Book-053 analysis report by Herb Zinser reviews some SYMBOL MACHINE information pointer clues found in Star Wars book. The CLUES suggest the involvement factor of human bio-optical-computer page ERRORs.
The human bio-computer SYMBOL PROCESSOR uses base 16 hexadecimal (oxygen atom 16) AND is associated with COMPUTER EARTH system 370 geography / land computer address space at Base 16 reference point –> 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, DC.

Below, the Base 16 X 100 –> 1600 address space …..that is the 16th block in Washington, DC –> giving –> 16 Block DC or rewritten in standard format –> DCB with the White House.

The human bio-optical computer SYMBOL PROCESSOR uses base 16 hexadecimal (oxygen atom 16)
AND is associated with COMPUTER EARTH system 370 geography / land computer address space at Base 16 reference point –> 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington,
Thus, in addition to the physical building (the White House) we have a 2nd White House ..Nature’s optical data stream with electromagnetic waves /photon and SYMBOL content (nouns, verbs, equations, formula,etc)

Thus a book like STAR WARs exists on cellulose paper, and as you read the book page into your eye/optical nerve..they become pages in your bio-optical computer brain … and they become page in the light data stream that reflects of your body …and they become emission pages in the infra-red radiation from your skin /body temperature heat.

IBM Archives: System/370 Model 158 – IBM Haifa Labs
The IBM System/370 Model … channel indirect data addressing was required to access a list of the real storage areas (page frames) … either System/360 or System/370.
Thus the human eye/ brain computer has many features is common with copper-wire main frame computers ..hence, the copper main frame computer and its BASIC technical language and its concepts ….. act as super-symmetry MIRROR tools to understand Nature’s human information processing system.
OS/VS2 (SVS) – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Single Virtual Storage (SVS) refers … The storage key facility of System/360 and System/370 keeps track of when a page frame has been modified.
The STAR WARS book clue about the page wars.

IBM Archives: System/370 Model 158 – IBM – United States
… 1980 The IBM System/370 Model 158 was … to access a list of the real storage areas (page frames) … concurrent execution of System/370 programs …
concurrent execution of System/370 programs …
concurrent execution of System/370 programs …
concurrent execution of System/370 programs …
concurrent execution of System/37.0 human programs at 37.0 degrees Celsius human body temperature …
concurrent execution
concurrent execution
concurrent execution
concurrent execution
concurrent execution
con cu ….. execution
Wisconsin Cudahy execution orders
Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting – Wikipedia, the free …
On August 5, 2012, 40-year-old Wade Michael Page fatally shot six people and wounded four others at a Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wisconsin. Page took his …
- Incident ·
- Victims ·
- Perpetrator ·
- Reactions
Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting – Wikipedia, the free …
Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting; Sikh … Page was an American white supremacist and United States Army veteran from Cudahy, Wisconsin. Apart from the …
- Incident ·
- Victims ·
- Perpetrator ·
- Reactions

Stars Wars SYMBOL MACHINE language analysis tools of keywords and concepts ….
Sikh –> subset letters –> Si + kh –> sin waves frequency KHZ

500 kHz – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Since early in the 20th century, the radio frequency of 500 kilohertz (500 kHz) has been an
international calling and distress frequency for Morse code
Thus we have the PAGE …. bio-optical computer page errors (the CAUSE) …causing Nature to create the tragic signaling EVENT ….hence, the Darwinian selection of proper nouns and the city of Cudahy .. the selection of Wade Michael Page and his adjectives and other word identifiers maximize Nature’s message and its information content for … serious researchers to study and explain.
A specific BOOK and its pages …. related to the SiKH Temple shooting with MR. WADE atomic michael page the WADE book

The city of Milwaukee and the citizens of the State of Wisconsin do not acknowledge the existence of molecules and organic chemistry …… .hence, the empty brain content of those people .. in violation of Nature’s minimum intellectual requirements regarding awareness.
Thus Nature’s bio-computer creates the rampage with messenger Mr. Page (michael wade) at the Sikh Temple in Oak Creek near Cudahy, Wisconsin.
Other sources of murder and crime are NOT a direct .
The citizen/ federal government approved murder system is very subtle and indirect ….. several steps removed from the EVENT. This makes very difficult to trace ….. but several tragic signaling EVENTS over several years of time … provide enough clues to figure out the structure of the murder system.
The SYMBOL MACHINE keywords and concepts ……….
federal ……………. algebra subset word codes ….
.. der –> information pointer to dermatology/skin languages (the bedroom SECRET infra-red
social engineering ….. brain CONTROL languages) .. and extensions … music codes and body-hand signals at the dinner table, etc
murder ……… subset code
……der … dermatology/skin secret codes and crimes ……..such as
Murder of Hannah Graham – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hannah Graham (February 25, 1996 – c. September 13, 2014) was an 18-year-old second-year British American student at the University of Virginia who went …
Therefore … in other words ………..
Mur..der ..dermatology of Hannah Grammar Gramham – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hannah Graham (February 25, 1996 – c. September 13, 2014) was an 18-year-old second-year British American student at the University of Virginia who went …

Thus her back ….. her subconscious MIND attempt to communicate with British and American universties..about feedback control systems and the Constitution of the United States with Thomas Jefferson and Monticello …code.

Monticello …………Jefferson and William Jefferson Clinton ..
mo…cell 0 –> molecular cell biology ……. agent zero missing from the communication LINK
United States Senate Page – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A United States Senate Page (Senate Page or simply Page) is a non-partisan federal employee serving the United States Senate in Washington, DC. Despite the non …
Pages – U.S. Senate
U.S. Senate
Official site of “the living symbol of our union of states.” Connect with Senators, and learn about Senate committees, legislation, records, art, history, schedules …
Senate Page Program – United States Senator Patty Murray
Senate pages play an important role in the day-to-day operation of the Senate while watching history in the making. Living away from home and attending …
Senate Page Program ….. brain program for Wade Michael Page
Senate Page Program – with base 16 hexadecimal address 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Senate Page Program – ramPAGE on Base 16 hexadecimal day..April 16 at Virginia TECH
Virginia Tech shooting – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Virginia Tech shooting (also known as the Virginia Tech massacre) was a school shooting that took place on April 16, 2007, on the campus of Virginia Polytechnic …
Senate Page Program – United States ramPAGE at the
Fortran computer program excution site …Fort
Fort soldier ran on 2-legs as the shooting started
Fortran applications
Fort Hood Texas and Pentagon computer science arrogance LIES about the event

2009 Fort Hood shooting – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
On November 5, 2009, a mass murder took place at Fort Hood, near Killeen, Texas. Nidal Malik Hasan, a U.S. Army major and psychiatrist, fatally shot 13 …
- Shootings ·
- Casualties ·
- Shooter ·
- Reaction ·
- Investigation and … ·
- Lawsuit

Thus the executable instructions at Fort Hood.
Field army – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
United States Army Field Manuals – Wikipedia, the free …
United States Army Field Manuals are published by the United States Army‘s Army Publishing Directorate. As of 27 July 2007, some 542 field manuals were in use. They …

Thus we have the Fort Hood rigged trial of Nidal Hasan and its cover-up by newspapers editors and reporters.
Another type of PAGE message came from Page –> Paige ………..
Penn State Cheerleader Paige Raque In Critical Condition …
Oct 16, 2012 · Penn State Cheerleader Paige Raque In Critical Condition After Fall, School Rallies Around #PrayForPaige. Posted: 10/16/2012 12:40 pm EDT Updated: …
Thus we see how some STAR WARS book clues can be translated by the existence of supportive REAL data events.