numbers inside the human brain  ..for serious principle thoughts.

Thus the Runway 26 …number 26 message to neuroscience researchers in atomic brain thought systems.

KLM principle quantum numbers …..and their DARWIN symbol selection of the KLM message location –> Kentucky, Lexington Man and the atomic Manuscript (language instructions to create the accident for message content)

Thus we see atomic language and its neuron output path ……..

 Nature’s SYMBOL MACHINE is comprised of  nouns, verbs, concepts, math equations,  flowcharts, etc.  The ideas found in math and science textbooks are part of the SYMBOL MACHINE. Using Galileo’s suggestions  of  ” 2 CHIEF WORLD  SYSTEMS”   we now perceive Sartre existentialism as partitioned into 2 or more data spaces……. the  2  CHIEF existential entities 1) physical reality of objects: concrete highways, iron  automobiles, cellulose trees, humanoids, brain atoms. biology cells. neurons
2) The world of symbols, concepts, process control system flowcharts, biochemistry diagrams,  math and physics equations, etc. Maps and Territories – Rijnlandmodel

Language in Thought and Action, S.I. Hayakawa.
Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and Territories
There is a sense in which we all live in two worlds.

 Thus we understand Charles Dickens ” TALE of 2 Cities”.  


Thus we have the source domain of SYMBOL LIFE and thought that may get a mathematical-physics mapping to the destination range of physical biology with human proper nouns, human activities, etc on the geography surface of EARTH. 

Thus we have the INTERNAL  KLM atomic alphabet of 26 letters and its source  domain thoughts –>  
and the brain neuron mapping to —>  the output destination in the EXTERNAL world  ….
that being the Runway 26 in KLM geography region –> Kentucky, Lexington man /human/ pilot/ atomic society navigator.


Rebel in Arms book  – WAR codes identified and  translated

Published by:

BOOK-077 analysis report by Herb Zinser  looks at some SCIENCE WAR  codes embedded as subsets within the larger text of  science fiction book …which is ….  for those in the know … a modern SYMBOL MACHINE military  manual  …. in the year 2015 wars to control languages and schools of thought ………. like  the brains of math,physics, biochemistry, and mechanical engineering college graduates. 

Let’s look at some serious messages …that are intended to encourage deeper levels of thought about  newspaper reports  that describe the surface veneer of  events in REALITY.

Above, line 3 –> the Racinians –> information pointer to the Boston Marathon race  and the Boyle’s LAW of Gases bombing message.

  1. Boston Marathon bombingsWikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    The Boston Marathon bombings and subsequent related shootings were a series of attacks and incidents which began on April 15, 2013, when two pressure cooker bombs

Thus, Nature’s selection of the SCIENCE battle site ..proper noun –> Boylston –> information pointer to  the Isaac Asimov Boston psychohistory equations –> Boylston –> Boyle’s LAW of Gases and Pressures.

  1. Boyle’s Law – Glenn Research Center | NASA

    Jun 12, 2014 · Boyle observed that the product of the pressure and volume are observed … This relationship between pressure and volume is called Boyle’s Law in …

    NASA code –> Nas –> Nasty tricks and bombs RD   ….NASA  denies everything about Nature’s SYMBOL MACHINE expression and message processing system.

    • The National Aeronautics and Space Administration is the United States government agency responsible for the civilian space program (AND the civilian population volume and pressure  AND civilian’s that are BRAIN space cadets )  as well as aeronautics and aerospace research. President Dwight D. Eisenhower established 

Above, the word mass –> Nature’s application to the geography region with word identifier  –> Mass –> with is identified more precisely as the geography state of Massachusetts.  
This is difficult thought process for the   200 million adult people in the United States, Canada, Britian  with Hollywood movie & TV brains, music song and dance brains, or talking English language dribble brains with a brain molecular cell biology DISPLAY via a cell phone.

  1. Timeline of the Virginia Tech shootingWikipedia, the …

    This timeline of events from the Virginia Tech shooting lists times in Eastern Daylight Time . … Cho‘s shooting spree in Norris Hall lasted 9 minutes.

    1. Virginia Tech reopens site of mass…

      Apr 10, 2009 · About two years after mass shooting, … Cho, killed himself in Norris Hall after … her classmates and instructors at Virginia Tech’s Norris Hall. …

      Thus book keyword –> Chopra –> pointer to photosynthesis war equation ……molecule CHO  .. at Virginia TECH.

Thus the Solar System spectrum war at Virginia  TECH  ….. was extended to the FORT HOOD  SOL Readiness Center  ……

that is Nature’s  EARTH LAB site  …… Fort  (LAB) Hood    Solar system READ Center  and read a  …. code –> nov –> science novel in november 2009 …..  the 9 plan   of the 9 planets in the Solar system.

  1. 2009 Fort Hood shootingWikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    On November 5, 2009, a mass murder took place at Fort Hood, near Killeen, Texas. Nidal Malik Hasan, a U.S. Army major and psychiatrist, fatally shot 13 people and …

    1. 2009 Fort Hood shootingWikipedia, the free encyclopedia

      1.2 Soldier Readiness Processing Center … 9 Further reading; 10 … that he was the gunman during the Fort Hood shootings in 2009 and stated that the evidence …

      1. The Nine Planets Solar System Tour of  the Fort Hood SOLAR Center  ..message center

        An overview of the history, mythology, and current scientific knowledge of each of the planets and moons in our solar system.


  1. TexasWikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Texas is nicknamed the Lone Star State to signify Texas as a former independent republic and as a reminder of the state’s struggle for independence from Mexico.


    University astronomy departments deny that the Solar System SUN   is a LONE STAR  in  this astrophysics galactic LOCAL REGION.   They are preoccupied  with Hollywood movie stars, music stars, and the their girlfriends  …. the only real star in their lives. Galileo reminds us  of the background behind the Fort Hood battle
    –> Chief World Systems –> hence, the astronomy battle in Manhattan
    at the TWO World Towers in September  11,2001.

Above, the electromagnetic spectrum wars of natural SUNLIGHT from the Solar System VERSUS television and radio broadcast errors.

