Monthly Archives: April 2015

The EARTH hydrocarbon continuum computer science platform with MILITARY molecule frequency KHZ

Published by:

RD-blog-number 5154  by Herb Zinser reviews newspaper  battle casualty reports about  Nature’s systems WAR with  human communities and their SOCIAL SCIENCE  errors  in their  usage of page technology and other things.


Let’s look at another blog post that outlines the situation with some data EVENTS  …then we will finish with the COMPUTER EARTH system 370 and the human bio-computer  brain  PAGE  and the sub-pages that are used to control the sub-conscious mind.

The human MODEL  is described using copper-wire computer with their software  …and  WEBSITE software  and blogs with PAGES and Sub-pages …. provide the outline  ..of the sturcutre uased to mnaipluate brain pages and sub-conscious mind pages …  like yours.


Below, a bio-computer WEB  site with  keyword SYMBOL LIFE  domain names –>  WEBSTER  dictionary,  Siderman comics and his WEB,  etc.

brain   2 parts cole hall  5

Create pages within a site – Sites Help – Google Help › … › Add and modify pages within a site

They are best for main categories of your site’s content. Put page under {current page}:


What is a subpage? – Network Solutions › … › How It Works
Network Solutions

Subpage is a web page that appears below the top-level pages in your site navigation. Subpages typically appear as a drop-down menu in your navigation bar.


You are probably an excellent EARTH LAB specimen for Nature’s  experiments with humans that LACK awareness  and hence need to be controlled.

george orwell 1984 1


Above, is Virginia TECH university and the shooting of April16, 2007   with year 1984 agent Mr.CHO ……   .born in 1984.

cho virginia

Thus his EARTH LAB proper noun  .. …
speciman identifier code –> Cho Se … fill in the  blanks
…………………………………………. Choose

thus  Nature’s Darwinian selective service system … modeled
after the U.S.ARMY  organization.


Selective Service System – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Selective Service System is an independent agency of the United States government that maintains information on those potentially subject to military conscription.


…in other words …..


Selective Service System – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Charles Darwin … Selective Service System is an independent agency of Nature’s united systems and linear control states  …. an EARTH government that maintains information on those human life forms potentially subject to military conscription.

The other blog post  ….

Nature’s hydrocarbon continuum government HIERARCHY and its messages

Rd-blog-number-5148 by Herb Zinser reviews Nature’s hydrocarbon molecular expression system and its usage  of molecular humans as expression devices to display molecule  social chemistry activities and molecule intellectual thoughts, etc.

This is within the context of  year 2015 RD activities ….such as

Grand Unified Theory Forces – The Particle Adventure
The Particle Adventure

Physicists hope that a Grand Unified Theory will unify the strong, weak, and electromagnetic interactions. There have been several proposed Unified Theories, but we need data to pick

which, if any, of these theories describes nature.


Theory of everything (and that includes YOU!)  – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A theory of everything (ToE) or final theory, ultimate theory, or master theory is a hypothetical single, all-encompassing, coherent theoretical framework of physics that fully explains and links together all physical aspects of the universe.

String theory – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jump to Number of dimensions – In classical string theory the number of dimensions is not fixed by any … Modernunderstanding indicates that there exist less trivial ways … One such theory is the 11dimensional M-theory, which requires …

M-Theory: The Mother of all SuperStrings – Michio Kaku…/m-theory-the-mother-of-all-superstring
Michio Kaku

Every decade or so, a stunning breakthrough in string theory sends shock waves … When Niels Bohr once heard a lecture by Pauli explaining his version of the unified … In 11 dimensions, in fact, there are alternate super theories based

Let’s look at another blog post that outlines the carbon molecule continuum that exists ..using the EARTH geogarphy surafce as an operating  system platform for its expression activities like Botany cellulose trees and carbon based human life forms that  develop
carbon bio-computer subroutines that drive cars in cities like Carbondale, Illinois.
Below, Nature’s EARTH LAB experimental  community that testing the self-awareness abilitities of a carbon atoms,_Illinois

Carbondale is a city in Jackson County, Illinois, United States, within the Southern Illinois region informally known as “Little Egypt”. The city developed from 1853 …

History – ‎Geography – ‎Demographics – ‎Government

Carbondale Lawyers – Compare Top Attorneys in … – Justia › Lawyer Directory › Illinois

Compare 38 attorneys serving Carbondale, Illinois on Justia. Comprehensive profiles including fees, education, jurisdictions, awards, publications and social …

Carbon   Lawyers – Compare Top Attorneys in … – Justia › Lawyer Directory › Illinois

Compare 38 attorneys serving Carbondale, Illinois on Justia. Comprehensive profiles including fees, education, jurisdictions, awards, publications and social …

The other blog post ………..

RD-blog-number-5145 by Herb Zinser reviews the sequence of murders created by the  citizens of the State of California for its violation of  hydrocarbon social chemistry laws and the execution of  Nature’s periodic  atomic table undercover agent Caryl Chessman.


Caryl Chessman – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Caryl Whittier Chessman (May 27, 1921 – May 2, 1960) was a convicted robber, kidnapper and rapist who was sentenced to death for a series of crimes …



Caryl Chessman

Car. L –> Carbon Languages using chess terminology and SYMBOL  MACHINE software technology 

On death row – ‎Execution and Nature’s systems revenge  –>  Brookfield Wisconsin



Brookfield hotel was scene of mass shooting in March 2005 ……/brookfield-hotel-was-scene-of-mass-shooting-in-…

Oct 21, 2012 – Brookfield hotel was scene of mass shooting in March 2005.


In 2005, 44-year-old Terry Ratzmann burst into a church service being held by a Church of Living God congregation and fired 22 rounds before shooting himself. He killed seven others in that service.

Ratzmann shot the church’s pastor and the pastor’s family before moving on to others in the conference room at the hotel.

All reports following this shooting indicate Ratzmann acted alone. It also says six of the seven victims were shot in the back and that Ratzmann stopped once to reload.

Terry Michael Ratzmann (1960 – March 12, 2005) was an American  murderer who killed seven members of the Living Church of God(LCG) before committing suicide at a Sheraton Hotel in Brookfield, Wisconsin in 2005.



 scene of mass shooting in March 2005

 scene of mass shooting in March 2005

 scene of  carbon 12 mass shooting in March 2005


 scene of mass shooting in March 2005

 scene of mass shooting in March 2005

 scene of mass shooting in  Jerry March 2005



 scene of mass shooting in March 2005

 scene of mass shooting in March 2005


Hotel in  Brookfield suggests   …. 

Symbolism | Definition of symbolism by Merriam-Webster

the art or practice of using symbols especially by investing things with a symbolic meaning
by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible


Below, a hydrocarbon hotel  .. information structure

the Living Church of God 

the Living Church of G = universal  gravitational constant

the Living Ch —> Carbon Hydrogen molecules and their living language 



 scene of mass shooting in March 2005

 scene of   ……  Jerry March of Dimes

 scene of  …….  molecule social evolution and the  March of Dimensions of string theory and its applications 

March of Dimes – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The March of Dimes Foundation is a United States nonprofit organization that works to improve the health of  Mother Earth and Mother Nature




 scene of mass shooting in March 2005

 scene of mass shooting in March 2005

 scene of mass shooting in March 2005

Muscular Dystrophy Telethon and Jerry Lewis | Right Turn ……/muscular-dystrophy-telethon-and-jerryle

Sep 5, 2011 – Jerry Lewis, the slap schtick half of the Martin and Lewis team set out … of the March of dimes than any other in the history of the organization.


Code name –> Jerry Lewis –> Jerry March and Lewis Dot structure






Caryl Chessman and Nature’s revenge

Car. L –> Carbon Languages using chess terminology and SYMBOL  MACHINE software technology 

On death row – ‎Execution and Nature’s systems revenge  –>  Brookfield Wisconsin


On death row – ‎Execution and Nature’s systems revenge  –>  CHar –> Carbon Hydrogen area

On death row – ‎Execution and Nature’s systems revenge  –>  CHarlottesville wins the lottery

On death row – ‎Execution and Nature’s systems revenge  –>  Hannah Graham …..

selected for her British-American identity send a message to British-American citizens about modern REALITY
and the  molecule  CH –> Carbon Hydrogen –> CH = CHESS  moves of molecules within humans …… using humans as  information display devices


Murder of Hannah Graham – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hannah Graham (February 25, 1996 – c. September 13, 2014) was an 18-year-old second-year British American student at the University of Virginia who went …

Disappeared: September 13, 2014
Cause of death:

Wanted carbon black agent……






Below, the CH organic chemistry  continuum   and
the continuum EARTH geography location of
CH  = Charlottesville and their social chemistry police department




Let’s look at another blog post that  provides more ideas for researchers and amateur detectives…



SYMBOL MACHINE communications theory and applications

Nature’s advanced message processing system has messages waiting!

RD-blog-number-5138 by Herb Zinser reviews the tragic signaling EVENTS that occur on Planet EARTH.

Many factors are involved in the creation of these signals by Nature’s systems.  To help understand some of these tragic signals …  one can percievce the EARTH geography surface as a  chessboard  with various pieces  ……     that are assigned to human represntatives.


For example, if  look at the community of Brookfield …….   west of Milwaukee  …..
we see the SYMBOL MACHINE identifier
–> Brookfield –> subset letters –> B   + rook + field.


Brookfield hotel was scene of mass shooting in March 2005 ……/brookfield-hotel-was-scene-of-mass-shooting-in-…
  • WITI

    Oct 21, 2012 – BROOKFIELD — The Sheraton Hotel in Brookfield was the scene of a mass … Ratzmann shot the church’s pastor and the pastor’s family before moving … Male victim seriously injured in shooting near Teutonia & Capitol, wi

  • Church, Police Probe 7 Murders – CBS News
CBS News

Mar 14, 2005 – Gunman Apparently Walked Out Of Church Service Two Weeks Ago. … opened fire at a church service in BrookfieldWisconsin on 3-12-05, … Before the shooting stopped, the pastor, the pastor’s son, and five other church …




Symbolism | Definition of symbolism by Merriam-Webster

the art or practice of using symbols especially by investing things with a symbolic meaning
by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible



Gunman Apparently Walked Out Of Church Service Two Weeks Ago.

