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The Tau particle atomic social science communications battle in Waco, Texas

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Rd-blog-number-6216 by Herb Zinser reviews the STANDARD MODEL military symbols that have infiltrated the James Joyce stream of consciousness of society  …… and consequently, can use Darwinian selection of humans by their  WORD and NOUN profiles   ….. and then program those human bio-computers for  STANDARD MODEL  military task assignments.





The SYMBOL MACHINE battlefield is well-known.

The tau neutrino symbol –> VT –> Virginia TECH university shooting at Norris Hall on April 16, 2007.

The Tau code –> T + au –> Texas austin  …… the Hierarchy Problem physics expression event ………..


2010 Austin suicide attack – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jump to Joseph StackJoseph Stack playing bass guitar in The Billy Eli Band (2006). … (aircraft registration N2889D) he flew into the Echelon building.

Austin Plane Crash: Joseph Andrew Stack Left Sick Suicide ……/austin-plane-crash-joseph-andrew-stack-…
CBS News

Feb 18, 2010 – The FBI believes Stack burned down his own house Thursday and crash landed a plane into the Echelon building in Austin where the IRS …

5 years since Echelon building plane crash |…/five-years-since-echelonbuilding-plane-crash/

Feb 18, 2015 – AUSTIN (KXAN) — Wednesday marks the fifth anniversary since a sad event … 18, 2010, Joseph Stack flew his plane into the Echelon office complex. … Before the crash, Stack posted a suicide note on his website talking about his … Meanwhile, the Echelon Building has been rebuilt and is now reopened, …

The dictionary words stack, echelon  ….. imply levels of authority or structure, a hierarchy

noun: echelon; plural noun: echelons
  1. 1.
    a level or rank in an organization, a profession, or society.
    “the upper echelons of the business world”
    synonyms: level, rank, grade, step, rung, tier, position, order

    “he reached the upper echelons of government”
    • a part of a military force differentiated by position in battle or by function.
      “the rear echelon”
  2. 2.
    a formation of troops, ships, aircraft, or vehicles in parallel rows with the end of each row projecting further than the one in front.


austin joe stack airplane


The Hierarchy Problem | Of Particular Significance…/the-hierarchyproblem/

Aug 14, 2011 – The Hierarchy Problem. An important feature of nature that puzzles scientists like myself is known as the hierarchy, meaning the vast discrepancy between aspects …..



Tau (particle) – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The tau (τ), also called the tau lepton, tau particle or tauon, is an elementary particle similar to the electron, with negative electric charge and a spin of 12. Together with the electron, the muon, and the three neutrinos, it is classified as a lepton.

Mass‎: ‎1776.82±0.16 MeV/c2
Discovered‎: ‎Martin Lewis Perl et al. (1975)
Electric charge‎: ‎−1 e

Tau lepton – Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Simple English Wikipedia

Tau (τ) leptons (aka tauons, tau particle) are one of the very small elementary particles. This means that they are believed to be so small that they can not be …

Tau lepton – Simple English

Tau lepton – Simple English

… super-symmetry MIRRORS using the EARTH geography display surface ……..

joe stack tau physics standard model leptons

Thus, the Darwin selection of  the atomic, bio-physics humanoid JOE Stack to be programmed as a message delivery carrier for the periodic atomic  table of elements and sub-atomic particles.


atomic projection planck plank road hannah graham


movie projector 3

Thus ..the projection of atomic Tau  symbol database  unto
–> T + au –> Earth information display surface using the database transformation to physical reality signs …. T au –> Texas austin.

hema - 441 austin 2

The Joe Stack airplane LEPT into the space/time atmosphere of the EARTH tons/weight ….


Thus we have  modern Texas style western movies … played by atomic expression device ….Joe Stack …….
that is  Joe = Job order entry  ….. stacked deck   ..
the hierarchy problem in rigged, biased commuications by the Office of Science and the Department of Energy

andrew-joseph-stack-9 stack

Texas Western cowboy messages for the
West Wing of the White House,
West Road University of Cambridge, ….. all of Nature’s ATOMIC SOCIAL SCIENCE  system  messages are ignored


Fermion – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Fermions include all quarks and leptons, as well as any composite particle made … and tau neutrino), along with the corresponding antiparticle of each of these.

Elementary particle – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jump to Fundamental fermionsThe remaining six are leptons, three of which are … charge of −1: the electron and its two cousins, the muon and the tau.



Thus Joe Stack … EARTH  display target was the fermions  BUILDING … the fer –> ferrous oxide IRON atom building with Thru the Look Glass windows ……. known as the Echelon Building.


Fermions …..

Symbolism | Definition of symbolism by Merriam-Webster

the art or practice of using symbols especially by investing things with a symbolic meaning or by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible


by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible

by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible

by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible


picture - table 2




hema - 441 austin


austin texas joe stack


Notice, the IRON-56  atom  and its attack schedule of 9: 56 local  …..
a reminder of year 1956 and the Iron Curtain and the Hungary uprising in Europe.



Iron-56 – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Iron56 (56Fe) is the most common isotope of iron. About 91.754% of all iron is iron56. Of all nuclides, iron56 has the lowest mass per nucleon. With 8.8 MeV .

hema - austin 5


The other DEMO by Nature of a lepton attack against a fermion building the September 11, 2001 attack in Manhattan  against the ferrous oxide IRON atom skyscrapers  .. named the Twin Towers .. another Western drama played out by West Street in Manhattan..


September 11 attacks – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jump to AttacksAttacks. Further information: Timeline for the day of the September 11 attacks. Flight paths of the four planes used on September 11. Early on the .


Two of the planes, American Airlines Flight 11 and United Airlines Flight 175, were crashed into the North and South towers, respectively, of the World Trade Center complex in New York City.

Within an hour and 42 minutes, both 110-story towers collapsed with debris and the resulting fires causing partial or complete collapse of all other buildings in the World Trade Center complex, including the 47-story 7 World Trade Center tower, as well as significant damage to ten other large surrounding structures

manhattan path pathology


Lepton – Match One – U10s – Kexborough Chiefs U10’s 2014 ……/0-1615674

Carter and Luke break up a Lepton attack with good defending. Our midfielders are reminded how quick Lepton are to get forward to attack our goal and …

Our midfielders

Our mid  fielders

…ur –> uranium  mind fielders

uranium 7

are reminded how quick Lepton are to get forward to attack

are reminded how quick Lepton are to get forward to attack

are reminded how quick Lepton are to get forward to attack



Shelley U17 4 V 2 Lepton U17 – Shelley FC U18 – Shelley …

Lepton made a few changes and started to win a bit more ball, and the game opened … Baker, Hewitt and Stevenson where just too strong for the Lepton attack.


Shelley U17 4 V 2 Lepton U17

Shelley U17 4 V 2 Lepton U17

Shell  ey U …………   Lepton U17

lectron shell
eye/optical nerve symbol processor
U = uranium nouns and numbers used for social analysis


The next Tau particle battle … in Waco, Texas   …not to far from Tau region –> Texas austin.

texas waco good size

.Below, the 2 directions of Interstate Highway I-35  –> number 235 ..provides road map into the world of  Margaret  Mead  atomic nuclear family and uranium social sciences.

texas map i-35



tau | subatomic particle |…/tau-subatomic-particle
Encyclopaedia Britannica

Elementary subatomic particle similar to the electron but 3477 times heavier. Like the electron and the muon, the tau is an electrically charged member of the …


tau particle | CERN writing guidelines

tau particle. An unstable subatomic particle of the lepton class, with a charge of −1 and a mass roughly 3500 times that of the electron. Tags: physics …

………tau particle | CERN writing guidelines

………tau particle | CERN writing guidelines

restaurant a  particle expression site

…..tau particle experiments  in Waco, Texas

twin peaks waco astronomy 666

2015 Waco shootout – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

On May 17, 2015, in Waco, Texas, a shootout erupted at a Twin Peaks restaurant where members of several motorcycle clubs (MC), including the Bandidos, Cossacks, and allies, had gathered for a regularly scheduled meeting about political rights for motorcyclists.


restaurant where members of several motorcycle clubs

restaurant where members of several motorcycle clubs

….tau ….. atomic humanoid  members
of several motorcycle clubs


of several motorcycle clubs

of several motorcycle clubs

of several (energy) motor  cycle clubs


twin peaks waco sin wave and cosine wave battle



cosine waves sin


cossacks texas cosine waves


Above, Nature’s bio-math undercover agents for mathematical-physics COSINE waves used in Tau particle theory and applications.



tesla earth levels waves




waco motor neurons

waco motorcycle wave

The Waco motorcycle  DEMO





Atomic mass – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The atomic mass (ma) is the mass of an atomic particle, sub-atomic particle, or molecule. It is commonly expressed in unified atomic mass units (u) where by international agreement, 1 unified atomic mass unit is defined as 1/12 of the mass of a single carbon-12 atom (at rest).

Atomic mass  ……. mass Roundup of Bikers in Waco Shootout Tests Limits of ……/waco-texas-biker-shooting.html

The New York Times

May 19, 2015 – The deadly shootout here on Sunday between rival motorcycle gangs has led to what appears to be the largest roundup and atomic mass arrest of  atomic, bio-physics humanoids LINKED to the bio-math cosine family ..

waco atomic particles cosine waves




Elementary particle – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In particle physics, an elementary particle or fundamental particle is a particle … of particles, as a single particle could seemingly span a field as would a wave, …. an electric charge of −1:
the electron and its two cousins, the muon and the tau.


Thus we have the Nature’s generated EVENT with the Waco empirical data …..

as a single particle could seemingly span a field as would a wave

as a single particle could seemingly span a field as would a wave

twin peaks waco sin wave and cosine wave battle


the electron and its two cousins

the electron and its two cousins

…………………………..two cousins

The atomic English language translation …..

two –> spanish number dos  ….
………….span /bridge      dos  ………the human

bandidos waco dos computer

Bandidos –> band i dos –> information bandwidth interface DOS


the electron and its two cousins

the electron and its two cousins

…………………………..two cousins …subset letters
…………………………..two   cosin –>
…………………………..two   cosine

waco wave code

twin peaks waco sin wave and cosine wave battle


cosine wave sin phase shift




Lepton – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

… be produced in high energy collisions (such as those involving cosmic rays and those … The tau neutrino remained elusive until July 2000, when the DONUT …


high energy collisions (such as those involving cosmic rays

high energy collisions (such as those involving cosmic rays

high energy collisions (such as those involving cosmic rays OR  SUN messages on Sunday in waco –> wa + co –> wave code delivery SITE on the EARTH geography surface)

em waves solar poles steven deKalb farm wars


Waco biker gangs shootout – CBS News
CBS News

… were killed and 18 wounded after a lunchtime biker gang shootout May 17, … investigate a Twin Peaks restaurant Sunday, May 17, 2015, in Waco, Texas.



em solar system waves



CMS Strategies for tau reconstruction and identification …

The potentially superior performance of a particle-flow approach can help to … (14) Study of tau reconstruction algorithms using pp  collisions data collected at …


pp (parallel processing police in Waco)





Shootout  using EARTH LAB human particles


waco texas resatuarant



The conflict began sometime after noon, according to Waco police who had been monitoring motorcycle club activity at the Twin Peaks restaurant. Initial reports say the original conflict began, allegedly over a parking spot where “someone had their foot run over”,[11] and the fight escalated from there. At 12:24 p.m., gunfire erupted.[12] Waco Police Sergeant W. Patrick Swanton declined to reveal details regarding how many of the dead and injured were shot by police,[13] though he added it was possible that some of the victims had been shot by officers, saying that “They started shooting at our officers and our officers returned fire.”[14] In total, nine bikers died and eighteen others were injured. All of the fatalities, as well as the majority of those injured during the melee, suffered gunshot wounds.[15][16] The shootout was the deadliest and most high-profile event in the Waco area since the Waco siege of the Branch Davidian compound in 1993.[17]

In a June 5 bail reduction hearing, prosecutor Michael Jarrett said videotape of the shootout shows “Bandidos executing Cossacks, and Cossacks executing Bandidos”. Arguing in favor of the high bonds, Jarrett said, “The facts and circumstances of this case are so extraordinary and so different from anything we have ever dealt with, we believe adequate bonds need to be in place to ensure the safety of this community.”[18]

Although all of the deaths were due to gunfire, other weapons seized after the conflict included chains, brass knuckles, knives, clubs, and batons. The knives included pocket knives, Swiss Army knives, and combat knives.[11][19] A police source told CNN preliminary information indicated four of the bikers had been killed by police gunfire,[20] but Swanton said “[t]he autopsies have not been completed and that information may very likely be incorrect”.[21] According to six witnesses interviewed by the Associated Press, three of whom were military veterans, the shootout began with a small number of pistol shots, and was then dominated by semiautomatic weapons fire. Only one semiautomatic rifle was confiscated from a biker, which was in a locked car. The police had semiautomatic weapons. Swanton said the bikers fired more shots than the police did, and that it will take months to obtain ballistics reports


Thus we see the more TRUE NATURE of Waco structure and the
atomic, bio-physics human community cover-up ….  of its SECRET identity.


waco particle battlefield


Let’s look at another blog post that covers more atomic social science EXPRESSION signals.

Samuel Beckett explains the Bose-Einstein condensate battle at Sandy Hook


Rd-blog-number-6185 by Herb Zinser reviews the atomic mass output message system …. known as mass communications: television, radio, newspapers, magazines, graphic arts, etc.  for math and science students. …. mass communication is really atomic mass communications.

atom table 6

Thus, we see the omission of explanations in newspapers.

For example, we had

President N (Nixon) and the nitrogen 14th Dali Lama of Tibet  ….. the Buddhist and their university still deny the existence of nitrogen  and the nitrogen cycle of BOTANY.

President C (Carter) and the problem in Iran (I  ran  in the Boston Marathon year 2013 bull-story race …. explains carbon life form Carmen Ortiz AND Iran (Independent random variables)

President O (Obama) and his existence as –> O + ba + ma –>  Oxygen base 16 map  living at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue with code 1600 ( 16 oxygen orbitals in one molecule used by the LUNGS of Obama).
The Democratic party … bragging BRAINS live in a Hollywood fantasy land and deny the practical  existence parameters of Obama.

Let’s look at another person ….and his atomic, bio-physics SYMBOL LIFE.


sam hengel bose


Thus we have atomic social science author/playwright …. Samuel BEC.

Samuel Beckett – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Samuel Barclay Beckett (/ˈbɛkɪt/; 13 April 1906 – 22 December 1989) was an Irish avant-garde novelist, playwright, theatre director, and poet, who lived in  Paris for most of his adult life and wrote in both English and FrenchWaiting for Godot – ‎Saoi – ‎Molloy – ‎Theatre of the Absurd

Nature’s SYMBOL MACHINE language analysis ……..

—> and poet, who lived in  Paris …. symbol string translated

an  d p  –> atomic number data processing

poet –> prose order entry

Paris –> Par + is —> Parallel information systems


godot waiting


The Samuel BECKETT  ….  and his BEC (Bose-Einstein condensate writings )   .. atomic SYMBOL MACHINE  language  play   … words and concepts transformed into physical reality in the KuWait  war.

Nature’s SYMBOL MACHINE is comprised of  nouns, verbs, concepts, math equations,  flowcharts, etc.  The ideas found in math and science textbooks are part of the SYMBOL MACHINE.

Using Galileo’s suggestions  of  ” 2 CHIEF WORLD  SYSTEMS”   we now perceive Sartre existentialism as partitioned into 2 or more data spaces……. the  2  CHIEF existential entities

1) physical reality of objects: concrete highways, iron  automobiles, cellulose trees, humanoids,  atoms, molecules, gravity fields, EARTH iron core,  etc.
2) The world of symbols, concepts, process control system flowcharts, biochemistry diagrams,  math and physics equations, etc.

Maps and Territories – Rijnlandmodel

Language in Thought and Action, S.I. Hayakawa.
Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and Territories
There is a sense in which we all live in two worlds.


Thus we have the source domain of SYMBOL LIFE and thought that may get a mathematical-physics mapping to the destination range of physical biology with human proper nouns, human activities, etc on the geography surface of EARTH.

mapping domain range

Thus ..  the Samuel Beckett source domain about Bose-Einstein condensate and the mapping to physical reality in the KuWait war in year 1990.

Thus the mappings …..

Waiting for Godot –> algebra subset word –> wait –> real life EARTH geography  surface application regiono –> KuWait

Invasion of Kuwait – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Jump to International condemnation and Gulf WarAfter Iraqi forces invaded and annexed Kuwait and … On 3 August 1990, the UN Security Council …



Iraq invades Kuwait – Aug 02, 1990 –


On this day in History, Iraq invades Kuwait on Aug 02, 1990. … During the next six weeks, the allied force engaged in an intensive air war against Iraq’s military …

Images for kuwait war 1990

samuel beckett plays


Images for kuwait war 1990


bose einstein beckett kuwait war


The Darwinian SYMBOL MACHINE  intelligence and its selection of …..

High Temperature  region –>  the  EARTH climate region in the Middle East …. KuWait

The Bose-Einstein Temperature  CHOICE   …….

In summer, average daily high temperatures range from 42 to 48 °C (107.6 to 118.4 °F); the highest ever temperature recorded in Kuwait was 53.8 °C (128.8 °F) at Sulaibya on July 31, 2012 which is the highest recorded temperature in Asia and also the third highest in the world.


kuwait war 8888


Average Weather For Camp Buehring, Kuwait

kuwait temeroature war bec bose

Bose–Einstein condensate. A Bose–Einstein condensate (BEC) is a state of matter of a dilute gas of bosons cooled to temperatures very close to absolute zero
(that is, very near 5000000000000000000♠0 K )  

with K = Kelvin –>  Kelvin  WAR temperature messages played out in the EARTH surface display region   in K = KuWait


Symbolism | Definition of symbolism by Merriam-Webster

the art or practice of using symbols especially by investing things with a symbolic meaning or
by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible


by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible

by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible

by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible


Bose-Einstein condensation of quasiparticles – Wikipedia ……/BoseEinstein_condensation_of_qu…

BoseEinstein condensation can occur in quasiparticles, particles that are effective descriptions of … with the ground state occupancy fraction as a function of temperature: … -point (2.17K); a condensate was proposed by Böer et al. in 1961.


-point (2.17K) ..with K = KuWait

-point (2.17K)

-point (2.17K) –> West Point military analysis ……

2 –> August 2, 1990 invasion by  Paul Dirac q-variable MESSAGE agents
…………………………………………………………ira…q  –> iraq represents

Tallahassee physics ….. Paul Dirac at Florida States University
..allah  ………………….  the atomic name for god elements
the LINK to molecule  social chemistry with humanoid translators



Mohammed and His Religion : Christian Courier

Mo = Modus Operandi
Mo = Molecule social expression systems with agent Mo = Mohammed…/1267-mohammed-and-his-religion

by Jesse Lyman Hurlbut.
The founder of Islam was Mohammed, born at Mecca, in Arabia, A.D. 570  with IRON-57 isotope  in his hemoglobin.
He began his career as prophet  ( pro + ph + et –> proton physics ethics)
and reformer in 610, when forty years old.




Images for kuwait war 1990

bose einstein beckett kuwait war


Below , the billard balls  activity  of humans players   …… in their DEMO of the
Bose-Einstein condensate WARs  in a high-temperature phase of the EARTH L:AB message generating experiment

iraq kuwait desert storm

Below, Nature’s  perception of billard balls and Bose-Einstein statistics  ……
demo objects.

picture - norman 5


Images for  KuWait intellectuals
Wait(ing) for Godot

picture - norman 11




Operation Desert Shield (Iraq) – Wikipedia

Images for desert shield war

godot sand kuWait

godor wars kuwait


… by the Iraqi insurgency. For the 1990-91 troop deployment, see Gulf War#OperationDesert Shield. …

Battles and operations of the Iraq War in Anbar Province.

in other words …..

BEC battles  and  Bose-Einstein condensate operations of the Iraq War in An = Atomic number  …. bar Province (legal system ..the atomic BAR association).




Condensation – Chemistry Definition – › … › Chemistry Glossary and Dictionary

Condensation definition, as used in chemistry,  social  engineering, and bio-physics.

sandstorm war iraq kuwait


Changing State—Condensation – Middle School Chemistry

Students investigate the condensation of water vapor on the inside of a plastic cup. Then they design an experiment to see if cooling water vapor even more ..


How sand is transformed into silicon chips | TechRadar…/how-sand-is-transformed-into-silicon-c…

May 24, 2009 – Sand is composed of silica (also known as silicon dioxide), and is the … The end result is referred to as electronic-grade silicon, and has a …

sandstorm kuwait iraq





Changing State—Condensation – Middle School Chemistry

Students investigate the condensation of water vapor on the inside of a plastic cup. Then they design an experiment to see if cooling water vapor even more ..






How sand is transformed into silicon chips |  TechRadar…/how-sand-is-transformed-into-silicon-c…

May 24, 2009 – Sand is composed of silica (also known as silicon dioxide), and is the … The end result is referred to as electronic-grade silicon, and has a …


Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting – Wikipedia, the ……/Sandy_Hook_Elementary_School_…

The Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting occurred on December 14, 2012, in Newtown, Connecticut, when 20-year-old Adam Lanza fatally shot 20 children …


How sand is transformed into silly con-games  by the community of nonsense  and newspaper BULL-STORY explantions  ……..
the 1990-1991 EARTH sand geography region war revenge       ….   at  Sandy Hook elementary  physics school   |  TechRadar…/how-sand-is-transformed-into-silicon-c…

May 24, 2009 – Sand is composed of silica (also known as silicon dioxide), and is the … The end result is referred to as electronic-grade silicon, and has a …



sandy hook brain electronics

Projects to Build –
Brain electron  circuit experiments at Sandy Hook encounter PROBLEMS ….
Silicon Chip Electronics Magazine for human brain  SOFTWARE LOGIC…/section.html

This new BRAIN  circuit improves upon our very popular high energy electronic ignition system.
It uses an IGBT ignition driver rather than the expensive high-voltage …


Perfectly imperfect silicon chips: ….  the  SANDY HOOK   electronic brain SECRETs that … › Technology › Computing
The Guardian

Sep 22, 2014 – Silicon chips are the electronic brains that run the world.
They fly our planes,
drive our trains,
take care of the washing while we are out, keep us ..

…in other words ………

They  fly our planes,

They  fly our zipper plan in parallel processing /
super-symmetry existential physics MIRRORS   ….

2014 Annual Drosophila Research Conference
with IBM …..Dr.os  –> OS/JCL SNA VTAM with  the system 370 main frame parallel to 37.0 Celsius human main frame bio-computer processor

Genetics Society of America

New genetic and microscopic tools and fools  …….. have made flies and zippers a powerful system for the analysis of the divergent biology and social biology ….  of mitochondria and MIT University brain cell expressions

R. David Stern.
David L. Stern is a member  of the Carl Jung collective unconsciousness Howard Stern GROUP MIND …

drive our trains ( teacher trains student  …..  education) ,

take care of the washington,DC …  while we are out … in brain outer space ,

bose-einstein matter dubose

The citizens of the  state of Connecticut …..  fails to connect anything  ….. except the bedroom bio-computer connection between Mr. data pipeline with Mrs. input data port.


Below, atomic mass represented  by Massachusetts …. who have have their  failked in theri required communication CONNECTIONs because of connect  problems of arrogant Connecticut.




§7: THE DATA OF ETHICS (1879) by Herbert Spencer

… in correspondence with external coexistences and sequences; and still more … said to be the continuous adjustment of internal relations to external relations.


in correspondence with external coexistences and sequences;

in correspondence with external coexistences and sequences;

in correspondence with external coexistences and sequences;


godot sand kuWait


godor wars kuwait

Nature’s systems … sand programming instructions for the brain of Adam Lanza.





fort hood parallel universe




§7: THE DATA OF ETHICS (1879) by Herbert Spencer

… in correspondence with external coexistences and sequences; and still more … said to be the continuous adjustment of internal relations to external relations.

in correspondence with external coexistences and sequences;

in correspondence with external coexistences and sequences;

in correspondence with external coexistences and sequences;


Waiting for Godot 66

Wait state – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


A wait state is a delay experienced by a computer processor when accessing … a variety of techniques: CPU caches, instruction pipelines, instruction prefetch, …

What is wait state? – Definition from › Topics › Computer Science › Microprocessors

A wait state is a situation in which a computer program or processor is … ( RAM ) that sends it instructions, it is set to go into a wait state for one or more clock …

picture - norman 3 Tutorials: Investigating Interrupts

A tutorial describing the operation of the 6502’s interrupt capabilities. … Scenario A: Suppose you have data bytes coming to the computer via a serial port, …. do have a WAIt instruction to stop the processor and make it wait for an interrupt.

Interrupt – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


For example, computers often use software interrupt instructions to … to reduce wasting the processor’s valuable time in polling loops,
waiting for external events.


waiting for external events.

waiting for external events.

waiting for external events.

waiting for external events.


What is wait state? – Definition from › Topics › Computer Science › Microprocessors

A wait state is a situation in which a computer program or processor is … ( RAM ) that sends it instructions, it is set to go into a wait state for one or more clock ..

American waiter

American wait error state of California

Ronald Goldman | biography – American waiter and tennis …

Encyclopaedia Britannica

On June 12, 1994, his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ronald Goldmanwere stabbed to death outside her home in Los Angeles. Simpson was …


Ronald Goldman – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Ronald Lyle “RonGoldman (July 2, 1968 – June 12, 1994) was an American waiter who was killed along with Nicole Brown Simpson in 1994 at her Brentwood, …

waiting godot 99999999999
ron goldman electron waiter
Above …bio-physics identifier ..
electron of atomic element gold  .. Au symbol
…….ron …………………………….gold …… humanoid agent …. Ron Goldman of the periodic atomic  expression table.

§7: THE DATA OF ETHICS (1879) by Herbert Spencer

… in correspondence with external coexistences and sequences; and still more … said to be the continuous adjustment of internal relations to external relations.

in correspondence with external coexistences and sequences;

in correspondence with external coexistences and sequences;

wating for godot manahttan

Hat   + hat –> 2 hats on 2 human towers  (see above ) …. code –>  man + hat
–> Bose-Einstein condensate message delivered to Manhattan  on  September 11,2001.




tower manhattan

Notice, the water tower (left bottom) of the picture …… and the heat of the fire

….. the components needed for condensation purify the  humans of mankind ..Manhattan


Nature’s process engineering CLUES from the September 11 EVENT


water condensed bose


water human

water bose einsteins condense

Above, we see the message … of the  periodic   atomic table  and its sodium chloride  SALT  molecule  treaty with the 2-legged human and their family dinner table SALT and PEPPER shakers.

Let’s return to the year 1994 waiter message of Ron Goldman.
ron goldman electron waiter
Above …bio-physics identifier ..
electron of atomic element gold  .. Au symbol
…….ron …………………………….gold …… humanoid agent …. Ron Goldman of the periodic atomic  expression table.
We have year 1994 feedback information pointers to KuWait.
waiter –> subset  code –> wait –> pointer to Kuwait
Goldman –> symbol Au  –> pointer to the August 2, 1990   invasion of KuWait
waiter implies restaurant  implies food desert.

92 Top-Rated Dessert Recipes – Southern Living

Southern Living

This luscious collection of dessert recipes was chosen by you! They’re so delicious you’ll definitely be tempted to eat your desserts first.

Nicole BROWN  Simpson   ……… suggests

Irish Cream-Topped Brownie Dessert recipe from

www.pillsbury.com1000 × 563Search by image

Irish Cream-Topped Brownie

SYMBOL code … Dessert  transformed to physical reality to the sand desert. 

bec kuwait desser storm
super symmetry

Supersymmetry  approximation  MIRRORS— What Is It? | Of Particular Significance…/supersymmetry/supersymmetry-what-is-it/

It was proven mathematically in the 1960s that supersymmetry is the only symmetry that can be added to the symmetries of Einstein’s theory without making the …

kuwait dessert parallel

Images for   PENTAGON  dessert recipes

iraq kuwait 2

NRA Show – National Restaurant Association
National Restaurant Association

Each week, we’re tackling hot topics from NRA Show 2015 and growing trends in the foodservice industry all year long. Read up on the latest and greatest here.

Hotels & Travel

People come from around the globe to be at NRA Show ……………
in other words …………

Hotel Pentagon  & Travel to Iraq/KuWait 

People come from around the globe to

be at NRA (National Rifle Association)  Show in the Middle East

kuwait restaurant wars bose-einstein
Thus Ron Goldburg in year 1994  .. …. is a feedback  signaling EVENT   to   WAR  years 1990 / 1991  in  the waiter region of Kuwait errors.

The 2 events ….. Ron Goldman of year 1994  and  the Kuwait restaurant war in year 1991  … the combines databases POINT back to the year 1970 bombing at Sterling Hall at the University of Wisconsin.


sterling hall 5


Sterling Hall bombing – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Sterling Hall Bombing that occurred on the University of Wisconsin–Madison campus on August 24, 1970 was committed by four young people as a protest …

Sterling –> information pointer to Sterling Silver …used a fancy dinner parties and special   occassions.
sterling silver
From year 1994 ..we have the Ron Goldman  …… information pointers and concepts
waiter –> food industry, restaurants, dinnerware, knives and forks, silverware,  and  deserts  cake and pie with  ice cream.
Goldman –> Gold symbols –> Au
atomic table silver gold
Goldman –> Gold symbols
–> Au –> pointer to August 2, 1992  ….  the Kuwait invason
………….—> pointer to August 24, 1970            AND the atomic SYMBOL table  ………
neighbor symbol is Ag ……
thus  Nature’s Darwin military selection  of the ag = agriculture state of  Wisconsin (representing food production and dairy products like milk and cheese)   AND

..along the same line of thought …food and eating …Ag = Silverware ….. knives,forks, spoons  used on Holiday meals like Easter or Christmas.

Silverware –> implies Sterling Silver . ..hence, Nature’s selection of Sterling Hall   to represent the dinner table.
  • University of Wisconsin–Madison College of Agricultural and Life Sciences
  • The University of Wisconsin–Madison College of Agricultural and Life Sciences is one of the colleges of the University of Wisconsin–Madison. Founded in 1889, the college has 21 academic departments

Department of Food Science | University of Wisconsin …
University of Wisconsin‑Madison

The Department of Food Science at the University of WisconsinMadison has been a part of the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences for more than 100 …

Faculty – ‎Graduate – ‎Undergraduate – ‎Contact Us

Food Safety and Health – University of Wisconsin-Madison

Food Safety and Health – UWMadison. … Information is available to help small businesses in Wisconsin that process salsa, pickles and other acidified foods for 

sterling hall silver faltware designs

Flatware Sets & Sterling Silver Flatware at the Sterling Hall DEMO site | Neiman Marcus

Neiman Marcus

Free shipping, even faster for InCircle on Flatware in Dining & Entertaining at Neiman Marcus. Shop the latest selection of top designer fashion at Neiman

sterling hall 999

Buy Silverware & Flatware – Macy’s…

Browse and shop from a wide variety of Flatware, Silverware and more at … If you love hosting formal dinner parties, keep sterling silver utensils on hand to …

The Sterling Hall database of 1970  ………….  food, dinner tables, Sterling Silverware  ….. is a feedback pointer to the assassination of Robert Kennedy .

Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy – Wikipedia, the free ……/Assassination_of_Robert_F._Kenne

As with his brother John’s death, Kennedy’s assassination and the circumstances …. Senator Robert Francis Kennedy died at 1:44 AM today, June 6, 1968.

robert kennedy
, Kennedy was shot as he walked through the kitchen of the Ambassador Hotel and died in the Good Samaritan Hospital twenty-six hours later. Sirhan Sirhan, a 24-year-oldPalestinian/Jordanianimmigrant, was convicted of Kennedy’s murder and is serving a life sentence for the crime. The shooting was recorded on audio tape by a freelance newspaper reporter, and the aftermath was captured on film.[2]
Thus we have   the CLUES  ……  the food  war CLUE ….. Kitchen of the Ambassador Hotel  ……….. the kitchen with salt and Pepper .

Nuclear Arms Control Treaties – Nuclear Files › … › Issues › Arms Control and Disarmament

Nuclear Arms Control Treaties By David Krieger Nuclear arms control treaties … Test Ban Treaty (PTBT) signed by President John F. Kennedy and Premier Nikita … The SALTI and II agreements put limitations for the first time on the number of …

Strategic Arms Limitation Talks(SALT) – Wikipedia, the free …


The Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT) were two rounds of bilateral conferences and corresponding international treaties involving the United States and the …



Google News

Kennedy hails SALT treaty . HYANNIS, Mass. CUPI) – The strategic arms limitation trea ty is the single most important national security issue facing the country ..

Thus Robert Kennedy was ordered to be assassinated by the periodic atomic table of elements of life and thought ….  for his families violations of the molecular SALT TREATY and the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family ……. atomic nuclear arms, elbows, mouth control treaty.
Let’s look at another blog post that gives more clues about the Bose-Einstein condensate wars.

Rd-blog-number-6184 by Herb Zinser reviews the Samuel DuBose existential physics database provided by Nature’s military SYMBOL MACHINE language systems from Cincinnati, Ohio.  The database provides CONCEPTS that help us understand the killing of Sam Hengel of Wisconsin
and the newspaper  cover-up about the tragedy.

The signaling EVENT from Cincinnati, Ohio…

Shooting of Samuel DuBose – Wikipedia, the free …

The shooting of Samuel DuBose occurred during a traffic stop for a missing front license plate on July 19, 2015, in Cincinnati, Ohio. Ray Tensing, a white …

Existential physics  of the EARTH LAB  message event … tells us that Nature’s military systems used Darwin selection of  the living language WORD ….   proper  noun  –> DuBose ….  to tell researchers about the Bose-Einsteins statistics WAR on EARTH.

Bose–Einstein statistics  with DuBose  – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In quantum statistics, BoseEinstein statistics (or more colloquially B–E statistics) is one of two possible ways in which a collection of non-interacting …

Bose-Einstein statistics

BoseEinstein statistics. Let us now consider BoseEinstein statistics. The particles in the system are assumed to be massive, so the total number of particles $N$ …

The Shooting of Samuel DuBose – The New York Times

Jul 29, 2015 – Samuel DuBose was a 43-year-old unarmed black man who was shot in the head and killed by a University of Cincinnati police officer, Ray …

Bose-Einstein Condensate Definition – Physics – › … › Physics Dictionary › Physics Dictionary: A to D
Definition: A BoseEinstein condensate is a rare state (or phase) of matter in which a large percentage of bosons collapse into their lowest quantum state, …
Below, atomic, bio-physics humanoid DEMO of …..
a large percentage of bosons collapse into their lowest quantum state
a large percentage of bosons collapse into their lowest quantum state
a large percentage of bosons collapse into their lowest quantum state

Push made to reveal video of man killed by cop in Cincinnati – NY …

www.nydailynews.com635 × 423Search by image

The casket of Samuel Dubose is transported to a hearse during his funeral on Tuesday.

Funeral held for man killed in Ohio traffic-stop shooting …

www.seattlepi.com628 × 418Search by image

Mourner Tramell Metz pauses at the hearse of Samuel Dubose before his casket is transported to a cemetery during funeral services at the Church of the …
Above, the super-symmetry existential MIRROR  atomic mass  …. atomic mass communications   OUTPUT message via the human  display device named Mr.Metz   …… these priority messages from Nature’s FOUNDATION systems are ignored by mass media …television, radio, print (newspapers and magazines)
Given, the precedent of the DOUBLE Bose code –> Du Bose   SIGNAL   from the city  with  the Double word –> Cin Cin city of Cincinnati ..we begin to wonder what’s happening here   …
and what’s the secret of the Cincinnati community  …
and why the omission of these data facts from the explanations given about  the Samuel DuBose CODE
Samuel duBose.
Samuel duBose.
Samuel du    Bo   se.
Samuel duplicate Boy  sophomore

Wisconsin Teen Samuel Hengel Dies After Shooting Self in … › US

Nov 30, 2010 – A 15-year-old student, Samuel Hengel, died today after shooting … Authorities are baffled by the sophomore’sactions, saying he was … His family described Sam as someone who was “active in the Boy Scouts, tae kwan do,

Samuel O. Hengel – EH Extra…/SamuelHengel/…/9…
Eagle Herald

Dec 3, 2010 – Sam was 15 years old and born in Green Bay, Wis., on June 27th, 19. … raised in Porterfield, Wis. and attended Marinette High School as a Sophomore. Sam was a proud member of the Boy Scouts of America as a Life Scout …


Nov 29, 2010 – Mornings · Birthday Contest · Birthday Winners · Family First · Hot Trends … A year ago 15-year-old freshmanSam Hengelheld students and a teacher …. He was a good student and enjoyed Boy Scouts and Taekwondo. … safety and support a day after a sophomorewho had held a classroom hostage for …


Jun 5, 2015 – Twenty years ago today, the first BoseEinstein Condensate in a dilute gas was made. Happy birthday to BEC and the amazing physics it …

Bose-Einstein condensate could be used to observe … › Physics › Quantum Physics

Jan 23, 2015 – Figure 1: BoseEinstein condensates could be used as a quantum simulator to study the phenomenon of quantum mass acquisition. Credit: …

Bose-Einstein condensation and a model for the … – cscamm

University of Wisconsin -Madison … wide interest in the BoseEinstein condensationphenomena in the Kompaneets equation as a non-relativistic approximation …

Bose-Einstein condensation and a model for the … – cscamm

raised in Porterfield, Wis. and attended Marinette High School
raised in Porterfield, Wis. and attended Marinette High School
raised in Porterfield, Wisconsin  .. near the upper MIchigan border
…………………………………….sin wave …………..atoMic
…………………………………….sin wave …………..atoMic

…………………………………….sin wave …………..atoMic ….

the overlap EARTH geography area of Marinette and Porterfield …..

being equivalent to ….PICTURE 3 below ….Matter wave overlap
That being the Wisconsin  sin wave BOUNDARY with atomic MIchgan
Thus Nature’s systems  INPUT/OUTPUT  Port of Porterfield  …….  the TC = Tricritical area  ..
hence Nature’s systems created the death of DuBose in Cincinnati to remind University of Wisconsin and MIT researchers about the
Samuel Hengel  message.

]9 Bose-Einstein Condensation: Identity Crisis for the atomic brain cells of Samuel Hengel……/kett06_BEC-Identit…
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

individual wave packets overlap, then we have an identity crisis, because we can no …BoseEinstein condensation occurs when the de Broglie wavelength.

porterfield boundary
Above, COMPUTER EARTH site –> Loomis with MIS  and double-word boundary ..
HIGHWAY  ROUTE 64 = 32 + 32.
Highway 180 ..suggests some  180 angle of a 360 degree circle .. OR some sin wave number  …
frame of reference.
Notice we have the  border  ZONE   …… with the 180 degree number  …. the I/O Port error (data) field  ….
town of Port + er +  field –> Porterfield ……. within that ZONE
sine wave porterfield 180 highway
Thus Wisconsin
…………………sin wave and Highway 180 ….. that separates the sin wave region from teh
atomic quantum state of
…..michigan   ….. and reminding us  of the EARTH system messenger
…..mickey –> atomic key
…..mickey Mantle of the Isaac Newton gravity field baseball player for the New York code
Y an  key –> Y atomic number key –> Yankee
Earth iron core 4 levels 1993 world trade

Mickey Mantle – Baseball Physics Layers (P layer = Players) –

On, learn more about the baseball career of legendary New York YankeeMickey Mantle.

porterfield michigan wisconsin border

University of Wisconsin-Marinette
University of Wisconsin–Marinette

Offers a freshman/sophomore transfer curriculum for the baccalaureate degree and professional studies, as well as a general education, liberal arts associate …

1 Google review

University of Wisconsin – Marinette
University of Wisconsin–Marinette

Offers a freshman/sophomore transfer curriculum for the baccalaureate degree and professional studies, as well as a general education, liberal arts associate …

sophomore transfer
sophomore transfer
sophomore transfer
sophomore transfer for Samuel Hengel

School hostage suspect dies; motive still unknown, police …


Nov 30, 2010 – A 15-year-old sophomore who held his classmates and a teacher hostage for … Samuel Hengel was pronounced dead at 10:44 a.m., Marinette, …

sophomore transfer
sophomore transfer to another place / another  dimension of puppet string theory …. experiment
at Marionette High School theater
sophomore transfer
sophomore transfer  bio-math experiences of Sample …Sam Hengel

Laplace Transforms & Transfer Functions…/Laplace+TransferFu
University of Texas at Austin

Mar 25, 2008 – in complex variable s. Transfer Functions: another way to represent system dynamics, via the s representation gotten from Laplace transforms, …

Automatic Control  … Nature’s systems took over the brain of Sam Hengel  

1 – Transfer functions…/03-transferfunctionslaplace.p…

Lecture: Transfer functions. Laplace transform. Laplace transform. Consider a function f(t), f : → , f(t) = 0 for all t < 0. Definition. The Laplace transform. [f] of f is the …

Thus  Samuel DuBose
and    Samuel Hengel in the TriCritical area of Porterfield …..
and    Samuel Beckett  ..  atomic social science  author / messenger for
………………….BEC  …..Bose-Einstein Condensation   and his  play on atomic humanoid message devices …

Samuel Beckett – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Samuel Barclay Beckett (/ˈbɛkɪt/; 13 April 1906 – 22 December 1989) was an Irish avant-garde novelist, playwright, theatre director, and poet, who lived in Paris ( Par + is –> Parallel Information systems) …….  for most of his adult life and wrote in both English and French  …and  used Base 16 Hex’E’ = 14  ..secret oxygen atom English codes   AND  Base 16 Hex’F’ = 15 using Charles  (co)de Gaulle   French …..
the  French poetry rhyme LINK to the London Fog Trench coat   …..LINK to the CIA Foggy Bottom in Washington,DC

Waiting for Godot – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Waiting for Godot (/ˈɡɒdoʊ/ GOD-oh) is an absurdist play by Samuel Beckett, in which two characters, Vladimir and Estragon, wait endlessly and in vain for the …

 Vladimir –> VL + add + dim + Mir –> Variable length additions   .. dimension of American string theory to Paris rope theory of euROPE …and super-symmetry existential mirrors

Waiting for Godot –

Samuel Beckett’s Waiting for Godot is a play about two people (Lederman and Oddone)  waiting for a very long time for a third.
They think Godot never shows up.
However …. Godot’s  STREAM OF CONSCIOUSNESS    ….. output agent is here  ..with blog post messages.

Let’s look at another blog post that provides more  clues.

The Bose-Einstein condensate comprised of the Union of Carbon atom

… social expression sets WAR in Cincininnati

Rd-blog-number-6159 by Herb Zinser reviews the news reports about the UC battle in Cincinnati.

Nature’s SYMBOL MACHINE  language analysis tools identifies code –> UC =  algebra set  theory UNION  of sets of Carbon atoms  in various formats … such as carbon based life forms named humanoid..



UC closed, city prepares for DuBose shooting decision, video

Jul 29, 2015 – Hamilton County Prosecutor Joe Deters will hold a Wednesday afternoon press conference regarding the University of Cincinnati




UC closed early in anticipation of negative reaction in Sam ……dubose…/34426230

Jul 29, 2015 – UC closed early in anticipation of negative reaction in Sam DuBose case …. Dozens of state troopers were called upon by the cityto lend …




Chief Blackwell on UC officer’s body cam: I’ve seen the video…/city-university-of-cincinnati-official-meet-with-faith-l…

Jul 27, 2015 – As Cincinnati city officials meet with community and faith leaders over … death of 43-year-old Sam Dubose by UCOfficer Ray Tensing during a …



Chief Blackwell

Chief Blackwell

C …… Black 

Carbon  Black  …….  organic chemistry messenger



Carbon black – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Carbon black (subtypes are acetylene black, channel black, furnace black, lamp black and thermal black) is a material produced by the incomplete combustion of heavy petroleum products such as FCC tar, coal tar, ethylene cracking tar, and a small amount from vegetable oil.

The shooting of Samuel DuBose occurred during a traffic stop for a missing frontlicense plate on July 19, 2015, in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Ray Tensing, a white University of Cincinnati police officer, fatally shot DuBose, a black man, when Dubose started his car and, according to Tensing, began to drive off. Tensing stated that he was being dragged when his arm became caught in the car.
Prosecutors said that footage from Tensing’s bodycam showed that he was not dragged and a grand juryindicted him on charges of murder and voluntary manslaughter. He was then fired from the police department.



UC –> University of Chicago in Hyde Park is the well-known  aldehyde molecule social interaction LOCATION  on the EARTH geography surface  ….
using human molecular display devices.



Organic Chemistry – University of Chicago…/id/4.html
University of Chicago

Chemistry Department – University of Chicago. …

Department of CHEMISTRY.





Experiment 10: Identification of  an aldehyde and a ketone …

This … a demonstration of Experiment No 4 of the Chem 2050 lab course of the chemistry department ..



City of Chicago :: Alderman of Hyde Park

…. Leslie A. Hairston…/leslie_a_hairston.html

That is why it was no surprise that she upset an incumbent in her first race for 5th WardAlderman. A Chicago native, who grew up in the 5th Ward’s Hyde Park .



Easy Experiments of Organic ….. Social Chemistry for Students’ …



Let’s look at another blog post that provides more clues about the social life and expressions of molecules. VIA humanoid expression display devices.





RD-blog-number-6160 by Herb Zinser reviews the atomic social science database EVENT generated by Nature’s systems using atomic, bio-physics humanoids.

The India numeric/alpha(na)  … Hindu Bose-Einstein border with the CO = Condensate of  CO = Cincinnati,Ohio revealed by EARTH LAB sample space specimen Samuel  DuBose

In this blog we are interest in boundaries and border  … between different existential physics formats

What is Bose Einstein condensate?

Bose Einstein Condensate is the fifth state of matter (after solid, liquid, gas, plasma). To visualize the fifth state of matter one needs to have the cooling capacity …

The fifth state of matter: Bose-Einstein condensate : Worldly ……state-of-matterboseeinstein…/4300…
India Today

In 1924, Albert Einstein and Satyendra Nath Bose predicted the.

The two states of matter they didn’t teach you about in ……/Plasma_%20%26_%20Bose.p…Two states of matter they didn’t teach you about in school… Until Now! Plasma. BoseEinstein Condensate. We all know about: LIQUIDS. SOLIDS. GASES.

Let’s look at a blog post that outlines the situation.

The Samuel DuBose signaling EVENT explains the Indian Embassy
and Hindu Bose-Einstein condensate EARTH WARS

RD-blog-number-6157 by Herb Zinser reviews the Samuel DuBose murder as a consequence of  Department of Justice  BOSTON TRIAL of  Bose-Einstein statistics with concept agent Tsarnaev  ……
and the death sentence orders issued from the  Department  of Justice Bos region –> Boston.


Boston bomber’s trial leaves a lingering sadness –


In the end, 12 people who spent the past 10 weeks thinking about little else but the 2013 Boston Marathon bombings took just 14 hours to …


A jury has sentenced Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev to death.

watertown and boston race


Bose-Einstein statistics

BoseEinstein statistics. Let us now consider BoseEinstein statistics. The particles in the system are assumed to be massive, so the total number of particles $N$ …



Boston energy Satyendra Nath bose

The Boston orders resulted in Nature’s systems response using SYMBOL MACHINE   word and proper noun  Darwinian selection  of code word  (… Bose)  to create the recognizable   Science War  EVENT in Cincinnati..


The Indian Embassy in Washington, DC ..   secret language codes ….

Bose-Einstein statistics

Bose-Einstein statistics

Bose-Einstein statistics



Hindu Bose-Einstein statistics

Hindu Bose-Einstein statistics

Hindu Bose-Einstein statistics

Hindu Bose-Einstein   DEATH  statistics



Hindu Bose-Einstein statistics

Hindu Bose-Einstein statistics

..….du Bose

a  DEATH  statistic  DEMO by Nature’s message systems


Timeline: Shooting death of Sam DuBose – Cincinnati Enquirer…deathdubose/30944517/

July 19: University of Cincinnati police officer Ray Tensing shoots 43-year-old Samuel DuBose in the head in Mount Auburn, killing him …


The University of Cincinnati Police Department has resumed patrols in areas around the … patrols without additional clarification on what has changed since DuBose’s death.

No charges for 2 Ohio officers at scene of DuBose’s death ……/no-charges-2-ohio-officers-scene-du

Daily News

Two University of Cincinnati police officers will not face charges in Samuel DuBose’s death, a mathematical-physics  SPECIAL prosecutor said.

ohio cincinnati-1

 Above is the India (Asia)  super-symmetry existential physics MIRROR of India North America –> code –> India Na –< Indiana  with  code –>  double BOSE –> duBose.
Thus we see the EARTH geography  DEMO expression of quantum states and other atomic sciences sciences  and  CIN + CIN (double / parallel processing code) of the city of CinCinnati.
Thus the EARTHLY  view  … of different levels  of existence and perception.
fort hood parallel universe

Incident report: UC officer dragged before fatal shooting …


The University of Cincinnati Police Department has released an incident report in the fatal … Map Room … Dubose, 43, was shot and killed by University of Cincinnati Officer Ray Tensing shortly before 6:30 p.m. Sunday.

Map Room … Dubose,
Map Room … Dubose,
Map Room … Dubose,bose -einstein
CINCINNATI —A grand jury has indicted University of Cincinnati Officer Ray Tensing on a murder charge in the July 19 shooting death of Sam DuBose, Prosecutor Joe Deters announced. Tensing is also indicted on a voluntary manslaughter charge.
University of Cincinnati Officer
University of Cincinnati Officer
Univers      of C…………… O –> universe of Co = Condenstate  …… DEMO on the border between the 2 states (India North America)  and  CO = Cincinnati Ohio
bose 2222

Bose-Einstein Condensate Definition – Physics – › … › Physics Dictionary › Physics Dictionary: A to D

Definition: A BoseEinstein condensate is a rare state (or phase) of matter in which a large percentage of bosons collapse into their lowest quantum state, …

bosons collapse into their lowest quantum state, ..
bosons collapse into their lowest quantum state, ..
bosons collapse into their lowest quantum state, ..
bose cincin
Samuel DuBose death: Cincinnati officer who fatally shot driver in …www.cbsnews.com620 × 350Search by imageBody-camera video of the July 19 shooting of motorist Samuel DuBose by Officer Ray Tensing was released on July 29, 2015.
Samuel DuBose
Sam       Du Bose
Sample space  –> Duplicate Page (DuPage Couty and FermILAB)
and   Du = Double  Bose from Boise. Idahao and Boise, Itasca (Illinois)  missing  from Nature’s communications systems as required by PROTOCOL –> PROTO  + COL  –> PROTONS of the periodic atomic mass table  18  COLUMNS
Database  —>

I think  he lost his temper because DuBose would not get out of the car,” Deters told reporters. “You won’t believe how quickly he pulls his gun and shoots him in the head.

“This doesn’t happen in the United States. Maybe in Afghanistan, but not in the United States,” Deters said.

DuBose   … the car(bon) atom
Maybe in Afghanistan
Maybe in Afghanistan
Ma(p)……………… stan(dard)  Model Physics message
standard model 18
 in the United States
in the United States
in the United States ……
– EARTH geography states
– States of Mind
– Linear control states

State-space representation – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jump to&nbsp;<a href=””><b>Linear</b>&nbsp;systems</a>&nbsp;–&nbsp;Block diagram representation of the linear state-space equations … is called the “input (or control) vector”, \mathbf{u}(t) \in ..

Linear systems with state and control constraints – Electrical ……/Gilbert(65).pdf
University of Michigan

linear discrete-time time- invariant plant is given together with a linear controllaw … both the state and the control variables or on linear combinations of them.

– Markov probability transition states


by JG Kemeny – ‎Cited by 3 – ‎Related articlescalled a Markov chain, where the outcome of an experiment depends only on the … The symbol will be used for the probability of transition from state i to.

 – States of Nature and decision theory

]An Introduction to Decision Theory – McGraw Hill Higher ……/Lin01765_ch20_final.pdf

A branch of statistics called statistical decision theory that uses probability has … tives; (2) the states of nature, which are not under the control of the decision …

The EARTH systems TRIAL

of Calcutta (sub-continent of INDIA)
and Boston

Rd-blog-number-6036 by Herb Zinser reviews the EARTH geography surface wars ….. . of Nature’s INTELLECT that considers the sub-continent of INDIA  as ..  approximately equivalent to  the human  subconscious mind.


Thus we have the geology/geography of Nature’s INTELLECT ,,,,,with the EARTH iron core and its atomic number 26 English alphabet letters  ….. considered the CORE of  Nature’s INTELLECT system …  again ..mirrored in the SYMBOL MACHINE word ….  human cortex.

india map 999


Thus Nature’s code word –> India –> subset codes –> In + dia –> Inner diameter (of EARTH communications LINKS)


Earth iron core 4 levels 1993 world trade

Subconscious – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The subconscious mind stores information that the conscious mind may not immediately process with full understanding, but it stores the information for later retrieval when ”recalled” by the conscious mind, or by an astute psychoanalyst who can draw out information stored in the subconscious, bringing it to the …

The subconscious and … – ‎The subconscious and instinct

india unconsious mind


india mind 999


Subconscious Mind – Life By Design – Consciously Creating

www.lifebydesign.nl1280 × 890Search by image

For this reason, all affirmations and statements must be positive. Do not say, “I will not gain weight.” The ‘not’ is not recorded. The subconscious mind ..

Your unconscious memory is virtually perfect. It is your conscious recall that is suspect. The function of your subconscious mind is to store and retrieve data. Its job is to ensure that you respond exactly the way you are programmed.


Thus the city of Calcutta INDIA has an influence on events  in other cities on the EARTH geography surface.

The EARTH has mass  and consequently weight …many tons of weight  ..key  word TON –> identifies city of  –>  bosTON,MASS  …as having EARTH identifiers.


Calcutta –> Cal + cut  +  ta –> LINKS  via word–> cut  –> connect  …….  connect the cuts in the fabric of EARTHLY space/time –>
Connect cuts  ..  interface with the cut of Calcutta–> code name –> Connecticut.

massachusettsusrap mass 5


The cut …….. tragic signaling EVENTS



sandy hook map connecticut


Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting – Wikipedia, the …


The Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting occurred on December 14, 2012, in Newtown, Connecticut, when 20-year-old Adam Lanza fatally shot 20 children …


boston map 444


Boston Bombings – News, Pictures & Videos – CBS News

Complete coverage of the April 15, 2013 attack on the Boston Marathon, the investigation, and the trial of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.




Let’s look at another  blog post that provides more clues about the rigged BOSTON TRIAL of  Tsarnaev  in the
Department of Justice cover-up  of the EM = Electromagnetic human life forms at  EM = Embassies in Washington, DC
that used  KHZ  radio bandwidth

to manipulate the brain stem
of KH humanoid –>


brain waves tesla 55

500 kHz – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Since early in the 20th century, the radio frequency of 500 kilohertz (500 kHz) has been
an international calling

and distress frequency for Morse code

brain stem em

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the  Federal Communication Commission and EM = Embassies in Washigton, DC and their nasty

brain bio-radio manipulation and control schemes ……

that the subconscious  MIND of dzhoKHar intercepted and acted in self-defense.


brain waves tesla

Thus we have some data clues to the Theory of Everything.

BBC – Earth – Will we ever have a theory of everything?…/20150409-can-science-e…

British Broadcasting Corporation

Apr 9, 2015 – The recent film The Theory of Everything tells the story of Stephen Hawking, who managed to become a world-famous physicist despite being …

A Theory of Everything – PBS

A Theory of Everything. We have reached an extraordinary point in the history of science, for some physicists believe they are now on the verge of having a …



The Boston carbon atom  HIERARCHY PROBLEMS of the Justice Department LINKED to the University of Wisconsin BRAIN content VOID and the Madison DA 

Published by:

RD-blog-number-6100 by Herb Zinser reviews the organic chemistry … social  chemistry HIERARCHY PROBLEMS in awareness of existence.  The focus is upon  atomic and molecular symbols   HC  or  CH  = Carbon and Hydrogen atoms and their molecules ….. that no longer exist according to the University of Wisconsin in Madison.


The Sartre existential TRIAL  (the trial charges were later dropped)  …   was described in the newspapers.

The case involved the college organic chemistry textbook.

The  SYMBOL MACHINE  life form ..above  .. used Darwin selection of proper nouns and information profiles ….. to select from physical biology reality the EARTH LAB human specimen whose information profile stated he was of the aldehyde species  of the Madison city council …thus the selection using code WORD –> alde –> alderman Solomon.

Thus chosen ….  Nature’s special message generating  project ……  using University of Wisconsin   and the FAMOUS  molecule thought TRANSFORMATION.

Aldehyde | Define Aldehyde at
any of a class of organic compounds containing the group −CHO, which yields acids when oxidized and alcohols when reduced. Origin of aldehyde. Expand.

Aldehydes – Carbonyl Compounds | Sigma-Aldrich › … › Carbonyl Compounds
Aldehydes (R-CHO) are attractive building blocks due to their ability to easily react with many nucleophiles. Because of their high chemical reactivity, aldehydes .

Colleagues of University of Wisconsin aldehyde graduate students  ASK  EARTH LAB specimen ……Madison Alderman To Resign | News ……Ask…Alderman-To…/829726…

Jan 5, 2012 – Madison Alderman Brian Solomon is being asked to step down by several … setting molecule social chemistry ethical guidelines and training for city council member





Madison       Aldehyde region     spokeman  for   2-legged  dermatology entities ……

Solomon asked to resign by colleagues ……/madison-alder-solomon-asked-to-resign-by-col…


Jan 5, 2012 – MADISON (WKOW) — There are new calls for Brian Solomon to resign from Madison’s City Council. Solomon’s been facing intense scrutiny .

Thus we have the Department of Justice and the Boston agent –> Carmen Ortiz –> code letters –> car + ort –> Carbon orbit chemistry laws and the BOSTON Marathon bombing trial over the population explosion … violations of the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family  …nuclear arms, elbows, mouth control treaty  ..the SUMMIT treaty of  Nature’s accounting totals/sums  binding upon  the MITochondria of MIT university.

U.S. Attorney Carmen Ortiz speaks to the news media with Boston Police Commisioner William B. Evans after the sentencing of Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokar Tsarnaev    …

The tragic signaling EVENT was…. 

Boston Marathon bombing – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Boston Marathon bombing was a terrorist attack, followed by subsequent related shootings, that occurred when two pressure cooker bombs exploded during the Boston Marathon on April 15, 2013.

The bombs exploded about 12 seconds (carbon 12 signal)  ….
and 210 yards (190 m) apart at 2:49 pm EDT, near the marathon’s finish line on Boylston Street (Boyle’s Law of gases demo on pressure). They killed 3 people and injured an estimated 264 others

The suspects were identified later that day as Chechen brothers Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and Tamerlan Tsarnaev

n unprecedented manhunt for Dzhokhar Tsarnaev ensued on April 19, with thousands of law enforcement officers searching a 20-block area of Watertown

(M)Other      gas     laws – Boyle’s Law (Boylston Street)  and Charles’ Law (Charels River) – Chemguide…/…
Understanding Chemistry

A brief account of how Boyle’s Law and Charles’ Law relate to kinetic theory of gases. … For a fixed mass of gas at constant temperature, the volume is inversely …

For a fixed mass

For a fixed mass

For a fixed mass in the state of mass –> massachusetts  

U.S. Attorney Carmen Ortiz speaks to the news media about the REALITY of carbon atoms  and their thought systems  …. that Spanish language has superiority over all other thinkers on EARTH   ….. because they and all women on EARTH  ….
use the bio-computer equation   …. male penis head.

. because they use the male penis head.

. because they use the male penis head.

. because they use the male pen  + is head.

. because they use the male pen  information systems  head … advanced bio-computer data processing INTELLECTUALS.

Thus editors and new reporters at the Washington Post and Boston Globe  ….. using their molecular  penis THOUGHT system   ….  view tragic signaling  events ….. as menstruation /blood flow events ……like the VIRGIN TECH shooting of April 16, 2007  …blood flow DEMO at Norris Hall. 

Please upgrade your brain cells with some serious basic math, chemistry, and biochemistry  SYMBOL and CONCEPT knowledge in year 2015.

However. “The Tale of Two Cities” by Charles  DICK/penis Dickens around year 1859 ….
  clearly outlines that males have 2 heads  ….

the penis head(social sciences view)  and the forehead on the skull(math, physics, atoms and  chemistry science view) and 

A Tale of Two Cities (of thought  and perception) – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A Tale of Two Cities (1859) is a novel by Charles Dickens, set in London and Paris before and during the French Revolution. The novel depicts the plight of the …

C.P.SNOW also mentioned this …

The Two Cultures – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Two Cultures is the title of the first part of an influential 1959 Rede Lecture by British scientist and novelist C. P. Snow. Its thesis was that “the intellectual life of the whole of western society” was split into the titular two cultures — namely the sciences and the humanities — and that this was a major hindrance to solving the world’s problems.

The myopic, in-bred  Department of Justice and university law school problems ..  the lack of will power, determination to think clearly about the SOCIAL SCIENCE wars in the United States.

Science wars – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Postmodernists interpreted Thomas Kuhn‘s ideas about scientific paradigms to mean that scientific theories are social constructs, and philosophers like Paul 

The Sociology of Science for Non-Sociologists – Cardiff ……/sociology-of-science.html

The science wars could be said to be a fight about the causes of scientific beliefs (what scientists take to have been proven). To caricature, on one side are those …

The Science Wars – Cardiff University

This page by Harry Collins explains the ‘science wars‘, which began in the early 1990s with attacks by natural scientists or ex-natural scientists who had 

The Science Wars – Cardiff University

The Science Wars – Cardiff University

The Science Wars – Car   diff  Univers  it    y

The Science Wars – Carbon differences interface why

The Science Wars – Cardiff University

The Science Wars – Car  diff Univers 

The Science Wars – Carmen ortiz   different  EARTHLY Universe

Thus we have Nature’s EARTH surface and the carbon molecule expression platform  of cellulose trees, lumber, wheat fields, rice paddies, animals, humans, etc.

Thus Nature’s carbon moleucle organization structure …code Cartier.