  1. Wisconsin Sikh temple shootingWikipedia, the free …

    On August 5, 2012, 40-year-old Wade Michael Page fatally shot six people and wounded four others at a Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wisconsin. Page took his life by …

    Keyword codes–> SikH –> subset letter codes –> si + kh –> sin wave KHZ frequency 

    1. 500 kHzWikipedia, the free encyclopedia

      Since early in the 20th century, the radio frequency of 500 kilohertz (500 kHz) has been an international calling and distress frequency for Morse code

Thus Nature’s tragic signaling message …..SiKH Temple code –> Si + Kh –> sine wave KHZ

Thus Nature’s tragic signaling message …..SiKH Temple code
–> Si + Kh –> sine wave KHZ  AND the additional clue about copper-wire radio circuits and copper-wire alternating cycles of Nikola Tesla electric AC motors.

  1. Wisconsin Sikh temple shootingWikipedia, the free …

    Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting; Sikh Temple of … Page was an American white supremacist and United States Army veteran

    from     Cudahy,  Wisconsin. Apart from the …

The other Solar system BATTLE involved the BOY SCOUTS of America (death of Sam Hengel) and the Girl Scouts of America. 

  1. Answers sought in northern Wis. hostage situation – › News › Education › K-12

    Dec 02, 2010 · Sam Hengel was by all accounts … Wis. School was canceled on Tuesday after 15-year-old student Sam Hengel held 23 students and one teacher hostage

  1. Marinette hostage-taker was Boy Scout, popular

    What motivated 15-year-old Sam Hengel to 

    1. Samuel O. Hengel – EH Extra…

      Samuel O. Hengel found … Sam was a proud member of the Boy Scouts of America as a … fishing and anything that included his family and the outdoors

      1. UPDATE: Student Took Class Hostage 1 Year Ago in Marinette…/Report_Hostage_Situation_At_Marinette_High_School…

        Fifteen-year-old Sam Hengel held his class hostage at gunpoint in … A hostage situation is now over at Marinette High School where 23 students and a teacher …

Motive of Samuel Hengel, 15, in school hostage seige ……/motive_of_samuel_hengel_15_i…
The Plain Dealer

Nov 30, 2010 – The 15-year-old boy who held 23 students and a teacher hostage in a Wisconsin classroom died Tuesday at a Green Bay hospital from a …

Chlorophyll | Causes of Color – Webexhibits

Green plants are green because they contain a pigment called chlorophyll. Chlorophyll absorbs certain wavelengths of light within the visible light spectrum.

Below, the coffin shape of Sam Hengel from the I/O PORT of Porterfield Wisconsin  ….. an input/output EM data field PORT of Nature’s computer systems.


Chlorophyll | Causes of Color – Webexhibits

Green plants are green because they contain a pigment called chlorophyll. Chlorophyll absorbs certain wavelengths of light within the visible light spectrum.

Why is the chlorophyll in plants green or even red, orange …

Chlorophyll just absorbs blue and red light; it hardly absorbs any green light at all, so the green gets reflected back to our eyes, which is why leaves appear …

Photosynthesis: Chlorophyll…/chlorophyll.html

These molecules are the most important pigments for absorbing the light energy used in photosynthesis. A chlorophyll molecule has a hydrophobic “tail” that …

The next event comes from Rice Lake, Wisconsin  …with Vang codes.

Documentary Re-Examines Controversial Hmong Shooting …

Oct 27, 2010 – Hmong immigrant Chai Vang went deer hunting in the woods of northern Wisconsin, not far from the town of Rice Lake in November of 2004.

But, first, a story about a clash of cultures that ended tragically in this country. Hmong immigrant Chai Vang went deer hunting in the woods of northern Wisconsin, not far from the town of Rice Lake in November of 2004. Hunting was one of the few pastimes where deep-footed American and Hmong cultures co-existed, until that day. In the span of a couple of minutes, six white hunters were killed and two were wounded. And Chai Vang was facing multiple murder and attempted murder charges.

Vang was refused a change of venue for his trial. One Hmong community activist saw the ensuing trial and media coverage like this. 

Time moves on, but the memories last forever.

Gun deer hunting season in northern Wisconsin routinely resurrects the sadness of Nov. 21, 2004, when six people with Rice Lake ties were killed and two others wounded in the Sawyer County woods. Chai Soua Vang, a hunter and reported military sharpshooter from St. Paul (Paul Dirac physics and math).

The tragedy has emotionally scarred hunters, the Rice Lake community and the public in general. It brought racial and safety concerns that still linger.

Thus we have the  television  and print EM eye war with brain EM optical memory subroutine hunters that eat memory (create Alzheimer’s memory loss of ideas )and cause accidents (to create  insurance industry activity), etc.

Vang –> V + ang –> Violet angstroms in the EM spectrum (carrier wave) with

Vang –> Vector angles … linear algebra  MILITARY vectors  

The Ultraviolet Spectrum

Visible light is a form of electromagnetic radiation.   Other forms of electromagnetic radiation are like light in many ways; they are just at different wavelengths that the human eye cannot see.   Since wavelength is what makes the difference between colors in visible light, you might say other wavelengths of electromagnetic radiations are “invisible colors of light”.   Radio, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, X-rays, and gamma rays are all forms of electromagnetic radiation.

The name came after the 1801 discovery that sunlight sent through a prism has an invisible component beyond the violet end of the spectrum, …

Thus we have V = violet angstrom wavelength EXPRESSION  agent code –> V + ang –> Vang

The form of electromagnetic radiation that is most easily used to observe fluorescence is ultraviolet radiation, as generated by a “black light” or UV lights –> Black light WAR –> Blacksburg Virginia … another  spectrum component in the Virginia  TECH shooting.  Thus 2 SOLAR SYSTEM  em military messages  –> Black UV and photosynthesis CHO .

The other EM military action ….. involved..

Ultra-Violet is now abbreviated as UV, and subdivided according to wavelength.
Common general terms are:

  • Longwave ultraviolet, near UV, LW UV, or UVA  –> the UVA code

  • –> U + VA (post office state code for Virginia) –> U VA –> University of Virginia and the murder of Hannah Graham  in the Federal Communication Commission  CITIZEN  approved EM attacks by TV,radio, and other mechanisms (and other agency approvals to attack the human brain and the optical nerve SYMBOL PROCESSOR) 

Murder of Hannah Graham – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hannah Graham (February 25, 1996 – c. September 13, 2014) was an 18-year-old second-year British American student at the University of Virginia who went …

Disappeared: September 13, 2014 (aged …
Cause of death: Homicidal violence of u…

The secret of the RICE LAKE cover-up and important information with held from the trial of VANG.