Gunman Apparently Walked Out Of Church Service Two Weeks Ago.

Gunman Apparently Walked Out Of Ch…….. Service Two We –> 2 sides BLACK and WHITE pieces.

Gunman Apparently Walked Out Of Chess     Service Two Weeks Ago.



stopped, the pastor, the pastor’s son

stopped, the pastor, the pastor’s son

stopped, the past ,     the pastor’s son

stopped, the past verb tense … State of Mind   …. the past orders  son

stopped, the past    the pre-sent –> present verb tense



Let’s look at another blog post that explains some things …and includes some refernces to the EARTH  geography chess board surface and other version of chess boards …such as the carbon atom / organic chemistry continuum on EARTH with  human life forms embedded  as subset entities within Natuire’s hydrocarbon continunnu,

Humans are carbon molecule  activity and expression entities.


The other blog post ..


The force field death of Hannah Graham

explained by her line integral

Rd-blog-number-5136 by Herb Zinser reviews Nature’s mathematical-physics wars  and biochemistry  DNA wars  for control of EARTH civilizations and their ERRORS and PROBLEMS.


Let’s look at some anaysis of news EVENTS. I repeat another blog post here that lays the information foundation for  the  math view about  Hannah Graham’s tragic death.

University of Virginia fails integration by parts calculus test to save Hannah Graham

Rd-blog-number-5132 by Herb Zinser reviews various DNA bio-math and bio-physics conflicts in the United states and Great Britain.

Let’s look at another post that descibes a situation ..and then we shall look at the University of Virginia (UV) campus system and their DNA math problems and the mathematics death of Hannah Graham ..her final message ……  a math curve that she drew while walking in downtown Charolette, NC –> Numerical Control region of North Carolina.

The SiKH (brain) Temple DNA nitrogeous bases wave problems


RD-blog-number-5127 by Herb Zinser reviews the biochemistry WAR  database report from Oak Creeek, Wisconsin near Lake Michigan.The tragic signaling EVENT……..

  1. Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting – Wikipedia, the free …
    On August 5, 2012, 40-year-old Wade Michael Page fatally shot six people and wounded four others at a Sikh temple in Oak CreekWisconsin. Page took his life by …


Thus we have Lake Michigan …suggestive of  water waves …oscillations.

In addition,  we have Nature’s  SYMBOL  MACHINE language code words–> Wisconsin
……………sin wave region of sin wave life forms
—> Sikh –> susbet codes
–> Si + KH –> Sin wave K (potassium symbol ) H (hydrogen of water molecule)

Thus the database signal coming from the SiKH Temple shooting about waves …
about DNA representative Governor Doyle and the nucelotides of Wisconsin sin wave life forms.

  1. Deoxyribonucleic acid / DNA | Learn Science at
    Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a molecule that encodes an organism’s genetic blueprint. In other words, DNA contains all of the information required to build and …

Deoxyribonucleic  …….. subset letetrs of the word …|
D.o.y…………le   –> 5 symbols of the 16 letters of the word


James Edward “Jim” Doyle (born November 23, 1945) is a Wisconsin politician and member of the Democratic Party. He was the 44thGovernor of Wisconsin, serving from January 6, 2003 to January 3, 2011.Thus ..he is Nature’s represtaive for 5/16 of DNA message system.The Democratic Party denies  the existence of biochemsitry  DNA and its solid thoughts  …
claiming that DEMOCRATS are electromagnetic (EM) life forms that are superior to the periodic atomic of elements
and its biochemsitry molecules…… molecules that constructed a human structure  ….
known as a host platform for the EM life forms to use and abuse.

INTERNAL DNA  geometry bio-math configuration has
EXTERNAL expression formats to LURE  unsuspecting   high school graduates  into the study of the double-helix twists   by going to college and becoming a biochemsitry major.Of course, biochemsitry  LURE and SEDUCTION technology has completion  ……   in the usage of
the multi-purpose  female expression system and its concept suggestion.Thus bio-math and calculus(t) curves to guide male student into the study of math fun functions.

The power of suggestion ……  she wants more calculus students to study integration and integartion  by patrts.


Thus we see Nature’s system ..INTERNAL biology/brain  and  their EXTERNAL displays messages

EXTERNAL information displays about INTERNAL software systems ….. are the external EARTH geography sites  that have a Jewish Temple, a SiKH Temple, etc.

Thus the SYMBOL MACHINE view of the  word/letter ENGINES code name –>
KH  with examples ….– > siKH
—> city of Kenosha  –> subset letters KH
—> KHan –> murder of KH SYMBOL PROCESSOR Haroon KHanSymblos/letets KH  …think …think  ….spell backwardthink <—mirror word –> Kniht   ..explained to Knight

  1. Knight (chess) – Wikipedia, the free
  2. The knight is a piece in the game of chess, representing a knight. It is normally represented by a horse’s head and neck. Each player starts with two knights, which begin on the row closest to the player, one square from each corner.

Thus we see Nature’s systems and it chess component  ..with SYMBOL MACHINE  word
Knight  …sort of the inverse letter sequence of ..the mirror of Think.

Tus we think of the EARTH geography region of the greater  Milwuakee  …souteast Wisconsin land surface Nature’s chessborad ..with humans as pawns and  DNA nitrogenous bases as  Knights.Code –> Knight –> subset code –> nig –> suggests nitrogen and  DNA

Thus we have a molecular chess board  ….. and some conflict that wa splayed out at the EXTERNAL location of the SiKH Temple (sin wave code)
near  Lake Michigan ( PSSC high school physics and wave tanks and wave mechanics)

Thus we begin to see the SECRET  biochmesitry DNA manipulation socity in the greater Miwaukee region by citizens with univeristy approval.The 4 bases above  ……  and the  VERBAL word commands issued by baseball radio announcements and the picture  comamands issued  by  the televivsion  electromagnetic (EM) broadcasts of  the station  … by their superior DNA employees….. that broadcast FCC approved  EM  control waves directly into the
skull temple and the brain stem
skull ..em ………………………..em
Thus Nature’s systems VERSUS   the bio-radio and bio-television attack on the brain SYMBOL ENGINE  ..hence, Nature’s military systems and the creation of the DNA wave war message in oak Creek.

  1. Baseball field – Wikipedia, the free
    Second base is the second of four  BASE stations on a baseball diamond which must be touched in succession by a base  runner in order to score a run for that player’s team.

  1. Baseball field – Wikipedia, the free
    Second base is the second of four base radio stations on a baseball diamond which must be touched in succession by a  DNA base runner who is carrying a secret body language  message in order to score a run for that player’s team  (Player —> P layers –> Processing  layers).




Thus we wee the DNA war zone in southeastern Wisconsin and the biochemistry war casualties …. and the incomplete explanations given in newspapers about the entire situation.

Now, let’s look at Hannah Granham and uv = university of virginia

integration by parts math calculus

Murder of Hannah Graham – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hannah Graham (February 25, 1996 ? c. September 13, 2014) was an 18-year-old second-year British American student at the University of Virginia who went …

Disappeared: September 13, 2014 (aged …
Cause of death

Her calculus symbol code –> Disappeared: September

integration symbol math

Thus  …her walking spine  ….. a walking  calculus symbol.

Line integral – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The terms path integral, curve integral, and curvilinear integral are also used; … In qualitative terms, a line integral in vector calculus can be thought of as a …


Below, she is tracing out path integral …..

hannah graham beer pub  beer-lambert law

Pauls Online Notes : Calculus III – Line Integrals – Part I…/LineIntegralsPtI.aspx
  • Lamar University

    Vector Fields, Calculus III – Notes, Line Integrals – Part II …. Let’s first see what happens to the line integral if we change the path between these two points.

Lamar University

Line Integrals – Part II, Calculus III – Notes, Fundamental Theorem for Line Integrals … about reversing the direction of the path with line integrals of vector fields.

The path integral:

calculating the future from

an unknown past

hannah graham good map

A fun problem for you, and a matter of life and death for an ant

A (female) soldier ant is returning home from a raid on an enemy colony about 1 meter away from her own anthill.  This ant, like the majority of members of many ant species, is completely blind, so finding her way home has been something of an ordeal.  An even bigger danger is awaiting her this very moment, however, at the entranceway to her own home.  Our soldier ant, during the course of her surprisingly violent battling, has been drenched in the pheremones of her enemy victims.  If these pheremones have not worn off by now, then the sentries guarding the entranceway (who are also blind) will mistake her for an enemy.  And ants are not known for their patience with enemies.

The question of ?will our soldier be mistakenly killed by her own kind? depends at this moment very critically on how long it took her to walk home.  The longer her path was, the better the chance that the smell of her enemies has dissipated, and the better are her odds of surviving her encounter with the sentries.  If she walked at a constant speed, then we can assume the enemy pheremones dissipate exponentially (as is the case with evaporation/dissipation of chemicals on a surface).  Just to make it concrete, I?ll say that her chance of being killed follows the following law:

P_{death} = e^{-L/textrm{10 meters}},

where L is the total length of her trip home, from enemy anthill to her own.  This formula implies that if our ant took a very circuitous route home ? say, 20 meters long ? then she has only about a 13% chance of being killed by the sentries.  But if she took the most direct route ? L = 1 meter ? then there?s about a 90% chance of her being dismembered on the spot.

If we knew what path she took, we could use Calculus to figure out her path length L and predict what?s going to happen.  But we, the observers, are only watching this moment, as the soldier returns home; we have no idea what path she took.  Can we still say anything about what?s going to happen to her?

hannah graham   math 2
 The answer, surprisingly, is yes.  Usually, people use Calculus for summing (integrating) over all possible values of some quantity.  The Calculus of path integrals is similar: it sums (integrates) over all possible paths (or histories) that connect one moment and another.  And it allows us to predict the future of this ant.  In evaluating whether our ant will live or die, we need to integrate over all possible paths that she could have walked along.  Something like this:

If we want to know her chance of living or dying, we must average over each of these separate paths, plus an infinite number of others.

I?m only going to say here that it?s possible.  Usually, there?s no simple generic solution to a path integral.  In most cases you either need a computer or a lot of patience to come up with a result.  And you need some way of weighting the different paths, i.e. deciding how likely the different paths are.  Here I am just going to use a very simple assumption: that the ant doesn?t stray more than 4 meters from the straight line connecting her origin and destination, and that she doesn?t change her direction more often than every 8 centimeters or so.  These are completely arbitrary assumptions, but they allow for a finite result.