Jacques Cartier (jeweler) – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jacques-Théodule Cartier (1885–1942) was one of three sons of Alfred Cartier … Meanwhile, Louis Cartier was the designer who created the Cartier style we …

Cartier designer glasses and Cartier designer sunglasses › Designer Brands
Vision Express

The Cartier eyewear story began in 1898. Like most Cartier accessories, the first creations were special orders. Cartier was the inventor of the concept “luxury …

Cartier designer glasses  –> Thru the looking glass  with Lewis Carroll

Quote by Lewis Carroll: “The (carbon) twelve jurors were all writing ……/469577-the-twelvejurors-were-all-wr…

GoodreadsLewis Carroll — ‘The twelve jurors were all writing very busily on the slates. What are they doing? Alice whispered to the Gryphon. They can’t have an.

The Boston Marathon  rigged jury  ……  SECRET  scheme  ..their failure to disclose their identity 

 Cartier designer sunglasses …..

Cartier –> Car + tier –> Carbon atom  tiers / levels of existences …………
EARTHLY parallel levels of human brain EFFORT to think clearly …  thoughts ….  various degrees of awareness and self-awareness

President Jimmy Carter  and Georgia–> car + ter  + G –> carbon tier humanoid expressions in live within the Gravity field on EARTH  …. are you down to EARTH?

Newt Gingrich – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Newton Leroy “NewtGingrich (/ˈnuːt ˈɡɪŋɡrɪtʃ/; born Newton Leroy … He represented Georgia’s 6th congressional district as a Republican from 1979 until …

Newt G  –> Isaac Newton life form in the Gravity field in the carbon atomic number 6th district on the EARTH geography surface.

Thus the Boston Marathon TRIAL  omitted vast amounts of basic data  related to a trial  ….. and the various players …. Carmen and the Lewis Carroll  jury  failed to reveal their TRUE IDENTITY  to the general public. 

Let’s look at another blog post that provides more clues.

The Waco, Texas hydrocarbon LEWIS dot structure conflict with molecular military theorists at Fort Lewis, Washington   



Rd-blog-number-6082 by  Herb Zinser reviews Nature’s messages that are printed in the news. 
We look at the deeper levels of REALITY that may underlie the surface veneer messsage.


Let’s look at another blog post  that provides some CLUES . .then we will look at Pentagon atomic military forces .. …. the  LEWIS dot military structure …. known as Fort Lewis.


Fort Lewis – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia




Fort Lewis is a United States military facility located 9.1 miles (14.6 km) south-southwest of Tacoma, Washington under the jurisdiction of the United States Army …

Joint Base Garrison – ‎Overview – ‎History – ‎Geography



Differences in  molecule perceptions …

Subversives: The FBI’s War on Student Radicals, and … › … › Political, Inc.


Subversives: The FBI’s War on Student Radicals, and Reagan’s Rise to Power [Seth Rosenfeld] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers.



The other blog post …..


The Texas hydrocarbon convergence site of Waco and the Waco molecule conference on hydrocarbon communications systems

Rd-blog-number-6081 by Herb Zinser reviews Texas hydrocarbon expressions and  other events ……….  
like the Department of Justice carbon orbital  code agent –> car  ort –>  carbon orbital thoughts  VIA –>  Carmen  Ortiz  in   Boston.




Petroleum Refining & Chemical Products | Official Texas ……


Today, Texas leads the nation in petroleum refining and chemical products production and is a global leader in the closely relatedpetrochemical industry.


Oil Field Jobs, Employment in Texas |


Jobs 1 – 10 of 3495 – 3495 Oil Field Jobs available in Texas on one search. all jobs.



Orbital  …   Einstein’s DATA Field Jobs,    subset code in Texas 
O….i…l                                       Field Jobs, Em = Electromagnetic field life forms needed for EARTH THEATER Em = Employment / acting jobs in Texas


Jobs 1 – 10 of 3495 – 3495 Oil Field Jobs available in Texas on one search. all jobs.



Let’s look at Waco …….. Wa+ co –> Work area convergence


Region of Convergence and Examples


Example 2: The Z-transform of a left sided signal is: For the summation above to converge, it is required that , i.e., the ROC is . Comparing the two examples above we see that two different signals can have identical z-transform, but with different ROCs.


Region of Convergence (ROC)


Whether the Laplace transform of a signal exists or not depends on the complex variable as well as the signal itself. All complex values of for which the integral in the definition converges form a region of convergence (ROC) in the s-plane.




Whether the Laplace transform of a signal exists

Whether the La  +  place transform of a signal exists

Whether the ….place transform of a signal exists







Nine dead, 170 arrested in bloody Waco biker brawl




May 18, 2015 – WACO — Nine people were killed and 18 other people were injured in a confrontation involving “criminal” motorcycle gangs at a Twin Peaks …


 involving “criminal” motorcycle gangs at a Twin Peaks 





Symbolism | Definition of symbolism by Merriam-Webster




the art or practice of using symbols especially by investing things with a symbolic meaning
by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible


Thus we see Nature’s systems and signals PROBLEMS    played out at Twin Peaks Nature’s usage of humans to  display  messages.



Let’s look at another post that provides more ideas for researchers.

Part 1 – Hydrocarbon molecule thought expressions VIA human agents and their behavior

RD-blog-number-6068 by Herb Zinser reviews the newspaper EVENT reports that describe the Nature’s Darwinian evolution of molecule thought systems.   

In sense we have INTELLECTUAL hierarchy of atoms and their information  flow outward to the human display level on the EARTH geography surface.


A study of some tragic events suggests that a battle  is taking place at basic levels of existence.   These basic levels are the foundations of existence …… the periodic atomic table of elements of life,  molecular cell biology levels, biochemistry  levels,   algebra and plane geometry levels, the atomic English language level, etc. How do these  levels work?   Let’s look at a example …a suggested model.
The  periodic atomic table has many formats of expressions. One such FORMAT are  atomic humans with an atomic brain symbolic computer  that expresses messages on behalf of the atomic table of life and thought and feelings. Humans are thus  considered as representatives or messengers or business LAB partners  working 
with the atomic/astrophysics continuum, its life,  and  the thought formats  within it  …which include math thoughts,   social chemistry formula.  social engineering vectors  AND social process control systems with FEEDBACK. The  human is composed of atoms.
Humans have thoughts.
Thoughts must have an  origin.


Therefore  atoms are the origin of thought.





Therefore  some political protests, crimes, shootings, wars, etc. by humans…..are really  atomic protests of the Margaret Mead atomic families VIA the human vehicle/ the  human atomic feelings expressor/ the human atomic messenger. The atomic table has 18 families  ……… with the water molecule …molecular weight 18  playing an important role in   the periodic atomic table  government  and its   OUTPUT message processing. Some mass communication signals printed in newspapers and magazines  were  a) President N (Nixon)  with N = Avogadro’s    number of water molecules with a WATER logic gate signal  …that was amplified from the molecular level to  a visible EVENT  on the surface of EARTH  —> the displayed EVENT with large sized  objects such as humans (60 % water molecules)   and office buildings (cement, iron, glass).  The the water molecules and their thoughts  … …. enlarged  the signal … a display level  ….that being the WATERGATE affair  with the DEMO  provided by the   Demo.cratic  political science office  and the  water  molecule investigators  from the Republican  political  chemistry  department.     


In this blog post we shall look at carbon and hydrogen atoms and their social life and behavior VIA  humanoid expression agents.










4-H Community Club Central – University of Wisconsin …


University of Wisconsin–Extension


4H Charter indicates the 4H Club or Group is organized in accordance with objectives of the 4H program. The University of Wisconsin-Extension, …



4-H Club Central – University of Wisconsin secret codes –> 4H C  –> 4 Hydrogen + Carbon  ouput gases from the central biology region of the anus/ buttocks 


University of Wisconsin–Extension


4H Charter indicates the 4H Club or Group is organized in accordance with objectives of the 4H program. The University of Wisconsin-Extension, …


4-H Club Official  METHANE GAS Website  using farm students as EARTH LAB demo specimens  –‎


–‎anic chemistry …  the molecule INTERNET system …. molecule level of thought within human molecular containers that contain Nature’s molecule bio-computer SYMBOL PROCESSORS that uses the optical data stream input of the human eye/ iris/ pupil for  analysis
Research-Backed Programs Offering Life Changing Experiences To Kids!
540,000+ Volunteers · Empowering 6+ Mill Youth · 3000+ Local Offices


Thus we have molecule college textbooks in the news … 







 Thus …we have a new version of language expression ….. 



Hence, when on studies the above  Hayakawa book …..
it has an additional level  of  understanding  …
the hydrocarbon molecule  VIEW  … in some cases   …….  thus the levels of existence and their languages and formats,etc 











Let’s look at another blog that provides more clues to the human molecule  puzzle  …….. 


Hydrocarbon straight chain  molecule expressions  VIA retail chain stores and franchise chains


Rd-blog-number-6067 by Herb Zinser reviews Nature’s molecular expression systems that use molecular humans  to carry out Nature’s  molecular engineering ….  social and economic display thoughts.

Let’s look at some blog posts and the theory and  data presented.

RD-blog-number-6064 by Herb Zinser reviews Nature’s LIPID molecule systems anger over the  LIP  “Death Sentence” announcement by Carmen Ortiz  in the Boston Marathon bombing TRIAL of messenger RNA –> proper  noun code name –> tsaRNAev.



tsaRNAev ……
….RNA –> Nature’s messenger RNA.


 Thus the Boston TRIAL question for the Department of Justice –> What is the message?




The tragic signaling event …….



Boston Marathon bombing – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Boston Marathon bombing was a terrorist attack, followed by subsequent related shootings, that occurred when two pressure cooker bombs exploded during the Boston Marathon on April 15, 2013. The bombs exploded about 12 seconds and 210 yards (190 m) apart at 2:49 pm EDT, near the marathon’s finish line on Boylston Street. They killed 3 people and injured an estimated 264 others

The suspects were identified later that day as Chechen brothers Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and Tamerlan Tsarnaev. An unprecedented manhunt for Dzhokhar Tsarnaev ensued on April 19, with thousands of law enforcement officers searching a 20-block area of Watertown

boston suspect


…………….. RNA

Messenger RNA – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Messenger RNA (mRNA) is a large family of RNA molecules that convey genetic information from DNA to the ribosome, where they specify the amino acid sequence of the protein products of gene expression.

‎Five-prime cap – ‎Central dogma of molecular – ‎Transfer-messenger RNA


products of gene expression.

products of gene expression.



products of gene expression —>


Gene Autry – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Orvon Grover “Gene” Autry (September 29, 1907 – October 2, 1998) was an American genetics messenger/ performer who gained fame as a singing cowboy on the radio, in movies, …

‎Jackie Autry – ‎Here Comes Santa Claus – ‎Gene Autry, Oklahoma – ‎Filmography



Gene Kelly – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Eugene Curran “Gene” Kelly (August 23, 1912 – February 2, 1996) was an American gene dancer, actor, chromosome singer, biochemistry film director, producer and choreographer. He was …

‎Jeanne Coyne – ‎Betsy Blair – ‎Anchors Aweigh – ‎Gene Kelly filmography


Gene Hackman – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Eugene Allen “Gene” Hackman is  a   ….Darwinian selected  …   genetic expression system messenger using message formats ….   American actor and novelist.
In a genetics social science …message output display career spanning five decades, Hackman has been nominated for five Academy Awards, winning two for best actor in
The French Connection and best supporting actor in Unforgiven
gene hackman

United States Department of Justice  policy – Wikipedia, the free …


The United States Department of Justice (DOJ), also known as the Justice Department, is a federal executive department of the U.S. government, responsible for awareness of what’s happening …. …

Department executives‎: ‎Loretta Lynch, …
Annual budget‎: ‎$27.1 billion (2013)
Employees‎: ‎113,543 (2012)
awareness of what’s happening …. …
awareness of what’s happening …. …
awareness of what’s happening …. …

Social Contract Theory by Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau ……/Social_Contract_Theory_by_Hobbe…

According to him, prior to Social Contract, man lived in the State of Nature. … Analysis of the theory of Social Contract by John Locke John Locke theory of …


The Science Wars – Cardiff University
This page by Harry Collins explains the ‘science wars‘, which began in the early 1990s with attacks by natural scientists or ex-natural scientists who had …

You can’t follow the science wars without a battle map

…. see Boston BRAIN symbol processor  ERRORS

…. INTELLECTUAL batttle map

The Economist

Dec 11, 1997 – As the name suggests, the “science wars” belong mostly to the second sort. …. Harry Collins of the University of Cardiff finds scientists often

kill the messenger RNA- Wiktionary


I know you won’t like this news, but please don’t kill the messenger. 1893 December 12, Rev. B. Minard, “Sunday in the Churches”, Lewiston Evening Journal …

Definition of ‘Don’t shoot the messenger‘ from our dictionary of English idioms and idiomatic expressions.


Dzhokhar Tsarnaev …..

molecular cell biology  Death Penalty issued- Huffington Post

The Huffington Post

While prosecutors pushed for the death penalty Wednesday in closing arguments of the Boston bomber murder trial, the city’s mayor Marty Walsh (D-MA) d.


§7: THE DATA OF ETHICS (1879) by Herbert Spencer
Principles of Biology,

… in correspondence with external co-existences and sequences; and still more … said to be the continuous adjustment of internal relations to external relations.

in correspondence with external co-existences and sequences;
in correspondence with external co-existences and sequences;
in correspondence with external co-existences and sequences –> sequence –> CAUSE and EFFECT.. Nature’s DEATH PENALTY  military action  in  the mouth/lip region  of chat/talk –>
Chattanooga Tennessee

Symbolism | Definition of symbolism by Merriam-Webster

the art or practice of using symbols especially by investing things with a symbolic meaning or by expressing theinvisible or intangible by means of visible

by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible
by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible
by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible

2015 Chattanooga shootings – Wikipedia, the free …


On July 16, 2015, Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez opened fire on two military installations in Chattanooga,Tennessee.
He first committed a drive-by shooting at a recruiting center, then traveled to a naval reserve center and continued firing. He was killed by police in a gunfight. Four Marines were killed immediately. A Navy sailor, a Marine recruiter, and a police officer were wounded; the sailor died from his injuries two days later.

installations in Chattanooga,
installations in Chattanooga,
installations in Chattanooga,.
installations in Chat    tan(gent)  .. big mouth, bull-stories and bragging  of superiority over Nature’s SOCIAL CONTRACT  as outlined by John Locke  and others
women talk mouth

Chat: Synonyms in English – › Dictionaries › English/English
Synonyms for chat in English including definitions, and related words. … chatchat. ; have a good long talk. ; speak. ; rattle … verb (blabs, blabbed, blabbing).
Synonyms for talk rubbish in English including definitions, and related words. … to slobber; to dribble; to jabber; to drone on; to waffle; to slaver; to babble; to talk rubbish; to blab; to prattle; to gab; to chat; … blab verb (blabs,blabbed, blabbing).

Synonyms for have a chat in English including definitions, and related words. … to jabber; to talk rot; to gab; to talkrubbish; to rot; to jaw; to blab; to have a chat; to chat; to chatter; to drivel; to prattle on … blab verb (blabs, blabbed, blabbing).

lipid hydrocarbons

Lipids and LIPS of Carmen Ortiz-

Lipids can be classified in three subgroups based on chemical composition: hydrocarbons, simple lipids, and complex lipidsHydrocarbons contain carbon and …
carmen boston
Oct 9, 2012 – By Dr Ananya Mandal, MD. Lipids are molecules that contain hydrocarbons and make up the building blocks of the structure and function of …
lipids waco chattanooga lipper index money
Springer Science+Business Media

Handbook of Hydrocarbon and Lipid Microbiology. Editors: Editor-in-chief: Timmis, Kenneth N. McGenity, Terry J., van der Meer, Jan Roelof, de Lorenzo, Victor …



Handbook of Hydrocarbon and Lipid Microbiology – Springer

applications  with Jerry Springer

jerry springer

The Jerry Springer Show on

LIPID ideas and behavior

– Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The Jerry Springer Show, also known as Jerry Springer, or just Springer, is an American syndicated tabloid talk show hosted by Jerry Springer, a former …



jerry springer molcule displays



Above, molecule ….  social chemistry ………  information displays using humanoid expressson devices to convey Carl Jung molecular collective thoughts  …..messages.



National Commission on Forensic Science | Department of …
United States Department of Justice

In 2013, the Department of Justice (DOJ) established the National Commission on Forensic Science, in partnership with the National Institute of Standards and …


Legal Careers | Depart … ment of Justice › Careers
United States Department of Justice

11 hours ago – The Office of Attorney Recruitment and Management (OARM) leads Justice’s outreach and recruitment efforts for
(science) law students and   (Lipid Layer agents with a lip/mouth ) attorneys …



lipid bilayer 555


carmen and evans


U.S. Attorney Carmen Ortiz LIP bio-molecules  speak  to the news media with Boston Police Commissioner William B. Evans after the sentencing of Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokar TsaRNAev     …..  about the Nature’s systems messenger  RNA must be killed  …
per orders from  the  LYNCHING  group in Washington, DC who fail to study the
C.P. Snow, Thomas Kuhn, Alan Sokal SCIENCE WARS problem
in INTELLECTUAL circles …  lead by social science folk lore….. Loretta Lynch ….

Loretta Elizabeth Lynch is the 83rd and current Attorney General of the United States, having served as United States Attorney for the Eastern District of New York.

Please upgrade the Department of Justice with modern understandings of  social science …..  tragic signaling EVENTS, etc.


lipids ideas oslo water aqua osmosis



boston map 444



Charles Darwin evolution of Nature’s ANGER  …expression and information systems  …and the Charles River …. water .. water layer



lipid bilayer 6666666



solving the hierarchy problem – SLAC

SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
by J Lykken – ‎Cited by 2 – ‎Related articles

what is the hierarchy problem of the.
Standard Model. • is it really a problem? • what are the ways to solve it? • 


Standard Model.

Standard Model that stands on 2-leg –> 2-legal systems …..

water human



boston watertown map




The BOSTON   ..message processing region for Nature ….
the message starts at Charles  River (water and streams of consciousness) and ends at the boat in the Watertown, Massachusettes.

lipid bilayer 6666666



String Theory and

The  Hierarchy communications Problem in Physics – For ……/string-theory-and-the-hierarchyproblem-in-physi…

Many physicists feel that string theory will ultimately be successful at resolving the hierarchy problem of the Standard Model

boston boat watertown


Boa t

Boast –> bragging of superiorty over Natrure’s social  projects  ..resulted in the water death of  a  superior human  BULL-story group leader   in Wisconsin  …

 Nilsestuen, Arcadia native

and Wis DATCP head,

drowns in Lake Superior for

superior bragging over Nature ……/nilsestuen…drowns…l…

Winona Daily News

Jul 22, 2010 – MADISON – Rod Nilsestuen, who has led the state Department of … 2003, drowned Wednesday evening while swimming in Lake Superior off.


Nature’s molecular bio-computer system programmed his brain to make a judgement error   ..thus creating the impression of an accidental drowning  ….. instead, it was a brain bio-computer subroutine  that took over his brain’s sensible thoughts   ….

and then controlled his final actions  in the water ….. the water message

…. just like Nature’s  other water messages  …. LIPIDS –> Lip  + ids  –> Lip idiots who need to study some basic freshman college  textbooks and their  concepts about existence and REALITY …..  math, chemistry, organic chemistry, biochemsitry. etc

…Lip/ water/ aqua  ….


Watergate(Nixon) ,

Whitewater (Clinton),

Watertown (Tsarnev),


Waco (water continuun with Janet Reno and later the motorcycle bikers).


Mergers and acquisitions – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) are both aspects of strategic management, corporate finance and management dealing with the buying, selling, dividing and …

Carl Jung molecule collectives and their streams of consciousness
their mergers  …..
and the water molecule continuum  …code  Aqua –> aqua acquistions)
In year 2015, Washington,DC  ought  phase out their Hollywood style of thinking.

Lip  and Lipid  LANGUAGE and WORD  Disorders –

MedStar Washington Hospital Center › … › Endocrinology › Treatments

Lipid disorders treatment … depend on a highly skilled and experienced team of endocrinologists to help manage your lipid disorder. … WashingtonDC 20010.

experienced team of endocrinologists
experienced team of endocrinologists
experienced team of endocrin
experienced team of end
experienced team of ind
experienced team of indoc –> input documents to brain cells
experienced team of endocrinologists   VERSUS
experienced team of indocrinologists

indoctrination – Dictionary Definition :

Indoctrination means teaching someone to accept a set of beliefs without questioning them. Your sister’s orientation at her new job might seem more like indoctrination if she comes home robotically reciting her corporate employee handbook.

experienced team of    endocrinologists   VERSUS
experienced team of    indocrinologists

Old MacDonald Had A Farm Lyrics – Kid Song … – Kidsongs

Old MACDONALD had a farm E-I-E-I-O.

And on his farm he had a cow  End -Ind  -End  -Indo.
With a moo moo here.
And a moot court  there.
Here a mood, there a moot point
Thus we see molecule thoughts  .. as subsets   embedded within  some English language phrases
Let’s look at blog post that provides more clues on hydrocarbon social and legal expressions.

Hydrocarbon SOCIAL expression systems

using human OUTPUT display devices




Rd-blog-number-6066 by Herb Zinser reviews the  organic chemistry continuum ….. a molecular blanket that can be perceived .. as covering the EARTH geography land surface.


These carbon and hydrogen molecules build cellulose forests of trees, vegetable gardens,  acres of corn and soybean farm fields, etc.   This vast system of Nature  then converges upon the human being ….. who in a sense .. is like a computer terminal OUTPUT display device.




What is Terminal? Webopedia › TERM › T

(2) In networking, a terminal is a personal computer or workstation connected to a mainframe. The personal computer usually runs terminal emulation software that makes the mainframe think it is like any other mainframeterminal.


erminal (telecommunication) – Wikipedia, the free …

Examples of equipment containing network terminations are telephones, fax machines, computer terminals andnetwork devices, printers and workstations.



terminal 55

What is terminal? definition and meaning

It is the point at which a user is connected to and communicate with a computer or a website through a network. Three basic types of terminals are

(1) Dumb terminal: has no built-in data processing capabilities and serves only to send and receive data,
(2) Smart terminal: has limited data processing capabilities, and
(3) Intelligent terminal: has substantial data processing capabilities due to inbuilt processor and memory.

Above, we  have the copper wire/ electricity foundation  PLATFORM of energy   … then the computer system hardware/software PLATFORM with math logic and data formats   …..    and then the  application terminals for input/output     ……..
that interface with bio-math humans composed of bio-physics electrons. 
In our example of Mother Nature ..we use the carbon/ hydrocarbon molecules  / biology /        biochemistry platforms  that exist   and   use  humans as interface devices that express various molecular thoughts and ideas   …. on behalf of Nature’s social engineering projects  …  i.e. civilization.
For example ……
waco straight chain franschise 999
Thus we have  the straight chain alkane MOLCULES   and Nature’s super-symmetry existential physics MIRROR of  Kane County near Chicago.
Alkane code –> mapping –> Al + kane –> Alphabets Kane
kane country illinois
picture - kane map 3
Some of the  EARTH LAB alkane human specimens are believed to work at  FermiLAB  … where scientists study NATURE    …and Natures  molecular INTELLECT  studies the alkane humanoid thoughts and behavior   ….. per the  Galapagos Islands extension region of Peru … the  ODD project  of the  humanoid with EARTH LAB symbol identifier –> ODDONE.
For example …. typical conversation at FermiLAB in Batavia Illinois …

straight – The Online Slang Dictionary

This Slang page is designed to explain what the meaning of straight is. The slang word / phrase / acronym straightmeans. … Are you being straight with me?

Are you being straight with me?
Are you being straight with me?
Are you being straight with molecule (abbreviation me )?
Are you being  a straight  chain molecule  with  (my molecules …perhaps a branched) me?
Are you being straight with me?
Are you being straight with me?
Are you being straight with me?
Area (Kane county)   you being  an Alkane straight chain  molecule?
Area (Kane county)   you being  an Alkane straight chain  molecule?
Area (Kane county)   you  ….  being and nothingness (Sartre existentialism at the  molecules level of thought)  in  an Alkane straight chain  molecule?

Straight talk | Define Straight talk at

Slang definitions & phrases for straight talk … A direct and honest person; straight arrow: declares that she is ”the straightest shooter you ever saw” (1928+).


Physics Team at Stanford Putting Minds Over Matter / New …

San Francisco Chronicle

May 31, 1999 – … and the Lawrence Berkeley and Livermore National Laboratories, with … and positrons were conceived in 1986 by Pier Oddone, a Peru-born …


Pier Oddone and Jonathan Dorfan – CERN Courier

Pier Oddone (left), Deputy Director of the Lawrence Berkeley US National … Director of the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC), at the new PEP-II B Factory. … Director of the three-laboratory team (Berkeley/Livermore/SLAC) that built it, …

Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC)
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC)
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC) –> straight talkers that use linear
After his straight talker  FRAME of MIND   …Pier Oddone decided to see if he could join a group that talks in circles     …………
yet. still  maintain his straight talking, down to EARTH  FRAME of MIND  at FermiLAB in Batavia  …..
with their  Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family  … circle of  lies experiment.
fermiLAB coordinates

Double talk – definition of double talk by The Free Dictionary

Meaningless speech that consists of nonsense syllables mixed with intelligible words; gibberish. 2. Deliberately ambiguous or evasive language. Also called …

TALK IN CIRCLES meaning in English, значение слова … › … › Slang English vocab

/After three hours at the negotiating table, the parties decided to call it quits because they realized that they had been talking in circles./. Slang English vocab.

Thus the  HUMAN brain study    ….. atomic  thoughts on  citizenship and political science
BULL-stories study in Illinois(e) –_ code word –> Ill + nois –> ill/language sickness / dribble noise   …..  and the STATE of MIND ..Illinois   OR   ILL /sill / silly noise INTELLECTUAL assumptions.

Fermilab – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The two circular structures are the Main Injector Ring (smaller) and Tevatron (larger). … Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab), located just outside …

Fermilab – HyperPhysics…/…
Georgia State University

Fermilab. The Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory near Chicago has the most … The Booster is a circularaccelerator (synchrotron) that uses magnets to bend …

The Booster is a circular accelerator (synchrotron) that uses magnets to bend …
The Booster is a newspaper circular accelerator (syntax …. synch  ) that uses magnets to bend the news  explanations  about signaling EVENTS …

Chicago-Booster | Pioneer Press
Community newspapers throughout the Chicago area. On-line articles, columns, classifieds, and special features plus subscription and advertising special …
Rating: 4.3 – ‎3 votes

To connect with Inside Booster, News Star & Skyline, sign up for Facebook today …. Rust is a menace of corrosion on Chicago’s buildings, bridges and pipelines.

The Lakeview, Lincoln Park, North Center and Lincoln Square Inside – Booster is in the Chicago, IL DMA. It is a free community newspaper. The Lakeview Inside

tesla EARTH levels waves

Nikola Tesla’s Earthquake Machine – The Excluded Middle

In the last years of the 19th century, technological alchemist Nikola Tesla may … A vibration sent through the earthreturns an “echo signature” using the same .


Straight talk – Idioms by The Free Dictionary
Definition of straight talk in the Idioms Dictionary. straight talk phrase. What does straight talk expression mean? Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary.
Urban Dictionary

a person that does not use any or almost no type of slang when talking to anyone and a better … and the straight talker would say “hello how are you doing?”.

the straight talker would say “hello how are you doing?”
the straight talker would say “hello how are you doing?”
the straight talker would  ..s  “hell o    ho    w a    are you doing?”
the straight talker  ………….shell orbitals   h2o  water   area  ….  you   doing?”
water human
Let’s look at another blog post that explains some social chemistry and  molecule  LAW school  communication problems.

straight chain hydrocarbon
molecular WAR
at the Twin Peaks chain

Rd-blog-number-6065 by Herb Zinser reviews  Nature’s  hydrocarbon expression system that uses human agents to build  straight chain molecules  in chemistry labs and petrochemical refineries   …..  AND publish college textbooks on organic  chemistry …… so the molecular knowledge enters the human stream of consciousness  used by of millions of people  …..


and then  …  those straight  chain molecule THOUGHT implants in the human brain …
decide to MIRROR themselves  …………….  thus, the straight chain molecule uses
SUPER-SYMMETRY existential physics commands  ……  mirror mirror on the wall ..
who is the most beautiful one of  all   …… the straight chain of franchise stores …Twin Peaks.



Twin Peaks Restaurant Franchise Information – Entrepreneur › … › Misc. Full-Service Restaurants

Twin Peaks Restaurant Franchise Information from


Twin Peaks –

Twin Peaks features high-quality food and ice cold draft beer served by friendly and attractive Twin Peaks Girls in a mountain sports lodge setting.



Below, the social chemistry RD site  of Lewisville, Texas …..  for Lewis dot structures



Lewis structures in Lewisville (also known as Lewis dot diagrams, electron dot diagrams, Lewis dot formulas, Lewis dot structures, and electron dot structures) are diagrams that show the bonding between atoms of a molecule and the lone pairs of electrons  in the LONE STAR state of Texas   ….  that may exist in the molecule.

waco lewis dot structure for lewis 3 waco lewis dot structure

in other words …………… advanced molecular message systems


lewis dot waco waiteress


Straight chain | Define Straight chain at

Straight chain definition, an open chain of atoms, usually carbon, with no side chains … with no attached side chains; (as modifier): a straightchain hydrocarbon.

waco carbon straigh chain franschise

Straight chain – definition of straight chain by The Free …

straight chain. n. 1. (Chemistry). a. an open chain of atoms in a molecule with no attached side chains. b. (as modifier): a straightchain hydrocarbon.




To start off with, we will consider only simple hydrocarbons – molecules that contain only carbons and hydrogens. The IHD rule tells us that a saturated, straight-chain alkane will have the molecular formula CnHn+2, (n is the number of carbons in the molecule).  The following alkanes are shown as examples.



waco straight chain franschise 999





waco straignt chains




The EVENT that brings the molecule social expression system  into the news……..

What Really Happened in the Waco Motorcycle Gang ……/what-really-happened-in-the-waco-motorcy
Jun 18, 2015 – One month ago yesterday, on the early afternoon of May 17, in and outside the Twin Peaks restaurant in Waco, Texas, a bevy of marauding …


twin peaks waco astronomy 666

Waco biker shooting: Police say they fired 12 times per carbon atomic mass 12 orders –
Jun 12, 2015 – A fight broke out among rival biker gangs in Waco, Texas, on Sunday, May 17, leaving at least nine people dead. At least 170 people were …


Police say they fired 12 times per carbon

Police say they fired 12 times per carbon

Police say they fired 12 times per carbon orders

carbon 888888888



Thus the straight chained  FRANCHISE  headquarters  ….. acts very moral and
self-righteous   …. they are  very  straight  …. as shown by their hasty decison.