The secret of Secretary of State RICE.

Chai Soua Vang | Victims | Murderpedia, the encyclopedia …

Jessica Willers, 27, a nurse from Rice Lake who had moved to Green Bay. … holds a rifle during his testimony in the Chai Soua Vang homicide

trial in Hayward.

Thus the vector space TRIAL in Hayward with Vang –> V + ang –> Vector angle.

Thus the science fiction book  provides clues that can encourage thoughts and analysis of REALITY signaling EVENTS.

Below, the  COMPUTER EARTH system 370 and the EARTH  LANGUAGE  communications HUB at Hubble Wisconsin with the I/O port at Portland  and the water molecule expression   continuum  with  Water100 and nearby  Watertown, Wisconsin.  


Brain aquaporin molecules and their WALL STREET financial expression system and its MISUSE by humanoid water molecule structures.

Published by:


Rd-blog-number-4467 by Herb Zinser reviews the Carl Jung water molecule collective GROUP MIND and its various economic expressions  ….such as the aqua / water molecule continuum financial activity …..  known as category of: mergers and acquisitions.

Mergers and acquisitions – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) are both aspects of strategic management, corporate finance and management dealing with the buying, selling, dividing and …

‎Joint venture – ‎Mannesmann – ‎Valuation – ‎Mergers and acquisitions

Mergers and Acquisitions: Definition | Investopedia


The Main Idea One plus one makes three: this equation is the special alchemy of a merger or an acquisition. The key principle behind buying a company is to …

Mergers And Acquisitions (M&A) Definition | Investopedia


A merger is a combination of two companies to form a new company, while an acquisition is the purchase of one company by another in which no new company …

First, let’s look at the President Nixon announcement in year 72 ….. 1972 ….. about the water molecule continuum and entities that exist  as subset embedded within Nature’s larger continuum.


Watergate scandal – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The Watergate scandal was a major political scandal that occurred in the United States in the 1970s as a result of the June 17, 1972, break-in at the Democratic …

‎List of scandals with “-gate” suffix – ‎Watergate complex – ‎Presidency of Richard Nixon

The Watergate Story – The Washington Post…/watergate/…

The Washington Post

A June 1972 break-in at the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee at the Watergate office complex begins the chain of events that convulsed …

the Watergate office complex

the Watergate office complex

Symbolism – Merriam-Webster

the art or practice of using symbols especially by investing things with a symbolic meaning or
by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible

Below, the water molecule  office complex with logic gates   ….. molecular cell biology and SYMBOL LIFE and thoughts of molecules


Thus we have humans comprised of water molecules. These humans have thought, they   exchange ideas, they develop streams of consciousness   AND data streams of unconscious or subconscious thoughts …that exist at various levels.

  1. Stream of consciousness (narrative mode) – Wikipedia, the …

    In literary criticism, stream of consciousness is a narrative mode, or device, that seeks “to depict the multitudinous thoughts and feelings which pass through the mind.

  2. Stream of Consciousness – Definition and Examples › … › RAS Syndrome – Systrophe

    Stream of consciousness is a narrative technique that gives the impression of a mind at work, jumping from one observation or reflection to the next.

Thus we have various information data flows  …among groups of people and their MINDS  or  their membership  in  the GROUP MIND.

We financial systems based on the brain cell WALL –> WALL Street Journal newspaper reports on these brain cell expression activities.

News about Insider Trading Wall Street

News about Insider Trading Wall Street

News about  …………Trading  inside the brain cell Wall Street

News about Insider Trading Wall Street

News about Inside  …… cell  Wall  ..with COX biochemistry 

Publications | Cox Lab | Biochemistry | UW-Madison…/cox/public…
University of Wisconsin‑Madison

Feb 20, 2015 – 8: e56558. [PDF]. Nelson, D.L. and Cox, M.M. (2013). Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry, Sixth Edition (W.H. Freeman Publishers), New York.

Michael M. Cox | Faculty | Biochemistry | UW-Madison
University of Wisconsin‑Madison

Evelyn M. Mercer Professor in Biochemistry B.A., University of Delaware Ph.D., Brandeis University Phone: (608) 262-1181. Email: …

The super-symmetry parallel MIRROR of COX biochemistry expression  systems …..

SEC Biography: Chairman Christopher Cox…/commissioner…

Christopher Cox was the 28th Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission. He was appointed by President Bush on June 2, 2005, and unanimously …

  1. U.S. Pursues Sweeping Insider-Trading Probe – WSJ

    … are preparing insider-trading charges that could ensnare consultants, … The New Age of Insider Information on Wall Street. More from the series: THE MOLE:

    The mole is a social economic …. chemistry  molecule system based on Avogadro’s number.

President N (Nixon)  announced the evolution of Avogadro’s number into out daily business lives.

The Mole and Avogadro’s Constant – Chemwiki…/The_Mole_and_…
University of California, Davis

Feb 19, 2015 – One mole of oxygen atoms contains 6.02214179×1023 oxygen atoms. The number 6.02214179×1023 alone is called Avogadro’s number (N) and was representedby president N. …

Now, that we have established the biochemistry BASIS of WALL STREET and the Dow Jones Industrials ,   etc…..   let’s look at aquaporin financial activities.


Above, the lipid bilayer  …gave rise to the lipid expression –> lip + id –> lipper index idea …  popular with human molecular structures that  engage in financial trading.


Lipper Indexes Definition | Investopedia


A series of indexes that tracks the financial performance of different types of mutual funds. Lipper, which is owned by Reuters, allows investors to benchmark the …

Lipper Active Indices › Products › Content


Lipper Active Indices enable you to benchmark portfolios against the funds you … financial characteristics and the impact they have on portfolio classifications.

Lipper Sector Indices  ..for different biochemistry BRAIN sectors › Products › Content


Lipper has built the fund industry’s most extensive set of performance benchmarks and changed the way the financial industry analyzes mutual fund …

Thus we have  the aquaporin financial code –> aqua –> information pointer to –> acqua  –> Mergers and aquistions.