 Line Integrals with Hannah Graham on the EARTH land math surface of Charlottesville.

Consider a two-dimensional function $f(x,y)$ which is defined for all $x$ and $y$. What is meant by the integral of $f$ along a given curve joining the points $P$ and $Q$ in the $x$$y$ plane?


Thus we see ……  the Carl Jung  bio-mathematical-physics collective unconsciousness of the GROUP MIND comprised of the University of  Virginia collective   …… the student body, professors,  employees,  and administrators   …
that  bio-math COLLECTIVE unconsiousness has  problems that require conscious  thought, lab exercises, and communications to fix.



Now, we have covered some fundamental  math application MODELS of the tragedy  ..suggested  …. by  the empirical data generated by Hannah Graham concept.


Let’s advance and consider more.


In mechanical physics, in high school ..we do lab experiments  … and study the equation

Force = Mass X acceleration


Force, Mass, Acceleration | Zona Land Education…/forces/…/mightyFEqMA.html

Force equals mass times acceleration. This equation is one of the most useful in classical physics. It is a concise statement of Isaac Newton’s Second Law of …

classical physics  force
Thus we a have classical mechanics ….
and in modern times we have
Social forces = ma / mother/ woman and her daughters of the American revolution
Thus the keywords –>  ma & pa –> mapa  –> map america   provided by  your mother/father in year 2015  ….. for those over 40 years old.
Thus  word –>  Manhtattan in New York city …is  a social engineerins equation
Social Forces = ma  ..and a specific application
Social Forces = Manhattan—> ma + nh + att + an  + tan–>  map amino acids (nh) + attributes (data field site)
+ atomic number and alpha/numeric (base 16 hex)
+ tangent  existential worlds on EARTH
picture - amino 11
Thus some of the  concepts  of  mechanical  forces   are useful in describing social and economic forces

The original form of Newton’s second law states that the net force acting upon an object is equal to the rate at which its momentum changes with time. If the mass of the object is constant, this law implies that the acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force acting on the object, is in the direction of the net force, and is inversely proportional to the mass of the object. As a formula, this is expressed as:

\vec{F} = m \vec{a}

where the arrows imply a vector quantity possessing both magnitude and direction.


Related concepts to force include:

thrust, which increases the velocity of an object

…..   in other words ….

Related concepts to the INTELLECTUAL  forces of Nature’s systems …

include: trust,  the city of an object

Below, a man pushing  a car with  manual  force..
force physics car
Now, let look at Hannah Graham and the Charlottesville social forces.
hannah graham  5
Below, the line integral path  ….  being drawn by her footsteps on EARTH surface
hannah graham downtown    astrocyte

Line Integral…/Stepanova/Li
Raritan Valley Community College

Dr. Tatyana Stepanova. Office: S-235 Phone: … This limit is called the line integral of the vector field F over the path C and is denoted. Missing equation.

vector field F over the path C and is denoted. Missing equation.
vector field F over the path C and is denoted. Missing equation.
vector field F over the path Charlottesville  and is denoted. Missing equation.
Let looks  …..  at an advanced model of math social forces in Charlottesville.

Line Integrals

  • In one dimension, a force can be described by a real number that is positive if the force is pushing from left to right and is negative if the force is pushing from right to left. When an object is moved from x = a to x = b by a force the amount of work done by the force is

F (b – a).

  • In two or three dimensions, a force can be described by a vector whose magnitude is the strength of the force and whose direction is the direction in which the force is pushing — for example, the vector 2 i represents a force whose strength is two units and that is pushing from west to east. If an object moves under the influence of a force, F, and its motion is represented by the vector as shown in the figure below


then the work done by the force is

Missing formula

It is often useful to think of ordinary integration as “advanced multiplication.” For example, the area of a simple rectangle whose height is H (Hannah)  and
whose base goes from x = a to x = b as shown in the figure below

When an object moves from the point x = a to the point x = b under the influence of a force that is not constant and is given by a function f(x), then the work done by the force is given by

and the simple multiplication of our first formula for work is replaced by integration or “advanced multiplication.”

In this module we look at a two-dimensional or three dimensional situation in which the force is not constant — at different points the force may point in different directions and it may have different strengths. The figure below shows an example. Notice the force is always pointing toward the origin in this particular example.

Missing graph

Not only does the force vary from point-to-point but there is another complication — we are interested in an object traveling along a curved path as shown in the movie below.

Missing movie

Because the force varies from one place to another we call it a force field. A force field is represented mathematically by a vector field. We use the notation

F(x, y) = P(x, y) i + Q(x, y) j

to describe a force field in R2 and the notation

F(x, y, z) = P(x, y, z) i + Q(x, y, z) j + R(x, y, z) k

to describe a force field in R3.

Now suppose that is a curve in R2 or R3 like the curve shown in the figure below. This example is the path followed by the object in the movie above. We are interested in the work done by a force acting on an object as it travels along a curve C in a particular direction. In the example below the object travels along the curve from left to right.

Missing figure

Below, the region of the social  and economic forces

hannah graham    charolotte

We estimate this work in the obvious way. First, we approximate the curve by a polygonal path — a path made up of straight line segements — as shown in the two figures below.

Missing pictureMissing picture

We choose points s0s1s2, … sn along the path and then connect these points as shown in the figure above.

Below, Hannah  generated  points s0s1s2, … sn along the path C in Charlotesville

hannah graham good map






Then we estimate the work done on the i-th segment of the path by

Missing equation

and the amount of work done on the whole path by

Missing equation

By using a large number of small segments we can obtain a very good estimate for the amount of work done. The exact amount of work done is obtained by taking the limit of these estimates. This limit is called the line integral of the vector field over the path and is denoted

Missing equation

In practice we usually describe the curve by a function

Missing function


Missing function

and we divide the time interval [a, b] up into subintervals. by letting

Missing function

Thus we see the force field  …..

Vector line integral examples – Math Insight

Example of calculating line integrals of vector fields. … compute the work done by the force field on a particle that moves along the curve that is the …

a particle that moves along the curve
a particle that moves along the curve
a particle that moves along the curve
Below, the EARTH LAB view  of  the Hannah Graham particle that moves along a curve  ………..
hannah graham  8
hannah graham downtown    astrocyte
The other data generated by Hannah Graham  comes from another dimension of her existence.
Above, she existed in a physical  biology format ..  using 2 legs  and walking to generate a line integral  …..with her TOES providing data for Theory of Everything Scientists.
In her death … their exists another EARTH geography database region  ..with various line integrals  … road maps to help understand REALITY.
hannah graham old lybc earth langauge Capture
hannah graham  6hannah graham  old lynchburghannah graham old lynburg  old  duvai
Thus we have Nature’s code –> Plank RD –> Plan K  Research & Design
Other project Plan K   signaling database……..
Fort Hood  shooting in K = Kill in Killeen, Texas (code KH = Killeen Hood))
K –> Killing of KHan, Haroon (code KH = KHan in NATURE’s  evolution  death signal)

UWM student was kidnapped, killed over car, authorities say › … › Milwaukee County
  • Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

    Oct 7, 2008 – Haroon Khan drove a silver 2006 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution, and Travis W. Zoellick wanted one just like it. When Khan put his up for sale, …

  • Woman charged in slaying of UW-Milwaukee student over car › News › Waukesha County
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Oct 8, 2008 – According to the complaint, Zoellick killed Khan so he could steal his car. … was obsessed with obtaining a Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution, and on …

Milwaukee Journal Sent advance message to Cambridge and Boston Marathon race

Oct 7, 2008 – Haroon Khan drove a silver 2006 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution –> the prediction of the possiblility of an  MIT policeman shooting in year 2013

K –> shooting at SiKH temple (code KH)
K –> the North Korean arguments ..

Jeffrey Fowle reunited with his family in Ohio –…/JeffreyFowle-reu…
The Christian Science Monitor

Oct 22, 2014 – Jeffrye Fowle was released from captivity in North Korea, six months after he was taken into custody after leaving a Bible at a nightclub.

Thus we see many incomplete explantions about various events.
abstarction ladder 2 larger
Now, let’s look at the Hannah Graham situation  ……as she walks around downtown Charlottesville’s at night
The chess  board ………….
The EARTH geogarphy surface  ..chess board of downtown Charlottessville.
  1. Knight (chess) – Wikipedia, the free
  2. The knight is a piece in the game of chess, representing a knight. It is normally represented by a horse’s head and neck. Each player starts with two knights, which begin on the row closest to the player, one square from each corner.



Chess 101: How the Pieces Move | Chess Rules | Idiot’s … › … › Toys & Games › Board Games

Learn all about how chess pieces move and the rules of chess. Improve your … Left to right, the pieces are king, queen, bishop, knight, rook, pawn. The Pawn.


Learn all about how chess pieces move and the rules of chess.

Learn all about how chess pieces move and the rules of chess.

Learn all about how chess pieces move and the rules of chess.


For Mr. Male chess player (p layer –> Processing layer)…..


Learn all about how chess pieces move and the rules of chess.

Learn all about how ches? pieces move and the rules of ches?.

Learn all about how chest pieces move and the rules of chest.

Learn all about how chest pieces move and the rules of chest.



How to Play Chess : How the Knights Move in … – YouTube

Dec 10, 2007 – Uploaded by expertvillage

Learn how   the   knight moves in a game of chess , from a chess master in this free board game….

Chess Basics 1.5 How the Knight Moves and Captures … at nightime in  … ch + ar  = chess board area   of Ch + ar = Charlottesville
Dec 5, 2010 – Uploaded by Gaute Michel Ferstad

This basic chess series teaches you how to play chess. Beginning with how the pieces move, special chess …






Chess Rules for Movement of the Knight

Since obstructions are not a bar to movement (unless there is a friendly piece on the square where the knight would move) the knight’s path of movement has …




Chess Basics

Chess Basics

Chest Basics for adult females 

ch + ar  = chess board area   of Ch + ar = Charlottesville
………………chest …………………………………………….lotte –> lottery



Ch + ar = Charlottesville

Ch area –> Carbon hydrogen molecule –> lottery


Paul Morphy – Wikiquote

Paul Charles Morphy (June 22, 1837 – July 10, 1884), “The Pride and Sorrow of Chess“, is considered to have been the greatest chess master of his time, an ..

