Daily Archives: July 29, 2015

Cycloalkane social science WAR analysis of data from Boston and Waco

Published by:

RD-blog-number-6044 by Herb Zinser reviews the information database provided by  DA Carmen Ortiz in Boston ….. a member of the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family doing research on atomic social science conflicts ….  such as Nature’s ….  the Boston Marathon HUMAN RACE  race and   TsaRNAev  … in year 2013     involved in the  Charles Darwin  atomic evolution WARS…. . along the Charles River ….and its stream of consciousness ERRORS of  OMISSION.


The event that drew attention ….


Boston Marathon bombing – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The Boston Marathon bombing was a terrorist attack, followed by subsequent related shootings, that occurred when two pressure cooker bombs exploded during the Boston Marathon on April 15, 2013. The bombs exploded about 12 seconds and 210 yards (190 m) apart at 2:49 pm EDT, near the marathon’s finish line on Boylston Street.

The suspects were identified later that day as Chechen brothers Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and Tamerlan Tsarnaev.




U.S. Attorney Carmen Ortiz speaks to the news media with Boston Police Commisioner William B. Evans (L) after the sentencing of Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev outside the federal courthouse in Boston, Massachusetts May 15, 2015. 



The secret identity code of Carmen Ortiz –> subset letters –> car  + ort –>  carbon atomic mass + electron orbits …

in the state of MASS ……………  the  geography state of Massachusetts  that is supposed to represent atomic mass …. atomic mass communications and atomic social social science laws




Carmen Ortiz  …… and her atomic / molecular  human structure   …as  an organic ..social chemistry  …………    hydrocarbon expression device.


Electron Configuration for Carbon (C) – TerpConnect


Carbon is the sixth element with a total of 6 electrons. In writing the electron configuration for carbon the first two electrons will go in the 1s orbital




Images for carbon 6 electron orbits

Images for carbon 6 electron orbits

Images for car……………………..or   t  –>  1/2 of the  SYMBOL WORD universe .

The living language  WORD analysis  ………..

carbon –> 6 letters of the alphabet –> subset of 3 symbols –>  car –>  carmen  … missing 1/2 of the REALITY of the EVENT
orbital  –>  6 alphabet symbols –> subset of 3 –>  ort  –>  ort  interface with the vertical Z-axis used by standing humans  –> codes –> ort  i  z  —> ortiz


Thus we see the Linus Pauling organic  chemistry concepts …..  .as portrayed by molecular messenger Charles Schultz and code: Linus.


Thus ..the EARTH geography surface of LAND and SOIL  .. is perceived as covered with  hydrocarbon blanket  ….. the carbon life forms upon the EARTH surface
………  2-legged humans,   4-legged animals,  carbon based cellulose trees, etc.


Other have suggested this molecular  blanket  ……. with humans as subsets embedded within the larger blanket and its  EARTHLY space/time fabric.


Black Holes and Time Warps: Einstein’s Outrageous Legacy …

www.amazon.com › … › Physics › Relativity
Amazon.com, Inc.

Black Holes and Time Warps: Einstein’s Outrageous Legacy … Kip Thorne, along with fellow theorists Stephen Hawking and Roger Penrose, a cadre of … tapestry of interlocking themes, coming finally to a uniquely informed answer to the great .



The Fabric of the Cosmos (and the EARTH surface with human display devices) – Amazon.com

www.amazon.com › … › Cosmology
Amazon.com, Inc.
Rating: 4.5 – ‎383 reviews

The Fabric of the Cosmos: Space, Time, and the Texture of Reality [Brian Greene] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. From Brian Greene …



Meet the U.S. Attorney | USAO-MA | Department of Justice

United States Department of Justice

Feb 12, 2015 – Office of the United States Attorneys The United States Department ofCarmen M. Ortiz was nominated by President Barack Obama, as the …


United States Department of Justice

Office of the United States Attorneys The United States Department of JusticeCarmen M. Ortiz has dedicated much of her professional career to public service.

Carmen M. Ortiz was nominated by President Barack Obama

Car …………………………………………….President …………O -> Oxygen life form ….. who has yet to acknowledge his  atomic MAN  …. existence

Carbon…………..and  oxygen  HUMANOID  representatives

Thus we see the atomic nature of the blanket  /..the  EARTHLY  surface region fabric and atmosphere …

the carbon fabric (Carmen Ortiz)   with oxygen atmosphere (Obama).


Thus in an abstract  model …… the 2 people express  NATURE’s  systems architecture   … and existential  physics concepts.



Carmen  ..living within this carbon organic  chemistry continuum  …. is supposed to acknowledge these aspects in legal  TRIALs per  the Supreme Court announcement on carbon communications LEGAL protocol.