  1. Mergers and Acquisitions: Definition | Investopedia

    The Main Idea One plus one makes three: this equation is the special alchemy of a merger or an acquisition. The key principle behind buying a company is to create …

    Thus the brain cell wall  ….  SYMBOL LIFE … word trick –> aqua + porin –> aqua + money pores  into the pockets of those  that can THINK at the  Carl Jung molecular collective level of the abstraction  ladder   ……. a level with specific molecular GROUP economic transactions.

    In the case of mergers.. ..we have have  different data streams of consciousness   …… that merge together into a larger  stream  (which  may or may not be good for Nature’s Central Nervous System BRAIN symbol processor projects)

In other mergers and acquisitions …other molecule factors may come into play.



  1. Proposed Merger Between RJ Reynolds Tobacco Holdings, Inc ……/proposed-merger-between-rj-reynoldstobacco-holdings

    Proposed Merger Between RJ Reynolds Tobacco Holdings, Inc. and British American Tobacco p.l.c.



    Thus we have British-American  acetylcholine BUSINESS deal that Nature has questions about.

    The failure to communicate by people in the tobacco state of Virginia ….. creates problems.


    Consequently, the Virginia tobacco ordered the murder of British-American for  neurotransmitter  communications problems.



    Murder of Hannah Graham – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Hannah Graham (February 25, 1996 – c. September 13, 2014) was an 18-year-old second-year  


    British American student at the University of Virginia who went …


    Disappeared: September 13, 2014 (aged tobacco code….  …

    Cause of death:


How Does Nicotine Act – GalaxyGoo

Nicotine acts in the former manner, e.g., by mimicking a naturally occurring … So, first we will discuss what acetylcholine does and then how nicotine mimics it.

How Does Nicotine Act in the Brain? | NIDA for Teens…/how-does-nicoti…

National Institute on Drug Abuse

The nicotine molecule is shaped like a neurotransmitter called acetylcholine. … nicotine gets into the brain, it attaches to acetylcholine receptors and mimics the …

Nicotine mimics which neurotransmitter ?Acetylcholine or dopamine ……

Apr 10, 2013 – Best Answer: Nicotine mimics acetyl-choline but also has an effect on dopamine. Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter of the nervous system that …


Above, we have  INTERNAL choline  …………   and the EXTERNAL  message display EVENT at   Virginia TECH with choline representative –>  cho + line –> Mr. Cho + lines of English language sentences   on cellulose paper …. size 8 1/2 by 11.

  1. Virginia Tech shootingWikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    The Virginia Tech shooting (also known as the Virginia Tech massacre) was a school shooting that took place on April 16, 2007, on the campus of Virginia Polytechnic …

    1. Seung-Hui ChoWikipedia, the free encyclopedia

      4 Virginia Tech shooting. … Cho was noted for being good at mathematics and English, … Approximately one year before the incident at Virginia Tech, Cho also …


Thus we see various SECRET  university and community ….  SILENT   biochemistry expression systems  …..  from economic and financial systems to   nicotine / acetylcholine  /choline murder systems    …run by citizen /community neurotransmitter GROUPS …    for their amusement and entertainment.


Astrophysics secret codes revealed by brain astrocyte BRAIN LANGUAGE detectives

Published by:

RD-blog-number-4471 by Herb Zinser looks at the astrophysics galactic LOCAL REGION ….. the living EARTH cell  and Nature’s SYMBOL LANGUAGES to understand various newspaper articles and magazine stories related to stem word–> ASTRO.

First, let establish a perception about how words and numbers are used inside the BRAIN processor.

Levels of stem word ASTRO   used by astronomers and astrophysics students and graduates.

The fundamental VIEW of astronomy starts as a young boy is
 outside at night ..and looks at the night sky
 …the stars  and  begins to wonder.

Thus at age eight…age ten …..  .age twelve   .. a foundation level of thought
is   placed inside the BRAIN  …and that thought  may continue to grow with
studies and telescopes, etc.

What happened?

What goes wrong?

The brain is symbol processor  ….  and other people like to fool the brain.


Astronomy    …… foundation level 1


Boy goes to high school to study algebra and exponents.


Now we have the SECRET exponent level of astronomy …. created by  females  to manipulate  males observations and thought perceptions   regarding society.


As2tronomy level 2 with exponent à expanded à asstronomy

As1tronomy level 1  is still the original level  à astronomy


Thus males ..age eighteen ..their brain is diverted from looking at
astronomy equations and data    ……
they are taught that a higher level of  thought is (level 2)

..  using  eyes to look at girls as  stars of delight   .. has priority.

Hence, the sad end of many a young man’s astronomy career.

astrocytes – definition of astrocytes by Medical dictionary

n a large, star-shaped cell found in certain tissues of the nervous system. A mass of astrocytes is called astroglia. See also astrocytoma. Mosby’s Dental …

Functions of astrocytes and their potential…
National Center for Biotechnology Information
by HK Kimelberg – ‎2010 – ‎Cited by 86 – ‎Related articles

However, the converse does not appear to hold and it is recognized that there a number of other proteins and physiological properties that define astrocytes, …

To understand the SYMBOL LIFE  writings of astrophysicists   like Stephen Hawing, Kip S. Thorne, etc   …… one needs thimk of atsrocyte expression systems  …… and the human information amplifiers that enhance astrocyte powers.

Thus we get books  with embedded secret codes like ….

Thus he warned the world about the possible astrophysics battle in Blacksburg, Virginia . .. in the content of the military manual  –> Battlefield Earth. 

Thus Battlefield EARTH … black soil, farm land, agriculture and the city of Blacksburg, Virginia … site of the EARTH WAR actualization ….. message region.


Virginia Tech shooting – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Virginia Tech shooting (also known as the Virginia Tech massacre) was a school shooting that took place on April 16, 2007, on the campus of Virginia …

Thus we the BLACK HOLE battle SYMBOL MACHINE codes
–> Black maps to EARTH geography location Blacksburg 

–> Hole  …  those are grave holes dug in black EARTH soil  for the dead students  
students who were brain DEAD but physically alive  …….. are now brain DEAD and physical biology DEAD 

Thus we see Nature’s systems and Nature’s metabolism war of 37 degrees Celsius human body temperature  
at EARTH geography .. map coordinates 37 degrees.