1837 – July 10, 1884), “The Pride and Sorrow of Chess“,

1837……………………….. “The Pride and Sorrow of Chess“,

1837 equation of a water molecule structure (atomic mass 18 ) at 37 degrees Celsius body temperature   …and itrs molecule chess MOVES
via proepr noun Paul  Morphy.



Paul Morphy project of Nature’s molecules  continued  their evolution of thought expression systems and SYMBOL MACHINES ….with


Morphy –.> M + orph + phy –> M-theory orphan physics  …..with messages for Sandy Hook elementary school treason of elementary physics. projects.

Little Orphan Annie – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The plot follows the wide-ranging adventures of Annie, her dog Sandy and her benefactor Oliver “Daddy” Warbucks. Secondary characters include Punjab, the …



her dog Sandy and her benefactor Oliver “Daddy” Warbucks

her dog Sandy and her benefactor Oliver “Daddy” Warbucks

her dogma philosophy …  Sandy Hook errors  and her benefactor Oliver “BagHDaddy” War
—>  shooting at Sandy Hook ordered by Nature’s SYMBOL MACHINE regarding their communications problems.



Thus we  have Paul Morphy  project codes and their evolution physics devleopment project agents

Paul –> Paul Dirac

Paul –> Linus Pauling with Charles Schultz comics,  President Jimmy Carter for  Peanuts and LINUS and the continuum /Blanket signal of LINUS

Paul –> Wolfgang Pauli



Paul Morphy
…………orph +  an (Atomic Number) gives word –> Orphan annie  and its atomic number  / alpha-numeric codes



Thus we see that the secrets of  EARTH chess  area of  Charlottesville is related to the execution of Carl / Caryl Chessman in California  …one of Nature’s top undercover agents in the CarL = Carbon Langauge continuum  …such as the  HC = Hydrocarbon continuum  on an EARTH platform region of CH = Carbon Hydrogen city of CH = Charlottesville and its human CHESS pawns


Caryl Chessman – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Caryl Whittier Chessman (May 27, 1921 – May 2, 1960) was a convicted robber, kidnapper and rapist who was sentenced to death for a series of crimes …

Early years – ‎Crimes and conviction – ‎On death row – ‎Execution and the consequence execution of Hannah Graham


§7: THE DATA OF ETHICS (1879) by Herbert Spencer

… in correspondence with external coexistences and sequences;

and still more … said to be the continuous adjustment of internal relations to external relations.

Now, let;s look at one final concept ….about Nature’s possible mechanisms for molecular communications.

Nikola Tesla’s Earthquake Machine – The Excluded Middle

In the last years of the 19th century, technological alchemist Nikola Tesla may … A vibration sent through the earth returns an “echo signature” using the same …

Nikola Tesla – Master of Lightning

Nikola Tesla invented A/C electricity (Alternating-Current), the electric motor, fluorescent … It is also referred to as the “Earthquake Machine. … A vibration sent through the earth returns an “echo signature” using the same principle as sonar.

I live in  the EARTH geography state of Wisconsin
Earth Language code –> Wisconsin earth
…………………………………………….sine wave  region for
Tesla waves or  a possible molecule vibration  ..communication system invented by Nature
We know the EARTH sin waves exist because of the sinw aves wars in the SINAI Peninsula  ….
in a sense  ….  an EARTH geography peninsula is like  Nature’s  writing pen

Sinai Peninsula | peninsula, Egypt :: History | Encyclopedia ……/SinaiPeninsula/…/Histo…
Encyclopaedia Britannica

The Sinai was administered by Egypt until the Israelis overran the peninsula in the Six-Day War of June 1967. The Sinai has been the focus of Israeli-Egyptian …

Egyptian security SIN WAVE science forces attacked in Sinai Peninsula – Al ……/egyptian-security-forces-attacked-sinai-…
Al Jazeera

Jan 31, 2015 – War & Conflict. Egyptian security forces attacked in Sin wave  Pen  message OUTPUT  display area  ….… forces have come under attack in the restive Sinai Peninsula, hours after …

Now, let’s return to Wisconsin sin wave region and look at SYMBOL MACHINE code  HC = HydroCarbon clues.
I live in Watertown, Wisconsin and my parents have  passed away  …years ago … AND are buried in the OAK HILL Cemetry.

Oak Hill Cemetery – Watertown Historical Society

OAK HILL CEMETERY WATERTOWN, WISCONSIN. HOME INDEX … The Oak Hill Cemetery Association of Watertown has decided.

Oak Hill Cemetery Assn Watertown, WI, 53094 –…/oakhillcemet

Get reviews, hours, directions, coupons and more for Oak Hill Cemetery Assn at 1540 E Main St, Watertown, WI. Search for other Cemeteries in Watertown on

…in other words

Oak Hill Cemetery Assn Watertown, WI, 53094 –…/oakhillcemet

Get reviews, hours, directions, coupons and more for Oak Hill Cemetery Assn at 1540 E Main St, Watertown, WI. Search for other Cemeteries in Watertown on

Oak H    C –> HydroCarbon molecule  burial  grounds…/oakhillcemet

Get reviews, hours, directions,

That makes philosphical sense.
The epriodic atomic table elements of life and thought  –> create molecules –> Carbon and hydrogen  molecules CAN become human life forms  OR Plastics OR gasoline ….etc.
Thus the hydrocarbon molecule… …. .the organic chemistry and NATURE  …are the parents of my physical biology MOTHER and FATHER.. Simply stated …MOTHER EARTH is the mother of my biology MOTHER.
Thus …at Oak Hill Cemetry  are human atoms and molecules that  are fileld with energy  ..and the thoughts of the humans that once existed in physical biology format with active metabolism at  37 degrees Celsius temperature in their human body.
Thus the atoms and moelcules of energy  that exist the Oak Hill Cemetry  MAY HAVE some of the thoughts and memories  ..of their active human life  …..
and those bio-computer thoughts may  have been  saved in  Nature’s electron storage within the atoms/moelcular structure that remains in a coffin.
The base 16 hexadecimal code –> coffin –> co + ff + in   –> code HEX’ff’= 255 (High Values)  integer  ..input to another dimension of EARTHLY existence …that being the HC
–> Hydrocarbon continuum PHASE of the afterlife  ……afterlife –>  molecule  thought  life after human life and thought  activities cease.
Next, in our theoretical   MODEL the communications system used by molecules in the afterlife phase.
The molecule  energy vibrations  ……  may use the Tesla  EARTH waves as carrier waves to transfer the molecule message to another geography location with receptive molecules .. in a coffin or another living person.
Thus the sender molecules are in a coffin  ……….  and the recieving molecules could be in a variety of formats or stages of life.…/oakhillcemet

Get reviews, hours, directions, coupons and more for Oak Hill Cemetery Assn at 1540 E Main St, Watertown, WI. Search for other Cemeteries in Watertown on

The above word –> HILL ..suggests the top of a sin wave
Now, to complete the concept ..we need a valley  …  the bottom  of a sin wave.
For this..Nature created the message event in OAK CREEK Wisconsin.

Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting – Wikipedia, the free …

On August 5, 2012, 40-year-old Wade Michael Page fatally shot six people and wounded four others at a Sikh temple inOak Creek, Wisconsin. Page took his life …

Incident – ‎Victims – ‎Perpetrator – ‎Reactions
The word Creek …water flow …  river ….river channel  carved out of EARTH land  …. is like a valley.
Below, Oak Hill is the top of the communications sin wave curve.
and Oak Creek is the bottom ….
Now  both geogarphy sites are in  the Wisconsin sin wave region.
Oak Hill Cementy — > Oak HC …. this horizontal word sequence ..suggests the horizontal component of  a communications wave
… perhaps similar to the   wave below.

Next ….

Oak Hill Cemetry
Oak Creek 
This is a vertical HC = Hydrocarbon communications wave component
In addition from the Oak Creek database ..we have 
SiKH –> subset codes  –> Si + Kh –> sin wave KH  .. suggesting KHZ

500 kHz – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Since early in the 20th century, the radio frequency of 500 kilohertz (500 kHz) has been an international calling and distress frequency for Morse code

 distress frequency for Morse code
……….  thus the SiKH Temple message THAT ought  not be ignored by society in year 2015.
Thus we have Oak Creek and the  SiKH …..  sin wave KH Temple  message.
Looking at the…/oakhillcemet

Get reviews, hours, directions, coupons and more for Oak Hill Cemetery Assn at 1540 E Main St, WatertownWI. Search for other Cemeteries in Watertown on

Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting – Wikipedia, the free …

On August 5, 2012, 40-year-old Wade Michael Page fatally shot six people and wounded four others at a Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wisconsin. Page took his life …

Incident – ‎Victims – ‎Perpetrator – ‎Reactions
Thus we have  the KH  common denominator  ….. and we have the additional EVOLUTION  message form Emmet township near the Oak Hill cemetry of Watertown)  ( a few  miles away)

UWM student was kidnapped, killed over car, authorities say › … › Milwaukee County
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Oct 7, 2008 –
Haroon Khan drove a silver 2006 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution

and Travis W. Zoellick wanted one just like it. When Khan put his up for sale, …
Thus the muder involves letter call sign ….  KHZ  ….. and SiKH call sign KH.
Now, my  last name is  Z   ……
.thus my parents are  Z and other Z proper nouns  are buried at the Oak Hill Cemetery
give Nature’s system a  gestalt complete code sign KHZ.…/oakhillcemet
Thus we see the possible molecular software structure used by Nature’s  HC = HydroCarbon molcular communications system in the afterlife phase of  atom/molecule existence.
Remember ..atoms/molecules  exist  for  millions of years  or thousands of years   …..  an atomic bio-physics human  is born and thus those atoms/molecule ENTER the human phase  of their periodic atomic table existence  ……  and when the huamn metabolism stops  ….the thoughts are saved in atomic/molcular data storage …… and now the atoms/molecule ENTER the afterlife phase of their continued existence  on EARTH  ..working with Nature’s various  projects  and its  SYMBOL MACHINE  evolution of thought  .. including brain engineering and social engineering.
Now, let’s look at Oak  Creek message database again.

Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting – Wikipedia, the free …

On August 5, 2012, 40-year-old Wade Michael Page fatally shot six people and wounded four others at a Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wisconsin. Page took his life …

Incident – ‎Victims – ‎Perpetrator – ‎Reactions
OC –> OptiC   type of message  .. do you see ???
OC  = Oak Creek, Wisconsin ……….
…………………………………….sin wave as a carrier wave for ……
Wade Michael Page fatally shot six people
Wade Michael Page fatally shot six people
wade organic
Wade Michael Page fatally shot six people
Wade textbook with   page(s)  of  cellulose  information …..
that are studied by college students …..
and those students then devlop BRAIN pages filled with organic  chemistry
Wade Michael Page fatally shot six people
Wade Michael Page fatally shot six  ……    carbon atomic number 6
Wade Michael Page fatally shot six  ….. 6 atomic entities names –> people
carbon atom   5
picture - paul 15
The code code –> people –> peo –> P electron orbitals
carbon people
Above carbon atom and its evolution to human people expression devices.
Thus carbon people code –> 2p2  —–>  2nd subshell named p  with 2 electrons.
Wade Michael Page fatally shot six people
Wade Michael Page fatally shot six people
 ……… Mic  ……Page fatally shot six people
 ….atoMic  ……Page fatally shot six people
United States Senate

Pages. The Senate gained its first page in 1829, a nine-year-old boy named Grafton Hanson who was appointed by Senator Daniel Webster. Throughout the …

Senate Page Program – United States Senator Patty Murray › Home › Services
Patty Murray

Senate pages play an important role in the day-to-day operation of the Senate while watching history in the making. Living away from home and attending …

in other words……

Senate BRAIN  Page  using a BLOG Program – United States  data processing  Senator Patty Murray › Home › Services
Patty Murray

Senate pages play an important role in the day-to-day operation of the  human bio-computer Senate while watching history in the making.
Living away from home and attending …





Page Program Frequently Asked Questions – Senate Page ……/page-program-frequently-asked…
Mark Warner

What are the responsibilities and duties of U.S. Senate Pages? Pages serve principally as messengers. They carry documents between the House and Senate, ..



in other words…………….


Page Program Frequently

Page Program Frequen
Page Program Frequency   (KHZ frequency of SiKH temple?)

Asked Questions – Senate Page ……/page-program-frequently-asked…
Mark Warner
Mark War  –> Mark my words  WAR .. Nature’s SYMBOL MACHINE and the carbon continuum with
Oak Hill Cemetry (KH)  code and
KHan Zoellick (KHZ) code from the township of EMMET
–> EM + Met —> ElectroMagnetic  Metabolism BATTLE site

What are the responsibilities and duties of U.S. Senate Pages?
Pages serve principally as messengers. They carry documents between the House and Senate, ..


Pages « WordPress Codex

1.1.1 To create a subpagePages live outside of the normal blog chronology, and are often used to … Pages can be organized into pages and subpages. … Posts from a WordPress installation, and thus to create a standard non-blog website.




Organizing Content with Subpages – The Official Blog …

Jun 24, 2014 – In addition to her insight into subpage strategy, we were lucky ….. To add a blog page to any site in your account, go to the Pages tab, click on .. other words…..


Organ (Liver, Heart, Lungs)
Content with Subpages –
The Official BLOG  (BLOG is a subset word of   BioLOGy) …

Jun 24, 2014 – In addition to her insight into subpage strategy, we were lucky ….. To add a blog page to any site in your account, go to the Pages tab, click on ..



To add a blog page to any site in your account

To add a blog page to any site in your account

To add a biology  page to any site in your account





in your account, go to the Pages tab

in your account, go to the Pages tab

in your account, go to the Senate Pages tab




Thus, we  have  covered several concepts in this blog post.

These concepts are  based upon actual data events or descriptions of something .. ….  like website pages used on copper-wire personal computers.


What I have is simply  organized the data events and looked at their common denominators   …and then suggested some partial explanatory MODELS using basic science concepts and knowledge available  to everyone VIA college math and science textbooks or univeristy science libraries.


a) the sin wave used in communications  and the repeated pattern of EVENTS  involving LIFE and DEATH   …….  and radio code KH or KHZ.

—– SiKH Temple shooting

—– KHan Zoellick (code KHZ)   and the death in EMMET township near Oak Hill Cemetry (code KH   and HC = HydroCarbon burial grounds)
—– Hannah Graham death  near EMMET Street in CHarlottesville  …thus the CH = HC  = HydroCarbon burial grounds of Hannah Graham in CH = CHarlottesville


EMMET STREET and EMMET Township –> keyword EMMET = EM + MET –> a relationship problem between ElectroMagnetic field and human Metabolism … that was acted out VIA the murder of Haroon Khan  in the sin wave region of Wisconsin   and  the murder of Hannah  Graham in the  VIR = Virginia OHMS law region  with Route 29 atomic number of copper and thre related murder of Alicia Reynolds the  periodic  atomic table town of Cu = Copper of Culpeper.



Give these related  …but unusual events   … we  then considered the ideas of others about parallel expressions dimensions  on EARTH.


A Physicist Explains Why EARTHLY Parallel Universes May Exist – NPR › News › Science › Space

Jan 24, 2011 – It is possible that there are many other EARTHLY universes or expression formats  that exist parallel to our personnal universe. Theoretical physicist Brian Greene, author of The Elegant …



Then …given that …. we considered the EARTH geography surface as a display platform for Nature’s expression systems.

On such concept was the Nikola Tesla EARTH waves and vibrations  …. including EARTH  the ground /soil / land that supports the surface display.


Then  .. upon this EARTH surface we have Nature’s organic  chemistry …hydrocarbon continuum with carbon life in human format.


Then we begin to notice some connetcions /links between some Wisconsin tragic signaling events and those in Virginia  ……   having come factores ….. OHMS Law,  sin waves or alternating cycles,   EARTH LANGUAGE proper nouns with the atomic symbols C and H  ….  in the same local geography region of EMMET    and KHZ  radio codes .


Thus we have some of the major pieces of data  about some  big system of Nature.    Who can put it  all   together  ….. for the TOE theory project?


Theory of everything – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A theory of everything (ToE) or final theory, ultimate theory, or master theory is a hypothetical single, all-encompassing, coherent theoretical framework of physics that fully explains and links together all physical and social engineering aspects of the universe ….    including the universe of crime signals generated by Nature to provide REAL empircal data for theorists help their SYMBOL MODEL buildings..


fully explains and links together all physical aspects of the universe.

fully explains and links together all physical aspects of the universe.

fully explains and links together all physical aspects of the MIss universe
… contest to manipulate and divert the the brains  of scientists.



Miss Universe 2015: Miss Colombia 


representing  the 15th column of the periodic atomic table used by bio-physics expression structure known as adult females  ……. information display devices  useful for  the study of  social psychology tricks and schemes

Site Map to various SCIENCE WAR articles

Published by:

Project Plan Z news analysis phase – Tests are Translated

EM war news

Translations of newspaper codes

COMPUTER EARTH system 370 WAR news

Math war news analysis

The copper metal subset city expressions of electricity

The C.P.Snow social science WAR casualties

Nature’s military methods and messages for human ERROR policies.

Earth systems and Earth languages

Atomic models using data signaling EVENTS

Physics & the Social Science WARS

Translations of Star Wars military language codes

Water molecule expressions

Brain war news

Nature’s biochemistry expression and message systems

EARTH languages and Nature’s modern SYMBOL MAP technology



Project Plan Z – news EVENT analysis

EARTH copper expression systems

Ferrous oxide IRON atom expression systems

Continuum message reports in the news

Nature’s evolution of impedance signals that parallel electron circuit concepts

University spectrum content wars

The EARTH geography mathematical-physics surface and its expression CODE system

Analysis of social science SIGNALING events

Modern geography messages from Nature’s systems

Computers, biocomputers, and math WAR analysis

Astronomy and Astrophysics theories of EARTH LAB

Neuroscience war reports

Earth systems and the atomic table EXPRESSION SYSTEM

The world wide electromagnetic EM field wars to control your brain stem

Organic chemistry expression sytems – social chemistry signaling EVENTS

Darwinian diesel fuel molecular selection process – DEATH equation of Germanwings and others

Published by:

Rd-blog-number-4996 by Herb Zinser reviews the SYMBOL MACHINE  keyword –> Diesel fuel.

diesel fuel gasoline engine-1

The atomic symbols used by  Nature’s hydrocarbon organic chemistry  MILITARY molecule  are ….

atom table 6

The DEATH command  keyword  –> Diesel –> Die + sel –>  die/death  selection system of the organic  molecule continuum  ……. which is Nature’s  base operating platform  upon which 2-legged humans and 4-legged animals exist.


Thus the underlying foundation  of  organic chemistry hydrocarbon molecules and their social chemistry thoughts can rise up and influence and/or control human thought  and behavior.  This is an example of the well-known Hierarchy Problem in physics  …. scientists are upset because their wives told them they are superior to everything ……. thus they lose their philosophical perception of Man’s  partnership with Nature …. but, still a subset relationship with Nature.




Let’s look at another blog post that outlines Nature’s systems messages to human thinkers.

The organic molecule WAR news – Germanwings crash and Turkish TK-726 accident


Rd-blog-number-4512 by Herb Zinser reviews 2 air plane signaling EVENTs that help explain the organic chemistry continuum wars  with the  methane and diesel fuel MILITARY molecules.

The organic chemistry  …. hydrocarbon molecule MILITARY  expression EVENTS generate an information database that provides various codes.

Two events occurred that attracted my attention.

The event that I first   read about was the Germanwings tragedy.

Germanwings crash: Reports of video from plane denied ……/france-germanwings-plane-crash-mai…

3 days ago – First up-close footage from the Germanwings crash site ….. seconds from on board the flight as it crashed into the French Alps on March 24.

After reading some things about the Germanwings crash   …  I glanced at some other articles about other plane crashes.  For some reason  ….. the article about the Turkish plane accident in Nepal …seemed to linger in my mind an unsolved puzzle.