Steven Chu – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


In August 2004, Chu was appointed as the director of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, a U.S. Department of Energy National Laboratory, and joined …

In August 2004
In August 2004
In August 2004 –>  2 carbon atoms    and 004 hydrogen atoms and their MASS    ….. appointed  to the atomic / quantum state of MASS
—> MASS +  Chu –> giving word –> Massachusetts 
Thus the carbon eth –> ethics molecule –> ethylene scheduled   the indirect message 2 and 4 –> using year 2004 ..
the double bond ..above  –> suggests the double agent identity of CHU.

The Case for EARTHLY Parallel Universes – Scientific American

www.scientificamerican.com › … › Web Exclusives
Scientific American

Jul 19, 2011 – Do you really live in a multiverse, or is this notion beyond the pale of science? …. If the no-copy assumption is false, then there’s no fundamental ..

Is there a copy of you – Massachusetts      Institute of Technology

… Kavli Institute for Astrophysics asks Steven Chu  …

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

www.sciam.com. SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. 41. AL. FR. ED. T. K. AM. AJ. IA. N. Parallel. Universes reading this article? A person who is notyou but who lives on.

Chu was appointed as the director of the Law

 Steven       CHU was appointed as the director of the Law of all of Massachusetts

The rigged  Boston Marathon bombing ENERGY trial and the omission by the Department  of Justice  of proper identification and authorization codes  …..   to the judge,  jury and the general public.

U.S. Attorney Carmen Ortiz speaks to the news media with

Boston Police Commisioner William B. Evans (L) after the sentencing of Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev outside the federal courthouse in Boston, Massachusetts May 15, 2015.




Not to feel alone, Carmen has an affinity with the carbon  12 –> Twelve Tribes of Israel.





Let’s look at another post that provides  more information  ..and covers the Boston Marathon bombing SCIENCE WARS   and Waco, Texas.


RD-blog-number-6034 by Herb Zinser reviews the existential physics WAR in Boston ….. a possibility predicted by Isaac Asimov of Boston University  and his FOUNDATION equations with Hari Sheldon.

asimov foundation good

Foundation series – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The Foundation series is a science PROJECT  ..SYMBOL MACHINE  series by Isaac Asimov. … a branch of mathematics known as psychohistory, a concept of mathematical sociology.


epicur philosophy   e picture

Epicurus and Epicurean Philosophy

Epicureanism is a system of philosophy based upon the teachings of the ancient Greek philosopher Epicurus, founded around 307 BCE. Epicurus was an atomic materialist, following in the steps of Democritus. His materialism led him to a general attack on superstition and divine intervention.


Epicurus –> E + picur + rus + Us –> Earth pictures russia USA

Epicurus —>  events in the world (such as BOSTON)   are ultimately based on the motions and interactions of atoms moving in empty space.


Epicurus | Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy

Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
by T O’Keefe – ‎2005 – ‎Cited by 7 – ‎Related articles

Epicurus is one of the major philosophers in the Hellenistic period, the three centuries following the death of Alexander the Great in 323 B.C.E. (and of Aristotle ..


Epicureanism – Religion Facts


Epicureanism is an ancient Greek philosophical system taught by Epicurus. It emphasized the goal of a happy and content life in the here and now, rejecting …

and content life

and content life

and content life

and content life ………….  in modern terms of Computer Earth system 360/370 we have

EARTH CMS (Content Management Systems such  humans, real estate housing, schools, television content such as bull-nonsense , etc)

Nature’s systems …. Content management system – Wikipedia, the free …


content management system (CMS) is a bio-computer application that allows publishing, editing and modifying content, organizing, deleting  (humans at Virginia TECH on April 16  or deleting humans in Boston in year 2013)

List…………………..nag … data bit  bitch

Weber Grills – By Grillers For Grillers for the Spanish inquistion with Carmen Ortiz and William Evans in Boston

| Weber.com

 –> grill and fry the human brain sentences to create for Alzheimer’s   …. the eating to brain memory content of   words and sentences …

in addition,  then the federal government ordered DEATH SENTENCE  .. all  English language sentences in the brain are to die for the
Depart(ment) of Justice policy  ………

Depart    mental    (abilities)  of Justice  arrogance and snob attitude


Weber‑Stephen Products

Weber is the world’s premier manufacturer of charcoal, gas, and electric grills, and grilling accessories. Includes recipes, grilling tips, parts, and support.

Let’s look at another blog post that provides more clues to the  Boston information WAR ZONE.

The Bose-Einstein statistics WAR in Boston with
citizen / Federal violations of the F(e) equation 

RD-blog-number-6033 by Herb Zinser reviews   the Bose-Einstein statistics TRIAL of the  Boston Marathon runners that ran in year 2013  …..  they ran as  bio-math random variable objects (in human format)  to gerenate a statistical database for Nature’s social system engineers.


boston runners   2013

The above stand on 2-legs….



They are composed of atomic particles in human package format  ….  a rectagular BOX  designed by B.F. Skin Skinner and the  evolution of Skinner box technology and social manipulation shemes.