  1. Temperature of a Healthy Human (Body Temperature)

    The normal core body temperature of a healthy, resting adult human being is stated to be at 98.6 degrees fahrenheit or 37.0 degrees celsius. Though the body …

Let’s return to astrocyte expression systems and the LANGUAGE of astrophysics.

For example  …. astrocytes in the format of Stephen Hawking  became interested in

 the astrophysics theory of  ….

………trophy   …… trophy wives code. 

  1. A Trophy Wife and Other Status Symbols – WSJ

    Reveal Navigation Options The Wall Street Journal … A Trophy Wife and Other Status Symbols … new play about the magnetic trophy wife of a Texas …

    1. Lachlan Murdoch, James Murdoch Get Expanded Roles – WSJ

      Mar 26, 2014 · Reveal Navigation Options The Wall Street Journal show search. … If they follow their fathers lead, the will only be interested in trophy wives, …

      1. New York City Is Wall Street’s Trophy Wife — NYMag

        New York City Is Wall Street’s Trophy Wife By Jessica Pressler And we have an unfavorable prenup. 0 Shares. Share … Because without Wall Street, …

Thus we have astrophysics … algebra subset word ..

………………….trophy  ……… the information pointer to

trophy wife –. subset letters–> fe –> ferrous oxide IRON atomic females

A group of astrophysics graduate students and professors  ….

have the plural –> trophy wives –> wives –> ves –> vector space

Thus we have IRON and  Vector space   …. . suggesting that their wives control

the EARTH iron core and the magnetic data fields.

Thus  ..the astrophysics wife –>  fe –> female structures with iron hemoglobin proteins watch TV  shows about iron-56  social science expression systems

  1. As The World
    • Rating: 8/10 ·
    • 590 ratings

    As the World Turns first premiered on April 2, 1956, and has been a mainstay on CBS daytime ever since. The show takes place in the fictional town of Oakdale …

Thus the North Pole/South Pole magnetic field flow lines …flow into a female human body and interact with such a bio-physics device  ………. and then she starts her manipulations and distortions of the atomic English language and its 26 alphabet letters of the 26 protons of ferrous oxide IRON atom. 

The IRON LADY……  Margaret Thatcher tried  to save the BRAIN  integrity of the English Language …
but was killed in the ALZ  wars –>  ALpahbet thru Z  …ALZheimer’s brain alphabet wars ..being fought by the BRAIN symbol processor  VERSUS university approved dribble and nonsense broadcast on  some television shows and  ….and in print.

Universities no longer …. have quality  control standards for integrity and honor …. at the general public level   …the social philosophy level.

Thus the NASA brain wars …over SYMBOL MACHINE  word–> ROC  …ROCKET science  …region of convergence.

Thus the attempted astrocyte murder of Gabby Giffords at the ROC site … store in Arizona.

Gabrielle Giffords – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

… 2011, Giffords was shot in the head outside a Safeway grocery store in Casas …… Gabrielle Giffords; Calls for Thorough Investigation into Motives of Shooter“.

  1. Properties Of Roc For Z Transform Help for z-Transform › … › z-Transform

    Home » Homework Help » Engineering Homework Help » Electrical Engineering » Digital Signal Processing Help » z-Transform … doubts regarding properties of ROC

  1. Z TransformROC values – Signal Processing Stack Exchange (with Joe Stack from Austin)

    Signal Processing Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for practitioners of the art and science of signal, image and video processing.

    Signal Processing Stack Exchange 

    Signal Processing Stack Exchange 

    Signal Processing Stack Exchange 

    1. Andrew Joseph Stack

      Andrew Joseph Stack III smashing his plane into an IRS building in Austin, Texas, on February 18, 2010 killing an IRS manager and injuring 13 others.

    1. Who is Joe Stack? –

      Joseph Andrew Stack, the software engineer being linked to Thursday’s plane crash in Austin



Thus NASA ought pay attention to EARTH space/time and EARTH LANGUAGE  ..such as  the Little Rocket science BRAIN test in year 1957 in Noah’s ARK –> ARKANSAS.


Eisenhower and the Little Rock Crisis – America’s Library › … › Dwight D. Eisenhower
America’s Library

Photograph of Arkansas National Guard troops at Little Rock’s Central High School. … That’s what happened in Little Rock, Arkansas in the fall of 1957.



Other ROC –> ROCKET codes –> ROC Kettle Moraine geography region  west of Milwaukee.

Kettle Moraine South – Wisconsin DNR…/km…

Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources

Dec 10, 2014 – The Kettle Moraine State Forest—Southern Unit is 61 miles east of Madison and 37 miles southwest of Milwaukee. Campers should check in at …

‎Kettle Moraine South Camping – ‎Activities and recreation – ‎Nature center – ‎Nature

Kettle Moraine North – Wisconsin DNR…/km…

Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources

Dec 22, 2014 – Kettle Moraine State Forest–Northern Unit, in Sheboygan, Fond du Lac … Milwaukee, Madison, Chicago and Sheboygan/Plymouth to Forest …

Kettle Moraine State Forest – State Parks

The Northern Unit of the Kettle Moraine State Forest is located 45 minutes north of Milwaukee. Please see a Wisconsin State Highway Map and our Forest Map …

SparkNotes: Waiting for Godot

Online Movie Version of Godot: Watch Instantly. by godot2013 … Official Online web series adaptation of Samuel Beckett’s Waiting for Godot. Found this review …

Beckett’s ‘Waiting for Godot’ – The New York Times

Bec  + kett’s ‘Waiting for Godot’ – The New York Times

Becon kettle Moraine’s ‘Waiting for Godot’ and the SYMBOL MACHINE information ROCKET  – The New York Times…/beckettgodot.html
The New York Times
D on’t expect this column to explain Samuel Beckett’sWaiting for Godot,” which was acted at the John Golden last evening. It is a mystery wrapped in an enigma ..

Star Wars explains the Senate PAGE error message FORMAT of expression EVENTS 

Published by:

Book-053 analysis report by Herb Zinser reviews  some SYMBOL MACHINE  information pointer clues found in Star Wars book. The CLUES suggest the  involvement factor of  human bio-optical-computer page ERRORs.