Turkish Airlines plane crash-lands in Nepal (PHOTOS …

Mar 4, 2015 – Turkish Airlines passengers barely escaped serious injuries after their Airbus A330 skidded off the runway in foggy Nepal and crash-landed nose down in … the runway at Tribhuvan International Airport in Kathmandu March 4, 2015. … have been reported on the plane which had 238 people on board, with …

Before, I continue ..let’s review some concepts.

Nature’s SYMBOL MACHINE is comprised of  nouns, verbs, concepts, math equations,  flowcharts, etc.  The ideas found in math and science textbooks are part of the SYMBOL MACHINE.

Using Galileo’s suggestions  of  ” 2 CHIEF WORLD  SYSTEMS”   we now perceive Sartre existentialism as partitioned into 2 or more data spaces……. the  2  CHIEF existential entities

1) physical reality of objects: concrete highways, iron  automobiles, cellulose trees, humanoids, molecules, atoms etc.
2) The world of symbols, concepts, process control system flowcharts, biochemistry diagrams,  math and physics equations, etc.

Maps and Territories – Rijnlandmodel

Language in Thought and Action, S.I. Hayakawa.
Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and Territories
There is a sense in which we all live in two worlds.
Another idea…..

The Hidden Reality – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Hidden Reality is a book by Brian Greene published in 2011 which explores the concept of the EARTHLY multiverse and the possibility of EARTHLY parallel universes.

Content – ‎Reception – ‎Popular culture – ‎See also

Another concept ….

Do parallel universes really exist? – HowStuffWorks…/paralleluniverse.htm

In 1954, a young Princeton University doctoral candidate named Hugh Everett III came up with a radical idea: That there exist EARTHLY parallel universes, exactly like our …

The Theory of Parallel Universes – For Dummies…/the-theory-of-paralleluniverses.html

The multiverse is a theory in which our personal universe is not the only one, but states that many EARTHLY universes and schools of thought exist parallel to each other. These distinct information universes within the …

Given these concept tools .. let take a second look at the Turkish plane crash in Nepal.

Turkish Airlines jet carrying 238 passengers crash lands in ……/Turkishjetliner-skids-runway-passenger…

Daily Mail

A Turkish Airlines jet carrying 238 passengers crash-landed in Nepal’s capital …

Published: 00:08 EST, March 4 2015 |
Updated: 19:00 EST,  March 4  2015 …. Rescue: Nepalese inspect the Turkish Airlines jet that skidded off a slippery runway …

March –> information pointer –>

The organic chemistry molecular continuum  expression  ……………..

Turkish Airlines plane crash-lands in Nepal (PHOTOS …

Mar 4, 2015 – Turkish Airlines passengers barely escaped serious injuries after their Airbus A330 skidded off the runway in foggy Nepal and crash-landed nose down in … the runway at Tribhuvan International Airport

in Kathmandu March 4, 2015.

Above, the methane code CH4 —> scheduled day of expression performance –> March 4 ..messages for the 4H-Club  of America  ……  message to these farm agriculture students  in high school taking a chemistry course   …  attention please ….  you belong to an organic chemistry humanoid organization.

Thus we begin to realize other molecule messages.

Thus we have the Isaac Asimov concept  equation –> alkane –> algorithms Kane –> the social and  economic algorithms in Kane county and FermiLAB  .. in the CH area  –> Carbon Hydrogen expression area of Ch = Chicago

Below, a group of molecular structures at FermiLAB   ..some of them are  EARTH LAB alkane  expression structures.

Others, some from the University of Chicago  in Hyde Park.
The Hyde Park section belongs to the Chicago politcial system  and elects an alderman.

Leslie Hairston – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Leslie Hairston (born July 17, 1961) is alderman of the 5th ward of the City of Chicago; she was elected in 1999. Hairston is a Hyde Park native. As alderman ..

Thus we have the University of Chicago  Chemistry Department SECRET CODE –
-> Alderman Hyde Park  … subset code
-> Alde……..Hyde  –> Aldehyde humanoid species

Given the history of these social expression of the carbon atom ……. organic chemistry implies –> molecular social chemistry.

Now, let’s return to the tragic signaling EVENT of the Germanwings air plane crash …AND ..let;s look at the database.

Germanwings plane crash: What we know –…/france-germanwings-crash-what-we-kno…

Mar 26, 2015 – Mystery surrounds what happened on board Germanwings Flight 9525, which crashed … The plane had 144 passengers

and six   crew members.

The key data –> six crew –> 6 c –> atomic number 6 c = carbon

Germanwings crash: Reports of video from plane denied ……/france-germanwings-plane-crash-mai…

3 days ago – First up-close footage from the Germanwings crash site ….. seconds from on board the flight as it crashed into the  French Alps on

March 24

March’s Advanced Organic Chemistry – Wiley Online Library › … › Organic Chemistry
John Wiley & Sons

May 18, 2006 – March’s Advanced Organic Chemistry:

Reactions, Mechanisms, and Structure, … The Sixth Edition of a classic in organic chemistry continues its ..
Advanced organic chemistry: reactions, mechanisms, and …
American Chemical Society
by BE Norcross – ‎1993 – ‎Cited by 1 – ‎Related articles

reviews. Advanced Organic Chemistry: Reactions, Mechanisms, and Structure, Fourth Edition. Jerry March. Wiley: New York, NY, 1992. xv + 1495 pp. Figs.

Thus we see that organic molecule with a March 24 –> number –>  h 24   –> 24 hydrogen atoms are gasoline and diesel fuel molecules.

Then we ask ..what molecule is 24 or near 24.

Thus we  have diesel fuel range  … hydrogen number 23, 24 34.

Now, let’s look at the organic chemistry continuum WORD command –> Diesel  –> Nature’s systems command to the molecules in the human brain SYMBOL PROCESSOR.

The Hierarchy of molecular order ..   ensures that Nature’s  systems order are obeyed by  the puppet human species.  In other other words, Nature’s molecular system orders OVER-RIDE individual human thoughts ….  an example is Nature’s Darwinian selection of Andreas Lubitz the co-pilot.



Darwin  ..what  data CLUES exist in the database

Germanwings Co-Pilot Deliberately ‘Accelerated the Descent’…/germanwings-co-pilot-deliberately-accelerated-the-des…

Mar 26, 2015 – … 38,000 feet to 100 feet, according to Flightradar24, a website that tracks aviation data. • 5:14 p.m. ET: Police searched Germanwings Flight …



Darwin  ..what  data CLUES exist in the database

Germanwings Co-Pilot Deliberately ‘Accelerated the Descent’…/germanwings-co-pilot-deliberately-accelerated-the-des…

Mar 26, 2015 – … 38,000 feet to 100 feet, according to Flightradar24, a website that tracks aviation data. • 5:14 p.m. ET: Police searched Germanwings Flight …

The SYMBOL MACHINE organic chemistry  molecule keyword
—> diesel –> components –> die + sel  –> die/death + hydrocarbon molecule selection process is underway  by Nature’s systems   …..
the year  2015 month of  March announcement ..
about March’s advanced textbook –> and diesel molecule thoughts inside the human brain SYMBOL PROCESSOR march into military action.

Diesel –> die/death selection.  …a new natural process of molecules and their social engineering thoughts

Additional database information pointers ….

German flight’s 8-minute descent is key mystery in crash

Mar 24, 2015 – One of the key questions emerging for investigators in the crash of Germanwings Flight 9525, … #4U9525 cruising

at 38,000 feet on course 43°.
Number 38 –> pointer to  organic chemistry table –>propane molecule ..poetry sound rhyme  –> Pro Pain  …
and  Barcelona Spain –> spain –> s Pain –> system pain

Now, let’s  take the concepts we have outlined and review their messages.

Above, see the  periodic atomic table of elements of life and thought  … and their molecule  extensions …. and the molecule expression system WAR ————>

Hydrocarbon molecules  VERSUS human molecules, their bull-stories, and their CH = CHildren molecule errors

Thus Nature’s created air plane crash to generate empirical data for researchers.  The generated Germanwings  database information implies a very CLEAR message about Darwin and molecular EVOLUTION  of  molecule  social chemistry  thoughts and policy.

The struggle for existence by hydrocarbon molecules  AND Sartre existentialism.

Sartre, Jean Paul: Existentialism | Internet Encyclopedia of …
Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
by CJ Onof – ‎2010

The philosophical career of Jean Paul Sartre (1905-1980) focuses, in its first phase, upon the construction of a philosophy of existence known as existentialism.

Sartre’s ontology is explained in his philosophical masterpiece, Being and Nothingness, where
he defines two types of reality which lie beyond our conscious experience: 
……. in year 2015 ….  these 2 types of reality are partially accessible to conscious experience via  math and  chemistry, organic chemistry, physics, etc …  basic college textbooks  …..  that need about twenty or thirty years to philosophically sink down into the deeper levels of the subconscious  MIND

In year 2015, we see the molecular species and their extensions ..molecular display devices    …humanoids.

Earlier in this blog post …..

we covered the alkane molecule expression agents that live in Kane County and work at FermiLAB.

We covered the University of Chicago and the  aldehye students and professor  that hide in Hyde Park.

Somet University of Chicago physics professor  work part time  at FermiLAB;
and they take aldehyde messages from  Hyde Park to the alkane  molecule species in Batavia ….. hence, a molecular  data pipeline between species.

Finally, let’s look at some feedback systems between the 2 events data…………..

The 2 Jerry March connected events…..

–> Germanwings March 24  38,000 feet

–> Turkish plane March 4  Nepal  238 passengers code (one estimate given)

The World is Not Enough: A New Theory of

EARTHLY  Parallel Universes

and SYMBOL universes…/the-world-is-not-enough-a-n…
Universe Today

Nov 4, 2014 – This is the new theory about parallel universes explained by Australian and American …. Parallel Universes and the Many-Worlds Theory of human activities, schools of thought,  etc
..and information parallel systemsThe 2 Jerry March connected events…..

–> Germanwings March 24  38,000 feet

–> Turkish plane March 4  Nepal  238 passengers code (one estimate given)

Analysis of  Germanwings event  codes that point back to the Nepal event ..

March 24 –> number 2 and 4 –> 2 implies parallel EVENT in March. Remainder number 4 –> gives March 4 in Nepal.

Number 2 (the parallel sign of Euclidean geometry)  and number 38 (of 38,000 feet altitude)  –> pointer to  238 passengers  at a high altitude airport ..hence, Kathmandu, Nepal

Kathmandu – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The city stands at an elevation of approximately 1,400 metres (4,600 ft) in the bowl-shaped Kathmandu Valley of central Nepal.