Twin Peaks cancels franchise pact for Waco location – The ……/20150518-twin-peaks…
The Dallas Morning News
May 18, 2015 – “We are disappointed that the franchisor, Twin Peaks, made a sudden decision to cancel our Waco franchise before all of the facts are learned,” …

waco fraanchise chain war

Urban Dictionary: straight arrow
…. straight people at  the TEXAS hydrocarbon display   …..  the straight chain franchise … Twin Peaks.…
Urban Dictionary
That dude is such a straight arrow; all he does is drink water and read the Bible. … A person whos character, personality, morals, ethics, and background do not …





Another blog post explain more ………

Nature’s carbon molecule  awareness TRIAL

of molecule life forms:   Carmen Ortiz,

President Jimmy Carter,

General Carter Ham and others
Rd-blog-number-6046 by Herb Zinser reviews various tragic EVENTS and their databases for CLUES about the THEORY of EVERYTHING  …which includes you, your daily activities, your  friends, and the MAJOR message events that are   printed in newspapers on the front page or the 1st  section.



Nature’s SYMBOL MACHINE is comprised of  nouns, verbs, concepts, math equations,  flowcharts, etc.  The ideas found in math and science textbooks are part of the SYMBOL MACHINE.

Using Galileo’s suggestions  of  ” 2 CHIEF WORLD  SYSTEMS”  we now perceive Sartre existentialism as partitioned into 2 or more data spaces……. the  2  CHIEF existential entities

1) physical reality of objects: concrete highways, iron  automobiles, cellulose trees, humanoids,  atoms, molecules, gravity fields, EARTH iron core,  etc.
2) The world of symbols, concepts, process control system flowcharts, biochemistry diagrams,  math and physics equations, etc.

Maps and Territories – Rijnlandmodel

Language in Thought and Action, S.I. Hayakawa.
Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and Territories
There is a sense in which we all live in two worlds  ….. as suggested by others 

Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems ……/Dialogue_Concerning_the_Two_C…


The Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems (Dialogo sopra i due massimi sistemi del mondo) was a 1632 Italian-language book by Galileo Galilei …‎Overview– ‎Summary – ‎Editions in print – ‎Notes

A Tale of Two Cities – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


A Tale of Two Cities (1859) is a novel by Charles Dickens, set in London and Paris before and during the French Revolution. The novel depicts the plight of the …‎Sydney Carton – ‎A Tale of Two Cities (1980 film) – ‎Jean-François de la Barre.
Year 1859 (Europe ..Tale of  2 cities)

Year 1861 (United States – Tale of 2 regions ..North and South)

Year 1939 Axis  Powers  (geometry axis and math powers) | World War II |
Encyclopaedia Britannica

The coalition headed by Germany, Italy, and Japan that opposed the Allied Powers in World War II. The alliance originated in a series of …

Powers in World War II.
Powers in World War II.
Powers in World War  2  –> Base 2 math powers …. Base 2 exponents (see computer science basics)
Year 2001  ..September 11  –>  Tale of Two Towers in  lower Manhattan …..

New York Assault and Battery Laws – FindLaw › … › State Laws › New York LawNew York criminal law prohibits varying forms of assault. T

. The EARTH  iron core . (Center of mass)  and EARTH geography surface land of Battery Park, Manhattan ….  …. authorized the assault and battery of the World Trade Center (center of mass)


Thus we have the source domain of SYMBOL LIFE and thought that may get a mathematical-physics mapping to the destination range of physical biology with human proper nouns, human activities, etc on the geography surface of EARTH.


Let’s  look at Nature’s periodic atomic table of elements of life and thought  … and its   expression system.

We have cellulose trees composed of atoms and molecules …. fish ..birds, animals    …. living in various molecular continuums

Fish …..  the water molecules continuum.

Birds  .. the oxygen/nitrogen atmosphere air continuum.

Then, we have  Nature’s  expression with the EARTH LAB specimen label …humanoid.

With the invention of automobiles and organic chemistry (gasoline fuels, plastics, etc ) ..  … using year 1900 as a frame of reference could say  humanoids live within a carbon ..hydrocarbon continuum.

This is certainly true in year 2015 ….. with  gasoline, fuel oil, plastics used kitchen ware, plastic garbage bags, synthetic fibers in clothes,  magnetic tapes for computer files, etc.

Thus …..we have  carbon and Nature’s systems  …. and Nature’s   human representatives   ..who are expected to  communicate properly about serious matters   ….. that may  be  multi-faceted matters ….involving several factors and components of Nature’s various FORMATS and MECHANISMS.

For example, a  4-wheeled motor  vehicle is comprised of various separate TECHNOLOGIES… that converge in the construction and assembly of the automobile.

We have ….

– rubber tire  RD and  manufacturing

– glass for windshields

– sheet metals for hoods and fenders

– hydrocarbon / gasoline RD  and distribution systems .

– automobile electrical circuits and headlights


Thus we see the multi-faceted dimensions of existence that comprise an automobile
…and  the same concept   ….. may apply to

the Boston Marathon bombing trial and
the Fort Hood year 2009 shooting trial, etc.

The Department   of Justice needs to upgrade their brain cell SYMBOL content ..
to Nature’s minimum required standard of conscious  awareness  ….as expected in year 2103, 2014, 2015. .

The denial of the  MESSENGER  relationship between C.P. Snow (Two Cultures) and Edward Snowden is serious problem in Washington, DC  and Cambridge,  Massachusetts universities in the Boston area.



Let’s look at another blog post that looks at the ” Tale of  2 existences”  –>

The carbon molecule level of life, thoughts,  and social science messages  VERSUS  the surface veneer level of people  at the Department of Justice … ( such as Carmen Ortiz and Janet Reno) and their  university friends that have neglected their    responsibilities  in the “TWO CULTURES” communications problem.

The other blog post ,,,,,,,,,,,

Cycloalkane social science WAR analysis


of data from Boston and Waco

Part 2 – Hydrocarbon thoughts

RD-blog-number-6045 by Herb Zinser reviews the information database provided by  DA Carmen Ortiz in Boston ….. a member of the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family doing research on atomic social science conflicts ….  such as Nature’s ….  the Boston Marathon HUMAN RACE  race and   TsaRNAev  … in year 2013     involved in the  Charles Darwin  atomic evolution WARS…. . along the Charles River ….and its stream of consciousness ERRORS of  OMISSION.


The event that drew attention ….



Boston Marathon bombing – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Boston Marathon bombing was a terrorist attack, followed by subsequent related shootings, that occurred when two pressure cooker bombs exploded during the Boston Marathon on April 15, 2013. The bombs exploded about 12 seconds and 210 yards (190 m) apart at 2:49 pm EDT, near the marathon’s finish line on Boylston Street.

The suspects were identified later that day as Chechen brothers Dzhokhar Tsarnaev andTamerlan Tsarnaev.




U.S. Attorney Carmen Ortiz speaks to the news media with Boston Police Commisioner William B. Evans (L) after the sentencing of Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev outside the federal courthouse in Boston, Massachusetts May 15, 2015.



The secret identity code of Carmen Ortiz –> subset letters –> car  + ort –> carbon atomic mass + electron orbits …

in the state of MASS ……………  the  geography state of Massachusetts  that is supposed to represent atomic mass …. atomic mass communications and atomic social social science laws



Carmen Ortiz  …… and her atomic / molecular  human structure   …as an organic chemistry  …………    hydrocarbon expression device.


Electron Configuration for Carbon (C) – TerpConnect…/electronconfigurations/…

Carbon is the sixth element with a total of 6 electrons. In writing the electron configuration forcarbon the first two electrons will go in the 1s orbital




Images for carbon 6 electron orbits

Images for carbon 6 electron orbits

Images for car……………………..or   t  –>  1/2 of the  SYMBOL WORD universe .

The living language  WORD analysis  ………..

carbon –> 6 letters of the alphabet –> subset of 3 symbols –>  car –>  carmen  … missing 1/2 of the REALITY of the EVENT
orbital  –>  6 alphabet symbols –> subset of 3 –>  ort  –>  ort  interface with the vertical Z-axis used by standing humans  –> codes –> ort  i  z  —> ortiz


Thus we see the Linus Pauling organic  chemistry concepts …..  .as portrayed by molecular messenger Charles Schultz and code: Linus.


Thus ..the EARTH geography surface of LAND and SOIL  .. is perceived as covered with  hydrocarbon blanket  ….. the carbon life forms upon the EARTH surface
………  2-legged humans,   4-legged animals,  carbon based cellulose trees, etc.


Other have suggested this molecular  blanket  ……. with humans as subsets embedded within the larger blanket and its  EARTHLY space/time fabric.



Black Holes and Time Warps: Einstein’s Outrageous Legacy … › … › Physics › Relativity, Inc.

Black Holes and Time Warps: Einstein’s Outrageous Legacy … Kip Thorne, along with fellow theorists Stephen Hawking and Roger Penrose, a cadre of … tapestry of interlocking themes, coming finally to a uniquely informed answer to the great .



The Fabric of the Cosmos (and the EARTH surface with human display devices) – › … › Cosmology, Inc.
Rating: 4.5 – ‎383 reviews

The Fabric of the Cosmos: Space, Time, and the Texture of Reality [Brian Greene] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. From Brian Greene …



Meet the U.S. Attorney | USAO-MA | Department of Justice…/meet-us-attorney
United States Department of Justice

Office of the United States Attorneys The United States Department of …Carmen M. Ortiz was nominated by President Barack Obama, as the …


United States Department of Justice

Office of the United States Attorneys The United States Department of Justice … Carmen M.Ortiz has dedicated much of her professional career to public service.

Carmen M. Ortiz was nominated by President Barack Obama

Car …………………………………………….President …………O -> Oxygen life form ….. who has yet to acknowledge his  atomic MAN  …. existence

Carbon…………..and  oxygen  HUMANOID  representatives

Thus we see the atomic nature of the blanket  /..the  EARTHLY  surface region fabric and atmosphere …

the carbon fabric (Carmen Ortiz)   with oxygen atmosphere (Obama).


Thus in an abstract  model …… the 2 people express  NATURE’s  systems architecture   … and existential physics concepts.



Carmen within this carbon organic chemistry continuum  …. is supposed to acknowledge these aspects in legal  TRIALs per  the Supreme Court announcement on carbon communications LEGAL protocol.




Steven Chu – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


In August 2004, Chu was appointed as the director of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, a U.S. Department of Energy National Laboratory, and joined …

In August 2004
In August 2004
In August 2004 –>  2 carbon atoms    and 004 hydrogen atoms and their MASS    ….. appointed  to the atomic / quantum state of MASS
—> MASS +  Chu –> giving word –> Massachusetts 
Thus the carbon eth –> ethics molecule –> ethylene scheduled   the indirect message 2 and 4 –> using year 2004 ..
the double bond ..above  –> suggests the double agent identity of CHU.

The Case for EARTHLY Parallel Universes – Scientific American › … › Web Exclusives
Scientific American

Do you really live in a multiverse, or is this notion beyond the pale of science? …. If the no-copy assumption is false, then there’s no fundamental ..


Is there a copy of you – Massachusetts      Institute of Technology

… Kavli Institute for Astrophysics asks Steven Chu  ……/multiverse_sciam….
Massachusetts Institute of Technology SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. 41. AL. FR. ED. T. K. AM. AJ. IA. N. Parallel. Universes reading this article? A person who is notyou but who lives on.



asks    Steven                Chu   –> are their  Charles Darwin  ….   Charles River evolution of  SYMBOL LIFE  ….
SYMBOL   extension  copies of  atomic bio-physics code –> Steven…



Chu was appointed as the director of the Law

 Steven      CHU was appointed as the director of the Law of all of Massachusetts


The rigged  Boston Marathon bombing ENERGY trial and the omission by the Department  of Justice  of proper identification and authorization codes  …..   to the judge,  jury and the general public.


U.S. Attorney Carmen Ortiz speaks to the news media with

Boston Police Commisioner William B. Evans (L) after the sentencing of Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev outside the federal courthouse in Boston, Massachusetts May 15, 2015.




Thus we have ….. the Department of Justice  INTELLECTUAL errors  ….. with their Hollywood simple style of perception (good guys and bad guys)  and the modern year  2015   Boston Hierarchy Problem


solving the hierarchy problem – SLAC

SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
by J Lykken – ‎Cited by 2 – ‎Related articles

what is the hierarchy problem of the. Standard Model. • is it really a problem? • what are the ways to solve it? • how is this related to gravity? outline of this lecture





Not to feel alone, Carmen has an affinity with the carbon  12 –> Twelve Tribes of Israel.





Let’s look at another post that provides more information  ..and covers the Boston Marathon bombing SCIENCE WARS   and Waco, Texas.


RD-blog-number-6034 by Herb Zinser reviews the existential physics WAR in Boston ….. a possibility predicted by Isaac Asimov of Boston University  and his FOUNDATION equations with Hari Sheldon.

asimov foundation good

Foundation series – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The Foundation series is a science PROJECT  ..SYMBOL MACHINE  series by Isaac Asimov. … a branch of mathematics known as psychohistory, a concept of mathematical sociology.


epicur philosophy e picture

Epicurus and Epicurean Philosophy

Epicureanism is a system of philosophy based upon the teachings of the ancient Greek philosopher Epicurus, founded around 307 BCE. Epicurus was an atomic materialist, following in the steps of Democritus. His materialism led him to a general attack on superstition and divine intervention.


Epicurus –> E + picur + rus + Us –> Earth pictures russia USA

Epicurus —>  events in the world (such as BOSTON)   are ultimately based on the motions and interactions of atoms moving in empty space.


Epicurus | Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy

Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
by T O’Keefe – ‎2005 – ‎Cited by 7 – ‎Related articles

Epicurus is one of the major philosophers in the Hellenistic period, the three centuries following the death of Alexander the Great in 323 B.C.E. (and of Aristotle ..


Epicureanism – Religion Facts

Epicureanism is an ancient Greek philosophical system taught by Epicurus. It emphasized the goal of a happy and content life in the here and now, rejecting …

and content life

and content life

and content life

and content life ………….  in modern terms of Computer Earth system 360/370 we have

EARTH CMS (Content Management Systems such  humans, real estate housing, schools, television content such as bull-nonsense , etc)

Nature’s systems …. Content management system – Wikipedia, the free …

content management system (CMS) is a bio-computer application that allows publishing, editing and modifying content, organizing, deleting  (humans at Virginia TECH on April 16  or deleting humans in Boston in year 2013)

List…………………..nag … data bit  bitch

Weber Grills – By Grillers For Grillers for the Spanish inquistion with Carmen Ortiz and William Evans in Boston


 –> grill and fry the human brain sentences to create for Alzheimer’s   …. the eating to brain memory content of   words and sentences …

in addition,  then the federal government ordered DEATH SENTENCE  .. all  English language sentences in the brain are to die for the
Depart(ment) of Justice policy  ………

Depart    mental    (abilities)  of Justice  arrogance and snob attitude

Weber‑Stephen Products

Weber is the world’s premier manufacturer of charcoal, gas, and electric grills, and grilling accessories. Includes recipes, grilling tips, parts, and support.


Let’s look at another blog post that provides more clues to the  Boston information WAR ZONE.

The Bose-Einstein statistics WAR in Boston with
citizen / Federal violations of the F(e) equation 

RD-blog-number-6033 by Herb Zinser reviews   the Bose-Einstein statistics TRIAL of the  Boston Marathon runners that ran in year 2013  …..  they ran as  bio-math random variable objects (in human format)  to gerenate a statistical database for Nature’s social system engineers.


boston runners 2013


The above stand on 2-legs….



They are composed of atomic particles in human package format  ….  a rectagular BOX  designed by B.F. Skin Skinner and the  evolution of Skinner box technology and social manipulation shemes.

Modern Packaging Encyclopedia – Google Books

Title, Modern Packaging Encyclopedia. Publisher, McGraw-Hill., 1966. Original from, the University of Virginia. Digitized, Jul 13, 2010. Export Citation, BiBTeX …

Using the above  packaging  information …. the evolution of

B.F. Skinner | Operant Conditioning | Simply Psychology

by BF Skinner – ‎Related articles

Although, for obvious reasons he is more commonly known as B.F. Skinner. … Edward Thorndike studied learning in animals using a puzzle box to propose the …



B.F. S –> Batavia, FermiLAB atomic bio-physics skin scientists like Pier Oddone that study atomic with electron skins that MIRROR themselves


Above, EARTH LAB specimens ….  BATCH of specimens at the Bat location –> Batavia  ..seeking clues to their atomic INNER identity …. .

b.f. skinner ………
………inner  / internal thoughts

B.F. –> Before –> before code –> . sk –> sequence of shells subscript K

picture - paul 15

by BF Skinner – ‎Related articles

Although, for obvious reasons he is more commonly known as B.F. Skinner. … Edward Thorndike studied learning in an = atomic number  entity …an = animals with 2-legs using a puzzle box to propose the …



B.F. S –> Batavia, FermiLAB skin scientists like Pier Oddone

to year 2013

B.F. S –> Boston Federal System with humans as atomic representatives .


boston energy humans particle


Above –> Higgs boson  SYMBOL LIFE transformation to physical biology messsengers in humanoid display FORMAT  on Nature’s EARTH geography / land/ street/  .. display surface with people, concrete  buildings, cellulose oak trees, retail department stores, etc

Bose–Einstein statistics – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


In quantum statistics, Bose–Einstein statistics (or more colloquially B–E statistics) is one of

two possible ways in which a collection of non-interacting …


Boston Marathon bombing – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The Boston Marathon bombing was a terrorist attack, followed by subsequent related shootings,
that occurred

when two pressure cooker bombs exploded ..

Bose-Einstein Distribution Example – HyperPhysics…/disbex.h…
Georgia State University

How many ways can you distribute 9 units of energy among 6 identical, indistinguishable bosons in Boston?
The three distributions of particles at left each have the same …

The three distributions of particles

The three distributions of particles

The three distributions of –> human  particles

Boston marathon bombs were pressure cooker … – Daily Mail

Daily Mail
Apr 15, 2013 – The two bombs that inflicted horror at the Boston Marathon were made from …
Witnesses described seeing 3 humans and
their  body parts flying through the air
creating  a Bose-Einstein probability distribution They killed 3 people and injured an estimated 264 others.[2][4][9]They killed 3 people and injured an estimated 264 others.[2][4][9]They killed 3 people and injured an estimated 264 others.The Boston Marathon bombing was a terrorist attack, followed by subsequent related shootings, that occurred when two pressure cooker bombs exploded during the Boston Marathon on April 15, 2013. The bombs exploded about 12 seconds and 210 yards (190 m) apart at 2:49 pm EDT, near the marathon’s finish line on Boylston Street.

Boston and runway 26 ky jelly


The  data generated in Boston  has information pointer 264 –> 26  –> agrees with number 26 above ….

injured an estimated 264 others

injured an estimated 264 others

injured an estimated 26   …entities  with  4 DNA nucleotides

Also, we had the Runway 26 particle distribution  DEMO  experiment at Lexington, Kentuck with Comair airlines.  The Federal Aviation Administration  system crash investigators keep track of air plane, body parts. and passenger luggage particle distributions.
runway 26 crash
boston energy 2

Above, words ,,,,, the average population of each energy state ( atomic mass and the state of Mass … Massachusetts) must be takes.

Thus violations  by the citizen population of Massachusettes created the conditions that resulted in the  Boston tragic signaling EVENT

The atomic relationship of 6 and 9 ….. was discovered by a scientist using his home bio-physics  LAB using  lab secimens he keeps at home.he conditions that resulted in the  Boston tragic signaling EVENT.
Sixty-nine or 69, also known by its French name soixante-neuf (69), is a group of sex positions in which two people align themselves so that each person’s mouth is near the other’s genitals, simultaneously performing oral sex.[1][2][3] The participants are thus mutually inverted like the numerals 6 and 9 in the number 69, hence the name.[3][4] This position can involve any combination of genders. Although not displayed in any of the images, a 69 can also be performed with both partners on their sides, perhaps a more relaxed position.
control systems
hannah graham brain feedback neuron cell

The above scientific reseach experiment has evolved over the years  …and plays a major role in all systems


Civil war feedback control-5

boston energy 2

Above, the F(e) equation that F(e) = Federal law officials omitted from
the rigged mathematical-physics  social science TRIAL  of Tsarnaev.

In addition theory and data  …..


boston energy india asia physics

The applications  … parallel processing result


boston mathaon race 1

Below, agent code –> Palencia –> subset identifier code –> CIA  ….. messages for Carmen Ortiz
boston energy bomb pictures
boston mara jade star wars

The atomic gases DEMO in Boston used the information string to –>

Gas Laws: Boyle’s Law Calculations

Davidson College


Boyle’s Law states that the product of the pressure and volume for a gas is a constant for a fixed amount of gas at a fixed temperature. Written in mathematical …

Images for atomic gases –>  boyle’s law of gases –>  site selection  Boylston Street






Thus we see the ENERGY trial  ..Nature VERSUS    the  citizen  /federal government INTELLECTUAL arragance and supremacy  …. that has resulted in many errors of ommisision and deliberate tampering of electron volts(ev) data  –> ev –> evidence  tampering OR  lack of understanding by the Department of Justice omniscent thinkers   ….. thinking  of restaurant menus, sports,  and appeasing the nonsense  citizen brains of BOSTON  with the circus TRIAL.


carmen and evans


U.S. Attorney    Carmen   Ortiz speaks to the news media with Boston Police Commisioner William B. Evans after the sentencing of Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokar Tsarnaev

Picture - wave 4


Thus we have the Department of Justice  bragging CLAIMS of superiorty over all the laws of existence …

with agent equation control code –>

Carmen – ->

en –> energy District  Attorney

atomic SYMBOL LIFE is claimed by –> Evans  …..  Boston atomic police …William Evans … claim control over all atomic nucleus expression systems per MIT book.In year 2015,  MIT univeristy continues to approve  of this outrageous bragging claim.MIT claims  their  engineering software  control Nature’s  brain cell Mitochondria subset  letter codes –> Mit + Oc + cho + ndMIT ERRORS ….. resulting  the oc murders (Oklahoma City and Oak Creek, Wisconsin),  Mr. cho shooting at Virginia TECH,  Northern DeKlab shooting, etc.Thus MIT and Boston have serious awareness and perception problems  .. regarding an understanding of   REALITY and human events  that occur  ……
versus Hollywood style REEL ..REAL …reality

evans 5


Bose – Einstein condensate manipulation and interferometry…/MateuszZawadzk…
University of Strathclyde

A brief overview of the statistical and quantum mechanics used to describe the … 2.2 Bose-Einstein statistics . ….. D.1 Hot on the trail of the BEC fluctuation .

Bose – Einstein condensate manipulation and interferometryBose – Einstein condensate manipulation and interferometryBoston – Einstein condensate manipulation and infer  interferance  ……  lack of communications 


boston energy trial india


Hinduism in Greater Boston – Pluralism Project

Pluralism Project

In the 1970s, new Indian immigrants, most of them professionals, began to have … Nearly twenty years later, in July of 2009, the Hindu community celebrated the …

Gurudwara Sikh Sangat Boston –Boston Sikh code –> Si +Kh –> sin wave KHZ control of 

 Dzhokhar   …

In remembrance of the Shaheedi Purab of Guru Arjan Dev ji and with the blessings of Almighty and Sadh Sangat, Gurdwara Sikh Sangat Boston is organizing a …


Dzhokhar Tsarnaev – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Jump to Boston Marathon bombings – [edit]. Main article: Boston Marathon bombings. Tsarnaev was convicted of participating in the Boston Marathon ..

Carmen Ortiz issues DEATH SENTENCE  to siKH Temple  VIA  the  intermediate value theorem of Calcutta calculus  bo-math agent derivative dz –> Dzhokhar..
Department of Justice brags about their  sucessful  murder  set-up scheme of teh SiKH Temple in Oak Creek, Wisconsin the continued attack on KHZ via the DEATH SENTECE
to DzhoKHar  and the consequence of that is the BRAIN death sentence to
……………Har –> Harvard University .
Officials gather near the Sikh Temple in Oak Creek in Wisconsin August 5, 2012 following a mass shooting inside and outside the Sikh Temple. REUTERS/Allen Fredrickson

Dzhokhar Death Penalty – Huffington Post

The Huffington Post

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was sentenced to death Friday for his role in the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing. A jury deliberated for more than 14 hours over th.


Gunman, six others dead at Wisconsin Sikh temple –


Aug 5, 2012 – At least seven people, including a gunman shot by a police officer, have been killed in an attack at a Sikh temple near Milwaukee.


Thus the Departemnt of Justice attack upon the knowledge base of Bose-Einsteins statistics and related groups of people (by heritage or name identifiers)   …..



Boston energy Satyendra Nath bose

Let’s look at the Boston equation again………..


isaac asimov 6


Isaac Asimov – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
Wikipedia  Isaac Asimov (/ˈaɪzɨk ˈæzɨmɒv/; born Isaak Yudovich Ozimov; circa … of biochemistry at Boston University, best known for his works of science fiction and for … 
Foundation series – ‎Robot series – ‎Three Laws of Robotics – ‎Nightfall  Psychohistory (theoryl) – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia  Wikipedia  Psychohistory is a theoretical science in Isaac Asimov’s Foundation universe which …  sociology, and mathematical statistics  to make general predictions about the future … the psychohistorical equations showing the future development of humanity. …. a group of AIs predict that human society (and therefore the global network …  Hari Seldon – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
Wikipedia  Hari Seldon is a character in Isaac Asimov’s Foundation series. In his capacity as mathematics professor at Streeling University on Trantor, Seldon … up to his last moments on psychohistorical equations; his activated Prime Radiant … right time and place to set up a new society, one that would replace the collapsing … 
In his capacity as mathematics professor at Streeling University  In his capacity as mathematics professor at Streeling University  In his capacity as mathematics professor at Streeling University  In his capacity as mathematics professor at Stree University

In his capacity as mathematics professor at Street  –> Boylston Street


boston boyle street

boston 2 street


his activated Prime Radiant … right time and place to set up


his activated Prime Radiant … right time and place to set up

his activated  Prime    Radiant

… right time and place to set up



boston mara jade star wars


Psychohistory is a theoretical science in Isaac Asimov’s Foundation universe which …

sociology, and mathematical statistics

to make general predictions about the future .




boston energy 5 math


String theory – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


In physics, string theory is a theoretical framework in which the point-like particles … limiting cases of a single theory in eleven dimensions known as M-theory. …… conditions similar to those present at around 10-11 seconds after the Big Bang.

The eleven dimensions …… .each dimecsion has expressions that may or may not be obvious.
Applications of Nature’s SYMBOL MACHINE equation the possiblities

f (E)  –>  atomic human  F(Evans)  ….. William Evans composed of  atomic elements as outlined by the MIT 1955 book by Robley Evans.

f(E) –> a component of  identifier  word–> Female.

The high ranking  Bose-Eistein female in Boston –> Female –> Carmen Ortiz

f(E) –> Federal goverment –> equation pointer to Office of Science, the Department of Energy, and FermILAB   …… all who .. deliberatly suppressed
ev (electron volt  expression systems )
ev = evidence related to tsaRNAev

Algorithms  for   Boston Physics  TRIAL | Nerd Wisdom
Aug 14, 2007 – Much of my own work is atthe Boylston Street intersection of statistical mechanics and algorithms,
in particular understanding and developing new algorithms ..

Statistical Mechanics: Algorithms and Computations from École normale supérieure. In this course you will learn a whole lot of modern physics (classical and …



Jump to Vice Presidency – This article is about the former U.S. Vice President for social engineering and brain engineering sortware algorithms  to maniplaute and control math and scicne students for the string theory special application –> puppet string theory  that claimed the life of SAM HENGEL at Marionette Theater High Scool in Marinette Wisconsin.

hegel -3
boston trial

Judge Gives Rules at Start of Boston Marathon Bombing Trial

“Mr. Tsarnaev is accused of crimes that are potentially punishable by a sentence of death,” Judge

George A. O’Toole Jr.  (tool/ puppet / manipulated)

of Federal District Court said in introducing the defendant to potential jurors.

Urban Dictionary: puppet

Urban Dictionary

puppet. 1. A person not capable of forming his or her own ideas. Often, the person … 2. A person being manipulated, whether he he realizes it or not.

See: tool  –> see Boston tool judical system.

Pawn – definition of pawn by The Free Dictionary

2. someone who is used or manipulated to further another person’s purposes (the community sub-consicous MIND BS purposes and news reporter arrogance purposes) . ….
tool, instrument, toy, creature, puppet, dupe, stooge (slang), plaything, …

BES Poster Award

26 Mar 2013

Congratulations to Dr Vicky Cabrera-Sharp who won a ‘Highly commended’ poster award (from almost 400 considered) at the Annual Society for Endocrinology Conference last week. Her poster was entitled ‘BMP4 induces terminal differentiation of primary trophoblast cells and increases chorionic gonadotrophin secretion’.

…in other words–> Boston  BES = Bose-Einstein Statistcs

at the Annual Society for Endocrinology Conference  …
………………………………..Endocrin  poetry rhymes

Political Indoctrination in Public Schools | Learnist…/33366-political-indoctrination-in-public-schools

Political indoctrination is a problem in public schools. The fact that these incidents did not inspire public concern (let alone outrage) shows how complacent our … .

RVC have “Highly Accessed” article in BMC Neuroscience
dollar financial code ..secret message systems

04 October 2012

A recent article by the RVC has been categorised as “highly accessed” by BioMed Central. This means that it has been identified as an article that has been especially highly accessed, relative to its age, and the journal in which it was published.

Field approaches to identifying Mycobacterium bovis infection in badger populations

24 September 2012

Julian Drewe, Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the RVC, has been awarded funding from the Food and Environment Research Agency (FERA) to work on “field approaches to identifying Mycobacterium bovis infection in badger populations”. Further information about the project is available here.

…in other words ..

Einstein;s data processing DATA FIELD  ….

Field approaches to identifying Mycobacterium bovis infection in Wisconsin citizen brain SYMBOL PROCESSORs …the Badger state populations of bull-stories and  INTELLECTUAL political science dribble

24 September 2012

Julian Drewe, Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the RVC, has been awarded funding from the Food and Environment Research Agency (FERA) to work on “field approaches to identifying Mycobacterium bovis infection in badger populations”.
Further information about the project is available here.

Further information

…… heroin   …. format   of word command input to the brain processor

Thus we see the rigged trial in Boston and the omission of large amounts of important evidence  ignored in the Department of  Justice  CONSTUTITIONAL  violations of integrity and fairness …and giving the American public (like myself)  the data, the factors and underlying reality involved in the signaling EVENT..