The human bio-computer SYMBOL PROCESSOR uses base 16 hexadecimal (oxygen atom 16)  AND is associated with COMPUTER EARTH system 370  geography / land computer address space at Base 16 reference point –> 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, DC.

Below, the Base 16  X 100 –> 1600 address space  …..that is the 16th block in Washington, DC  –> giving –> 16 Block DC  or rewritten in standard format –> DCB with the White House.

The human bio-optical computer SYMBOL PROCESSOR uses base 16 hexadecimal (oxygen atom 16)  AND is associated with COMPUTER EARTH system 370  geography / land computer address space at Base 16 reference point –> 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, DC.

Thus, in addition to the physical  building (the White House)  we  have  a 2nd White House  ..Nature’s optical data stream with electromagnetic waves /photon and SYMBOL content (nouns, verbs, equations, formula,etc)

Thus a book like STAR WARs exists on cellulose paper, and as you read the book page into your eye/optical nerve..they become pages in your bio-optical computer brain  … and they become page in the light data stream that reflects of your body …and they become emission pages in  the infra-red radiation from your skin /body temperature heat.

IBM Archives: System/370 Model 158IBM Haifa Labs


    The IBM System/370 Model … channel indirect data addressing was required to access a list of the real storage areas (page frames) … either System/360 or System/370.

    Thus the human eye/ brain computer has many features is common with copper-wire main frame computers  ..hence, the copper main frame computer and its BASIC technical language and its concepts  ….. act as  super-symmetry MIRROR tools to understand Nature’s human information processing system.

  1. OS/VS2 (SVS) – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Single Virtual Storage (SVS) refers … The storage key facility of System/360 and System/370 keeps track of when a page frame has been modified.

The STAR WARS book clue about the page wars.

  1. IBM Archives: System/370 Model 158IBM – United States…

    … 1980 The IBM System/370 Model 158 was … to access a list of the real storage areas (page frames) … concurrent execution of System/370 programs …

    concurrent execution of System/370 programs …

    concurrent execution of System/370 programs …

    concurrent execution of System/370 programs …

    concurrent execution of System/37.0 human programs at 37.0 degrees Celsius human body temperature  …

    concurrent execution 

    concurrent execution 

    concurrent execution 

    concurrent execution 

    concurrent execution 

    con cu  …..  execution 

    Wisconsin      Cudahy   execution  orders

    1. Wisconsin Sikh temple shootingWikipedia, the free …

      On August 5, 2012, 40-year-old Wade Michael Page fatally shot six people and wounded four others at a Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wisconsin. Page took his …

  1. Wisconsin Sikh temple shootingWikipedia, the free …

    Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting; Sikh … Page was an American white supremacist and United States Army veteran from Cudahy, Wisconsin. Apart from the …

Stars Wars SYMBOL MACHINE language analysis tools of keywords and concepts ….

Sikh –> subset letters –> Si + kh –> sin waves frequency KHZ

  1. 500 kHzWikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Since early in the 20th century, the radio frequency of 500 kilohertz (500 kHz) has been an
    international calling and distress frequency for Morse code 

Thus we have the PAGE …. bio-optical computer page errors  (the CAUSE)   …causing Nature to create the tragic signaling EVENT  ….hence, the Darwinian selection of proper nouns and the city of Cudahy  .. the selection of Wade Michael Page and his adjectives and other word identifiers maximize Nature’s message and its information content  for … serious researchers to study and explain.

A specific BOOK and its pages …. related to the SiKH Temple shooting with MR. WADE atomic michael page the WADE book

The city of Milwaukee and the citizens  of the State  of Wisconsin do not acknowledge the existence of molecules and organic chemistry …… .hence, the empty brain content   of  those people  ..  in violation of Nature’s minimum intellectual requirements regarding awareness.

Thus Nature’s bio-computer creates the     rampage    with messenger  Mr. Page (michael wade)  at the Sikh Temple in Oak Creek near Cudahy, Wisconsin.

Other sources of murder and crime are NOT a direct .

The citizen/ federal government approved murder system is very subtle and indirect ….. several steps removed from the EVENT.  This makes   very difficult to  trace …..   but several tragic signaling EVENTS  over several years  of time  … provide enough clues to figure out the structure of the murder system.

The SYMBOL MACHINE keywords and concepts  ……….

federal ……………. algebra subset word codes …. 
.. der –> information pointer to dermatology/skin  languages (the bedroom SECRET  infra-red

social engineering  …..  brain CONTROL languages)  .. and extensions  …  music  codes and body-hand signals at the dinner table, etc

murder ……… subset code

……der … dermatology/skin secret codes and crimes  ……..such as 

  1. Murder of Hannah GrahamWikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Hannah Graham (February 25, 1996 – c. September 13, 2014) was an 18-year-old second-year British American student at the University of Virginia who went …

    Therefore  …   in other words ………..

    1. Mur..der ..dermatology  of Hannah Grammar GramhamWikipedia, the free encyclopedia

      Hannah Graham (February 25, 1996 – c. September 13, 2014) was an 18-year-old second-year British American student at the University of Virginia who went …

Thus her back ….. her subconscious MIND attempt to communicate with British and American universties..about feedback control systems and the Constitution of the United States with Thomas Jefferson and  Monticello …code.

Monticello …………Jefferson and William  Jefferson Clinton  ..

mo…cell 0 –> molecular cell biology …….  agent zero missing from the communication LINK

  1. United States Senate PageWikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    A United States Senate Page (Senate Page or simply Page) is a non-partisan federal employee serving the United States Senate in Washington, DC. Despite the non …

  2. PagesU.S. Senate

    Pages. The Senate gained its first page in 1829, a nine-year-old boy named Grafton Hanson who was appointed by Senator Daniel Webster. Throughout the 19th century …

  3. U.S. Senate

    Official site of “the living symbol of our union of states.” Connect with Senators, and learn about Senate committees, legislation, records, art, history, schedules …

  4. Senate Page ProgramUnited States Senator Patty Murray

    Senate pages play an important role in the day-to-day operation of the Senate while watching history in the making. Living away from home and attending …

    Senate Page Program  ….. brain program for Wade Michael Page

    Senate Page Program –  with base 16 hexadecimal address 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue 

    Senate Page Program – ramPAGE  on Base 16 hexadecimal day..April 16 at Virginia TECH

    1. Virginia Tech shootingWikipedia, the free encyclopedia

      The Virginia Tech shooting (also known as the Virginia Tech massacre) was a school shooting that took place on April 16, 2007, on the campus of Virginia Polytechnic …

    Senate Page Program – United States ramPAGE  at  the
    Fortran computer program excution site …  


    Fort soldier ran on 2-legs as the shooting started


    Fortran applications


    Fort Hood Texas  and Pentagon computer science arrogance LIES about the event

  1. 2009 Fort Hood shootingWikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    On November 5, 2009, a mass murder took place at Fort Hood, near Killeen, Texas. Nidal Malik Hasan, a U.S. Army major and psychiatrist, fatally shot 13 …

Thus the executable instructions at Fort Hood.