Modern Packaging Encyclopedia – Google Books


Google Books

Title, Modern Packaging Encyclopedia. Publisher, McGraw-Hill., 1966. Original from, the University of Virginia. Digitized, Jul 13, 2010. Export Citation, BiBTeX …

Using the above  packaging  information …. the evolution of

B.F. Skinner | Operant Conditioning | Simply Psychology

by BF Skinner – ‎Related articles

Although, for obvious reasons he is more commonly known as B.F. Skinner. … Edward Thorndike studied learning in animals using a puzzle box to propose the …


B.F. S –> Batavia, FermiLAB atomic bio-physics skin scientists like Pier Oddone that study atomic with electron skins that MIRROR themselves


Above, EARTH LAB specimens ….   BATCH of specimens at the Bat location –> Batavia  ..seeking clues to their atomic INNER identity …. .

b.f. skinner ………
………inner  / internal thoughts

B.F. –> Before –> before code –> . sk –> sequence of shells subscript K

picture - paul 15

by BF Skinner – ‎Related articles

Although, for obvious reasons he is more commonly known as B.F. Skinner. … Edward Thorndike studied learning in an = atomic number  entity  …an = animals with 2-legs using a puzzle box to propose the …


B.F. S –> Batavia, FermiLAB skin scientists like Pier Oddone

to year 2013

B.F. S –> Boston Federal System with humans as atomic representatives .


boston energy humans  particle

Above –> Higgs boson  SYMBOL LIFE transformation to physical biology messsengers in humanoid display FORMAT  on Nature’s  EARTH geography / land/ street/  .. display surface with people, concrete  buildings, cellulose oak trees, retail department stores, etc

Bose–Einstein statistics – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


In quantum statistics, Bose–Einstein statistics (or more colloquially B–E statistics) is one of

two possible ways in which a collection of non-interacting …

Boston Marathon bombing – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The Boston Marathon bombing was a terrorist attack, followed by subsequent related shootings,
that occurred

when two pressure cooker bombs exploded ..

Bose-Einstein Distribution Example – HyperPhysics

Georgia State University

How many ways can you distribute 9 units of energy among 6 identical, indistinguishable bosons in Boston?
The three distributions of particles at left each have the same …

The three distributions of particles

The three distributions of particles

The three distributions of –> human  particles

Boston marathon bombs were pressure cooker … – Daily Mail

Daily Mail
Apr 15, 2013 – The two bombs that inflicted horror at the Boston Marathon were made from …
Witnesses described seeing 3 humans and
their  body parts flying through the air
creating  a Bose-Einstein probability distribution They killed 3 people and injured an estimated 264 others.[2][4][9]They killed 3 people and injured an estimated 264 others.[2][4][9]They killed 3 people and injured an estimated 264 others.The Boston Marathon bombing was a terrorist attack, followed by subsequent related shootings, that occurred when two pressure cooker bombs exploded during the Boston Marathon on April 15, 2013. The bombs exploded about 12 seconds and 210 yards (190 m) apart at 2:49 pm EDT, near the marathon’s finish line on Boylston Street.

Boston   and runway 26  ky jelly

The  data generated in Boston  has information pointer 264 –> 26  –> agrees with number 26 above ….

injured an estimated 264 others

injured an estimated 264 others

injured an estimated 26   …entities  with  4 DNA nucleotides

Also, we had the Runway 26 particle distribution  DEMO  experiment at Lexington, Kentuck with Comair airlines.  The Federal Aviation Administration  system crash investigators keep track of air plane, body parts. and passenger luggage particle distributions.
runway 26 crash
boston   energy 2

Above, words ,,,,, the average population of each energy state ( atomic mass and the state of Mass … Massachusetts) must be takes.

Thus violations  by the citizen population of Massachusettes created the conditions that resulted in the  Boston tragic signaling EVENT.

The atomic relationship of 6 and 9 ….. was discovered by a scientist using his home bio-physics  LAB using  lab secimens he keeps at home.he conditions that resulted in the  Boston tragic signaling EVENT.
Sixty-nine or 69, also known by its French name soixante-neuf (69), is a group of sex positions in which two people align themselves so that each person’s mouth is near the other’s genitals, simultaneously performing oral sex.[1][2][3] The participants are thus mutually inverted like the numerals 6 and 9 in the number 69, hence the name.[3][4] This position can involve any combination of genders. Although not displayed in any of the images, a 69 can also be performed with both partners on their sides, perhaps a more relaxed position.
control systems
hannah graham brain feedback  neuron cell

The above scientific reseach experiment has evolved over the years  …and plays a major role in all systems


Civil war feedback control-5

boston  energy 2

Above, the F(e) equation that F(e) = Federal law officials omitted from
the rigged mathematical-physics  social science TRIAL  of Tsarnaev.