Now, let’s look at the graphic messages that parallel the Bose-Einstein illustration  ………..
boston energy india asia physics
The Boston energy expression event  provides a key clue ….. 2 of the 3   ….
above peaks are important in the human visible world   ..the EARTH geography LAND surface as an information display surface ….. below 2 event …..  2/3 of  1  message event  within the EARTH gravity field   G =  .667  units –> 2/3 of existence as we see it.
Thus Isaac Newton ….. in addition to his gravity number ..  tells us this 2/3 of obvious existence  …and given 2/3 probability in your favor in Nature’s casino  … any  Janet Reno, Nevada gambler that studies modern law like Edward Thorp.
gravity constant
boston boyle street

Edward O. Thorp – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Edward Oakley “Ed” Thorp (born 14 August 1932) is an American mathematics professor, author, hedge fund manager, and blackjack player best known as the …

Edward O. Thorp  Edward O. Thorp (from year 1932) is the author of the best-seller Beat the Dealer ..SECRET CODE BOOK (Beat the New Deal) : A Winning Strategy for the Game of Twenty-One (Random House 1962, 1966). It presented the .. 
A Winning Strategy 
A Winning Strategy 
A Winning Strate + gy –> Earth stratosphere gravity ….. Nature’s advanced gravity communication field technology  New Deal – Facts & Summary with Ed Thorp ––deal 



By 1932, one of the bleakest years of the Great Depression, at least one-quarter of the … More than that, Roosevelt’s New Deal permanently changed the federal … 
Video Play video – ‎Videos – ‎Pictures – ‎Speeches 
  2015 Waco shootout – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
Wikipedia  On May 17, 2015, in Waco, Texas, a shootout erupted at a Twin Peaks restaurant where members of several motorcycle clubs (MC), including the Bandidos, Cossacks, and allies, had gathered for a regularly scheduled meeting about political rights for motorcyclists. 
the Bandidos, Cossacks
the Bandidos, Cossacks
…………….dos, Cos  –>  2   Cos > 2 waves Cosine
twin peaks waco sin wave and cosine wave battle
cosine wave sin phase shift
cossacks texas cosine waves
Above, the Waco bio-math cosine agent with Bose-Einstein statistics  ……….
waco motor neurons
Thus we have the  Waco DEMO information database and graphic pictures  correlated to the picture below.
boston energy india asia physics
The velocity- distribution   ….. using the EARTH geography surface for Nature’s
Bose-Einstein display –> the expression technology  .. living language words and their physical realization  using motorcycles,  humans,  and locations  …
words, nouns, proper nouns, concepts and their applications   –>
Velocity –>
…….city –> such as Waco, Texas
Velocity  –> the motorcycles as shown in the picture .. going to Waco, Texas ….
………………..the    …….cycles  using human agents go to mathematical-physics cosine ENERGY SITE –> Twin Peaks ……..
twin peaks waco sin wave and cosine wave battle
words –> velocity distribution of a gas –>
Velocity (motorcycles)  ……..  city of Waco …
gas (gasoline /hydrocarbon molecules)
words –> new phase of matter  ….. displayed at Twin Peaks
and Boston, Mass (atomic mass communications  phase signal in year 2013 ..  omitted from  the TRIAL)


What is (atomic physics and chemistry) Mass Communications – Communications Major–communications/–communications/  Mass communications is the transmission of information to large numbers of people … Journalism (magazines, newspapers, print, electronic, television, radio, … Visual communications (graphic design, production design, photography, video) … 
–> words….. Bose-Einstein condenstate …DEMO at Twin Peaks restuarant ..  Condensate – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
Wikipedia  Condensate may refer to: The liquid phase produced by the condensation of steam or any other gas. The product of a chemical condensation reaction, other than water. Natural-gas condensate, in the natural gas industry.


The conflict began sometime after noon, according to Waco police who had been monitoring motorcycle club activity at the Twin Peaks restaurant……


Twin Peaks
……. the liquid phase (sports bar)
,,,,,…  as bio-molecular   bikers  converge and concentrate
at one EARTH geography site  …   that is …..
the bikers in the Texas hydrocarbon processing region
.. organic chemistry –>  social chemistry communications agents for Nature   ……. condense upon the Twin Peaks location     k sconcdese- CLOSED – 52 Photos – Sports Bars – Waco, TX … › Nightlife › Bars › Sports Bars
Rating: 2.5 – ‎18 reviews – ‎Price range: $$

18 Reviews of Twin Peaks CLOSED “was on vacation staying in Waco for a … It’s not really a restaurant as much as it’s a bar with a crap ton of TVs and hot …

condensate – Schlumberger Oilfield Glossary


A low-density, high-API gravity liquid hydrocarbon phase that generally … some condensates: During production, there is a risk of the condensate changing from …

What is gas condensate – Informatorium

When pressure and temperature decrease as a result of drilling a well, gas condensate – a mixture of liquid hydrocarbons separated from gas – is formed.

Fifty shades of condensates – Oil & Gas Financial Journal › Home › More Midstream News › Processing

Oct 23, 2012 – Condensates are a group of hydrocarbons that don’t fit easily into mainstream product categories. They are liquid hydrocarbons somewhere

Fifty shades of condensates at NATURE’S  WACO  empirical  data generating and message generating COMMUNICATION SITE
– Oil & Gas Financial Journal › Home › More Midstream News › Processing

Oct 23, 2012 – Condensates are a group of hydrocarbons that don’t fit easily into mainstream product categories. They are liquid hydrocarbons somewhere

Condensates are a group of hydrocarbons that don’t fit easily into mainstream product categories
Condensates are a group of hydrocarbons that don’t fit easily into mainstream product categories ..
therefore they need a group of parallel humans  ……  that don’t easily fit   into mainstream AMERICAN  society …….
waco moleucles
are a group of hydrocarbons that don’t fit easily 
are a group of hydrocarbons that don’t fit easily 
area group
a rea group
american reality group ….. of hydrocarbons that don’t fit easily 
are a group of hydrocarbons that don’t fit easily 


  2015 Waco shootout – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 

On May 17, 2015, in Waco, Texas, a shootout erupted at a Twin Peaks restaurant where members of several motorcycle clubs (MC), including the Bandidos, . 
Condensates are a group of hydrocarbons that don’t fit easily into mainstream product categories ..
therefore they need a group of parallel humans …… that don’t easily fit into mainstream AMERICAN society ……. 
In 2014, the Texas Department of Public Safety had listed the Bandidos Motorcycle Club as a “Tier 2″ threat, the same rating as the Crips, Bloods, and Aryan Brotherhood, but it did not evaluate the Cossacks. 
According to the police, most previous meetings of COC&I for that region had been held in Austin, Texas. COC&I has twelve regions, and Waco is in Region 1. The Bandidos are leading members of the COC&I while the Cossacks are not. The police affidavit claims that the Bandidos “wanted to have a show of force and make a statement that Waco was not a Cossacks’ town”. 

Condensation and Addition Reactions

There are a few ways that monomers combine to form the polymers of plastics. One method is a type of chemical reaction called a condensationreaction. In a condensation reaction, two molecules combine with the loss of a smaller molecule, usually water, an alcohol or an acid. To understand condensation reactions, let’s look at another hypothetical polymer reaction.

Symbolism | Definition of symbolism by Merriam-Webster

the art or practice of using symbols especially by investing things with a symbolic meaning
by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible

by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible
by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible
by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible
usually water, an alcohol
usually water, an alcohol
usually water, an alcohol
usually water (waco = wa + co = water compound = Water continuum)
, an alcohol served at the sports bar/ restaurant  …. TWIN PEAKS in the EARTH surface water molecule continuum  ..with
water human
Thus we see the Carmen Ortiz  and the Linus Pauling   hydrocarbon blanket and   expressions EVENTS   …connecting  Boston carbon attorney (Carmen)  to  Waco, Texas   …a hydrocarbon reaction site   to the Boston DEATH SENTENCE issued by the big BOSSES of BOSTON … resulting in the 9 dead at Waco.

§7: THE DATA OF ETHICS (1879) by Herbert Spencer–spencer/the-data-of-ethics/s.7

… in correspondence with external co-existences and sequences; and still more … said to be the continuous adjustment of internal relations to external relations.


9 dead in biker gang gunfight in EARTH  ….. Texas hydrocarbon region  – USA Today

USA Today

May 18, 2015 – Nine motorcycle gang members were killed Sunday when a gunfight broke out between three rival gangs at a restaurant in Waco, Texas, police …





Below, we see a hierarchy of the carbon existential fabric ….. with Carmen Ortiz ..somewhere in there .. just like all of us … a member of the organic molecule continuum. 
President Jimmy Carter –> code –> Carter –> car + ter –> Carbon atom tiers /levels …like a corporate organization structure of carbon based humans with a president, vice-president, managers, supervisior, clerks, etc. …………. Nature’s molecule corp[oration or government 
General Carter Ham –. initials –> CH –> Carbon Hydrogen agent at the Pentagon 

Below, representing Nature’s CYCLOalkanes …….. motorCYCLES and carbon based human bio-computers with BRAIN molecular subroutine drivers … that help drive the CYCLOalkane messenger vehicles that use hydrocarbon gasoline. 
Cycloalkane – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
Wikipedia  Cycloalkanes (also called naphthenes, but distinct from naphthalene) are types of hydrocarbon compounds that have one or more rings of carbon atoms in the chemical structure of their molecules. Alkanes are types of organic hydrocarbon compounds that have only single chemical bonds in their chemical structure. 
‎Cyclopropane – ‎Cyclohexane – ‎Cyclobutane – ‎

Citizen Kane  and the Alkane transformation – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
Wikipedia  Citizen Kane is a 1941 American drama film produced by, co-written by, directed by and starring Orson Welles. The picture was Welles’s first feature film. The film … 
Orson Welles – ‎Film à clef – ‎Xanadu – ‎Charles Foster Kane   
Waco biker shooting: Police say they fired 12 times (carbon 12 signal) – 
CNN  A fight broke out among rival biker gangs in Waco, Texas, on Sunday, May 17, leaving at least nine people dead. At least 170 people were …  Alkanes, cycloalkanes, and functional groups – Khan Academy…/bond-line-structures-alk… 
Khan Academy  Naming alkanes and cycloalkanes, conformations of alkanes and cycloalkanes, functional groups. 
Representing structures of … – ‎Naming simple alkanes – ‎Free radical reactions 
In 2014, the Texas HYDROCARBON Department of Public Safety had listed the cycloalkane functional groups —>.Bandidos Motorcycle Club as a “Tier 2″ threat, the same rating as theCripsBloods, and Aryan Brotherhood, but it did not evaluate the Cossacks. 
“Tier 2″ threat .. atomic mass communications threat 
“Tier 2″ threat 
“Tier 2″ threat –> code Jimmy Carter molecule levels / tiers 
The Waco hydrocarbons –> wa + co –> water compound continuum and hydrocarbons –> system information LINK to –> Watertown Massachusetts and carbon agent –> Carmen Ortiz. 


Thus the above FLOWCHART is transformed to physical reality ..human events and locations …with Waco (water codes) and Watertown Mass. 

Thus the top …water …. SOCIAL CHEMISTRY event in year 2013 (high pressure separater with Federal attorney) …. 
and the …  §7: THE DATA OF ETHICS (1879) by Herbert Spencer

… in correspondence


with external co-existences and sequences; 

then the bottom  ..water  ..   (low pressure separater) in Waco, Texas
..thus the Boston DEATH SENTENCE resulted in 9 dead in  Waco, Texas   ..thanks to Federal  lawyers and officials
that ignore existence  …… and  the  atomic social science LAWS and LIMITS  of  Roe VS Wade,
the energy  legal equation as mentioned by Isaac Asimov psychohistory MATH while at Boston University, ….

Authorities shut down large  ring with ties to Baylor  ring strain ……/authorities-shut-down-large–ring-with-ties-t…

Sep 1, 2013 – WACO, TX – After a three month investigation by McGregor and Lorena police departments, two search warrants were executed in and around ..



Thus we see the life of carbon molecules and their ability to influence human thought and behavior …… and the economics and financing of the straight chained franchise industry modeled after straight chain molecules. 
Let’s look at some more examples of hydrocarbons ……….


What Is a Hydrocarbon Chain? | Education – Seattle PI

hydrocarbon chain is like a pearl necklace made of carbon atoms. However, each carbon pearl is adorned with one or up to three hydrogen atoms.


List of straight-chain alkanes – Wikipedia, the free …

The following is a list of straightchain and branched alkanes and their … Number of isomers including stereoisomers, Molecular Formula, Name of straight chain …

e=”color: #444444; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 13.3333330154419px; line-height: 14.6666660308838px; background-color: #ffffff;”> 
Straight chain  …… restaurant franchise chains, hardware store chains, clothing store chains, grocery store chains, etc

Chain store – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


In retail, dining, and many service categories, chain businesses have come to dominate the market in many parts of the world. A franchise retail establishment is ..


Franchise chain – The Free Dictionary

A privilege or right granted by Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family law, especially the right of right triangles  to vote in the election of public officials. 2. A special privilege given by government to a corporation or an …
Branched chain –>  Branch banking   and savings loan associations …. and the carbon 12 Federal Reserve Bank with 12 districts.

FRB: Federal Reserve 12 Districts and Banks
Federal Reserve System
Dec 13, 2005 – The Twelve Federal Reserve Districts … Image map of the United States with links to websites of the Federal Reserve Districts. The periodic atomic table of elements of life and thought      VIA     Federal  ….

Carbon-12 – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Carbon12 is of particular importance in financial systems ……. as it is used as the standard from which atomicmasses of all nuclides are measured: its mass number is 12 by definition.

History – ‎Hoyle state – ‎Isotopic purification – ‎See also

Federal Reserve Bank is a regional bank of the Federal Reserve System, the central banking system of the United States. There are twelve in total, one for each of the carbon twelve Federal Reserve Districts  that exist in the carbon organic chemistry  continuum of Nature that  …  that were created by molecular humans and the Federal Reserve Act of 1913.[1] The banks are jointly responsible for implementing the monetary policy set forth by theFederal Open Market Committee, and are divided as follows:

Some banks also possess branches, with the whole system being headquartered at the Eccles Building inWashington, D.C.


Federal Reserve Districts – Federal Reserve ….. atomic financial system …  Education…/dis
Federal Reserve Education

The Federal Reserve official identifies its Districts by number and city in which its head office is located. In the Twelfth District, the Seattle Branch serves Alaska, …


Branch Banking Definition | Investopedia

Engaging in banking activities such as accepting deposits or making loans at facilities away from a bank’s home office. Branch banking has gone through …


Find a CH = Carbon Hydrogen  …CHASE Bank Branch

Find a Chase® Bank Branch or ATM near you. … Log On | Find ATM/Branch | Contact Us | Search Personal. Skip to Business Navigation Credit …


Chevy Chase Bank – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


 … Chevy Chase Bank had more than 290 branches in Delaware, Maryland, …

Number of locations‎: ‎292 (Jun. 30, 2008)
Number of employees‎: ‎4,381 (Dec. 31, …
Headquarters‎: ‎Bethesda, Maryland, Uni…

Chevy Chase Bank – 

Ch …..Ch     Branch Bank – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

CH (level 1 location )   + CH (life form)  
with  Bra + Chest (adult female organic chemistry EARTH LAB financial specimens)

Bank teller – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


bank teller is an carbon atomic based employee of a bank who deals directly with most customers. In some places, this employee is known as a cashier. 

/>Most teller jobs require experience with handling cash and a high school diploma. 

Most  atomic banks provide on-the-job training at the Carl Jung atomic collective unconscious MIND levels with .

Edward Teller  and the foundation of atomic bank tellers – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Edward Teller (Hungarian: Teller Ede; January 15, 1908 – September 9, 2003) was a Hungarian-born American theoretical physicist who, although he claimed …


solving the hierarchy problem – SLAC

SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
by J Lykken – ‎Cited by 2 – ‎Related articles

what is the hierarchy problem of the. Standard Model. 
• is it really a problem? • 
what are the ways to solve it? • 
how is this related to gravity? outline of this lecture …


solving the hierarchy problem – SLAC (Savings Loan Association Cooperative)

Uganda Ltd., the ….. “savings and loan association” (SLA) instead of.
The Microfinance Gateway

This guide presents best practices for practitioners on establishing linkages between community managed Savingsand Loan Associations (SLAs) and external …


Cis Or Trans Makes A Difference

Unsaturated hydrocarbon chains have double bonds, but double bonds come in two forms, cis or trans. A cis double bond is what causes the hydrocarbon to bend like a boomerang.

hydrocarbon chains have double bonds,
hydrocarbon chains have double bonds,
hydrocarbon chains have double bonds –> Is Chevy Chase –> Ch Ch  ..really a double bond  ….. monetary expression?

What are branched chain hydrocarbons?


What are branched chain hydrocarbons?  
…asks the Texas hydrocarbon continuum CHUCK NORRIS (television world source domain  … question) …… math function mapping of question  to destination range into the dimension of  physical reality at Virginia TECH university  …… 

Generally branched chain hydrocarbons is where substituent groups (e.g. -methyl, CH3 or -hydroxy, OH) are attached onto the main chain of hydrocarbons. Branching is often used to shorten the chain length of hydrocarbons as shorter chain are more valuable. Branching is a type of reforming or isomerism of hydrocarbons. 

Virginia Tech  organic  chemistry shooting – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Virginia Tech shooting (also known as the Virginia Tech massacre) was a school shooting that took place on April 16, 2007, on the campus of Virginia .


Norris Hall shootings  …. (see Chuck Norris ..Texas Rangers and the hydrocarbon mapping range ….) 

About two hours after the initial shootings, Cho entered Norris Hall, which houses the Engineering Science and Mechanics program among others, and chained the three main entrance doors shut. 
He placed a note on at least one of the chained doors, 

What Is a Hydrocarbon Chain using the Norris Hall chain signal ? | Education – Seattle PI

hydrocarbon chain is like a pearl necklace made of carbon atoms. However, each carbon pearl is adorned with one or up to three hydrogen atoms.


Chemistry 101 — Hydrocarbon Rings

This page shows examples of hydrocarbon ring structures and explains the basics for someone interested in learning about the chemistry of 


Hydrocarbons – RCN

They come in two flavors: aliphatic hydrocarbons, which consist of linear chains of carbon atoms;; aromatichydrocarbons, which consist of closed rings of carbon …


Introduction to Organic Chemistry | WyzAnt Resources

www.wyzant.com509 × 256Search by image

Notice that here, the carbon chain is a circle (ring) and that the double bonds alternate with the single bonds. This means that more than one structure is …
Below, organic chemistry  signaling device used by humans interested in EARTH LAB  molecular social bond experiments. 
In NATURE’s   carbon continuum POINT of VIEW   ..  human molecule structures have various customs and social practices.

Exchange of Wedding Rings | Officiant Eric
May 22, 2014 – The Exchange of Wedding Rings represent the vows and promises the bride and groom have exchanged.

Sample Wedding Ring Ceremony Vows to Say – Weddings

It is traditional for a couple to exchange wedding rings after they say their vows
Since these rings are symbols of the carbon ring ……  marriage of two different molecular sex formats, 

the words said during a ring …
The  CH form (below)  –> CH  –> CHURCH  and the simplest wedding results in  the  male BRAIN carbon atoms to go into the formaldehye coma phase.
Above picture ..RCH  –> the TRUE  IDENTITY code –> Roman Catholic  Church   –>  per  official molecule RD agents  ……..

Wedding ring vows are usually short and mention the ring specifically.

and mention the ring specifically.
and mention the ring specifically.
and mention the ring specifically  ..  thus the human molecular sub-conscious MIND   ..body language / etc….. hidden  communications codes.

Hydrocarbon Ring Assemblies – Nomenclature of Organic ……/ba-1974-0126.ch0…
American Chemical Society

Jul 22, 2009 – The term ring assembly denotes a polycyclic hydrocarbon in which two or more rings (or fused ringsystems) are joined directly by single or ..


Full Text – Applied and Environmental Microbiology of Weddings
American Society for Microbiology
by DR Singleton – ‎2012 – ‎Cited by 14 – ‎Related articles

Heterologous Expression of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Ring-Hydroxylating Dioxygenase Genes from a Novel Pyrene-Degrading Betaproteobacterium.

Heterologous Expression of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Ring
Hetero ……….Expression of Polycyclic A   romatic (Amour romantic) Hydrocarbon Ring

Hydrocarbon Rings | CK-12 Foundation

CK‑12 Foundation

A cyclic hydrocarbon is a hydrocarbon in which the carbon chain forms a ring. A cycloalkane is a cyclic hydrocarbonin which all of the carbon-carbon bonds are …

Using the EARTH geography surface  as a display surface   …traffic and highway engineering designers  ….. make traffic roundabouts   .that 
are  really expressions of their INTERNAL molecular rings desire for EXTERNAL expression.
The CH –> Carbon Hydrogen battle at CH  —> Cole Hall in DeKlab, Illinois ….  has the organic chemistry RING symbol in front of the building of the BATTLE site.

Northern Illinois University shooting – Wikipedia, the free …

The Northern Illinois University shooting was a school shooting that took place on February 14, 2008. Steven Kazmierczak shot multiple people on the campus of Northern Illinois University in DeKalbIllinois, killing five people and then himself  –>  total 6 dead —>  periodic atomic table  ……. military  policy  …………….. carbon atomic number 6 death  signal to society  –> message to Boston and carbon life form –> Carmen ortiz = car + ort –> carbon orbitals  …..messages for Carmen and the Department  of Justice  ……
ATOMIC social policy laws of Nature need to be considered  in year 2015.
Contrary to the supremacy views on Washington, DC  ……. Nature’s INTELLECT and its systems believe that the Department of Justice has yet to fix the BRAIN logic errors  of year 1910  ..that remain open problems in year 2015.

Principia mathematica, by Alfred North Whitehead … and ……/AAT3201.0001.0…  



University of Michigan Library

Principia mathematica, by Alfred North Whitehead … and Bertrand Russell. ….. all other logicians ancient and modern, bad allowed some error to creep into his  …


Principia Mathematica – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia  




The title page of the shortened version of the Principia Mathematica to *56 … must in fact be some truths of mathematics which could not be deduced from them. … logic, which Russell discovered allowed for the construction of paradoxical sets. …… and Principia, this would be treated as evidence of an error in Principia (e.g.,  …


The Bertrand Russell and Alfred North Whitehead theory of ……/The-Bertrand-Russell-and-Alfred-North-Whitehead-t…  


May 26, 2012 – Could it be true that Whitehead and Russell’s Principia Mathematica… logicians ancient and modern, bad allowed some error to creep into the Department of Justice  and other groups   …..such as MIT university, etc.  .

Other examples of rings  ……………

Bridged Bicyclic Rings (And How To Name Them) — Master ……/bridged-bicyclic-rings-and-how-to…

Aug 15, 2014 – We saw how much the stereochemistry at the ring junction can affect …. is a fascinating target for testing the limits of modern organic synthesis.


(And How To Name Them) 


Bridgeport, Chicago – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia,_Chicago

For the city located in Lawrence County, see Bridgeport, Illinois. …. Richard J. Daley is widely acknowledged as being the architect of the Chicago’s ‘ molecular  HUMAN  machine  politics’ for a large part (particle physics VIEW of larger molecules) of the 20th Century..

the 20th Century..
the 20th Century..

the 20 standard amino acids using C = Carbon evolution of thought and expression systems  ….. Century.

History – ‎Education – ‎Demographics – ‎Culture

Bridged Bicyclic Rings (And How To Name Them)

by James

in AlkanesNomenclatureOrganic Chemistry 1Stereochemistry

In the last post we started our discussion of structures with more than one ring, using decalin as our key example. We saw how much the stereochemistry at the ring junction can affect the overall shape of the molecule, as well as its stability.


Routes & Timing | – Four Star Bike & Chow

Boulevard Lakefront Tour (BLT) routes are designed by bicycling experts and feature …  Bridgeport, and the lower west side on the way to visit three of Chicago’s …

Bridgeport, and the lower west side on the way to visit three of Chicago’s …
Bridgeport, and the lower west side on the way to visit three of Chicago’s …
Bridgeport, …… are designed by bicycling experts and feature
Bridgeport, …… are designed by bicycling experts and feature
Bridge  ………………………………..bicycling experts and feature 

SANS Seminar Series – School of Agricultural and Natural …

University of Maryland Eastern Shore

Jeffrey D. Winkler was born in Chicago, Illinois on April 14, 1956. … synthesis of bridged bicyclic ring systems with trans intrabridgehead or “inside-outside” …. Israeli Institute of Technology and a masters degree in chemicaltechnology from St.

synthesis of bridged bicyclic ring systems with trans intrabridgehead
synthesis of bridged bicyclic ring systems with trans intrabridgehead
synthesis of bridged bicyclic ring systems with trans intrabridgehead
systems with trans intra  bridge  head
Albert N. Link, ‎Donald S. Siegel, ‎Mike Wright – 2015 – ‎Business & Economics

The paper also describes alterations in the bridge region of the DDATHF molecule. … encompasses “bridged bicyclic aromatic compounds and their use in ……………      molecule  political science with the C = Carbon –> Chicago social chemistry machine.


B.S., magna cum laude, 1966, Loyola University; Ph.D., 1971, Northwestern … of carbocyclic ring systems, 
including fused, spiro and bridged bicyclic systems, …

including fused, spiro and bridged bicyclic systems, …
including ……….. spiro  ………………… systems, …
Thus we have Nature’s organic chemistry display of  molecule society   …..  using humans and their  EARTH LAB proper noun  …
lab specimen labels   ………………..
RCH chemistry code  –> Richard N (Avogadro’s number with Nixon) AND his link to Spiro  compound   ..the vice-president agent   ……
thus we have  the Republican moleucles in 1968, 1970  
while in  the same time period 1968/1970  ……    Democratic molecules have Chicago mayor RCH  = Richard Daley.

The Lord of the Rings Trilogy: Extended Edition on Blu-ray …

Journey to Middle-earth via the official The Lord of the Rings website. Get the insider scoop on the latest news, products and new content. Access videos …


The Royal Society of Chemistry


organic chemistry | Royal Society Publishing secrets  


Helen Rice, Christopher H. Dalton, Matthew E. Price, Stuart J. Graham, A. Christopher Green, John Jenner, Helen J. Groombridge, Christopher M. Timperley,.


The Lord of the Rings – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Lord of the Rings is an epic high-fantasy novel written by English author J. R. R. Tolkien. The story began as a sequel to Tolkien’s 1937 fantasy novel The …


Royal Society of Chemistry – Developing Expertise in ……/rsc-developing-expertise-in-teaching-organic-ch…  


Royal Society of Chemistry – Developing Expertise in Teaching Organic ..

Developing Expertise in Teaching Organic 
Developing Expertise in Teaching Organic  expression systems of Nature systems with human subsets embedded  within the fabric of existence and its  various dimensions and formats.



 Let’s return to Lewis DOT structures  and  molecule  WAR news.

A Brief Tutorial on Drawing Lewis Dot Structures…/…
University of California, Los Angeles

If so, your Lewis dot structure is complete. 5. If the octets are incomplete, and more electrons remain to be shared, move one electron per bond per atom to make another bond. Note that in some structures there will be open octets (example: the B of BF3), or atoms which have ten electrons (example: the S of SF5).

If the octets are incomplete

If the octets are incomplete

If the    tet  are incomplete  –> then

Tet Offensive – Vietnam War  ….  EARTH WAR  zone of octets –

On January 31, 1968, some 70,000 North Vietnamese and Viet Cong forces launched the Tet Offensive (named for the lunar new year holiday called Tet), …


The Tet Offensive (Vietnamese: Sự kiện Tết Mậu Thân 1968, or Tổng tiến công và nổi dậy Tết Mậu Thân) was one of the largest military campaigns of the …

Background – ‎Offensive – ‎Aftermath – ‎See also

If the octets are incomplete

If the octets are incomplete

If the oct … .are incomplete, the the oct –> October 12 .. C = Carbon 12 ….message EVENT

USS Cole bombing – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The USS Cole bombing was an attack against the United States Navy guided-missile destroyer USS Cole (DDG-67) on 12 October 2000, while it was harbored …

The Carbon dioxide molecule  ….  ordered bombing  code –> OCO  –> translated to the physical reality message generating EVENT  –> OCO   —> Oklahoma City Oklahoma

Oklahoma City bombing – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Oklahoma City bombing was a domestic terrorist bomb attack on the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in downtown Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995.


Now, let’s  look at Fort Lewis ….




Fort Lewis –

Fort Lewis, named after Meriwether Lewis of the famed Lewis and Clark expedition, is one of the largest and most modern military reservations in the United …

Welcome to EARTH SYSTEMS    at Fort Lewis …………

ports of Tacoma and Seattle ,……



in other words

–> The carbon molecule continuum ……….. molecular computer of Nature and its   I/O ports of Tacoma and Seattle


I/O ports of Tacoma and Seattle


Tacoma –> TA + coma  ….. brain comatose problems



What Is Transactional Analysis (TA)? | International Transactional …

Transactional analysis is a social psychology developed by Eric Berne, MD (d.1970). Berne’s theory consists of certain key concepts that practitioners use to …
In year 2015, in addition to the above book and its social psychology , we  have  Nature’s adaption  to its systems ….
P –> Particles of Particle Physics AND  calculus integration by parts
A –> Atomic level of existence of many formats  …. atomci geography land, atomic humans,etc
C –> Carbon life forms .such as humans
In addition, we have the  AC relationships of alternating cycles  or EM alternating cycles, etc….
Other CLUES …..

Molecular Geometry and 3D Structures of Molecules

Molecular Geometry and 3D Structures of Molecules. Methane Lewis Dot Structure. Sites on an atom. A site is something that takes up space around the atom.


Structures of Molecules ..  using the helicopters a DOTS –>  Fort Lewis  DOT experiments ….


while they  ……  WAIT for  go.DOT ….


Waiting for Godot  ..the Lewis DOT structure project – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Waiting for Godot (/ˈɡɒdoʊ/ GOD-oh) is an absurdist play by Samuel Beckett, in which two characters, Vladimir and Estragon, wait endlessly and in vain for the …

Samuel Beckett – ‎Absurdist fiction – ‎Vladimir – ‎Estragon
The hybrid .. resulted in the message  ………

Joint Base Lewis-McChord (JBLM) – Information and …

Prior to the Base being named Joint Base Lewis-Mcchord, the installations names were Fort Lewis and McChord Air Force Base. There are three entrances …


Cycloalkane social science WAR analysis of data from Boston and Waco

Published by:

RD-blog-number-6044 by Herb Zinser reviews the information database provided by  DA Carmen Ortiz in Boston ….. a member of the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family doing research on atomic social science conflicts ….  such as Nature’s ….  the Boston Marathon HUMAN RACE  race and   TsaRNAev  … in year 2013     involved in the  Charles Darwin  atomic evolution WARS…. . along the Charles River ….and its stream of consciousness ERRORS of  OMISSION.


The event that drew attention ….


Boston Marathon bombing – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Boston Marathon bombing was a terrorist attack, followed by subsequent related shootings, that occurred when two pressure cooker bombs exploded during the Boston Marathon on April 15, 2013. The bombs exploded about 12 seconds and 210 yards (190 m) apart at 2:49 pm EDT, near the marathon’s finish line on Boylston Street.

The suspects were identified later that day as Chechen brothers Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and Tamerlan Tsarnaev.




U.S. Attorney Carmen Ortiz speaks to the news media with Boston Police Commisioner William B. Evans (L) after the sentencing of Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev outside the federal courthouse in Boston, Massachusetts May 15, 2015. 



The secret identity code of Carmen Ortiz –> subset letters –> car  + ort –>  carbon atomic mass + electron orbits …

in the state of MASS ……………  the  geography state of Massachusetts  that is supposed to represent atomic mass …. atomic mass communications and atomic social social science laws




Carmen Ortiz  …… and her atomic / molecular  human structure   …as  an organic chemistry  …………    hydrocarbon expression device.


