RD-blog-number-3160 by Herb Zinser reviews the electromagnetic battle of EARTH over the brain programming of human EM life forms. EM (Electro-Magnetic life forms) are known as EM (Employees) , EM (Embassy officials), etc.

The Solar System, natural sunlight, Thomas Edison light bulbs, and the eye/ optical system VERSUS the citizen employee approved FCC radio and television attack upon brain stem and human embryo —> em bio-physics interface locations in human biology.

Let’s look at the mechanism of implanting EM data and instruction commands into the adult human brain stem and fetus embryos.
Using television broadcasts …. EM baby pictures and instructions are implanted into adult brains at a primordial EM LEVEL that exists in the brain stem. These baby picture instructions to the adult are .. that the goal in life is to be like a baby ..hence, the creation of some types of Alzheimer’s ..and the subsequent baby thoughts and behavior exhibited by senior adults in nursing homes.
The music lyric on radio EM broadcasts ……….
” I want you baby” …
” I need you baby” …
” I love you baby” ……. as those lyrics are played over and over again …….. as songs are repeatedly played on the radio ..all day long.
These song lyrics are listen to by EAR biology cells and proteins in the body ..the muscle proteins hear the music instruments and lyrics. … hence, the muscle desire to dance or move about.
Thus the music commands and instructions to proteins …….
……………………………………………………….rote … play the radio song again
……………………………………………………….rote … repeat command so the proteins are
programmed to focus on the concept of Baby
–> make a baby in the bedroom by getting the wife pregnant
–> start the baby war in the BABY.lon region of Iraq
–> make older citizens think like babies or get AL = AL.phabet –> AL = ALzheinmer’s brain language errors
Let’s look at NATURE’s military actions VERSUS defective children reflected by their parent brain awareness deficiency.
–> keyword–> Utoya –> subset letters Ut –> pointer to social biology word –> Uterus.
Norway and Europe deny the existence adult female women with a word –> uterus.
They have a different WORD for that biology organ … as they manipulate the sub-conscious MINDs dictionaries
Hence, the shooting at UTOYA, Norway.
Hence, the April 16,2007 shooting with the Virginia TECH english department for allowing that language crap and word scheme to occur ..trying to fool Nature’s version of the Central Nervous System 370 abstract brain SYMBOL PROCESSOR used by the Alfred Korzybski BRAIN MODEL.
DF]the fully functioning personality – The Institute of General …
by SI HAYAKAWA – Cited by 20 – Related articles
ONE of the bases of my inquiry to this question arises from Korzybski s claim … the characteristics ofwhathe calls the fully functioning person or the creative.
General Semantics and Contemporary Thomism
Margaret Gorman, R. S. C. J. Margaret Gorman – 1962 – Language Arts & Disciplines
Whereas to the fully functioning personality as Rogers, Maslow and Korzybski see him, morality and ethics come naturally as the result of proper evaluation.

Uterus Pictures, Anatomy & Diagram | Body Maps – Healthline
The uterus is a female reproductive organ located between the bladder and the rectum, in the pelvic area. The uterus has three layers: the inner lining …
Utøya and the Uterus – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Utøya is an island in the Tyrifjorden lake in Hole municipality, in the county of Buskerud, Norway. The island is 10.6 hectares (26 acres), situated 500 metres …
The bedroom pussy hole CODE –> Hole municipality
Overview – The name – 2011 massacre – References
2011 Norway attacks – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The second attack occurred less than two hours later at a summer camp on the island of Utøya in Tyrifjorden, Buskerud. The camp was organized by the AUF, …
Anders Behring Breivik – Workers’ Youth League – International reactions – Necessity
Notice, the EARTH geography configuration of the lake … at the bottom half ….
look like it has a left fallopian tube and right tube (of water) ..
a very rough approximation …a concept suggestion to the subconscious mind ……. of the super-symmetry existential physics MIRRORS.

Another a battle ..the uterus Fallopian tube war –> fall —>Fallujah.
First Battle of Fallujah – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Battles and operations of the Iraq War in Anbar Province … Main article: Fallujah killings of April 2003 ….
Further information:
31 March 2004 Fallujah ambush ……see codes
….March –> Jerry March book “Advanced Organic Chemistry” applications
to the social chemistry expression system of pussy molecules
…and Nature’s INTERNAL molecular hydrocarbon pussy war and its
EXTERNAL display of violence on the Earth geography surface.

Fallopian tube definition – MedicineNet – Health and Medical …
Fallopian tube: One of the two Fallopian tubes that transport
the egg from the ovary to the uterus (the womb). … Female structure illustration – Fallopian tube.
Images for women two fallopian tubes
First Battle of Fallujah – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Battles and operations of the Iraq War in Anbar Province … Main article: Fallujah killings of April 2003 …. Further information: 31 March 2004 Fallujah ambush.
Second Battle of Fallujah – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Battles and operations of the Iraq War in Anbar Province · Fallujah … and December 2004, considered the highest point of conflict in Fallujah during the Iraq War.