In addition theory and data  …..


boston  energy india asia physics

The applications  … parallel  processing result


boston mathaon race  1

Below, agent code –> Palencia –> subset identifier code –> CIA  ….. messages for Carmen Ortiz
boston energy bomb  pictures
boston   mara jade   star wars

The atomic gases DEMO in Boston used the information string to –>

Gas Laws: Boyle’s Law Calculations

Davidson College

Boyle’s Law states that the product of the pressure and volume for a gas is a constant for a fixed amount of gas at a fixed temperature. Written in mathematical …

Images for atomic gases –>  boyle’s law of gases –>  site selection  Boylston Street





Thus we see the ENERGY trial  ..Nature VERSUS    the  citizen  /federal government INTELLECTUAL arragance and supremacy  …. that has resulted in many errors of ommisision and deliberate tampering of electron volts(ev) data  –> ev –> evidence  tampering OR  lack of understanding by the Department of Justice omniscent thinkers   ….. thinking  of restaurant menus, sports,  and appeasing the nonsense  citizen brains of BOSTON  with the circus TRIAL.


carmen and evans

U.S. Attorney     Carmen    Ortiz speaks to the news media with Boston Police Commisioner William B. Evans after the sentencing of Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokar  Tsarnaev

Picture - wave 4

Thus we have the Department  of Justice  bragging CLAIMS of superiorty over all the laws of existence …

with agent equation control code –>

Carmen – ->

en –> energy District  Attorney

atomic SYMBOL LIFE is claimed by –> Evans  …..  Boston atomic police …William Evans … claim control over all atomic nucleus expression systems per MIT book.In year 2015,  MIT univeristy continues to approve  of this outrageous bragging claim.MIT claims  their  engineering software  control Nature’s  brain cell Mitochondria subset  letter codes –> Mit + Oc + cho + ndMIT ERRORS ….. resulting  the oc murders (Oklahoma City and Oak Creek, Wisconsin),  Mr. cho shooting at Virginia TECH,  Northern DeKlab shooting, etc.Thus MIT and Boston have serious awareness and perception problems  .. regarding an  understanding of   REALITY and human events  that occur  ……
versus Hollywood style REEL ..REAL …reality

evans 5

Bose – Einstein condensate manipulation and interferometry

University of Strathclyde

A brief overview of the statistical and quantum mechanics used to describe the … 2.2 Bose-Einstein statistics . ….. D.1 Hot on the trail of the BEC fluctuation .

Bose – Einstein condensate manipulation and interferometryBose – Einstein condensate manipulation and interferometryBoston – Einstein condensate manipulation and infer  interferance  ……  lack of communications 


boston  energy trial   india

Hinduism in Greater Boston – Pluralism Project

Pluralism Project

In the 1970s, new Indian immigrants, most of them professionals, began to have … Nearly twenty years later, in July of 2009, the Hindu community celebrated the …

Gurudwara Sikh Sangat Boston –Boston Sikh code –> Si +Kh –> sin wave KHZ control of 

 Dzhokhar   …


In remembrance of the Shaheedi Purab of Guru Arjan Dev ji and with the blessings of Almighty and Sadh Sangat, Gurdwara Sikh Sangat Boston is organizing a …

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Jump to Boston Marathon bombings – [edit]. Main article: Boston Marathon bombings. Tsarnaev was convicted of participating in the Boston Marathon ..

Carmen Ortiz issues DEATH SENTENCE  to siKH Temple  VIA  the  intermediate value theorem of Calcutta  calculus  bo-math agent  ..bio-math derivative dz –> Dzhokhar..
Department of Justice brags about their  sucessful  murder  set-up scheme of teh SiKH Temple in Oak  Creek, Wisconsin    ..now the continued attack on KHZ via the DEATH SENTECE
to DzhoKHar  and the consequence of that is the BRAIN death  sentence to
……………Har –> Harvard University .
Officials gather near the Sikh Temple in Oak Creek in Wisconsin August 5, 2012 following a mass shooting inside and outside the Sikh Temple. REUTERS/Allen Fredrickson
Officials gather near the Sikh Temple in Oak Creek in Wisconsin August 5, 2012 following a mass shooting inside and outside the Sikh Temple. REUTERS/Allen Fredrickson

Dzhokhar  Death Penalty – Huffington Post

The Huffington Post

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was sentenced to death Friday for his role in the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing. A jury deliberated for more than 14 hours over th.

Gunman, six others dead at Wisconsin Sikh temple – CNN.com


Aug 5, 2012 – At least seven people, including a gunman shot by a police officer, have been killed in an attack at a Sikh temple near Milwaukee.


Thus the Departemnt of Justice attack upon the knowledge base of  Bose-Einsteins statistics and related groups of people (by heritage or name identifiers)   …..