Electron Configuration for Carbon (C) – TerpConnect…/electronconfigurations/…

Carbon is the sixth element with a total of 6 electrons. In writing the electron configuration for carbon the first two electrons will go in the 1s orbital




Images for carbon 6 electron orbits

Images for carbon 6 electron orbits

Images for car……………………..or   t  –>  1/2 of the  SYMBOL WORD universe .

The living language  WORD analysis  ………..

carbon –> 6 letters of the alphabet –> subset of 3 symbols –>  car –>  carmen  … missing 1/2 of the REALITY of the EVENT
orbital  –>  6 alphabet symbols –> subset of 3 –>  ort  –>  ort  interface with the vertical Z-axis used by standing humans  –> codes –> ort  i  z  —> ortiz


Thus we see the Linus Pauling organic  chemistry concepts …..  .as portrayed by molecular messenger Charles Schultz and code: Linus.


Thus ..the EARTH geography surface of LAND and SOIL  .. is perceived as covered with  hydrocarbon blanket  ….. the carbon life forms upon the EARTH surface
………  2-legged humans,   4-legged animals,  carbon based cellulose trees, etc.


Other have suggested this molecular  blanket  ……. with humans as subsets embedded within the larger blanket and its  EARTHLY space/time fabric.


Black Holes and Time Warps: Einstein’s Outrageous Legacy … › … › Physics › Relativity, Inc.

Black Holes and Time Warps: Einstein’s Outrageous Legacy … Kip Thorne, along with fellow theorists Stephen Hawking and Roger Penrose, a cadre of … tapestry of interlocking themes, coming finally to a uniquely informed answer to the great .



The Fabric of the Cosmos (and the EARTH surface with human display devices) – › … › Cosmology, Inc.
Rating: 4.5 – ‎383 reviews

The Fabric of the Cosmos: Space, Time, and the Texture of Reality [Brian Greene] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. From Brian Greene …



Meet the U.S. Attorney | USAO-MA | Department of Justice…/meet-us-attorney
United States Department of Justice

Feb 12, 2015 – Office of the United States Attorneys The United States Department ofCarmen M. Ortiz was nominated by President Barack Obama, as the …


United States Department of Justice

Office of the United States Attorneys The United States Department of JusticeCarmen M. Ortiz has dedicated much of her professional career to public service.

Carmen M. Ortiz was nominated by President Barack Obama

Car …………………………………………….President …………O -> Oxygen life form ….. who has yet to acknowledge his  atomic MAN  …. existence

Carbon…………..and  oxygen  HUMANOID  representatives

Thus we see the atomic nature of the blanket  /..the  EARTHLY  surface region fabric and atmosphere …

the carbon fabric (Carmen Ortiz)   with oxygen atmosphere (Obama).


Thus in an abstract  model …… the 2 people express  NATURE’s  systems architecture   … and existential  physics concepts.



Carmen within this carbon organic  chemistry continuum  …. is supposed to acknowledge these aspects in legal  TRIALs per  the Supreme Court announcement on carbon communications LEGAL protocol.




Steven Chu – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In August 2004, Chu was appointed as the director of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, a U.S. Department of Energy National Laboratory, and joined …

In August 2004
In August 2004
In August 2004 –>  2 carbon atoms    and 004 hydrogen atoms and their MASS    ….. appointed  to the atomic / quantum state of MASS
—> MASS +  Chu –> giving word –> Massachusetts 
Thus the carbon eth –> ethics molecule –> ethylene scheduled   the indirect message 2 and 4 –> using year 2004 ..
the double bond ..above  –> suggests the double agent identity of CHU.

The Case for EARTHLY Parallel Universes – Scientific American › … › Web Exclusives
Scientific American

Jul 19, 2011 – Do you really live in a multiverse, or is this notion beyond the pale of science? …. If the no-copy assumption is false, then there’s no fundamental ..

Is there a copy of you – Massachusetts      Institute of Technology

… Kavli Institute for Astrophysics asks Steven Chu  ……/multiverse_sciam….
Massachusetts Institute of Technology SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. 41. AL. FR. ED. T. K. AM. AJ. IA. N. Parallel. Universes reading this article? A person who is notyou but who lives on.

Chu was appointed as the director of the Law

 Steven       CHU was appointed as the director of the Law of all of Massachusetts

The rigged  Boston Marathon bombing ENERGY trial and the omission by the Department  of Justice  of proper identification and authorization codes  …..   to the judge,  jury and the general public.

U.S. Attorney Carmen Ortiz speaks to the news media with

Boston Police Commisioner William B. Evans (L) after the sentencing of Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev outside the federal courthouse in Boston, Massachusetts May 15, 2015.




Not to feel alone, Carmen has an affinity with the carbon  12 –> Twelve Tribes of Israel.





Let’s look at another post that provides  more information  ..and covers the Boston Marathon bombing SCIENCE WARS   and Waco, Texas.


RD-blog-number-6034 by Herb Zinser reviews the existential physics WAR in Boston ….. a possibility predicted by Isaac Asimov of Boston University  and his FOUNDATION equations with Hari Sheldon.

asimov foundation good

Foundation series – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Foundation series is a science PROJECT  ..SYMBOL MACHINE  series by Isaac Asimov. … a branch of mathematics known as psychohistory, a concept of mathematical sociology.


epicur philosophy   e picture

Epicurus and Epicurean Philosophy

Epicureanism is a system of philosophy based upon the teachings of the ancient Greek philosopher Epicurus, founded around 307 BCE. Epicurus was an atomic materialist, following in the steps of Democritus. His materialism led him to a general attack on superstition and divine intervention.


Epicurus –> E + picur + rus + Us –> Earth pictures russia USA

Epicurus —>  events in the world (such as BOSTON)   are ultimately based on the motions and interactions of atoms moving in empty space.


Epicurus | Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
by T O’Keefe – ‎2005 – ‎Cited by 7 – ‎Related articles

Epicurus is one of the major philosophers in the Hellenistic period, the three centuries following the death of Alexander the Great in 323 B.C.E. (and of Aristotle ..


Epicureanism – Religion Facts

Epicureanism is an ancient Greek philosophical system taught by Epicurus. It emphasized the goal of a happy and content life in the here and now, rejecting …

and content life

and content life

and content life

and content life ………….  in modern terms of Computer Earth system 360/370 we have

EARTH CMS (Content Management Systems such  humans, real estate housing, schools, television content such as bull-nonsense , etc)

Nature’s systems …. Content management system – Wikipedia, the free …

content management system (CMS) is a bio-computer application that allows publishing, editing and modifying content, organizing, deleting  (humans at Virginia TECH on April 16  or deleting humans in Boston in year 2013)

List…………………..nag … data bit  bitch

Weber Grills – By Grillers For Grillers for the Spanish inquistion with Carmen Ortiz and William Evans in Boston


 –> grill and fry the human brain sentences to create for Alzheimer’s   …. the eating to brain memory content of   words and sentences …

in addition,  then the federal government ordered DEATH SENTENCE  .. all  English language sentences in the brain are to die for the
Depart(ment) of Justice policy  ………

Depart    mental    (abilities)  of Justice  arrogance and snob attitude

Weber‑Stephen Products

Weber is the world’s premier manufacturer of charcoal, gas, and electric grills, and grilling accessories. Includes recipes, grilling tips, parts, and support.

Let’s look at another blog post that provides more clues to the  Boston information WAR ZONE.

The Bose-Einstein statistics WAR in Boston with
citizen / Federal violations of the F(e) equation 

RD-blog-number-6033 by Herb Zinser reviews   the Bose-Einstein statistics TRIAL of the  Boston Marathon runners that ran in year 2013  …..  they ran as  bio-math random variable objects (in human format)  to gerenate a statistical database for Nature’s social system engineers.


boston runners   2013

The above stand on 2-legs….



They are composed of atomic particles in human package format  ….  a rectagular BOX  designed by B.F. Skin Skinner and the  evolution of Skinner box technology and social manipulation shemes.

Modern Packaging Encyclopedia – Google Books…/Modern_Packaging_Encycloped…

Google Books

Title, Modern Packaging Encyclopedia. Publisher, McGraw-Hill., 1966. Original from, the University of Virginia. Digitized, Jul 13, 2010. Export Citation, BiBTeX …

Using the above  packaging  information …. the evolution of

B.F. Skinner | Operant Conditioning | Simply Psychology
by BF Skinner – ‎Related articles

Although, for obvious reasons he is more commonly known as B.F. Skinner. … Edward Thorndike studied learning in animals using a puzzle box to propose the …


B.F. S –> Batavia, FermiLAB atomic bio-physics skin scientists like Pier Oddone that study atomic with electron skins that MIRROR themselves


Above, EARTH LAB specimens ….   BATCH of specimens at the Bat location –> Batavia  ..seeking clues to their atomic INNER identity …. .

b.f. skinner ………
………inner  / internal thoughts

B.F. –> Before –> before code –> . sk –> sequence of shells subscript K

picture - paul 15

by BF Skinner – ‎Related articles

Although, for obvious reasons he is more commonly known as B.F. Skinner. … Edward Thorndike studied learning in an = atomic number  entity  …an = animals with 2-legs using a puzzle box to propose the …


B.F. S –> Batavia, FermiLAB skin scientists like Pier Oddone

to year 2013

B.F. S –> Boston Federal System with humans as atomic representatives .


boston energy humans  particle

Above –> Higgs boson  SYMBOL LIFE transformation to physical biology messsengers in humanoid display FORMAT  on Nature’s  EARTH geography / land/ street/  .. display surface with people, concrete  buildings, cellulose oak trees, retail department stores, etc

Bose–Einstein statistics – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia–Einstein_statistics

In quantum statistics, Bose–Einstein statistics (or more colloquially B–E statistics) is one of

two possible ways in which a collection of non-interacting …

Boston Marathon bombing – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Boston Marathon bombing was a terrorist attack, followed by subsequent related shootings,
that occurred

when two pressure cooker bombs exploded ..

Bose-Einstein Distribution Example – HyperPhysics…/disbex.h…
Georgia State University

How many ways can you distribute 9 units of energy among 6 identical, indistinguishable bosons in Boston?
The three distributions of particles at left each have the same …

The three distributions of particles

The three distributions of particles

The three distributions of –> human  particles

Boston marathon bombs were pressure cooker … – Daily Mail…/Boston-bombings-2013-Devices-kille…
Daily Mail
Apr 15, 2013 – The two bombs that inflicted horror at the Boston Marathon were made from …
Witnesses described seeing 3 humans and
their  body parts flying through the air
creating  a Bose-Einstein probability distribution They killed 3 people and injured an estimated 264 others.[2][4][9]They killed 3 people and injured an estimated 264 others.[2][4][9]They killed 3 people and injured an estimated 264 others.The Boston Marathon bombing was a terrorist attack, followed by subsequent related shootings, that occurred when two pressure cooker bombs exploded during the Boston Marathon on April 15, 2013. The bombs exploded about 12 seconds and 210 yards (190 m) apart at 2:49 pm EDT, near the marathon’s finish line on Boylston Street.

Boston   and runway 26  ky jelly

The  data generated in Boston  has information pointer 264 –> 26  –> agrees with number 26 above ….

injured an estimated 264 others

injured an estimated 264 others

injured an estimated 26   …entities  with  4 DNA nucleotides

Also, we had the Runway 26 particle distribution  DEMO  experiment at Lexington, Kentuck with Comair airlines.  The Federal Aviation Administration  system crash investigators keep track of air plane, body parts. and passenger luggage particle distributions.
runway 26 crash
boston   energy 2

Above, words ,,,,, the average population of each energy state ( atomic mass and the state of Mass … Massachusetts) must be takes.

Thus violations  by the citizen population of Massachusettes created the conditions that resulted in the  Boston tragic signaling EVENT.

The atomic relationship of 6 and 9 ….. was discovered by a scientist using his home bio-physics  LAB using  lab secimens he keeps at home.he conditions that resulted in the  Boston tragic signaling EVENT.
Sixty-nine or 69, also known by its French name soixante-neuf (69), is a group of sex positions in which two people align themselves so that each person’s mouth is near the other’s genitals, simultaneously performing oral sex.[1][2][3] The participants are thus mutually inverted like the numerals 6 and 9 in the number 69, hence the name.[3][4] This position can involve any combination of genders. Although not displayed in any of the images, a 69 can also be performed with both partners on their sides, perhaps a more relaxed position.
control systems
hannah graham brain feedback  neuron cell

The above scientific reseach experiment has evolved over the years  …and plays a major role in all systems


Civil war feedback control-5

boston  energy 2

Above, the F(e) equation that F(e) = Federal law officials omitted from
the rigged mathematical-physics  social science TRIAL  of Tsarnaev.

In addition theory and data  …..


boston  energy india asia physics

The applications  … parallel  processing result


boston mathaon race  1

Below, agent code –> Palencia –> subset identifier code –> CIA  ….. messages for Carmen Ortiz
boston energy bomb  pictures
boston   mara jade   star wars

The atomic gases DEMO in Boston used the information string to –>

Gas Laws: Boyle’s Law Calculations…/GasLaws/…
Davidson College

Boyle’s Law states that the product of the pressure and volume for a gas is a constant for a fixed amount of gas at a fixed temperature. Written in mathematical …

Images for atomic gases –>  boyle’s law of gases –>  site selection  Boylston Street





Thus we see the ENERGY trial  ..Nature VERSUS    the  citizen  /federal government INTELLECTUAL arragance and supremacy  …. that has resulted in many errors of ommisision and deliberate tampering of electron volts(ev) data  –> ev –> evidence  tampering OR  lack of understanding by the Department of Justice omniscent thinkers   ….. thinking  of restaurant menus, sports,  and appeasing the nonsense  citizen brains of BOSTON  with the circus TRIAL.


carmen and evans

U.S. Attorney     Carmen    Ortiz speaks to the news media with Boston Police Commisioner William B. Evans after the sentencing of Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokar  Tsarnaev

Picture - wave 4

Thus we have the Department  of Justice  bragging CLAIMS of superiorty over all the laws of existence …

with agent equation control code –>

Carmen – ->

en –> energy District  Attorney

atomic SYMBOL LIFE is claimed by –> Evans  …..  Boston atomic police …William Evans … claim control over all atomic nucleus expression systems per MIT book.In year 2015,  MIT univeristy continues to approve  of this outrageous bragging claim.MIT claims  their  engineering software  control Nature’s  brain cell Mitochondria subset  letter codes –> Mit + Oc + cho + ndMIT ERRORS ….. resulting  the oc murders (Oklahoma City and Oak Creek, Wisconsin),  Mr. cho shooting at Virginia TECH,  Northern DeKlab shooting, etc.Thus MIT and Boston have serious awareness and perception problems  .. regarding an  understanding of   REALITY and human events  that occur  ……
versus Hollywood style REEL ..REAL …reality

evans 5

Bose – Einstein condensate manipulation and interferometry…/MateuszZawadzk…
University of Strathclyde

A brief overview of the statistical and quantum mechanics used to describe the … 2.2 Bose-Einstein statistics . ….. D.1 Hot on the trail of the BEC fluctuation .

Bose – Einstein condensate manipulation and interferometryBose – Einstein condensate manipulation and interferometryBoston – Einstein condensate manipulation and infer  interferance  ……  lack of communications 


boston  energy trial   india

Hinduism in Greater Boston – Pluralism Project…/hinduism/essay
Pluralism Project

In the 1970s, new Indian immigrants, most of them professionals, began to have … Nearly twenty years later, in July of 2009, the Hindu community celebrated the …

Gurudwara Sikh Sangat Boston –Boston Sikh code –> Si +Kh –> sin wave KHZ control of 

 Dzhokhar   …

In remembrance of the Shaheedi Purab of Guru Arjan Dev ji and with the blessings of Almighty and Sadh Sangat, Gurdwara Sikh Sangat Boston is organizing a …

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jump to Boston Marathon bombings – [edit]. Main article: Boston Marathon bombings. Tsarnaev was convicted of participating in the Boston Marathon ..

Carmen Ortiz issues DEATH SENTENCE  to siKH Temple  VIA  the  intermediate value theorem of Calcutta  calculus  bo-math agent derivative dz –> Dzhokhar..
Department of Justice brags about their  sucessful  murder  set-up scheme of teh SiKH Temple in Oak  Creek, Wisconsin the continued attack on KHZ via the DEATH SENTECE
to DzhoKHar  and the consequence of that is the BRAIN death  sentence to
……………Har –> Harvard University .
Officials gather near the Sikh Temple in Oak Creek in Wisconsin August 5, 2012 following a mass shooting inside and outside the Sikh Temple. REUTERS/Allen Fredrickson
Officials gather near the Sikh Temple in Oak Creek in Wisconsin August 5, 2012 following a mass shooting inside and outside the Sikh Temple. REUTERS/Allen Fredrickson

Dzhokhar  Death Penalty – Huffington Post…/dzhokhar-tsarnaev-deat…
The Huffington Post

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was sentenced to death Friday for his role in the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing. A jury deliberated for more than 14 hours over th.

Gunman, six others dead at Wisconsin Sikh temple –

Aug 5, 2012 – At least seven people, including a gunman shot by a police officer, have been killed in an attack at a Sikh temple near Milwaukee.


Thus the Departemnt of Justice attack upon the knowledge base of  Bose-Einsteins statistics and related groups of people (by heritage or name identifiers)   …..



Boston energy  Satyendra Nath bose

Let’s look at the Boston equation again………..


isaac asimov 6

Isaac Asimov – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Isaac Asimov (/ˈaɪzɨk ˈæzɨmɒv/; born Isaak Yudovich Ozimov; circa … of biochemistry at Boston University, best known for his works of science fiction and for …

Psychohistory (theoryl) – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Psychohistory is a theoretical  science in Isaac Asimov’s Foundation universe which …

sociology, and mathematical statistics



to make general predictions about the future … the psychohistorical equations showing the future development of humanity. …. a group of AIs predict that human society (and therefore the global network …

Hari Seldon – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hari Seldon is a  character in Isaac Asimov’s Foundation series. In his capacity as mathematics professor at Streeling University on Trantor, Seldon … up to his last moments on psychohistorical equations; his activated Prime Radiant … right time and place to set up a new society, one that would replace the collapsing …

In his capacity as mathematics professor at Streeling University

In his capacity as mathematics professor at Streeling University

In his capacity as mathematics professor at Streeling University

In his capacity as mathematics professor at Stree      University

In his capacity as mathematics professor at Street  –> Boylston Street


boston boyle street

boston 2   street

his activated Prime Radiant … right time and place to set up

his activated Prime Radiant … right time and place to set up

his activated   Prime    Radiant

… right time and place to set up



boston   mara jade   star wars

Psychohistory is a theoretical  science in Isaac Asimov’s Foundation universe which …

sociology, and mathematical statistics

to make general predictions about the future .


boston energy  5  math

String theory – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In physics, string theory is a theoretical framework in which the point-like particles … limiting cases of a single theory in eleven dimensions known as M-theory. …… conditions similar to those present at around 10-11 seconds after the Big Bang.

The eleven dimensions …… .each dimecsion has expressions that may or may not be obvious.
Applications of Nature’s SYMBOL MACHINE equation the possiblities

f (E)  –>  atomic human  F(Evans)  ….. William Evans composed of  atomic elements as outlined by the MIT 1955 book by Robley Evans.

f(E) –> a component of  identifier  word–> Female.

The high ranking  Bose-Eistein female in Boston –> Female –> Carmen Ortiz

f(E) –> Federal goverment –> equation pointer to Office of Science, the Department of Energy, and FermILAB   …… all who .. deliberatly  suppressed
ev (electron volt  expression systems )
ev = evidence related to  tsaRNAev

Algorithms    for   Boston  Physics  TRIAL | Nerd Wisdom
Aug 14, 2007 – Much of my own work is atthe Boylston Street intersection of statistical mechanics and algorithms,
in particular understanding and developing new algorithms ..

Statistical Mechanics: Algorithms and Computations from École normale supérieure. In this course you will learn a whole lot of modern physics (classical and …


Jump to Vice Presidency – This article is about the former U.S. Vice President for social engineering and brain engineering sortware algorithms  to maniplaute and control math and scicne students for the string theory special application –> puppet string theory  that claimed the life of SAM HENGEL at Marionette Theater High Scool in Marinette Wisconsin.

boston trial

Judge Gives Rules at Start of Boston Marathon Bombing Trial

“Mr. Tsarnaev is accused of crimes that are potentially punishable by a sentence of death,” Judge

George A. O’Toole Jr.  (tool/ puppet / manipulated)

of Federal District Court said in introducing the defendant to potential jurors.

Urban Dictionary: puppet
Urban Dictionary

puppet. 1. A person not capable of forming his or her own ideas. Often, the person … 2. A person being manipulated, whether he he realizes it or not.

See: tool  –> see Boston tool judical system.

Pawn – definition of pawn by The Free Dictionary

2. someone who is used or manipulated to further another person’s purposes (the community sub-consicous MIND BS purposes and news reporter arrogance  purposes) . ….
tool, instrument, toy, creature, puppet, dupe, stooge (slang), plaything, …

BES Poster Award

26 Mar 2013

Congratulations to Dr Vicky Cabrera-Sharp who won a ‘Highly commended’ poster award (from almost 400 considered) at the Annual Society for Endocrinology Conference last week. Her poster was entitled ‘BMP4 induces terminal differentiation of primary trophoblast cells and increases chorionic gonadotrophin secretion’.

…in other words–> Boston  BES = Bose-Einstein Statistcs

at the Annual Society for Endocrinology Conference  …
………………………………..Endocrin  poetry rhymes

Political Indoctrination in Public Schools | Learnist…/33366-political-indoctrination-in-public-schools

Political indoctrination is a problem in public schools. The fact that these incidents did not inspire public concern (let alone outrage) shows how complacent our … .

RVC have “Highly Accessed” article in BMC Neuroscience
dollar financial code ..secret  message systems

04 October 2012

A recent article by the RVC has been categorised as “highly accessed” by BioMed Central. This means that it has been identified as an article that has been especially highly accessed, relative to its age, and the journal in which it was published.

Field approaches to identifying Mycobacterium bovis infection in badger populations

24 September 2012

Julian Drewe, Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the RVC, has been awarded funding from the Food and Environment Research Agency (FERA) to work on “field approaches to identifying Mycobacterium bovis infection in badger populations”. Further information about the project is available here.

…in other words ..

Einstein;s data processing DATA FIELD  ….

Field approaches to identifying Mycobacterium bovis infection in Wisconsin citizen brain SYMBOL PROCESSORs …the Badger state populations of bull-stories and  INTELLECTUAL political science dribble

24 September 2012

Julian Drewe, Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the RVC, has been awarded funding from the Food and Environment Research Agency (FERA) to work on “field approaches to identifying Mycobacterium bovis infection in badger populations”.
Further information about the project is available here.

Further information

…… heroin   …. format   of word command input to the brain processor

Thus we see the rigged trial in Boston and the omission of large amounts of important evidence  ignored in the Department of  Justice  CONSTUTITIONAL  violations of integrity and fairness …and giving the American public (like myself)  the data, the factors and underlying reality  involved in the signaling EVENT..

Now, let’s look at the graphic messages that parallel the Bose-Einstein illustration  ………..
boston  energy india asia physics
The Boston energy expression event  provides a key clue ….. 2 of the 3   ….
above peaks are important in the human visible world   ..the EARTH geography LAND surface  as an information display surface ….. below 2 event …..  2/3 of  1  message event  within the EARTH gravity field   G =  .667  units –> 2/3 of existence as we see it.
Thus Isaac Newton ….. in addition to his gravity number ..  tells us this 2/3 of obvious existence  …and given 2/3 probability in your favor in Nature’s casino  … any  Janet Reno, Nevada gambler that studies modern law like Edward Thorp.
gravity constant
boston boyle street

Edward O. Thorp – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Edward Oakley “Ed” Thorp (born 14 August 1932) is an American mathematics professor, author, hedge fund manager, and blackjack player best known as the …

Edward O. Thorp

Edward O. Thorp  (from year 1932) is the author of the best-seller Beat the Dealer ..SECRET  CODE BOOK   (Beat the New Deal) : A Winning Strategy  for the Game of Twenty-One (Random House 1962, 1966). It presented the ..

A Winning Strategy
A Winning Strategy
A Winning Strate + gy –> Earth stratosphere  gravity   …..    Nature’s advanced gravity communication field technology

New Deal – Facts & Summary with Ed Thorp  –

By 1932, one of the bleakest years of the Great Depression, at least one-quarter of the … More than that, Roosevelt’s New Deal permanently changed the federal …

Video Play video – ‎Videos – ‎Pictures – ‎Speeches
boston  energy india asia physics
fort hood parallel universe
twin peaks waco astronomy 666

2015 Waco shootout – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

On May 17, 2015, in Waco, Texas, a shootout erupted at a Twin Peaks restaurant where members of several motorcycle clubs (MC), including the Bandidos, Cossacks, and allies, had gathered for a regularly scheduled meeting about political rights for motorcyclists.

the Bandidos, Cossacks
the Bandidos, Cossacks
…………….dos, Cos  –>  2   Cos > 2 waves Cosine
twin peaks waco  sin wave and cosine wave battle
cosine  wave sin phase shift
cossacks texas cosine waves
Above, the Waco bio-math cosine agent with Bose-Einstein statistics  ……….
waco motor neurons
Thus we have the  Waco DEMO information database and graphic pictures  correlated to the picture below.
boston  energy india asia physics
The velocity- distribution   ….. using the EARTH geography surface for Nature’s
Bose-Einstein display –> the expression technology  .. living language words and their physical realization  using motorcycles,  humans,  and locations  …
words, nouns, proper nouns, concepts and their applications   –>
Velocity –>
…….city –> such as Waco, Texas
Velocity  –> the motorcycles as shown in the picture .. going to Waco, Texas ….
………………..the    …….cycles  using human agents go to mathematical-physics cosine ENERGY SITE –> Twin Peaks ……..
twin peaks waco  sin wave and cosine wave battle
words –> velocity distribution of a gas –>
Velocity (motorcycles)  ……..  city of Waco …
gas (gasoline /hydrocarbon molecules)
words –> new phase of matter  ….. displayed at Twin Peaks
and Boston, Mass (atomic mass communications  phase signal in year 2013 ..  omitted from  the TRIAL)

What is (atomic physics and chemistry) Mass Communications – Communications Major

Mass communications is the transmission of information to large numbers of people … Journalism (magazines, newspapers, print, electronic, television, radio, … Visual communications (graphic design, production design, photography, video) …

cosine  wave sin phase shift
–> words….. Bose-Einstein condenstate  …DEMO at Twin Peaks restuarant ..

Condensate – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Condensate may refer to: The liquid phase produced by the condensation of steam or any other gas. The product of a chemical condensation reaction, other than water. Natural-gas condensate, in the natural gas industry.


The conflict began sometime after noon, according to Waco police who had been monitoring motorcycle club activity at the Twin Peaks restaurant……


Twin Peaks
……. the liquid phase (sports bar)
,,,,,…  as bio-molecular   bikers  converge and concentrate
at one EARTH geography site  …   that is …..
the bikers in the Texas hydrocarbon processing region
.. organic chemistry –>  social chemistry communications agents for Nature   ……. condense upon the Twin Peaks location     k sconcdese- CLOSED – 52 Photos – Sports Bars – Waco, TX … › Nightlife › Bars › Sports Bars
Rating: 2.5 – ‎18 reviews – ‎Price range: $$

18 Reviews of Twin Peaks CLOSED “was on vacation staying in Waco for a … It’s not really a restaurant as much as it’s a bar with a crap ton of TVs and hot …

condensate – Schlumberger Oilfield Glossary

A low-density, high-API gravity liquid hydrocarbon phase that generally … some condensates: During production, there is a risk of the condensate changing from …

What is gas condensate – Informatorium

When pressure and temperature decrease as a result of drilling a well, gas condensate – a mixture of liquid hydrocarbons separated from gas – is formed.

Fifty shades of condensates – Oil & Gas Financial Journal › Home › More Midstream News › Processing

Oct 23, 2012 – Condensates are a group of hydrocarbons that don’t fit easily into mainstream product categories. They are liquid hydrocarbons somewhere

Fifty shades of condensates at NATURE’S  WACO  empirical  data generating and message generating COMMUNICATION SITE
– Oil & Gas Financial Journal › Home › More Midstream News › Processing

Oct 23, 2012 – Condensates are a group of hydrocarbons that don’t fit easily into mainstream product categories. They are liquid hydrocarbons somewhere

Condensates are a group of hydrocarbons that don’t fit easily into mainstream product categories
Condensates are a group of hydrocarbons that don’t fit easily into mainstream product categories ..
therefore they need a group of parallel humans  ……  that don’t easily fit   into mainstream AMERICAN  society …….
waco moleucles
are a group of hydrocarbons that don’t fit easily
are a group of hydrocarbons that don’t fit easily
area  group
a   rea group
american reality  group  …..   of hydrocarbons that don’t fit easily
are a group of hydrocarbons that don’t fit easily
waco  hydrocarbon battle
waco biker moleucles ...
waco hydrocarbons

2015 Waco shootout – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

On May 17, 2015, in Waco, Texas, a shootout erupted at a Twin Peaks restaurant where members of several motorcycle clubs (MC), including the Bandidos, .

Condensates are a group of hydrocarbons that don’t fit easily into mainstream product categories ..
therefore they need a group of parallel humans  ……  that don’t easily fit   into mainstream AMERICAN  society …….
In 2014, the Texas Department of Public Safety had listed the Bandidos Motorcycle Club as a “Tier 2″ threat, the same rating as the CripsBloods, and Aryan Brotherhood, but it did not evaluate the Cossacks.
According to the police, most previous meetings of COC&I for that region had been held in Austin, Texas. COC&I has twelve regions, and Waco is in Region 1. The Bandidos are leading members of the COC&I while the Cossacks are not. The police affidavit claims that the Bandidos “wanted to have a show of force and make a statement that Waco was not a Cossacks’ town”.
waco condeste and additions

Condensation and Addition Reactions

There are a few ways that monomers combine to form the polymers of plastics. One method is a type of chemical reaction called a condensation reaction. In a condensation reaction, two molecules combine with the loss of a smaller molecule, usually water, an alcohol or an acid. To understand condensation reactions, let’s look at another hypothetical polymer reaction.

Symbolism | Definition of symbolism by Merriam-Webster

the art or practice of using symbols especially by investing things with a symbolic meaning
by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible

by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible
by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible
by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible
usually water, an alcohol
usually water, an alcohol
usually water, an alcohol
usually water (waco = wa + co = water compound = Water continuum)
, an alcohol served at the sports bar/ restaurant  …. TWIN PEAKS in the EARTH surface water molecule continuum  ..with
water human
Thus we see the Carmen Ortiz  and the Linus Pauling   hydrocarbon blanket and   expressions EVENTS   …connecting  Boston carbon attorney (Carmen)  to  Waco, Texas   …a hydrocarbon reaction site   to the Boston DEATH SENTENCE issued by the big BOSSES of BOSTON … resulting in the 9 dead at Waco.

§7: THE DATA OF ETHICS (1879) by Herbert Spencer

… in correspondence with external co-existences and sequences; and still more … said to be the continuous adjustment of internal relations to external relations.