Thus we have Nature’s SYMBOL MACHINE and EARTH LANGUAGE geography region keywords …
Babylon –> subset word –> baby and the social policy war region
Baghdad –> subset word –> bag –> implies –> waterbag
Fallujah –> subset word –> Fall –> suggest –> fallopian tubes

Because the hypnotized Pentagon takes orders from pregnant women …we receive these biased information reports from Washington, DC. The incomplete explanations of REALITY are approved by universities and think tanks ….. who are busy thinking of football games, pizza parties. The men at these INTELLECTUAL institutions actually believe their wives ..who say to their husbands ” You are the smartest and most brilliant man in thee world”.
Now, that may be true for HER personal world…. but BIG PICTURE thinkers have to keep the their wives compliment in perspective …and they have failed to do that ….. as they worship their own in-bred bull-stories ….. that are not in alignment with empirical data facts, events, and the scientific analysis of social signaling EVENTS.
is comprised of nouns, verbs, concepts, math equations, flowcharts, etc. The ideas found in math and science textbooks are part of the SYMBOL MACHINE.
Using Galileo’s suggestions of ” 2 CHIEF WORLD SYSTEMS” we now perceive
existentialism as partitioned into 2 or more data spaces……. the 2 CHIEF existential entities
1) physical
reality of objects: concrete highways, iron automobiles, cellulose trees, humanoids, biochemistry molecules. photons of information,etc.
2) The world of symbols, concepts, process control system flowcharts, biochemistry diagrams, math and physics equations, etc. Maps and Territories – Rijnlandmodel
Language in Thought and Action, S.I. Hayakawa.
Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and Territories
There is a sense in which we all live in
two worlds.
Below, the battle at Fort (MOTHER) Hood ……. Mother Nature (amino acid code NH) VERSUS Mother Hood amino acid violations

2009 Fort Hood shooting – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
On November 5, 2009, a mass murder took place at Fort Hood, near Killeen, Texas. Nidal Malik Hasan, a U.S. Army major and psychiatrist, fatally shot 13 people …
Shootings – Casualties – Shooter – Reaction
Equation ..year 2009
–> 2 and 009
–> code 2 —–> adults (Mr. and Mrs.)
–> code 009 –> Mrs. 9 months pregnant
Below, the amino acid NH … assigned to a human representative human agent NH = Nidal Hasan

Washington, DC and the Department of Justice deny the existence of amino acids and factors involved in the FORT Hood battle.
The next battle of NATURE VERSUS EM = EMbassy, Federal government, and FCC embryo experimental projects ……

Above, the EMBRYO attack vectors broadcast by radio and television in the OOC region –> Oklahoma, Oklahoma City.

Consequently, Nature’s ordered attack on defective OOCYTES ………military code –> OOC ….. hence, the Darwinian selection of geography proper nouns whose initial generate OOC –> hence, Oklahoma, Oklahoma City
Oocytes – definition of Oocytes by The Free Dictionary
A diploid cell from which an egg or ovum develops by meiosis. A primary oocyte divides to produce a polar body and a secondary oocyte, which divides again to …

A primary oocyte divides to produce a polar body and a secondary oocyte, which divides again to …
which divides again to …
which divides again to …
which divides again to …

Oklahoma City bombing – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Oklahoma City bombing was a domestic terrorist bomb attack on the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in downtown Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995.
Timothy McVeigh – Terry Nichols – Ruby Ridge – Alfred P. Murrah Federal

www.internationalstemcell.com1800 × 818Search by image
Different activation techniques applied to human oocytes allow the creation of either HLA heterozygous human parthenogenetic stem cell lines (hpSC), …
Above diagram and its equation ……
Oocyte –> maps to physical reality EVENT –> Ooc –> Oklahoma Oklahoma City
Blastocyst –> Nature creates a blast ..hence, the bomb blast.
All of this information was deliberately omitted from the biased and rigged trial of a PRISONER OF WAR (The SCIENCE WARS) Timothy McVeight .. in violation of the Constitution of the United States>
Violations by citizen brain nonsense and dribble …. that determines … .Department of Justice …..pussy JUICE JUSTICE trial policy.
Notice, that Justice has a algebra subset control word ….
……………..Ju..ice ……. hence, Janet Reno pussy juice LAW with her action message display …
Janet Reno Statement – PBS
Attorney General Janet Reno’s Opening Statement Before The Crime … “Three days after the Waco standoff began, David Koresh promised the FBI (FermiLAB, Batavia, Illinois atomic social science FBI) that he and …
David Koresh Texas ….
Da……Ko Tex
Data KOTEX law school message CODE
from Nature’s INTELLECT
Waco, Texas: Where A Part Of America’S Heart And Soul Died.
Waco, Texas
ko Tex ass
… modern poetry
David Koresh and the Branch Davidian religious sect in Waco, Texas, held center … The conspiracy of the FBI, President Clinton, and Janet Reno has resulted in …
The Waco massacre, a fiery end to a whacko cult
Apr 18, 2013 – This is a 1981 file photo of David Koresh taken at the Mount Carmel … newly-appointed U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno approved FBI plans .
The Nature’s SYMBOL MACHINE language analysis tools help us understand the secret BRAIN manipulation codes.