  1. Field armyWikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    A field army (or numbered army or simply army) is a military formation in many armed forces, composed of two or more corps and may be subordinate to an army group.

  2. United States Army    Field ManualsWikipedia, the free …

    United States Army Field Manuals are published by the United States Army‘s Army Publishing Directorate. As of 27 July 2007, some 542 field manuals were in use. They …

Thus we have the Fort Hood rigged trial of Nidal Hasan and its cover-up by newspapers editors and reporters.

Another type of PAGE message came from Page –>  Paige ………..

  1. Penn State Cheerleader Paige Raque In Critical Condition …

    Oct 16, 2012 · Penn State Cheerleader Paige Raque In Critical Condition After Fall, School Rallies Around #PrayForPaige. Posted: 10/16/2012 12:40 pm EDT Updated: …

    Thus we see how some STAR WARS book clues  can be translated   by  the existence of  supportive REAL data events.


Nature VERSUS the citizen approved FCC electromagnetic program coding of human em( embryos) to create a new human  baby species with bio-radio and bio-televisio

Published by:

RD-blog-number-3160 by Herb Zinser reviews the electromagnetic battle of EARTH  over the brain programming of human EM life forms.  EM (Electro-Magnetic life forms) are known as EM (Employees) , EM (Embassy officials), etc.

The Solar System, natural sunlight, Thomas Edison light bulbs, and the eye/ optical system   VERSUS  the citizen employee approved FCC  radio and television attack upon brain stem and human embryo  —>  em  bio-physics interface  locations in human biology.

Let’s look at the mechanism of implanting EM data and instruction commands into the adult human brain stem  and fetus embryos.

Using television  broadcasts ….  EM baby pictures and instructions  are implanted into adult brains at a primordial EM LEVEL that exists in the brain stem. These  baby  picture  instructions to the adult are  .. that the goal in life is to be like a baby  ..hence, the creation of some types of Alzheimer’s  ..and the subsequent baby thoughts and behavior exhibited by senior  adults in nursing homes.

The music lyric on radio EM  broadcasts ……….
” I want you baby” …
” I need you baby” …
” I love you baby”    ……. as those lyrics are played over and over again  ……..    as songs are repeatedly played on the radio ..all day long.

These song lyrics are listen to by  EAR biology  cells and proteins in the body   ..the muscle proteins hear the music instruments and lyrics. … hence, the muscle desire to dance or move about.

Thus the music commands and instructions to proteins  …….


……………………………………………………….rote … play the radio song again 

……………………………………………………….rote … repeat command so the proteins are
programmed to focus on the concept of Baby –> make a baby in the bedroom by getting the wife pregnant

–> start the baby war in the BABY.lon region of Iraq 

–> make older citizens think like babies or get AL = AL.phabet –> AL = ALzheinmer’s  brain language errors

Let’s look at NATURE’s military actions  VERSUS defective children reflected by their parent brain awareness deficiency.


–> keyword–> Utoya –> subset letters  Ut –> pointer to social biology word –> Uterus.


Norway and Europe deny the existence adult female  women with a word –> uterus.

They have  a different WORD for that biology organ  …  as they manipulate the sub-conscious MINDs dictionaries


Hence, the shooting at UTOYA, Norway.


Hence, the April 16,2007 shooting with the Virginia  TECH english department for allowing that language crap and word scheme to occur  ..trying to fool Nature’s version of the Central Nervous System 370 abstract  brain SYMBOL PROCESSOR used by the Alfred Korzybski  BRAIN   MODEL.

DF]the fully functioning personality – The Institute of General ……/13-3-hayakawa.pdf

by SI HAYAKAWA – ‎Cited by 20 – ‎Related articles

ONE of the bases of my inquiry to this question arises from Korzybski s claim … the characteristics ofwhathe calls the fully functioning person or the creative.

General Semantics and Contemporary Thomism

Margaret Gorman, ‎R. S. C. J. Margaret Gorman – 1962 – ‎Language Arts & Disciplines

Whereas to the fully functioning personality as Rogers, Maslow and Korzybski see him, morality and ethics come naturally as the result of proper evaluation.





Uterus Pictures, Anatomy & Diagram | Body Maps – Healthline
Healthline Networks

The uterus is a female reproductive organ located between the bladder and the rectum, in the pelvic area. The uterus has three layers: the inner lining …





Utøya and the Uterus – Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaøya


Utøya is an island in the Tyrifjorden lake in Hole municipality, in the county of Buskerud, Norway. The island is 10.6 hectares (26 acres), situated 500 metres …



 The bedroom pussy hole CODE –> Hole municipality



‎Overview – ‎The name – ‎2011 massacre – ‎References

2011 Norway attacks – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The second attack occurred less than two hours later at a summer camp on the island of Utøya in Tyrifjorden, Buskerud. The camp was organized by the AUF, …

‎Anders Behring Breivik – ‎Workers’ Youth League – ‎International reactions – ‎Necessity

Notice, the EARTH geography configuration of the lake  … at the bottom half  ….  
look like it has a left fallopian tube   and right  tube (of water)  ..
a very rough approximation   …a concept suggestion  to the subconscious  mind …….  of the super-symmetry existential physics MIRRORS.



Another a battle ..the uterus Fallopian tube war –> fall —>Fallujah.




First Battle of Fallujah – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Battles and operations of the Iraq War in Anbar Province … Main article: Fallujah killings of April 2003 ….
Further information:
31 March 2004 Fallujah ambush  ……see codes 

….March –> Jerry March book “Advanced Organic Chemistry” applications
to the social chemistry expression system of  pussy molecules  
…and Nature’s  INTERNAL  molecular hydrocarbon pussy war  and its
EXTERNAL  display of violence on the Earth geography surface.