Thus we have  a puzzle of Nature we ought understand  ….. about advanced diesel fuel and propane.



Let’s look at some more examples …   school shootings.







atom table 6

The Northern Illinois University shooting was a school shooting that took place on February 14, 2008. Steven Kazmierczak shot multiple people on the campus of Northern Illinois University in DeKalb, Illinois, killing five people and himself for a
total of six dead  –> the atomic number 6 of carbon.

The incident happened at the campus’s Cole Hall at approximately 3:05 p.m. local time

Cole Hall at

Cole Hall at

C….   H    at

Carbon Hydrogen atomic war site  for hydrocarbons in Illinois ..greater CHicago region west to DeKalb, Illinois.


Another CH shooting — > code CH –> Columbine High shooting.

Columbine High School massacre – Wikipedia, the free …

The Columbine High School massacre was a school shooting that occurred on April 20, 1999, at Columbine High School in Columbine, an unincorporated area …






diesel fuel gasoline engine-1


Virginia Tech shooting – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia




He was a senior-level undergraduate student at the university. The shooting rampage came to be known as the Virginia Tech shooting. Cho

Diesel fuel C16H34  –> number 16 –>  selection of April 16

Diesel fuel C16H34 –>  number 34 –> target approximate number for number of dead


virginia tech 8

Deaths 32 + 1  = 33 (including the perpetrator)


Diesel fuel  molecule selection of proper noun –> CHO –> Mr. CHO  –> Carbon Hydrogen Organic molecule  ….. social engineering process control expression systems  AND the feedback ERROR signal.



The orginal EVENT –>


Deaths 32 + 1  = 33 (including the perpetrator)


diesel fuel gasoline engine-1


The failure to understand the original tragic signal resulted in Nature’s creation of a 2nd CARBON atom  signaling event at Virginia TECH.


Virginia Tech Shooter Identified – ABC News › US
ABC News

Dec 9, 2011 – Police have identified Ross Truett Ashley as the alleged gunman who fatally shot a Virginia Tech police officer before killing himself about 30 …


December 8th, 2011
05:31 PM ET

derierk crouse   virginia tech orgnaic

The male suspect shot and killed Virginia Tech police officer Deriek Crouse in a parking lot Thursday afternoon before killing himself with the same handgun about a half-mile away, school officials said during a press conference Friday.

Crouse was killed after pulling over a Virginia Tech student in a traffic stop at around 12:15 p.m.


Crouse –> subset symbol C –> suggests  a Carbon atom message may be involved

Deriek –> Der –> implies an oil derrick ………  hydrocarbon molecule continuum may be involved in this signaling EVENT

Mar 26, 2015 – An oil derrick is a drilling rig used in producing oil and natural gas. A basic oil derrick has an upright stationary section and…



Thus ……Nature is drilling for information in the Carl Jung  carbon molecule collective unconsciousness GROUP MIND of the Virginia TECH collective of organic life forms ….  students, professors, and employees.




stop at around 12

stop at around 12 –> stop code

stop at around 12 –> chemistry  class stopper with carbon 12

atom table 6



Symbolism – Merriam-Webster

the art or practice of using symbols especially by investing things with a symbolic meaning or
by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible

glass stopper virginia tech

by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible


glass stopper virginia  traffic shooting

How Do You Remove a Stopper? – Chemistry – › About Education › Chemistry › Blog

May 7, 2012 – Ground glass stoppers can be temperamental, but it’s possible to get any stopper free without breaking the glass.


Above  Nature’s world SYSTEM message for  university chemistry and English departments.

derierk crouse   virginia tech orgnaic



diesel fuel gasoline engine-1



Thus the original event on April 16, 2007  LINKED to carbon with 16 C atoms in the molecule.

32 dead + Mr. CHO  the carrier  messenger dead = 33 …… next event

1   dead + Ross Truett Ashley moleuclar agent dead =  2 more.



Thus we have  a range …………..  of the sum total  of  carbon social policy   messages.


EVENT 1 <———————————————>  Event 1  +  Event 2

33  <——- diesel fuel blend  34          ——>  33 + 2  gives 35


Fuel Chemistry – Uncle Mark’s Alternative Fueling Station

Alternative fuels tend to be made up of small, fairly simple molecules; for example, … Petroleum fuels are blends of lots of different chemical species; in general, the … this monster is cetane, or n-hexadecane (C16H34), typical of diesel fuel. …




Thus in year 2015, you have some clues about Nature’s MILITARY molecule continuum expression systems  …that will help you understand the incomplete explanations printed in the newspapers.  The incomplete  explanation involve the deeper levels of REALITY that may underlie an expression event.



abstarction ladder 2 larger






Earth Languages and their  message routing abilities

Published by:

Rd-blog-number-5039 by Herb Zinser covers the the hidden world of EARTH LANGUAGES and their communications features.

Various theories about these communication systems involve are –> gravity waves interaction with humans, magnetic field interaction with iron HEMOGLOBIN protein and their thoughts, Nikola Tesla EARTH wave vibrations and the echo signature, etc.

In all cases,  some of the  messages are indirectly visible ….. to the older and wiser person with a brain that uses the SYMBOL MACHINE.

Nature’s SYMBOL MACHINE is comprised of  nouns, verbs, concepts, math equations,  flowcharts, etc.  The ideas found in math and science textbooks are part of the SYMBOL MACHINE.

Using Galileo’s suggestions  of  ” 2 CHIEF WORLD  SYSTEMS”   we now perceive Sartre existentialism as partitioned into 2 or more data spaces……. the  2  CHIEF existential entities
1) physical reality of objects: concrete highways, iron  automobiles, cellulose trees, humanoids, atoms, molecules, sin waves, etc.

2) The world of symbols, concepts, process control system flowcharts, biochemistry diagrams,  math and physics equations, etc. Maps and Territories – Rijnlandmodel

Language in Thought and Action, S.I. Hayakawa.
Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and Territories
There is a sense in which we all live in two worlds.

Let’s look at a simple  example.

I live in southeastern Wisconsin and read the  newspapers or see the news on television.

I live  west of   Milwaukee and the Milwaukee Journal newspaper  prints news about accidents, crimes, and other signaling events.  In addition ….  USA Today, Wall Street Journal, and magazines mention MAJOR attention getting events.

Event 1 occurred in Milwaukee….

2 police officers shot on south side; suspect in custody › … › Milwaukee County
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Jun 10, 2009 – Two Milwaukee police officers were shot Tuesday afternoon on the near south … Flynn identified the officers as Bryan Norberg, 21, on the force six months, who was in satisfactory condition, and Graham Kunisch, 26, with 15 …

SYMBOL MACHINE language keywords ..


–> Two police –> subset words –> Two pol –> Two poles …EARTH NORTH and SOUTH magnetic field poles

–> Norbeg –> subset word code –> Nor + berg –> extrapolated with EARTH LANGUAGE –> North Pole and ice berg 

—> Graham Kunish age 26 –> IRON atomic number 26 and the alphabet of 26 letters

…….Gra –> Grammar  26 English alphabet letters  ..and the Fe= Ferrous oxide IRON atom

BREAKING NEWS: Two Milwaukee Police Officers Shot …


Jun 12, 2009 – MILWAUKEE – A suspect shot and injured two Milwaukee Police officers … Flynn identified the officers as Bryan Norberg, 21, and Graham Kunisch, 26. … and nearby Bradley High School was locked

2 police officers shot on south side; suspect in custody › … › Milwaukee County
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Jun 10, 2009 – Two Milwaukee police officers were shot Tuesday afternoon on the near south … Flynn identified the officers as Bryan Norberg, 21, on the force six months, who was in satisfactory condition, and Graham Kunisch, 26, with 15 months on … A suspect whom Flynn identified as Julius C. Burton, 18, was arrested .

Julius C. Burton, 18, was arrested

Julius C. Burton, 18, was arrested

Julius C. Burton, 18, was arrested

nearby Bradley High 

nearby Bradley High 

nearby Bradley High  –> intials BH –> information pointer to the EARTH magnetic field WAR  in Milwuakee region

Above, we see the North Pole / South Pole magnetic field  ….  battle field  ….. using bio-physics human DISPLAY DEVICES that interact with the magnetic field flow lines. 

Thus we see an example of Nature’s communication system  using  EARTH components  ….iron core, magnetic field, etc.

The gun with bullets that was used by MR. Burton (the shooter) was sold by Badger Guns.

Milwaukee County judge’s ruling favors officers in Badger … › News › Crime
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Jan 30, 2014 – Norberg and Kunisch later sued Badger Guns, Badger Outdoors and the owners of both businesses. A judge earlier dismissed a claim by the …

From Yahoo News: Badger Guns allegedly knew it was selling a handgun, which was used …

Man Shot, Killed at Badger Guns – 620 WTMJ – Milwaukee’s … › News › Local

The shooting happened after 2:00 p.m. Tuesday afternoon at the gun and ammunition store and shooting range on the 2300 block of South 43rd Street.

Thus we see a very important EARTH LANGUAGE  address code.

 –> 43rd –> reference to Max Planck time  and  its math  exponent and the    TIME HIGHWAY  I-43 that runs thru the city of Milwaukee.

In addition,  we have the Max Planck unit 3.7  with math exponent 26 –> pointer  to 37 degrees Celsius human body temperature   of  EARTH LAB specimen …  Graham Kunisch  bio-math age 26

In addition…. Earth Language number 2339 –> number 23 –> Pointer to the the living EARTH cell and the 23 chromosome war with the Boy Scouts ERRORS  ………. that resulted in the death of Sam Hengel  and his last message code –>

Wisconsin Teen Samuel Hengel Dies After Shooting Self in … › US

ABC News

Nov 30, 2010 – A 15-year-old student, Samuel Hengel, died today after shooting himself Monday night after holding a teacher and 23 classmates hostage, police said. … The gunman, identified as Marinette High School sophomore Sam ..

Thus we see EARTH LANGUAGE is like a communications fabric that  covers the geography /land surface of EARTH.

Then, we then have a 2nd major signaling EVENT at Virginia TECH.