9 dead in biker gang gunfight in EARTH  …..  Texas hydrocarbon region   – USA Today…/waco…/27493915…
USA Today

May 18, 2015 – Nine motorcycle gang members were killed Sunday when a gunfight broke out between three rival gangs at a restaurant in Waco, Texas, police …

Below, we see a hierarchy of the carbon existential fabric  …..  with Carmen Ortiz  ..somewhere   in there   ..  just like all of us  … a member of the organic molecule continuum.
President Jimmy Carter –> code –> Carter –> car + ter –> Carbon atom tiers /levels   …like a corporate organization structure of  carbon based humans with a president, vice-president, managers, supervisior, clerks, etc.  …………. Nature’s molecule  corp[oration or government
General Carter Ham –. initials –> CH –> Carbon Hydrogen agent at the Pentagon
Below,  representing Nature’s CYCLOalkanes   ……..  motorCYCLES and carbon based human bio-computers with BRAIN molecular  subroutine drivers … that help drive the CYCLOalkane messenger vehicles that use hydrocarbon gasoline.

Cycloalkane – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Cycloalkanes (also called naphthenes, but distinct from naphthalene) are types of hydrocarbon compounds that have one or more rings of carbon atoms in the chemical structure of their molecules. Alkanes are types of organic hydrocarbon compounds that have only single chemical bonds in their chemical structure.


Citizen Kane  and the Alkane transformation – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Citizen Kane is a 1941 American drama film produced by, co-written by, directed by and starring Orson Welles. The picture was Welles’s first feature film. The film …

Waco biker shooting: Police say they fired 12 times (carbon 12 signal) –

Jun 12, 2015 – A fight broke out among rival biker gangs in Waco, Texas, on Sunday, May 17, leaving at least nine people dead. At least 170 people were …

Alkanes, cycloalkanes, and functional groups – Khan Academy…/bond-line-structures-alk…
Khan Academy

Naming alkanes and cycloalkanes, conformations of alkanes and cycloalkanes, functional groups.

In 2014, the Texas HYDROCARBON  Department of Public Safety had listed the cycloalkane functional groups —>.  Bandidos Motorcycle Club as a “Tier 2″ threat, the same rating as theCrips, Bloods, and Aryan Brotherhood, but it did not evaluate the Cossacks.
“Tier 2″ threat  .. atomic mass communications threat
“Tier 2″ threat
“Tier 2″ threat  –> code Jimmy Carter molecule levels / tiers
The Waco  hydrocarbons –> wa + co –> water compound  continuum and hydrocarbons   –> system information LINK  to  –> Watertown Massachusetts  and carbon agent –> Carmen Ortiz.
Thus the above FLOWCHART  is transformed to physical reality  ..human events and locations   …with Waco (water codes) and Watertown Mass.
Thus the top …water  ….  SOCIAL CHEMISTRY event  in year 2013 (high pressure separater  with Federal attorney)  ….
and the …

§7: THE DATA OF ETHICS (1879) by Herbert Spencer

… in correspondence


with external co-existences and sequences; 

then the bottom  ..water  ..   (low pressure separater) in Waco, Texas
..thus the Boston DEATH SENTENCE resulted in 9 dead in  Waco, Texas   ..thanks to Federal  lawyers and officials
that ignore existence  …… and  the  atomic social science LAWS and LIMITS  of  Roe VS Wade,
the energy  legal equation as mentioned by Isaac Asimov psychohistory MATH while at Boston University, ….

Authorities shut down large  ring with ties to Baylor  ring strain ……/authorities-shut-down-large–ring-with-ties-t…

Sep 1, 2013 – WACO, TX – After a three month investigation by McGregor and Lorena police departments, two search warrants were executed in and around ..




 The next graphic LINKS the Waco TWIN PEAKS picture to the TWO Towers in Manhattan.
bose-einsteins    statis

Figure 31: Interference pattern created by the overlap of two clouds of molecular BECs, each composed of 6Li2 diatomic molecules.

Source: © C. Kohstall & R. Grimm. More info

Figure 31 indeed shows that fermionic atoms can pair and become molecular bosons, which can then condense into a molecular BEC. This is evident from the striking similarity of the interference patterns shown in Figures 26 and 31. Two overlapping degenerate Fermi gases would not create such macroscopic interference patterns because those wavefunctions have no intrinsic phase relationships, in contrast to the BEC wavefunctions. Molecular BECs, especially if the molecules are polar and can communicate with one anther through long-range forces, are of special interest as being quantum information storage devices, as individual molecules can potentially be addressed via their many internal degrees of freedom.

bose-einsteins    statis
Above…Twin Towers  –> and the application on September   11, 2001
Below,  velocity expressions devices (airplanes for Nature’s DEMO )manhattan path pathology
The next ….. pattern –> Afghanistan Mountains ..the war region
bose-einsteins    statis

War in Afghanistan (2001–present) – Wikipedia, the free ……/War_in_Afghanistan_(2001–presen…

Jump to Change in U.S. policy toward Afghanistan – During the Clinton administration, the U.S. tended to favor Pakistan and until 1998–1999 had …

afghan mountains 2

Taliban Gains Pull U.S. Units Back Into Fight in Afghanistan ……/more-aggressive-role-by-us-mili…

The New York Times

Apr 29, 2015 – KABUL, Afghanistan — Months after President Obama formally declared that the United States‘ long war against the Taliban was over in …

standard model 18

map pakistan afghan


Thus we see some pieces to Nature’s puzzle and the Boston Marathon TRIAL  ……..

evidence omitted to make the TRIAL a biased, rigged  SCRIPT of words, languages, surface veneer data from Boylston Street, manipulation of the JUDGE and JURY …. neither of them care to  confront the Department of Justice perception problems.



hayakawa 1




Book reveals  the  University of Wisconsin oxygen Bull-Story problems 

Published by:

Book-117 analysis report by Herb Zinser looks at some of the subset secret message codes embedded within the larger context of a paperback book about Madison, Wisconsin  and the Carl Jung subconsiousness GROUP MIND secrets of the  University of Wisconsin collective of students, professors, administrators, and electromagnetic(em) life forms with EARTH LAB identifier em = employees  …and their oxygen expression problems.

The atomic collective student body ….. a composite  body composed of thousands of human people … is perceived by Nature as a living entity …… that  concept  of groups is well known …instutions and corporations  have a life of their own ….. they are living entities … in many ways  an individual human being.

The book on the existential physics and bio-physics awareness probem ….

Above keyword concepts … line 2

–> painting of St.Michael the Archangel ……… subset letter codes 
………………………….mic…………..arch  an   g  el ………. expaned concepts 
……………………atomic architecture atomic number group elements

In modern science language  ..  the  atomic painting is the  more accurate periodic atomic table painted with rows and colums of information and symbols about  the solid existence of atoms and their components.

Part of the table below….  the components of a typical human being common from the atomic table.

Is your name  H = hydrogen energy ….that is ……..
is your name  H energy –> abbreviated –>  H enry –> Henry


The above page ..word code –> MOS  

1960 – Metal Oxide Semiconductor (MOS) Transistor ……/…
Computer History Museum
1960 – Metal Oxide Semiconductor (MOS) Transistor Demonstrated. John Atalla and Dawon Kahng fabricate working transistors and demonstrate the first …

CMOS Basics MOS: Metal Oxide Semiconductor Transistors ……/lect01…
University of Maryland, Baltimore County
CMPE 640. CMOS Basics. MOS: Metal Oxide Semiconductor. Transistors are built on a Silicon (semiconductor) substrate. Pure silicon has no free carriers and …

The human version of MOS –> Metabolism Oxygen Social-conductors …… such as you.

Thus we see the concept of parallel existences on EARTH of the same code MOS …  in differebt expression formats.

Above, a major component of  

 Father O –> oxygen used by his bio-computer  LU = Logical Unit  –> LUNGS.

Other oxygen life forms that deny their SYMBOL identity ..

President O (Obama) 

Obama code letters –> O + ba + ma –> Oxygen atyomic mass 16  base map  … located at oxygen continuum address of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, DC.

His staff, advisors and his univeristy alma mater  refuse to tell him  ,,,that he is supposed to announce the existence of oxygen and its atomic thought systems.

Of course, the Jewsih people deny excistence ………

Urban Dictionary: moxy
Urban Dictionary
n. When someone has guts or balls, they have moxy.

Glossary of Jewish Terms and Phrases (A – K) – Nick’s …
Oct 30, 2006
Chutzpah: sass, moxy; nerve, gall. … Golem: legendary automaton brought to life from clay by Jewish … Kosher: acceptable under Jewish law.

Moxy –> Mo + oxy –> moleucles oxygen –> Mo + Oxy –> Modus Operandi oxygen expression system …atomic thoughts  using words and concepts

Above sentence  near bottom of page

–> He and Father O grew up  together –> implies 

He  = Hexadecimal base 16 and O = Oxygen atomic mass 16 ……  exist together 


The university denial of Base 16 hexadecimal HUMAN existence has resulted in the Base 16 April 16  shooting at Virginia TECH.

Virginia Tech shooting – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Virginia Tech shooting (also known as the Virginia Tech massacre) was a school shooting that took place on April 16, 2007, on the campus of Virginia …Seung-Hui Cho – ‎Liviu Librescu – ‎Kevin Granata – ‎Jamie Bishop

Seung-Hui Cho – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
He was a senior-level undergraduate student at the university. The shooting rampage came to be known as the Virginia Tech    neurotransmitter shooting  between

Virginia  tobacco farm nicotine and     acetylcholine.  

Thus the Mr.CHO …lines of  English words from the English department SECRET  language division  ….. with its death sentence …..  the usage of  language commands  to kill 32 students  …..
per Federal government usage of  arbitrary death sentences such as  the killing Timothy McVeigh(t)  in the citizen rigged, manipulated  TRIAL on the Oklahoma City bombing

Thus the Federal government arrogant  abuse of the SYMBOL MACHINE language,
 the incomplete explanations given about the  Oklahoma City event and the ommission of  facts concening the  deeper levels of  CAUSE and EFFECT  reality that underlied NAture’s systems  signaling EVENT
 ……resulted in
the June 11, 2001  excution of McVeight and consequently Nature’s ordered parallel  processing system  exexcution on S 11 –> System  job exceution on September 11, 2001 at the World Trade Center.

Thus the consequences of  the citizen government  ZEAL  in job execution systems ERRORS was  …
 the lives of 2,996 people (including 19 hijackers) and caused at least $10 billion in property and infrastructure damage on September  11 ………….
 Nature’s revenge for  the exceution of   its bio-computer   system agent 8  … McVeigh(t)  on Jun11,, 2001.

Above…words written in code style —> Six-teenth Century –> information pointers to 

…six –> carbon atom atomic number 6

sixteen –> oxygen atom 16

Herman Wyl tensor space/time equation  Equation –> carbon six + ten tensor space/time –> LINK to Oxygen

Thus the usage of atomic English verb tense –> Tense –> ten + se –> decimal number ten se(nd) ….. 

Thus verb tense –> ten  + send –> ten  se nd = node (communications node) –> verb tense node  ….
.involving English department shootings  at Virgina Tech and Columbine High School library shooting in the BOOK publishing ERROR  wars ,

In addition to Base 16  President  Obama we had …….

Pope Benedict XVI  = 16 –> anbd the Base 16 religious HEX of  computer programmers  Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Pope Benedict XVI (Latin: Benedictus XVI; Italian: Benedetto XVI; born Joseph Aloisius Ratzinger; German pronunciation: [ˈjoːzɛf ˈalɔʏzjʊs ˈʁatsɪŋɐ]; on 16 April 1927) served as Pope of the Catholic Church from 2005 until his resignation in 2013.Pope Francis – ‎Mater Ecclesiae – ‎Resignation of Pope Benedict – ‎Pope Celestine V

Code from Baltic geography region of Europe –> susbet code –> Bal –> Basic  Assembler   Language 

Europe ..
……ope — >. open N-space data set of N = norway with OS/JCL of Oslo without permission of parallel procesing agent  of …..  MAX BORN …projects ….  Joseph (Jose and Spanis physics) . Aloisius Rat + zin + ger with the God Particel book extension –> Godzin particles W and Z and Wino particle code of Wisconsin and Northern Illionis.

Above …..words –> her computer to see –> referenced to her hertzian electromagnetic wave bio-optical computer used to see EXTERNAL world object.s
Thus you have have idea of subset message POINTERS (to real events and science facts)  that may be embedded in the larger text of a paperback book.

Book secrets help explain the neuroscience murder of Sam Hengel

Published by:

Book 89 analysis report by Herb Zinser looks at some of the subset secret message codes embedded within the larger context of a SCIENCE FICTION   book  ..  that  is a decoy book category  …. because  science fiction books contain many secrets about actual   REALITY.  

Here, we will look at several things …..   then we will finish with the  word/concept  CLUES that point to the Carl  Jung community GROUP MIND neuroscience murder of Boy SCout …. Sam Hengel …..  who attended the Wisconsin experiment in Marionette puppet string theory ….. the Marionette theater ….. known as Marinette high school. 

Let’s  look at  another blog post that outlines the neuroscience …
molecular   MILITARY system,  its social expressions and tragic signaling EVENTS.

Nature’s SYMBOL MACHINE  language analysis tools help us understand the words above.

Nature’s SYMBOL MACHINE is comprised of  nouns, verbs, concepts, math equations,  flowcharts, etc.  The ideas found in math and science textbooks are part of the SYMBOL MACHINE.

Maps and Territories – Rijnlandmodel

Language in Thought and Action, S.I. Hayakawa.
Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and Territories
There is a sense in which we all live in two worlds.

The keywords and concepts 

–> Outer Space  …. subset letter code …

………………ace –> information pointer ro acetylcholine molecule

Biochemistry of Neurotransmitters and Nerve Transmission
  • Apr 14, 2015 – The ganglionic neurotransmitter is acetylcholine, ACh. ACh release from the preganglionic synapse binds to nicotinic ACh receptors on the …

  • Biochemistry of Neurotransmitters…/nerves.html
  • Acetylcholine (ACh) is a simple molecule synthesized from choline and acetyl-CoA through the action of choline acetyltransferase. Neurons that synthesize and …

The keywords and concepts 

–> Outer Space  …. subset letter code …

….. out   Space   of  ………….ace –>  acetylcholine molecule

Thus this paperback book  ……. 

–> Outer Space  …. subset letter code …

….. out   Space   of  ………….ace –>  acetylcholine molecule
……output data space  ..(information data set)  produced by Nature’s acetylcholine  communications moleucle using the author as vehicle  ……to amplify and clarify the message and then take the INTERNAL  data set and  trasform it to EXTERNAL  cellulose page format as a human bio-computer output report writer. 

How the IBM-Supplied Output Writer Routine Works…ibm…/has2v5_How_the_IBM-Supplied_Output
As stated previously, there are two main pieces to the external writer that can be modified or replaced by the installation: The output writer routine and the output …

The output writer is identified below…

Thus we see the alphabet sequence  … abcde

…………………………………………………. a..c.e –> pointer to molecule
…………………………………………………. 1..3..5 ..the atomic orbital basis of the molecule that originates in electron shell 3 …..

Correlation between acetylcholine receptor function and …
American Chemical Society
by TM Fong – ‎1986 – ‎Cited by 271 – ‎Related articles
Biochemistry , 1986, 25 (4), pp 830–840 … Biochemistry 2012 51 (17), 3565-3575 … Bupropion Binds to Two Sites in the Torpedo Nicotinic Acetylcholine …

Military applications involve the creation of social science tragic signaling EVENTS.

Example …

Northern Illinois University shooting – Wikipedia, the free ……/Northern_Illinois_University_shoot
Jump to Cole Hall today – [edit]. 

The Northern Illinois University shooting was a school shooting that took place on February 14, 2008. Steven Kazmierczak shot multiple people on the campus of Northern Illinois University in DeKalb, Illinois, killing five people and injuring another twenty-one, before committing suicide.

The incident happened at the campus’s Cole Hall at approximately 3:05 p.m. local time.

At approximately 3:05 p.m. CST, Steven Kazmierczak entered a large auditorium-style lecture hall in Cole Hall (Auditorium 101) with approximately 120 students, where an oceanography class was in session

Therefore, the Darwinian  INTERNAL ACh molecule selection of an EXTERNAL display site on the EARTH geography surface …ACh –> Auditorium Cole hall 


……. Two Sites in the Torpedo Nicotinic Acetylcholine …

……..Two Sites…………………..Ni co –> Northern illinois Cole 

What Is Acetylcholine? Psychology – › … › Psychology Glossary: A Index
Acetylcholine is found in the central and peripheral nervous systems and is the most common neurotransmitter. Learn more about the discovery and functions of …

in other words ……

What Is Acetylcholine? – Psychology – › … › Psychology Glossary: A Index
Acetylcholine is found in the central and peripheral nervous systems and is the most common neurotransmitter. Learn more about the discovery and functions of …

acetylcholine WEAPONS systems in the EXTERNAL world  …… 


Code ACP –> information pointer to the molecular parent source code
   –> ACP  = Acetyl.Choline   Peripheral  expression system

The next  example  …

Virginia Tech shooting – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Virginia Tech shooting (also known as the Virginia Tech massacre) was a school shooting that took place on April 16, 2007, on the campus of Virginia TECH….  

Acetylcholine   Neurotransmission (Section 1, Chapter 11 …
11.1 Introduction. Acetylcholine, the first neurotransmitter discovered, was originally described as “vagus stuff” by Otto Loewi because of its ability to mimic the …

Acetyl cho  line (lines of English words and commands)

Nature’s neurotransmitter system selection of Mr. Cho

Seung-Hui Cho – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The shooting rampage came to be known as the Virginia Tech shooting. …. Cho was noted for being good at mathematics and English, and teachers pointed to …

Other examples  of ace expresions  …..

Ace Hardware Store chain   | Click Here To Find Your Local …
Ace Hardware
The Ace store locator makes it easy to find your local Ace. Find all the information you need quickly and easly with interactive Google maps, detailed services …
Ace Hardware Store Locator | Click Here To Find Your Local …
Ace Hardware
The Ace store MAP parallel to the brain acetylcholine MAP   ……  neurotransmitter SYMBOL PROCESSOR  locator makes it easy to find your local Acetylcholine BRAIN site.
Find all the information you need quickly and easly with interactive Google maps, detailed services …

Ace Hardware | Shop for Hardware, Home Improvement …
Ace Hardware
Buy Online & Pickup Today. Shop lawn & garden supplies, grills, hardware, tools and paint at Ace Hardware, plus get helpful advice and Free Store Pickup at … other words
Ace Hardware
Buy Online & Pickup Tod.
Shop law systems   garden supper lies, grills for the Spanish inquistion, hardware, language manipluation tools  and pain  at Ace Hardware, plus get helpful advice and Frequency modulation bio-radio Store Pickup at …

Other ace expressions ….

Ace – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
An ace is a playing card. In the standard French deck, an ace has a single suit symbol (a heart, diamond, spade, or club) located in the middle of the card, …

Standard 52-card deck with acetylcholine molecule molecule represented- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The deck of 52 French playing cards is the most common deck of playing cards … 

Each suit includes an ace,  depicting a single symbol of its suit; a king, queen, …
Stripped deck – ‎Face card – ‎Ace – ‎Tarot Nouveau

words form the book page –> paragraph nine –> number  9 –> nine –>. components of DNA nucleotide words

 –> Adenine       Guanine 

Hopkins –> pointer to –>

Biochemistry & Molecular Biology – Johns Hopkins ……/bio
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
The Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology only accepts qualified students of the highest caliber with interest in the areas of biochemistry and …

Hopkins BCMB
The Biochemistry, Cellular and Molecular Biology (BCMB) Graduate Program at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine is one of the oldest …  

Gulliver’s Travels – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia’s_Travels
Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World. In Four Parts. By Lemuel Gulliver, First a Surgeon, and then a Captain of Several Ships, commonly known as … other words …

Gulliver’s Travels – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia’s_Travels
Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World.
In Four DNA nuclotides Parts. By Lemuel Gulliver, First a Surgeon, and then a Captain of Several Ships, commonly known as …
Thus the liver and its output messages VIA the year 1726  hepatology book.

INTERNAL   liver and its

EXTERAL: super-symmetry mirrror in Liverpool, England

§7: THE DATA OF ETHICS (1879) by Herbert Spencer
… in correspondence with external coexistences and sequences;
and still more …
said to be the continuous adjustment of internal relations to external relations.

Thus, you have  some ideas about  MESSAGES embedded within  a book

read between the lines | EnglishClub…/read_between_the_lines_106.htm
A good writer doesn’t tell the reader everything directly but leaves it up to the reader to figure things out for themselves by reading between the lines.

read between the lines – Idioms 4 You
Idiom Definition – to read between the lines – to understand something that is hidden or implied.

read between the lines – › idioMeanings › dictionary › idiom
The meaning of “read between the lines” is: discover the hidden meaning.
Example Sentences:
When my boss told me that the business wasn’t doing well,  I should have read between the lines. The cafe closed two weeks later. … 

The Sam Hengel EVENT …. 

Sam Hengel, Marinette High School student who held ……/samhengel-marinette-high-school-…
Daily News

Nov 30, 2010 – A Wisconsin teen who held 23 students and a teacher hostage at … 15-year-old Samuel Hengel died from a self-inflicted gun shot wound ..

Marinette hostage-taker was Boy Scout, popular › News › Wisconsin
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Nov 30, 2010 – Marinette — By all accounts, Samuel Hengel was a nice kid. Good student, loved to hunt and fish, well-liked, a Boy Scout, even-keeled, plenty …

Marinette, Wis., asks: Why did Sam Hengel do it? – Pioneer …
St. Paul Pioneer Press

Dec 2, 2010 – He was just an exemplary kid,” said Henry Johnston, one of Hengel’s Scout leaders. “That question ‘why?’ is just a question there’s no answer …

Marinette hostage-taker was Boy Scout, popular › News › Wisconsin
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Nov 30, 2010 – Marinette — By all accounts, Samuel Hengel was a nice kid. … Outside Hengel’s home in

Porterfield was a large sign that said,

Welcome to the SECRET computer science  town and the  experiment cover-up by the University of Wisconsin.

The SYMBOL MACHINE  keyword –> Psychiatry –> component codes –> Psy + chia + try.

The CHIA –> information pointer to –> EARTH LANGUAGE,  clay pottery and the clay people  

Samuel O. Hengel – EH Extra…/SamuelHengel/…/9…
Eagle Herald

Dec 3, 2010 – Samuel O. Hengel found peace on Tuesday, Nov. … old and born in Green Bay, Wis., on June 27th, 1995, to Jonathan and Ann (Clayton) Hengel. … Sam was a proud member of the Boy Scouts of America as a Life Scout and …

Clay – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Clay is a fine-grained natural rock or soil material that combines one or more clay minerals with traces of metal oxides and organic matter. Clays are plastic due …

Clay minerals – ‎Modelling clay –> EARTH MAN model – Sam Clayton H.

Chia Pet Handmade Decorative Planter  with attached SYMBOL MACHINE codes ….. psychiatry   1 Kit › … › Pots, Inc.

A) Soak clay animal in water overnight.
B) Spread water-soaked Chia seeds on animal. Fill water hole.
C) Keep full of water. Moist seeds should sprout in 3-5 ..

Sprouting Chia and Other Small Seeds – Instructables…/Sprouting-Chia-and-Other-Small-…

… using the usual mason jar method. These seeds are best grown on terracotta, clay or ceramic dishes or trays. If you are familiar with Chia Pets, this shouldn’t …

The molecuar social science wars involves the BEDROOM industry violations of the sodium chloride  SALT molecule treaty with humans and the family dinner table  …   SALT and PEPPER shakers

Above words ..barrier

…………………..race  … the blood-brain barrier WAR in Boston that resulted in the Boston Marathon bombing  and thge rigged, biased TRIAL of  biochemistry   messenger RNA agent

–> tsaRNAev 

Dzhokhar      Tsarnaev –   Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jump to Boston Marathon bombings [edit]. Main article: Boston Marathon bombings. Tsarnaev was convicted of participating in the Boston 

Messenger RNA  via Darwinian molecular SYMBOL LANGUAGE selection  of a proper noun with 3 symbols RNA …
therefore the choice of Tsarnaev for Nature’s military  mesage delivery system  
 … in the living EARTH CELL geography region  of

New England

Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Messenger RNA (mRNA) is a large family of RNA molecules that convey genetic information from DNA to the ribosome, where they specify the amino acid sequence of the protein products of gene expression.

Thus the  atomic  equation LINK to molecules and glands ….via code –> En   and ev (tsarnaev

Wisconsin high school hostage-taker Samuel Hengel dies ……/world-us-canada-1188…
British Broadcasting Corporation

Nov 30, 2010 – Marinette Police Chief Jeff Skorik said Samuel Hengel died on Tuesday morning at a hospital in Green Bay. Hengel shot himself with a …

Earth Man  ….. the modelling clay man  …..  Sam Hengel loved Nature and the outdoors  …… 

Above, keywords –>  Nature’s military guard cell DUTY assigned to outdoor agents …. Boy Scouts  ……..  Sam Hengel  …… killed in the photosynthesis INTELLECTUAL wars.

Above words ….. this was a completely strange territory  …… neuroscience SYMBOL MAPS and their external display messages, etc.

The brain English  language TRIAL of Hayakawa in Hayward, Wisconsin.

10 years ago, 6 deer hunters slain in woods of western ……/10-years-ago-6-deer-hunter…
St. Paul Pioneer Press

Nov 21, 2014 – People gather at a picnic in Hunters Memorial Park in Rice Lake, Wis., on … St. Paul resident Chai Soua Vang is led from court in Hayward, Wis., … after talking to the media about the Chai Soua Vang murder trial Friday, Sept.

Chai Vang –> Vang –> V + ang –> Vector  angstroms TRIAL of language and the optical  nerve – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jump to Trial Trial[edit]. The trial of Chai Soua Vang began Saturday, September 10, 2005 in Sawyer County Courthouse. All fourteen White jurors (ten …

Thus we see the secrets and lies of the univeristy cover-up of the DEEPER LEVELS of reality   that can underlie atragic situation.


The Los Angeles SPANISH bio-radio brain war results in TSA casualty Geraldo Hernadez

Published by:

Rd-blog-number-5805 by Herb Zinser reviews  the Boston Marathon race bombing  with messenger agent Tsarnaev  in the context of Isaac Asimov message systems.

In addition,  we shall look at the LAX airport shooting of  TSA  agent Hernadez
the incomplete explantions given about the deeper  levels of REALITY that underlied the   electromagnetic-mathematics signaling EVENT involving bio-physics, bio-math human interface entity Hernandez.


Finally, we shall look at the 2 people and their common  SYMBOL  code factors –> TSA HeRNAndez   &  TSA RNA ev  –> TSA RNA …..thus TSA  messenger  RNA …. Nature’s message about evolution of  existential message systems.



2013 Los Angeles International Airport shooting – Wikipedia ..


Walking up to a TSA checkpoint, he pulled the rifle out of the bag and opened fire, shooting TSA Officer Gerardo Hernandez in the chest “at point-blank range”.



Transportation Security Administration  –>  evolution messages  regarding –>  transportation of hertzian waves (Hernandez) and transportaion of atomic energy (TsaRnaev) messages


Isaac Asimov – Wikipedia,

Isaac Asimov (/ˈaɪzɨk ˈæzɨmɒv/; born Isaak Yudovich Ozimov; circa January 2, 1920 – April 6, 1992) was an American author and professor of biochemistry  at Boston University, best known for his works of science fiction and for his popular science books …

isaac asimov 6

Let’s look at another blog post that outlines several concepts   ……   then we shall look at Nature’s system equation –> TsaRnaev.


 Rd-blog-number-5793 by Herb Zinser

reviews Nature’s  SYMBOL MACHINE  words and equations that Nature uses as military tools to design a SYMBOL MODEL of  a proposed  attack upon civilian communities filled with ERRORS.

Nature’s systems  then implement the attack via the Darwinain selection of  those humans,  geography locations,  dates and  numbers  …… that best approximate the   SYMBOL MODEL list of military proper nouns and numbers  ….  a parameter list that get actualized mapping the the SYMBOL WORLD    to  the  physical biology world of humans  and EARTH geography  surface reality.


Let’s look at the Boston Marathon race bombing … an EVENT created  by Nature’s systems to genertae a database for the Theory of Everything to help solve the Hierarchy Problem  of society  …  a problem outlined  by existential physics.

Boston Marathon bombing – Wikipedia, 


The Boston Marathon bombing was a bombing incident, followed by subsequent related shootings, that occured when two pressure cooker bombs exploded …


 The Boston Marathon bombing was a bombing incident, followed by subsequent related shootings, that occured when two pressure cooker bombs exploded during the Boston Marathon on April 15, 2013. The bombs exploded about 12 seconds and 210 yards (190 m) apart at 2:49 pm EDT, near the marathon’s finish line on Boylston Street.
] The suspects were identified later that day as Chechen brothers Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and Tamerlan Tsarnaev.
Let’s look at Nature’ system process that created the EVENT and selected the race (keyword verb –>   run /  ran on 2 legs with toes )(toes  = theory of everything systems) ….. thus the key concept  of running/ ran.
We have several  tragic signaling EVENTS created by Nature involving the words ..  run/  ran / legs / walk
a) Boston Marathon race bombing  in year 2013  …..    the  April 15 EVENT   that lasted thru  April 19 ….


b) South African runner TRIAL for the year 2013 February  14 murder

Trial of Oscar Pistorius – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



The trial of Oscar Pistorius for the murder of Reeva Steenkamp and several … Pistorius is a leading South African runner, who won attention as an athlete with a …

Bail hearing – ‎Trial – ‎Notable media coverage – ‎References


 Pistorius is a leading South African runner, who won attention as an athlete with a disability competing at a high level, including at multipleParalympic Games and the 2012 Summer Olympics. Steenkamp, a model, was his girlfriend. In the early morning of Thursday, 14 February 2013, Steenkamp was shot and killed by Pistorius at his Pretoria home.[7][8][9] Pistorius acknowledged that he shot Steenkamp, but said that he mistook her for an intruder.[10] Pistorius was taken into police custody and was formally charged with murder in a Pretoria court on 15 February 201
  In the early morning of Thursday, 14 February 2013, Steenkamp was shot and killed
 In the early morning of Thursday, 14 February 2013, Steenkamp was shot and killed
c) Hannah Graham walking in Charlottesville, Virginia ..

Surveillance video shows Hannah Graham before ……hannah-graham…/427…


  • The Washington Post

    Sep 19, 2014 – Charlottesville police released surveillance video of 18-year-old University of Virginia student
    Hannah Graham walking near Sal’s Pizza in the …


Daily Mail
Sep 17, 2014 – Video footage of UVA student Hannah Graham outside a bar and a gas …Hannah is then seen walking away from the bar heading in the ..
Let’s continue with the Boston Marathon race and the bombing …… the theory   ….. using   Nature’s   SYMBOL MODEL used to create the physical reality message EVENT .