Boston energy  Satyendra Nath bose

Let’s look at the Boston equation again………..


isaac asimov 6

Isaac Asimov – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Isaac Asimov (/ˈaɪzɨk ˈæzɨmɒv/; born Isaak Yudovich Ozimov; circa … of biochemistry at Boston University, best known for his works of science fiction and for …

Psychohistory (theoryl) – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Psychohistory is a theoretical  science in Isaac Asimov’s Foundation universe which …

sociology, and mathematical statistics



to make general predictions about the future … the psychohistorical equations showing the future development of humanity. …. a group of AIs predict that human society (and therefore the global network …

Hari Seldon – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Hari Seldon is a  character in Isaac Asimov’s Foundation series. In his capacity as mathematics professor at Streeling University on Trantor, Seldon … up to his last moments on psychohistorical equations; his activated Prime Radiant … right time and place to set up a new society, one that would replace the collapsing …

In his capacity as mathematics professor at Streeling University

In his capacity as mathematics professor at Streeling University

In his capacity as mathematics professor at Streeling University

In his capacity as mathematics professor at Stree      University

In his capacity as mathematics professor at Street  –> Boylston Street


boston boyle street

boston 2   street

his activated Prime Radiant … right time and place to set up

his activated Prime Radiant … right time and place to set up

his activated   Prime    Radiant

… right time and place to set up



boston   mara jade   star wars

Psychohistory is a theoretical  science in Isaac Asimov’s Foundation universe which …

sociology, and mathematical statistics

to make general predictions about the future .


boston energy  5  math

String theory – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


In physics, string theory is a theoretical framework in which the point-like particles … limiting cases of a single theory in eleven dimensions known as M-theory. …… conditions similar to those present at around 10-11 seconds after the Big Bang.

The eleven dimensions …… .each dimecsion has expressions that may or may not be obvious.
Applications of Nature’s SYMBOL MACHINE equation  ..gives the possiblities

f (E)  –>  atomic human  F(Evans)  ….. William Evans composed of  atomic elements as outlined by the MIT 1955 book by Robley Evans.

f(E) –> a component of  identifier  word–> Female.

The high ranking  Bose-Eistein female in Boston –> Female –> Carmen Ortiz

f(E) –> Federal goverment –> equation pointer to Office of Science, the Department of Energy, and FermILAB   …… all who .. deliberatly  suppressed
ev (electron volt  expression systems )
ev = evidence related to  tsaRNAev

Algorithms    for   Boston  Physics  TRIAL | Nerd Wisdom

Aug 14, 2007 – Much of my own work is atthe Boylston Street intersection of statistical mechanics and algorithms,
in particular understanding and developing new algorithms ..

Statistical Mechanics: Algorithms and Computations from École normale supérieure. In this course you will learn a whole lot of modern physics (classical and …



Jump to Vice Presidency – This article is about the former U.S. Vice President for social engineering and brain engineering sortware algorithms  to maniplaute and control math and scicne students for the string theory special application –> puppet string theory  that claimed the life of SAM HENGEL at Marionette Theater High Scool in Marinette Wisconsin.

boston trial

Judge Gives Rules at Start of Boston Marathon Bombing Trial

“Mr. Tsarnaev is accused of crimes that are potentially punishable by a sentence of death,” Judge

George A. O’Toole Jr.  (tool/ puppet / manipulated)

of Federal District Court said in introducing the defendant to potential jurors.

Urban Dictionary: puppet

Urban Dictionary

puppet. 1. A person not capable of forming his or her own ideas. Often, the person … 2. A person being manipulated, whether he he realizes it or not.

See: tool  –> see Boston tool judical system.

Pawn – definition of pawn by The Free Dictionary


2. someone who is used or manipulated to further another person’s purposes (the community sub-consicous MIND BS purposes and news reporter arrogance  purposes) . ….
tool, instrument, toy, creature, puppet, dupe, stooge (slang), plaything, …

BES Poster Award

26 Mar 2013

Congratulations to Dr Vicky Cabrera-Sharp who won a ‘Highly commended’ poster award (from almost 400 considered) at the Annual Society for Endocrinology Conference last week. Her poster was entitled ‘BMP4 induces terminal differentiation of primary trophoblast cells and increases chorionic gonadotrophin secretion’.

…in other words–> Boston  BES = Bose-Einstein Statistcs

at the Annual Society for Endocrinology Conference  …
………………………………..Endocrin  poetry rhymes

Political Indoctrination in Public Schools | Learnist


Political indoctrination is a problem in public schools. The fact that these incidents did not inspire public concern (let alone outrage) shows how complacent our … .

RVC have “Highly Accessed” article in BMC Neuroscience
dollar financial code ..secret  message systems

04 October 2012

A recent article by the RVC has been categorised as “highly accessed” by BioMed Central. This means that it has been identified as an article that has been especially highly accessed, relative to its age, and the journal in which it was published.

Field approaches to identifying Mycobacterium bovis infection in badger populations

24 September 2012

Julian Drewe, Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the RVC, has been awarded funding from the Food and Environment Research Agency (FERA) to work on “field approaches to identifying Mycobacterium bovis infection in badger populations”. Further information about the project is available here.

…in other words ..

Einstein;s data processing DATA FIELD  ….