Virginia Tech Shooter Identified – ABC News › US
ABC News

Dec 9, 2011 – Next Video Virginia Tech Shooter Was Not A Student: Police … There is no known connection between Officer Deriek Crouse, who was ambushed on campus … Crouse, 39, of Christiansburg, Va., was shot and killed while performing a routine traffic stop …

 Police have identified Ross Truett Ashley as the alleged gunman who fatally shot a Virginia Tech police officer before killing himself about 30 minutes later.

There is no known connection between Officer Deriek Crouse, who was ambushed on campus Thursday, and Ashley, 22, of Partlow, Va., police said today.

Ashley, a part-time business student at Radford University near Virginia Tech, stole a white 2011 Mercedes SUV from a real estate office in the city of Radford Wednesday, according to Radford City Police.

The keywords and number  of the event –>

age 22  (the shooter) and age 39 (the policeman) give us number 2239.

Milwuakee had number 2339 …

Number 39 is linked to potassium and the neuroscience K-chnanel.

Now, we know that the major K-channel   war occurred with code 39 –> Year 39 –> Year 1939 over the English Language channel used by  he human brain SYMBOL PROCESSOR.

This INTERNAL neuroscience conflict was played out
in EXTERNAL format on the geography surface of EARTH at the English Channel  in Europe starting in year 1939.

World War II
World War II, also known as the Second World War, was a global war that lasted from 1939 to 1945, though related conflicts began earlier. Wikipedia

Thus we have number codes  and conflict …


2239 at Virginia  TECH code K –> used in  potassium intellectual word –> thinK K

2339 in Milwaukee 

Then we have the secret code of Jack Benny  …age 39 LINKED to  the Virgina TECH policeman age 39

Jack Benny – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Jack Benny (born Benjamin Kubelsky; February 14, 1894 – December 26, 1974) was … In character, he would be 39 years of age, regardless of his actual age.

‎Mary Livingstone – ‎The Jack Benny Program – ‎Eddie “Rochester” Anderson

Jack Benny Annual 39th Birthday Collection | Old Time Radio…

However, for every year after 1933 he was forever age 39. After celebrating Jack Benny’s 39th Birthday, he decided to stay at the age 39 the next year because …

Police Officer I Deriek W. Crouse, Virginia Tech  and Jack Benny and Waukegan Illinois and North Pole Police ……/21038-police-offic…
Officer Down Memorial Page, Inc.

Dec 8, 2011 – Officer Deriek Crouse was shot and killed while making a traffic stop in the parking lot of … Age: 39. T

Now. we see  an EARTH LANGUAGE  link between Milwaukee Wisconsin and Virginia TECH.

Since both events  involved policeman ..we  have  the North Pole magnetic field flow line LINK.

The other  communications mechanism is the Nikola Tesla  EARTH wave vibrations between Wisconsin and Virginia.

Tesla’s Earthquake Machine – The Excluded Middle

For the past few years, he had pondered the sigificance of waves and resonance … A vibration sent through the earth returns an “echo signature” using the same …

Tesla’s Earthquake Machine Method @ Things Of Interest

Jan 10, 2011 – If you vibrate an object at its resonant frequency, it will gradually shake … the quake’s waves to reach the other side of the Earth, bounce back and return … When the echo returns, trigger another quake at that instant and at the …

Thus we have the EARTH LANGUAGE  geography/land /ground  identifier code for the state of Wisconsin–> sin wave region.

Thus we see the Nature’s expression system with Nikola Tesla in Wisconsin.

Badger Gun address 2339 S. 43rd Street has a LINK to 2239 code of the Virginia TECH shooting.

We have  as Isaac Asimov ..Foundation series … psychohistory  … biochemistry EXTERNAL  concept equation related to the situation.

SYMBOL MACHINE keywords perceived as alpha/numeric  keywords are …………

–> B100D –> B + decimal number 100 + D  

–> 100K  –> decimal number 100  K –> decimal number 100 K (link to the potassium number 39 component of  signaling  events) 

Thus we have major signaling EVENT at Virginia TECH  …code age 22 and age 39 –> number 2239.

SYMBOL MACHINE keywords perceived as alpha/numeric  keywords are …………

–> B100D –> B + decimal number 100 + D  

–> 100K  –> decimal number 100  K –> decimal number 100 K (link to the potassium number 39 component of  signaling  events) 

Thus Virginia TECH number 2239   ADD  biochemistry/optical number 100 —> 2339 address of South 43rd Street in Milwaukee  sin wave region  linked  to Nature’s  MAX  project plan –> Max Planck physics, bio-physics, geo-physics  and  Earth quantum sin wave …. TIME HIGHWAY … Interstate I-43 that connects ……… geography states, quantum states, STATES of MIND, Markov probability transition states, Linear control system states, etc.

Now, we ask ….. what is interesting about the geography state of Virginia and EVENTS ….  that is may LINK to Nikola Tesla, electric motors and oscillations and vibrations.

Above, we have Earth LANGUAGE  electron continuum code –> VIR –> VIRGINIA and Ohm’s law..

Then we have more EARTH systems and electricity identifiers.

Additional data from another EVENT  ………

Alicia Reynolds: Route 29 murder case still unsolved | WJLA ……/alicia-reynoldsroute29murder-case-still-u…

May 12, 2014 – Along Route 29 in Culpeper, Virginia, lies a wooden cross weathered by time, and some artificial flowers.

Along Route 29 in Culpeper, Vir

Along Route 29 in Culpeper, Vir

..long Route 29 in Cu……….. Vir  –> implies  a copper wire ….. or Nature’s equivalent of a LONG copper wire in some type of format
of Nature’s expression system   .. that scientists need to figure out..

a LONG copper wire in some type of format 

a LONG ……………. in some type of format 

The Tesla Longitudinal Wave – Tesla Universe › Articles

George W. Damm suggests that Nikola Tesla incorporated acoustic resonant criteria in … Sound waves are longitudinal in nature and propagate in the form of …

Non Hertzian Waves – Nikola Tesla – Cosmic Visionary

Nikola Tesla constantly wrote about what he called non-Hertzian waves. … nature of electromagnetic waves, known to some as stationary or longitudinal waves, …

Tesla waves – The Tom Bearden Website

Tesla repeatedly stated his waves were non-Hertzian, and his wireless …. two pair-coupled Tesla scalar longitudinal waves, and only a single special case of the …

Longitudinal wave – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Longitudinal waves, also known as “l-waves”, are waves in which the …. surface wave”, Nikola Tesla, Lightning observations, and stationary waves, Appendix II.

Thus we see 2 major events and their LINK  and the possible mechanism behind the  slow traveling … communications LINK The message connection may take a few months or a few  years of time …  a slow signal that may even cover 10 or 20 years between events  or more

2 police officers shot on south side;   suspect in custody

2 police officers shot on south side;   suspect in cu = copper continuum › … › Milwaukee County
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Jun 10, 2009 – Two Milwaukee police officers were shot Tuesday afternoon on the near … Flynn identified the officers as Bryan Norberg, 21, on the carbon atomic number 6 and the social chemistry  force six months .

Above.. the  JUNE year 2009 event in Milwaukee sin wave region of Wisconsin

Below, the DECEMBER year 2011 event in the EARTH  electron continuum region of Virginia


The …the DECEMBER code –> DEC –> suggests ..use the DECIMAL system factor to understand the situation

SYMBOL MACHINE keywords perceived as alpha/numeric  keywords are …………

–> B100D –> B + decimal number 100 + D  

–> 100K  –> decimal number 100  K –> decimal number 100 K 

Armed suspect stole car before killing Virginia Tech officer …

Dec 9, 2011 – Virginia State Police on Friday identified Ross Truett Ashley, 22, as the man who killed Virginia Tech Police Officer Deriek Crouse and then …

Family Of Ross Truett Ashley, Virginia Tech Shooter, Offers ……/ross-ashley-condolence…
The Huffington Post

Dec 12, 2011 – Investigators say Ashley walked up to police officer Deriek Crouse on Virginia Tech’s Blacksburg campus and fatally shot him. Ashley was …

walked up to police officer Deriek Crouse on Virginia

walked up to police officer Deriek Crouse on Virginia

walked up to police officer D …….C        on V=ir     ….. thus the policeman electron circuit configuration

Thus we have the strange   SECRET knowledge world of Virginia  and Milwaukee  ….. and    they   ain’t   talking.

Thus we have the numbers ….. 

Year 1939 — > numbers 19 and 39 –> world war 2 starts over the potassium atom and metabolism.

Role of Potassium in Maintaining Health | Periodic ..

Jul 17, 2011 – Potassium is a very significant body mineral, important to both cellular and … Potassium is very important in cellular biochemical reactions and  in social chemistry expression systems …

Structural Biochemistry/Membrane Proteins/Active Transport ……Biochemistry/…/Active_Transport

Structural Biochemistry/Membrane Proteins/Active Transport. From Wikibooks … Sodium-Potassium Pumps are an example of active transport. It is known that .

Structural Biochemistry/Membrane Proteins/Active  Transport … and  the molecule  governemnt agency …… 

Department of Transportation (DOT and Waiting for GoDOT ) |…/federal/department-of-transportation.shtml

The Department of Transportation is responsible for planning and coordinating federal transportation projects. It also sets safety regulations for all major modes …

The Department of Transportation is responsible for planning and coordinating federal transportation projects.

The Department of Transportation is responsible for planning and coordinating federal transportation projects.

The Department of Transportation is responsible for planning and coordinating NATURE’s federal transportation projects  in     Structural Biochemistry/   Membrane Proteins/  Active  Transport.

Ray LaHood – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Raymond H. “Ray” LaHood (born December 6, 1945) is an American politician who served as United States Secretary of Transportation from 2009 until 2013.

Ray LaHood 

Ray La   Hood 

Ray LaB Hood  –> the SOLAR SYSTEM sunlight optical ray LAB HOOD (with EARTH LAB human specimen)  in C = 186,000 velocity and the city of light and  its serious  symbol content

Thus we see an example of EARTH LANGUAGES ….. and the possible types that may exist and how they may work. 
These languages probably existed in ancient times   ….. but can only be understood in modern times  ..because we have the knowledge database  of textbooks   … provided by physics, chemistry, computers, etc …….  consciously written, verified, and accurate science information books ….  not readily available to Julius Caesar and his engineers.