Fallopian tube definition – MedicineNet – Health and Medical …


Fallopian tube: One of the   two  Fallopian   tubes that transport
the egg from the ovary to the uterus (the womb). … Female structure illustration – Fallopian tube.



Images for women two fallopian tubes


First Battle of Fallujah – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Battles and operations of the Iraq War in Anbar Province … Main article: Fallujah killings of April 2003 …. Further information: 31 March 2004 Fallujah ambush.





 Second Battle of Fallujah – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Battles and operations of the Iraq War in Anbar Province · Fallujah … and December 2004, considered the highest point of conflict in Fallujah during the Iraq War.



Thus we have Nature’s SYMBOL MACHINE and EARTH LANGUAGE geography region keywords …

Babylon –> subset word –> baby and the social policy  war region

Baghdad –> subset word –> bag –> implies –> waterbag 

Fallujah –> subset word –> Fall –> suggest –> fallopian tubes

Because the hypnotized Pentagon takes orders from pregnant women …we receive these biased  information reports from Washington, DC. The incomplete  explanations of REALITY are approved  by universities and think tanks …..   who are busy thinking of football games, pizza parties.   The men at these INTELLECTUAL institutions actually believe their wives  ..who say to their husbands   ” You are the smartest  and most brilliant man in thee world”.

Now, that may be true for HER personal world….   but BIG PICTURE thinkers have to keep the their wives compliment in perspective  …and they have failed to do that ….. as they worship their own in-bred  bull-stories   …..  that are not in alignment with empirical data facts, events, and the scientific analysis of social signaling EVENTS.

Nature’s SYMBOL MACHINE is comprised of  nouns, verbs, concepts, math equations,  flowcharts, etc.  The ideas found in math and science textbooks are part of the SYMBOL MACHINE. Using Galileo’s suggestions  of  ” 2 CHIEF WORLD  SYSTEMS”   we now perceive Sartre existentialism as partitioned into 2 or more data spaces……. the  2  CHIEF existential entities 1) physical reality of objects: concrete highways, iron  automobiles, cellulose trees, humanoids, biochemistry molecules. photons of information,etc.

2) The world of symbols, concepts, process control system flowcharts, biochemistry diagrams,  math and physics equations, etc. Maps and Territories – Rijnlandmodel

Language in Thought and Action, S.I. Hayakawa.
Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and Territories
There is a sense in which we all live in two worlds.

Below, the battle at   Fort   (MOTHER) Hood …….   Mother Nature (amino acid code NH) VERSUS Mother Hood amino acid violations

2009 Fort Hood shooting – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


On November 5, 2009, a mass murder took place at Fort Hood, near Killeen, Texas. Nidal Malik Hasan, a U.S. Army major and psychiatrist, fatally shot 13 people …

‎Shootings – ‎Casualties – ‎Shooter – ‎Reaction

Equation ..year 2009 –> 2 and 009
–> code 2 —–> adults (Mr. and  Mrs.)

–> code 009 –> Mrs. 9 months pregnant 

Below, the amino acid NH …  assigned  to a human representative  human agent NH =  Nidal Hasan

Washington, DC and the Department of Justice deny the existence of amino acids and factors involved in the FORT Hood battle.  

The next battle of NATURE VERSUS   EM = EMbassy, Federal government, and FCC   embryo experimental  projects  ……

Above, the  EMBRYO attack vectors broadcast by radio and television in the OOC region –> Oklahoma, Oklahoma City.

Consequently,  Nature’s ordered attack on defective  OOCYTES  ………military code –> OOC   ….. hence, the Darwinian selection of  geography proper nouns whose initial generate OOC –> hence, Oklahoma, Oklahoma City



Oocytes – definition of Oocytes by The Free Dictionary

A diploid cell from which an egg or ovum develops by meiosis. A primary oocyte divides to produce a polar body and a secondary oocyte, which divides again to …

A primary oocyte divides to produce a polar body and a secondary oocyte, which divides again to …

 which divides again to …

 which divides again to …

 which divides again to …

Oklahoma City bombing – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The Oklahoma City bombing was a domestic terrorist bomb attack on the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in downtown Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995.

‎Timothy McVeigh – ‎Terry Nichols – ‎Ruby Ridge – ‎Alfred P. Murrah Federal


www.internationalstemcell.com1800 × 818Search by image

Different activation techniques applied to human oocytes allow the creation of either HLA heterozygous human parthenogenetic stem cell lines (hpSC), …


Above diagram and its equation  ……


Oocyte –> maps to physical reality EVENT  –> Ooc –> Oklahoma Oklahoma City


Blastocyst –> Nature creates a blast ..hence, the bomb blast.


All of this information was deliberately omitted from  the biased and rigged trial of  a PRISONER OF WAR (The SCIENCE WARS) Timothy McVeight ..  in violation  of the Constitution of the United States>


Violations by citizen brain nonsense and  dribble   …. that determines … .Department of Justice  …..pussy JUICE  JUSTICE   trial  policy.


Notice, that Justice  has a algebra subset control word ….

……………  ……. hence, Janet Reno pussy juice LAW   with her action message display …

Janet Reno Statement – PBS


Attorney General Janet Reno’s Opening Statement Before The Crime … “Three days after the Waco standoff began, David Koresh promised the FBI (FermiLAB,  Batavia, Illinois atomic social science FBI)  that  he and …

David Koresh Texas  ….

Da……Ko        Tex

Data   KOTEX   law school message CODE  

from Nature’s INTELLECT 

Waco, Texas: Where A Part Of America’S Heart And Soul Died.

Waco, Texas systems

     ko Tex ass … modern poetry

David Koresh and the Branch Davidian religious sect in Waco, Texas, held center … The conspiracy of the FBI, President Clinton, and Janet Reno has resulted in …



The     Waco massacre,   a fiery end to a whacko cult…/story-fndir2ev-1226623449407

Apr 18, 2013 – This is a 1981 file photo of David Koresh taken at the Mount Carmel … newly-appointed U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno approved FBI plans .

The Nature’s SYMBOL MACHINE language analysis  tools help us understand  the secret BRAIN   manipulation codes.