Field approaches to identifying Mycobacterium bovis infection in Wisconsin citizen brain SYMBOL PROCESSORs …the Badger state populations of bull-stories and  INTELLECTUAL political science dribble

24 September 2012

Julian Drewe, Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the RVC, has been awarded funding from the Food and Environment Research Agency (FERA) to work on “field approaches to identifying Mycobacterium bovis infection in badger populations”.
Further information about the project is available here.

Further information

…… heroin   …. format   of word command input to the brain processor

Thus we see the rigged trial in Boston and the omission of large amounts of important evidence  ignored in the Department of  Justice  CONSTUTITIONAL  violations of integrity and fairness …and giving the American public (like myself)  the data, the factors and underlying reality  involved in the signaling EVENT..

Now, let’s look at the graphic messages that parallel the Bose-Einstein illustration  ………..
boston  energy india asia physics
The Boston energy expression event  provides a key clue ….. 2 of the 3   ….
above peaks are important in the human visible world   ..the EARTH geography LAND surface  as an information display surface ….. below 2 event …..  2/3 of  1  message event  within the EARTH gravity field   G =  .667  units –> 2/3 of existence as we see it.
Thus Isaac Newton ….. in addition to his gravity number ..  tells us this 2/3 of obvious existence  …and given 2/3 probability in your favor in Nature’s casino  … any  Janet Reno, Nevada gambler that studies modern law like Edward Thorp.
gravity constant
boston boyle street

Edward O. Thorp – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Edward Oakley “Ed” Thorp (born 14 August 1932) is an American mathematics professor, author, hedge fund manager, and blackjack player best known as the …

Edward O. Thorp


Edward O. Thorp  (from year 1932) is the author of the best-seller Beat the Dealer ..SECRET  CODE BOOK   (Beat the New Deal) : A Winning Strategy  for the Game of Twenty-One (Random House 1962, 1966). It presented the ..

A Winning Strategy
A Winning Strategy
A Winning Strate + gy –> Earth stratosphere  gravity   …..    Nature’s advanced gravity communication field technology

New Deal – Facts & Summary with Ed Thorp  – HISTORY.com


By 1932, one of the bleakest years of the Great Depression, at least one-quarter of the … More than that, Roosevelt’s New Deal permanently changed the federal …

Video Play video – ‎Videos – ‎Pictures – ‎Speeches
boston  energy india asia physics
fort hood parallel universe
twin peaks waco astronomy 666

2015 Waco shootout – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


On May 17, 2015, in Waco, Texas, a shootout erupted at a Twin Peaks restaurant where members of several motorcycle clubs (MC), including the Bandidos, Cossacks, and allies, had gathered for a regularly scheduled meeting about political rights for motorcyclists.

the Bandidos, Cossacks
the Bandidos, Cossacks
…………….dos, Cos  –>  2   Cos > 2 waves Cosine
twin peaks waco  sin wave and cosine wave battle
cosine  wave sin phase shift
cossacks texas cosine waves
Above, the Waco bio-math cosine agent with Bose-Einstein statistics  ……….
waco motor neurons
Thus we have the  Waco DEMO information database and graphic pictures  correlated to the picture below.
boston  energy india asia physics
The velocity- distribution   ….. using the EARTH geography surface for Nature’s
Bose-Einstein display –> the expression technology  .. living language words and their physical realization  using motorcycles,  humans,  and locations  …
words, nouns, proper nouns, concepts and their applications   –>
Velocity –>
…….city –> such as Waco, Texas
Velocity  –> the motorcycles as shown in the picture .. going to Waco, Texas ….
………………..the    …….cycles  using human agents go to mathematical-physics cosine ENERGY SITE –> Twin Peaks ……..
twin peaks waco  sin wave and cosine wave battle
words –> velocity distribution of a gas –>
Velocity (motorcycles)  ……..  city of Waco …
gas (gasoline /hydrocarbon molecules)
words –> new phase of matter  ….. displayed at Twin Peaks
and Boston, Mass (atomic mass communications  phase signal in year 2013 ..  omitted from  the TRIAL)

What is (atomic physics and chemistry) Mass Communications – Communications Major


Mass communications is the transmission of information to large numbers of people … Journalism (magazines, newspapers, print, electronic, television, radio, … Visual communications (graphic design, production design, photography, video) …

cosine  wave sin phase shift
–> words….. Bose-Einstein condenstate  …DEMO at Twin Peaks restuarant ..

Condensate – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Condensate may refer to: The liquid phase produced by the condensation of steam or any other gas. The product of a chemical condensation reaction, other than water. Natural-gas condensate, in the natural gas industry.


The conflict began sometime after noon, according to Waco police who had been monitoring motorcycle club activity at the Twin Peaks restaurant……


Twin Peaks
……. the liquid phase (sports bar)
,,,,,…  as bio-molecular   bikers  converge and concentrate
at one EARTH geography site  …   that is …..
the bikers in the Texas hydrocarbon processing region
.. organic chemistry –>  social chemistry communications agents for Nature   ……. condense upon the Twin Peaks location     k sconcdese- CLOSED – 52 Photos – Sports Bars – Waco, TX …

www.yelp.com › Nightlife › Bars › Sports Bars
Rating: 2.5 – ‎18 reviews – ‎Price range: $$

18 Reviews of Twin Peaks CLOSED “was on vacation staying in Waco for a … It’s not really a restaurant as much as it’s a bar with a crap ton of TVs and hot …

condensate – Schlumberger Oilfield Glossary


A low-density, high-API gravity liquid hydrocarbon phase that generally … some condensates: During production, there is a risk of the condensate changing from …

What is gas condensate – Informatorium


When pressure and temperature decrease as a result of drilling a well, gas condensate – a mixture of liquid hydrocarbons separated from gas – is formed.

Fifty shades of condensates – Oil & Gas Financial Journal

www.ogfj.com › Home › More Midstream News › Processing

Oct 23, 2012 – Condensates are a group of hydrocarbons that don’t fit easily into mainstream product categories. They are liquid hydrocarbons somewhere

Fifty shades of condensates at NATURE’S  WACO  empirical  data generating and message generating COMMUNICATION SITE
– Oil & Gas Financial Journal

www.ogfj.com › Home › More Midstream News › Processing

Oct 23, 2012 – Condensates are a group of hydrocarbons that don’t fit easily into mainstream product categories. They are liquid hydrocarbons somewhere

Condensates are a group of hydrocarbons that don’t fit easily into mainstream product categories
Condensates are a group of hydrocarbons that don’t fit easily into mainstream product categories ..
therefore they need a group of parallel humans  ……  that don’t easily fit   into mainstream AMERICAN  society …….
waco moleucles
are a group of hydrocarbons that don’t fit easily
are a group of hydrocarbons that don’t fit easily
area  group
a   rea group
american reality  group  …..   of hydrocarbons that don’t fit easily
are a group of hydrocarbons that don’t fit easily
waco  hydrocarbon battle
waco biker moleucles ...
waco hydrocarbons

2015 Waco shootout – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


On May 17, 2015, in Waco, Texas, a shootout erupted at a Twin Peaks restaurant where members of several motorcycle clubs (MC), including the Bandidos, .

Condensates are a group of hydrocarbons that don’t fit easily into mainstream product categories ..
therefore they need a group of parallel humans  ……  that don’t easily fit   into mainstream AMERICAN  society …….
In 2014, the Texas Department of Public Safety had listed the Bandidos Motorcycle Club as a “Tier 2″ threat, the same rating as the CripsBloods, and Aryan Brotherhood, but it did not evaluate the Cossacks.
According to the police, most previous meetings of COC&I for that region had been held in Austin, Texas. COC&I has twelve regions, and Waco is in Region 1. The Bandidos are leading members of the COC&I while the Cossacks are not. The police affidavit claims that the Bandidos “wanted to have a show of force and make a statement that Waco was not a Cossacks’ town”.
waco condeste and additions

Condensation and Addition Reactions

There are a few ways that monomers combine to form the polymers of plastics. One method is a type of chemical reaction called a condensation reaction. In a condensation reaction, two molecules combine with the loss of a smaller molecule, usually water, an alcohol or an acid. To understand condensation reactions, let’s look at another hypothetical polymer reaction.

Symbolism | Definition of symbolism by Merriam-Webster


the art or practice of using symbols especially by investing things with a symbolic meaning
by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible

by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible
by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible
by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible
usually water, an alcohol
usually water, an alcohol
usually water, an alcohol
usually water (waco = wa + co = water compound = Water continuum)
, an alcohol served at the sports bar/ restaurant  …. TWIN PEAKS in the EARTH surface water molecule continuum  ..with
water human
Thus we see the Carmen Ortiz  and the Linus Pauling   hydrocarbon blanket and   expressions EVENTS   …connecting  Boston carbon attorney (Carmen)  to  Waco, Texas   …a hydrocarbon reaction site   to the Boston DEATH SENTENCE issued by the big BOSSES of BOSTON … resulting in the 9 dead at Waco.

§7: THE DATA OF ETHICS (1879) by Herbert Spencer


… in correspondence with external co-existences and sequences; and still more … said to be the continuous adjustment of internal relations to external relations.


9 dead in biker gang gunfight in EARTH  …..  Texas hydrocarbon region   – USA Today

USA Today

May 18, 2015 – Nine motorcycle gang members were killed Sunday when a gunfight broke out between three rival gangs at a restaurant in Waco, Texas, police …

Below, we see a hierarchy of the carbon existential fabric  …..  with Carmen Ortiz  ..somewhere   in there   ..  just like all of us  … a member of the organic molecule continuum.
President Jimmy Carter –> code –> Carter –> car + ter –> Carbon atom tiers /levels   …like a corporate organization structure of  carbon based humans with a president, vice-president, managers, supervisior, clerks, etc.  …………. Nature’s molecule  corp[oration or government
General Carter Ham –. initials –> CH –> Carbon Hydrogen agent at the Pentagon
Below,  representing Nature’s CYCLOalkanes   ……..  motorCYCLES and carbon based human bio-computers with BRAIN molecular  subroutine drivers … that help drive the CYCLOalkane messenger vehicles that use hydrocarbon gasoline.

Cycloalkane – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Cycloalkanes (also called naphthenes, but distinct from naphthalene) are types of hydrocarbon compounds that have one or more rings of carbon atoms in the chemical structure of their molecules. Alkanes are types of organic hydrocarbon compounds that have only single chemical bonds in their chemical structure.


Citizen Kane  and the Alkane transformation – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Citizen Kane is a 1941 American drama film produced by, co-written by, directed by and starring Orson Welles. The picture was Welles’s first feature film. The film …

Waco biker shooting: Police say they fired 12 times (carbon 12 signal) – CNN.com


Jun 12, 2015 – A fight broke out among rival biker gangs in Waco, Texas, on Sunday, May 17, leaving at least nine people dead. At least 170 people were …

Alkanes, cycloalkanes, and functional groups – Khan Academy

Khan Academy

Naming alkanes and cycloalkanes, conformations of alkanes and cycloalkanes, functional groups.

In 2014, the Texas HYDROCARBON  Department of Public Safety had listed the cycloalkane functional groups —>.  Bandidos Motorcycle Club as a “Tier 2″ threat, the same rating as theCrips, Bloods, and Aryan Brotherhood, but it did not evaluate the Cossacks.
“Tier 2″ threat  .. atomic mass communications threat
“Tier 2″ threat
“Tier 2″ threat  –> code Jimmy Carter molecule levels / tiers
The Waco  hydrocarbons –> wa + co –> water compound  continuum and hydrocarbons   –> system information LINK  to  –> Watertown Massachusetts  and carbon agent –> Carmen Ortiz.
Thus the above FLOWCHART  is transformed to physical reality  ..human events and locations   …with Waco (water codes) and Watertown Mass.
Thus the top …water  ….  SOCIAL CHEMISTRY event  in year 2013 (high pressure separater  with Federal attorney)  ….
and the …

§7: THE DATA OF ETHICS (1879) by Herbert Spencer


… in correspondence


with external co-existences and sequences; 

then the bottom  ..water  ..   (low pressure separater) in Waco, Texas
..thus the Boston DEATH SENTENCE resulted in 9 dead in  Waco, Texas   ..thanks to Federal  lawyers and officials
that ignore existence  …… and  the  atomic social science LAWS and LIMITS  of  Roe VS Wade,
the energy  legal equation as mentioned by Isaac Asimov psychohistory MATH while at Boston University, ….

Authorities shut down large  ring with ties to Baylor  ring strain …


Sep 1, 2013 – WACO, TX – After a three month investigation by McGregor and Lorena police departments, two search warrants were executed in and around ..




 The next graphic LINKS the Waco TWIN PEAKS picture to the TWO Towers in Manhattan.
bose-einsteins    statis

Figure 31: Interference pattern created by the overlap of two clouds of molecular BECs, each composed of 6Li2 diatomic molecules.

Source: © C. Kohstall & R. Grimm. More info

Figure 31 indeed shows that fermionic atoms can pair and become molecular bosons, which can then condense into a molecular BEC. This is evident from the striking similarity of the interference patterns shown in Figures 26 and 31. Two overlapping degenerate Fermi gases would not create such macroscopic interference patterns because those wavefunctions have no intrinsic phase relationships, in contrast to the BEC wavefunctions. Molecular BECs, especially if the molecules are polar and can communicate with one anther through long-range forces, are of special interest as being quantum information storage devices, as individual molecules can potentially be addressed via their many internal degrees of freedom.

bose-einsteins    statis
Above…Twin Towers  –> and the application on September   11, 2001
Below,  velocity expressions devices (airplanes for Nature’s DEMO )manhattan path pathology
The next ….. pattern –> Afghanistan Mountains ..the war region
bose-einsteins    statis

War in Afghanistan (2001–present) – Wikipedia, the free …


Jump to Change in U.S. policy toward Afghanistan – During the Clinton administration, the U.S. tended to favor Pakistan and until 1998–1999 had …

afghan mountains 2

Taliban Gains Pull U.S. Units Back Into Fight in Afghanistan …


The New York Times

Apr 29, 2015 – KABUL, Afghanistan — Months after President Obama formally declared that the United States‘ long war against the Taliban was over in …

standard model 18

map pakistan afghan


Thus we see some pieces to Nature’s puzzle and the Boston Marathon TRIAL  ……..

evidence omitted to make the TRIAL a biased, rigged  SCRIPT of words, languages, surface veneer data from Boylston Street, manipulation of the JUDGE and JURY …. neither of them care to  confront the Department of Justice perception problems.



hayakawa 1