Above SYMBOL MACHINE codes  with   EARTH LANGUAGE and atomic languages  ….
–> words –> Original Randall-Sundrum  …subset codes
………………..Origin……Randall Sun –> information pointers to  Camp Randall at Univeristy of Wisconsin , Madison.
Sun —>referes to Sun Praire Wisconsin  and its Solar System connections in the region  … HUBBLE  social astronomy RD in Hubbleton, Wisconsin
Keywords –> model offers a solution —>
………………..model………….sol –> solar system solutions for EARTH people and their Bull-story problems
Therefore ……. Solar System instructions VTAM  –>   SSI VTAM –> Vtam RU = Request Unit   for RU = Russian heritage humans  for Darwin selections ………  thus the  selection —>
 The suspects were identified later that day as  Russina heritage  Chechen brothers Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and Tamerlan Tsarnaev.

Command and RU types in VTAM messages – IBM…1…ibm…/cmdtype.htm


This chapter lists the command and request/response unit (RU) types that can appear in VTAM® messages. See z/OS Communications Server: SNA Operation …


The Nature’s systems VTAM  RU –>   VTAM RU Solar  System instructions  –> RU + SSI  –> spells –> RUSSIA  (Solar System representative on   EARTH  with EARTH LANGUAGEs.
Code word –> RUSSIA .. subset code word and the HIERARCHY  …
…………………._U_S_A  ………. thus from   the SOLAR SYTEM point  of view the  geaography region of the United States is a subset entity of RUSSIA ….. a geoagrphy rgeions AND  …… a  STATE of MIND and perception
Thus we see an outline of the  Hierarchy of the SOLAR SYSTEM and Nature    …..
the SYMBOL MODEL  military words …
and how   the Darwin selection of the Russian heritage brothers, etc …..     played out in Nature’s data generating EVENT ….
and the rigged, biased trial in Boston of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev ……..  with the omisssion of much data evidence.


Boston Marathon Bombing Jury Finds Tsarnaev Guilty On …

Apr 8, 2015 – The twin bombings in 2013, carried out by Dzhokhar Tsarnaev with his older … During the trial, prosecutors argued that Tsarnaev was cold and ..




Messenger RNA  for    ev(energy)

Messenger RNA –>  TSA  RNA  ev

– Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



Messenger RNA (mRNA) is a large family of RNA molecules that convey genetic information from DNA to the ribosome, where they specify the amino acid sequence of the protein products of gene expression.




pproximate energy of an electron striking a color television screen (CRT … Typical energiesfrom nuclear decay: …
The abbreviation
for electron volt is eV.

Transfer-messenger   for Nature …. Nature’s systems  and Isaac Asimov  physics and biochemistry   VERSUS Boston nonsense



Thus we have TsaRnaev as Nature’s Darwinian selected  …. energy messenger (code ev) to those 2-legged entities  that use energy to run in the Boston Marathon Race … that have failed Nature’s  human race test  …… as outlined by the year 2015 message from the Germanwings airplane crash in the French alps and alphabets.
The DESCENT of the airplane –> information pointer to –>


The Descent of Man – Charles Darwin & Evolution message by  co-pilot Lubitz…/index.php?…i…

Christ’s College, Cambridge

Darwin & the descent of man. Charles Darwin’s theories of natural and sexual selection apply to humans as they do to any other species. Recent editions of his …


Now, let’s look at the SYMBOL MACHINE  code –> Tsarnaev –> Tsa + rna + ev 
Thus we have  an inofrmation pointer to the TSA signal for Los(t)  Angels of Los Angeles….

TSA officer killed at LAX is the first to die in the line of duty …

Nov 3, 2013 – A California husband and father became the first TSA officer killed in the … thatHernandez was a behavior detection officer, TSA Administrator .


2013 Los Angeles International Airport shooting
On November 1, 2013, a shooting occurred at around 9:20 a.m. PDT in Terminal 3 of the Los Angeles International Airport. Paul Anthony Ciancia, aged 23, has been accused of opening fire with a rifle, killing a U.S. governmentTransportation Security Administration officer and injuring several other people.…/TSA–Officer–LAX-Shooting-Gerardo-…


Nov 12, 2013 – TSA officer Gerardo Hernandez, shot and killed Nov. 1 in a gunman’s rampage at LAX, was remembered as the “

guardian angel” of Terminal 3.

Thus we see that   Dzhokhar Tsarnaev   was a TSA officer ..from Nature’s systems VIEW.
tsa boston
Let’s look at the secret bio-math codes of Hernadez.…/TSA–Officer–LAX-Shooting-Gerardo-…


Nov 12, 2013 – TSA officer Gerardo Hernandez, shot and killed Nov. 1 in a gunman’s rampage at LAX, was remembered as the “

guardian angel” of Terminal 3.

  …rna  …  ez  —> messenger RNA  for bio-math fuction ez

–> e math exponent z. 

entire good 2 ez

hernadez LAX airpoort TSA agententire good - 2-2


entire - good 2 -1
lax airport shooting
entire good 3-2
Thus the WORLD math systems  –> periodicity war  …. city of Los Angeles
periodicity ……..
sin function
watts map los angeles
Above, the EARTH geography city of Los Angeles
Below,    the city of light and angestrom wavelengths
with  c = 186,000 velocity
…………………………….. city …. optical SYMBOL CITY within traveling light waves
angstrom unit larger
Thave the TSA   em –> employee code –> em = electromagnetic field life form Hernandez  …. em = employee.
His EARTH LAB  specimen  .. identifier code –> hernandez  c–> subset letter codes
–> Her + rna + ….ez –> Hertzian wave  ……….  messenger RNA   … .. for math function ez.
Tus we have the city of light wave –> angstrom wavelengths WAR ZONE  with television/ radio / magazine print  optical tricks and ERRORS  ………

Angstrom – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



The ångström (Swedish: [ˈɔŋstrøm]) or angstrom is a unit of length equal to … arrangement of atoms in crystals,wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation, and …

–> Los ANG
…..Los Ang
…..Los Angeles   and its angstrom  communication problems
…. lost Ang
…. losT ang  elements  –> ang + eles –> angstrom element  ERRORS
and their  EM attacks upon the
human brain stem ….
…………………….em  …. Nature’s bio-em section
Thus we have 2 messenger RNA agents LINKED together …… in some DEMO  created by Nature’s systems  ….   of a serious problem in the social structure of civilization>
Thus the 2 messenger  RNA human agents in visible display format   (bio-physics energy agent Tsarnaev    +   bio-math agent Hernandez)   ….. a message format from  Nature that scientists ought try to study and  understand.


Distributive Law

The “Distributive Law” is the BEST one of all, but needs careful attention.

And we write it like this:

a × (b + c)  =  a × b  +  a × c

Try the calculations yourself:

  • 3 × (2 + 4)  =  3 × 6  =  18
  • 3×2 + 3×4  =  6 + 12  =  18


Let’s look at  the  West Coast and East Coast geography region and the anchor agents equation.


Los Angeles <—– …… distributive law  ……….. —> Boston (EAST)

TSA ..HeRNAndez ……………………. TSA.RNA ev

TSA   ..RNA ……………………………….TSA  RNA

are common factors in  these “NAME” equations of concepts


TSA  RNA ( Her + and + ez ………….. ev)

On the West  coast (Los   Angeles)  we have codes …

her –> hertzian waves of Hernandez

we also have …  from …. los angstoms of los angeles…



Striking LA Port Clerks Cost US $1 Billion a Day – Bloomberg…/striking-l-a-port–clerks-cost-u-s-…

Bloomberg L.P.

Dec 4, 2012 – Pier 400 at the Port of Los Angeles, foreground, sits idle as container ships and oil tankers are forced to anchor offshore until a labor strike by ..



Clerks Cost US $1 Billion


Clerks Cost US $1 Billion


Clerks  … James Clerk  Maxwell  EM species that us the human body as a  HOST platform for their parasite EM brain bio-computer subroutines 




Striking LA Port Clerks Cost US $1 Billion a Day – Bloomberg and the eye/ optical nerve WAR ZONE



maxwell equations

Picture - em field curves-1

noun: propaganda; noun: Propaganda


……  direction of propagation (see above diagram)

  1. 1.
    information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.
    “he was charged with distributing enemy propaganda”
    synonyms: informationpromotionadvertisingpublicityspinMore


Thus we had  …..

Los Angeles <—– …… distributive law  ……….. —> Boston (EAST)

TSA ..HeRNAndez ……………………. TSA.RNA ev

TSA   ..RNA ……………………………….TSA  RNA

are common factors in  these “NAME” equations of concepts

TSA  RNA ( Her + and + ez ………….. ev)

On the West  coast (Los   Angeles)  we have codes …

her –> hertzian waves of Hernandez AND the Los Angeles I/O PORT Clerks message

…thus the EM world of Los Angstroms and Hollywood optical tricks ….. the Los Angeles region and  the EM WAR zone


On the EAST Coast   …with   Boston in the  geography state of Mass (Massachusetts )  .. the geography  state is a PARALLEL  Processing region  for  atomic mass messages
… thus the agent …..   TsaRna ev    with ev energy    …. and his message generating activities about the  quantum state of MASS problems in the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family    .. …… that occurs in the more visible EARTH geography state of Mass.


picture - wave 1


Thus we have Boston in the quantum state in the atomic NEW En  region (New EnGland)  …with its  En –> atomic English language.

Citizens of Boston will have to  learn how to read  and write  ….. simple things using English words.  Now,  they know how to eat, talk bull-stories, brag , lie, scheme, etc.  …… things that are out of fashion in year 2015 social communications theory and its applications.

Below, the ev component of  Nature’s human energy spokeperson  –> TSA RNA ev

Picture - wave 4


Tus we see Nature’s existential  continuum …. across the North American geography region with


West Coast  < ————- America ————–> East (Boston,Mass

Angstroms, EM, Hertz   and    <——————> electon volts agent
James Clerk Maxwell messengers ………………… atomic mass states



In Boston, we have the atomic MASS messages for universities in Mass (EARTH geography state of Massachusetts)

The event in April 2013–> april code –> ap + ril –> map riddle   ….. communication continnum messages.





April 18 at MIT –> map riddle 18 –> tell MIT univeristy about the  existence  of the  18  Margaret Mead atomic nuclear families of the periodic atomic table.



The Periodic Table: Families and Periods – For Dummies…/the-periodictablefamilies-and-period…

Members of the families (vertical columns) in the periodic table have similar properties. …
The newer method uses the numbers 1 through 18. So why do the …


Then we have Watertown Mass –> water molecule mass 18  and its existence 





Thus we have  the sequence of  existence explained  ….. via the sequence of EXTERNAL events displayed on the EARTH gegraphy surface in the Boston area.


April 15 –>  energy (with Tsarnaev and electron volts)  …. Boyle’s LAW of Gases DEMO on Boyleston Street  …..
implies  the formation of the SOLAR SYTEM  planets as gases condensed to form the solid planets like EARTH)

April 16 –.> exitence of  the base  16 hexadecimal oxygen atom with mass 16 

April 17 –> 17 year patent laws and the inventions message of  Salvdor Dali  


Salvador Dalí | Inventions of the Monsters (1937  and 37 degrees Celsius humanoids) | Artsy

From Art Institute of Chicago, Salvador DalíInventions of the Monsters (1937), Oil on canvas, 51.4 × 78.4 cm.



April 18 –> 18 atomic families and their MASS  at the Mass Institute of Technology –> tech no logic univeristy 


April 18 + advance 1 step to the next  mass commication device …. Water molecule and April 19   –> information pointer to Watertown Wisconsin and Highway 19 county road K  … potassium atomic number intersection point on the atomic geography surface of EARTH per Nature’s language expression map 

§7: THE DATA OF ETHICS (1879) by Herbert Spencer

… in correspondence with external co-existences and sequences; and still more … said to be the continuous adjustment of internal relations to external relations.


Thus we have the  EXTERNAL geography image map of the water moleucle  ….


Water100  hubbleton  Watertown   ixonia Oconomowoc (Base 16 Hexadecimal highway 16)

Thus we have the thermodynamic of huam metabolism  37  Celsius and the 

molecule information processing map  and  information TRAVEL TIME   inside the human container of water molecules

Water100  hubbleton  Watertown   ixonia Oconomowoc (Base 16 Hexadecimal highway 16)

……….100 (B100D  

 water  ….. hub communications  water   i /o  O = Oxygen con(stant)  


Hydrogen (water100)  + Hydrogen(watertown)   LINK Input/output O=Oxygen 16


Hy = Highway  19 potassium metabolism  paths  involved 


Thus we see Nature’s created EVENT in Boston using TSARNAev energy codes ….. generated a valuable empirical database   …and information pointers to Wisconsin and
Water100. IOWA –> I/O wa –> Input Output work area …. COMPUTER EARTH systems  


Thus we see  a brief outline of Nature’s  EARTH LANGUAGE   information mapping evolution  ….  involving humans  and  the proper nouns of cities, etc.



Now let’s finish with the Z-axis of math  and the calculus bio-mat RATE of CHANGE (derivatives of functions of Z  ………….  vertical human life forms standing on 2-legs are in the z-axis of the 3-dimesnions of plane geometry).



People standing, walking, running are in the Z-axis dimension (vertical).




Above, The Boston Marathon race in year 2013  and the bombing over the Z-axis problems in  the  Boston civilian population.


Dzhokhar Tsarnaev – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jump to Boston Marathon bombings – [edit]. Main article: Boston Marathon bombingsTsarnaev was convicted of participating in the Boston …


Dzhokhar Tsarnaev

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev

Dz ……. calculus derivative  bio-math expression agent of functions of F(z) 





2.2. Calculus of Complex Functions. 2.2.1. Differentiation ……/m597kLII2….
Pennsylvania State University

2.2. Calculus of Complex Functions. 2.2.1. Differentiation.
We define the derivative d(z) of a complex valued function f(z) like the derivative of a real function:.



The composition z = f(x(t),y(t)) then expresses z as a function of the single variable t. Thus, it makes sense to
ask for the derivative dz/dt
and we can inquire about  dZ  agent  –> DZ  Tsarnaev –>  Derivatives of Z and electron volts of human energy used by Boston Marthon runners that run away from  their  SOCIAL CONTRACT with Nature’s systems.



Murder of Hannah Graham – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hannah Graham (February 25, 1996 – c. September 13, 2014) was an 18-year-old second-year British American student at the University of Virginia who went …

Disappeared: September 13, 2014 (aged …
Cause of death:  Z-axis WORLD WAR

Surveillance video shows Hannah Graham before ……hannahgraham…/427…
The Washington Post
Sep 19, 2014 – Charlottesville police released surveillance video of 18-year-old University of Virginia student  Hannah Graham walking near Sal’s Pizza in the





Piz ….  za  –> z- axis  geography WAR region



 Thus the THEATHER of WAR movie announcement about the EARTH mathematical-physics geography surface  WAR regarding EARTH CMS (Content Management Systems  of human populations and the rate of change ERRORS caused by increased population).


Content management system – Wikipedia, the free …

content management system (CMS) is a computer application that allows publishing, editing and modifying content, organizing, deleting as well as …

List of content management – ‎Web Content Management – ‎Document Management 



Thus we have …..

Gerardo Hernandez, Slain TSA Officer, Honored At LAX ……/gerardohernandez-tsa-…
The Huffington Post

Gerardo Hernandez, Slain TSA Officer, Honored At LAX (PHOTOS). AP. Posted: 11/07/2013 12:10 pm EST Updated: 11/08/2013 1:36 pm EST …




Gerardo Hernandez


Gerardo Hernandez


………………………. ez –> bio-math function




LAX victim Gerardo Hernandez was husband, father of two ……/laxgerardohernand
The Washington Post

Nov 2, 2013 – Gerardo Hernandez, 39, of Porter Ranch, Calif., was the first TSA officer killed in the line of duty since the TSA was created after the terrorist .


Hernandez was husband

Hernandez was husband

Her                            band

Hertz                         bandwidth … bio-radio BRAIN STEM problems 










Above..Standard Definition …  and the Standard amino acids INTELLECTUAL  quality control standards  VERSUS the FCC , TSA, and  Spanish brain radio nonsense ……


code –> radio spectrum segments 


Goodbye in Spanish –> Adios  English to Spanish Translation


Goodbye! See you next week.¡Adiós! Te veo la semana que viene. b. hasta luego. I have to go. Goodbye! Me tengo que ir. ¡Hasta luego! noun. 2. (farewell).




Other brain radio wars have been reported in the newspapers.

Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting – Wikipedia, the free …

On August 5, 2012, 40-year-old Wade Michael Page fatally shot six people and wounded four others at a Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wisconsin. Page committed …

Incident – ‎Victims – ‎Perpetrator – ‎Reactions

sikh –> code letters –> si + kn –> sin wave KHZ  battle

Wisconsin earth / land ….. EARTH language code 

thus the SiKh temple –> sin wave KHZ  …morse code message ignored

500 kHz – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Since early in the 20th century, the radio frequency of 500 kilohertz (500 kHz) has been an international calling and distress frequency for Morse code 

Federal Communications Commission (FCC) |…/federal/federalcommunicationscommission.s…

May 11, 2015 – Directory listing for Federal Communications Commission (FCC) … E-mail:
Address: 445 12th Street, SW Washington, DC …

Address –> Oak Creek Wisconsin
……………………………………sin wave life forms

FCC – Wikipedia…/U.S._Federal_Communications_Commissi

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is an independent agency of ……
A few years later, the FCC held hearings to address early cross-ownership …

 address early cross-ownership …

 address early cross-ownership …

 address early cross-ownership … of brain waves   and the  EARTH sine waves of Wisconsin 

U.S. Federal Communications Commission

U.S. Fed  ………………..  cat ………….. mission  

U.S. Feed  the 2-legged pussy   cat ………….. mission  

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is an independent agency of the United States government, created by Congressional statute (see 47 U.S.C. § 151 and 47 U.S.C. § 154)
to regulate interstate communications by
satellite, and
cable in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and U.S. territories

Nature’s SYMBOL MACHINE keyword— > Brain stem 



The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is an independent agency of the United States government, created by Congressional statute (see 47 U.S.C. § 151 and 47 U.S.C. § 154
to regulate interstate communications by 
satellite, and 
in all 50 states (50 states of mind) ,
the District of Colum… (Columns)  and
U.S. territories  …..
U.S. terr..or    broadcast ERRORS

VIA  television  EM velocity and optical content  attacks on the human eye/optical nerve/ EM regions  
–> temple and brain stem


state of mind – Wiktionary


state of mind (plural states of mind). The psychological state of someone’s cognitive processes at a certain time; the condition or character of a person’s thoughts …

  1. State of Mind: The Psychology of Control – Watch Free ……

    State Of Mind: The Psychology Of Control, … James Lane, State of Mind, The Psychology of Control, documentary, conspiracy, Noble Lie, Oklahoma City, 1995, …

  1. State of Mind: The Psychology of Control – Watch Free ……

    State Of Mind: The Psychology Of Control, … James Lane, State of Mind, The Psychology of Control, documentary, conspiracy, Noble Lie, Oklahoma City, 1995, …

Scientists and Electromagnetic Waves: Maxwell and Hertz

About 150 years ago, James Clerk Maxwell, an English scientist, developed a scientific theory to explain electromagnetic waves. He noticed that electrical fields ..

  1. State of Mind: The Psychology of Control using citizen approved FCC EM  propaganda waves  – Watch Free ……

    State Of Mind: The Psychology Of Control, …
    James Lane, State of Mind, The Psychology of Control,
    documentary, conspiracy, Noble Lie, Oklahoma City, 1995, …

    James Lane,

    James Lane,

    James Lane ..for James Clerk Maxwelll   … .informatiion highway / lane of photon messages 

     conspiracy, Noble Lie, Oklahoma City, 1995, …

     conspiracy, Noble Lie, Oklahoma City, 1995, …

     conspiracy, Noble Lie, Oklahoma City, 1995, …
     conspiracy, Noble Lie, O………….C   Region  –> OCR –> Optical Charcter Reader war (human eye)

     conspiracy, Noble Lie, Oak Creek Wisconsin 2012  …(brain radio and brain stem em area) 

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jump to Boston Marathon bombings [edit]. Main article: Boston Marathon bombings. Tsarnaev was convicted of participating in the Boston …

Nature’s agent …..

Dzhokhar  Tsarnaev 

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev  stands on 2-legs in the Z-axis dimension of existence

 ……. kh……….rna  ……. therefore  ….the Z-axix  …giving

………KhZ       messenger RNA 

How to get on 500 kHz with your K3 – Elecraft

Operating at 500 kHz. A few countries allow experimental amateur radio operation in the 500 kHz band (600 meters). This is a fascinating and historic band that …

Messenger RNA – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Messenger RNA (mRNA) is a large family of RNA molecules that convey genetic information from DNA to the ribosome, where they specify the amino acid sequence of the protein products of gene expression.

Thus we see Nature’s systems and brain systems and their military actions to protect Nature’s investment in its version of the human  optical SYMBOL PROCESSOR system. 


Christopher Columbus codes, Earth Languages, the water molecule continuum, and Nature’s SYMBOL MACHINE defeat U.S.Naval forces in Aden

Published by:

RD-blog-number-5589 by Herb Zinser reviews the sodium chloride SALT molecule WAR with the U.S.Navy and its intellectual ERRORS.  Nature’s INTELLECTUAL military systems used EARTH LAB specimens of the human species ….. and programmed their bio-computer brain to carry out the attack in Aden.

USS Cole bombing – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The USS Cole bombing was an act of terrorism against the United States Navy guided-missile destroyer USS Cole (DDG-67) on 12 October 2000, while it was …


On the morning of Thursday, 12 October 2000, USS Cole, under the command of Commander Kirk Lippold, docked in Aden harbor for a routine fuel stop. Cole completed mooring at 09:30; refueling started at 10:30. Around 11:18 local time (08:18 UTC), a small craft approached the port side of the destroyer, and an explosion occurred afterward, creating a 40-by-60-foot gash in the ship’s port side, according to the memorial plate to those who lost their lives. Former CIA intelligence officer Robert Finke said the blast appeared to be caused by explosives molded into a shaped charge against the hull of the boat.[2] Around 400 to 700 pounds (200–300 kg) of explosive were used.[3] The blast hit the ship’s galley, where crew were lining up for lunch.[4] The crew fought flooding in the engineering spaces and had the damage under control after three days. Divers inspected the hull and determined that the keel was not damaged.

Seventeen sailors were killed and 39 were injured in the blast. 

Thus we have SALT water violations of the EARTH oceans by the U.S.Navy and Washington, DC  THINK TANKS and their myopic analysts …..  who fail to consider everything (significant CLUES) as suggested  by the modern Theory of Everything ….. a thought approach used by some thinkers to understand  some situations.

The Pentagon, DARPA,   and Washington, DC and their advisors think they have exclusive and elite perceptions of REALITY;  but, the truth of the matter is … is that other people read Popular Science magazine, the Scientific American, and basic college math and science textbooks.

Second, the humans in Washington,DC use the physical biology human body as  HOST platform for their EM …fly by night thoughts   …. that dominate their Electromagnetic (EM)  life form (EM –> EMbassy people, EM–> EMployees).

These life forms take orders from the television and radio EM broadcast that go directly into their brain stem, hence, they become detached from solid state REALITY and down-to-EARTH feelings and understandings.

Thus Nature’s brain social psychology battle of —>  Yes Men ERRORS –>the  noun  concept PROBLEM  … played out in the geography region proper noun ….  code mapping  –> Yes Men –> Ye men –> Yemen.  

Nature’s biochemistry military molecules ENHANCED the WAR message content sent to the Pentagon.

Keyword –> pen.TAG.on ….. are  supposed to defend Nature’s systems ……  T.A.G   nucleotides and the SOCIAL CONTRACT as outlined by John Locke and others.

Name the four nucleotides that makeup DNA and indicate how do they ……

Nov 15, 2009 – Best Answer:
There are 4 nucleotides that make up DNA

A = Adenine military molecules at Aden 
T = Thymine …. mines and bombs
C = Cytosine
G = Guanine Adenine pairs with Thymine, …
Aden……………………mine / bomb

The US Navy —  Thymine  DNA expression … Fact File: Mine Countermeasures Ships – MCM…4
United States Navy

Nov 19, 2014 – Avenger class ships are designed as mine sweepers/hunter-killers capable of finding, classifying and destroying moored and bottom mines.

Thus Nature’s world expression systems and military action   ……
Nature’s powerful biochemistry molecule system DEMO ….

Adenine pairs with Thymine (INTERNAL biology) …
Aden……………………mine / bomb (EXTERNAL military display)

§7: THE DATA OF ETHICS (1879) by Herbert Spencer

… in correspondence with external coexistences and sequences; and still more … said to be the continuous adjustment of internal relations to external relations.

Keyword –> Naval–> subset codes –> Na (sodium of sodium chloride SALT molecule) and val (valence electrons).

Strategic Arms Limitations Talks/Treaty (SALT) I and II …
Office of the Historian

Oct 31, 2013 – Nixon and Soviet General Secretary Leonid Brezhnev signed the ABM Treaty and interim SALT agreement on May 26, 1972, in Moscow.

…in other  words ..

Strategic Arms /elbows  Limitations Talks/ sodium chloride Treaty (SALT) I and II  with the human family dinner table SALT and PEPPER shakers…
Office of the Historian

Oct 31, 2013 – Nixon and Soviet General Secretary Leonid Brezhnev signed the ABM Treaty and interim SALT agreement on May 26, 1972, in Moscow.

Valence Electrons in the atomic, bio-chemistry brains of  Naval Researchers…/ch8…
Purdue University

Jump to Similarities and Differences Between Ionic and Covalent Cl2 consists of molecules in which one atom … When a sodium atom combines with a …

Bonding – Chemistry Explained › Bo-Ce

Arsenic – Chemistry Encyclopedia, Artificial Sweeteners – Chemistry … We can classify the solids according to the distribution of the valence electrons of the … about 500°C. Examples are CaO (quicklime), MgF 2 , and NaCl (common table salt).

Thus the Naval battle in DeKalb Illinois.

Naval –> Na + val –> Sodium and sodium chloride of salt water/oceans 

Naval –> Na + val –> Na + valence electrons 

Naval –> Na + val –> North America Valentine’s day shooting in ocean class on salt water with the TIDES   and DNA nucleoTIDES 

NaCl –> North America Cole Hall  ……. naval battle in  DeKalb, Illinois

Northern Illinois University shooting – Wikipedia, the free …

The Northern Illinois University shooting was a school shooting that took place on February 14, 2008. Steven Kazmierczak shot multiple people on the campus of Northern Illinois University in DeKalb, Illinois, killing five people and injuring another twenty-one, before committing suicide.

The incident happened at the campus’s Cole Hall at approximately 3:05 p.m. local time.

At approximately 3:05 p.m. CST, Steven Kazmierczak entered a large auditorium-style lecture hall in Cole Hall (Auditorium 101) with approximately 120 students, where an oceanography class was in session

Thus Nature’s war  with the human  Central Nervous System of Pentagon and Navy thinkers ……

Naval …… Na + val –> North american Values of citizens and communities  ….
and their bull-stories,  the problems in ethics, intellectual goals,   etc.

Let’s look at another blog post that provides more ideas for researchers.

Rd-blog-number-5587  by  Herb Zinser  reviews the CAUSE and EFFECT  involving  Washington, DC   and the Navy’s inability to properly explain REALITY in accordance with the level of knowledge  available in basic college science textbooks.

The sequence   of  Nature’s  system expression EVENTS and the world-wide INTELLECTUAL war ….

Columbus reaches the New World – Oct 12, 1492 ……/columbus-reaches-the-new-world

On this day in History, Columbus reaches the New World on Oct 12, 1492. … across the Atlantic Ocean, Italian explorer Christopher Columbus sights a Bahamian island,  




USS Cole bombing – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The USS Cole bombing was a     suicide attack      and an act of terrorism against the United …
On the morning of Thursday, 12 October 2000, USS Cole, under the …


 Thus  …..

Columbus reaches the New World – Oct 12, 1492 …

Col                                   New            – Oct 12, 1492 …

Cole (Navy ship)                                – Oct 12, 2000 ..


Cole (Hall)   reaches the New World – Oc = Ocean classroom shooting …


Northern Illinois University shooting – Wikipedia, the free …

he Northern Illinois University shooting was a school shooting that took place on February 14, 2008. Steven Kazmierczak shot multiple people on the campus of Northern Illinois University in DeKalb, Illinois.
At approximately 3:05 p.m. CST, Steven Kazmierczak entered a large auditorium-style lecture hall in Cole Hall (Auditorium 101) with approximately 120 students, where an oceanography class was in session.

Columbus reaches the New World – Oct 12, 1492 …

Col……………………………………………………………..1492 ..

Cole Hall …………………………………………….Feb 14, 2008.




Columbus reaches the New World – Oct 12, 1492 …

Co………………………………New            – Oct 12, 1492 …

Connecticut .. sand       Newtown    – Dec      14, 2012



Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting – Wikipedia, the ……/Sandy_Hook_Elementary_School_shootin…

The Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting occurred on

December 14, 2012, in Newtown, Connecticut, 


United States Navy  system ABEND CODE for October 2000
– Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The U.S. Navy traces its origins to the Continental Navy, which was established during the American Revolutionary War and was essentially disbanded as a …


IBM MAINFRAME FORUM • View topic – 0C7 error on October 12, 2000 › … › IBM Cobol
Mar 8, 2011 – 5 posts – ‎1 author

I am having a problem with a 0C7 error. … The EARTH  system detected a data exception (System Completion Code=0C7). … Return to IBM Cobol.

Let’s look at another blog post that provides more clues about Nature’s message situations.


Christopher Columbus, the 18 atomic families, and water molecule 18 VERSUS MIT and Harvard

Rd-blog-number-5584 by Herb Zinser reviews Nature’s atomic military SYMBOL MACHINE language forces in action ….. as reported in newspaper EVENTS. 


Let’s look at some blog posts  that analyze newspaper  data reports.

Atomic English language codes and their messages

RD-blog-5582  by Herb Zinser reviews the atomic English alphabet codes for HydroCarbon (HC)   or Carbon Hydrogen molecule  social chemistry expressions using human action figures and human display devices.



Data value –> A     B   C    D   E    F    G    H    I     J     K

Location  —-> 1      2   3    4    5    6     7     8    9   10   11


atom table 6

In the alphabet table
C = Carbon  at address location 3
H = Hydrogen at position 8


Add address 3 + 8 –> position 11 –> symbol K

Equivalent …   C + H –> K

Relationship /LINK  …….  the Carbon Hydrogen molecular platforms used by  a human structure  need to thinK.

The foundation of thought …….. in modern times …..   in addition to the physical chemistry molecules existence and attributes  ….. has a  SYMBOL LIFE.


Thus the keyword  –> thinK expresses itself as ……

thinK —> subset word components  –> thin ink in   K –> thin line of black  ink input optics/ optiK.

thinK –> K potassium atom …. atomic number 19 and mass 39 –> World war 2  started in 1939 and the Potassium Potsdam conference in 1945

thinK –> K  needs  Carbon and Hydrogen molecular  social chemistry  ….  empirical data  generated by social and daily  activities of EARTH LAB specimens named humanoid.


Thus we see the atomic English language   WAR  codes and signs ………








Data value –> A     B   C    D   E    F    G    H    I     J     K

L0cation  —-> 1      2   3    4    5    6     7     8    9   10   11



Christopher Columbus Discovers America, 1492

Columbus led his three ships – the Nina, the Pinta and the Santa Maria – out of the Spanish port of Palos on
August 3, 1492. His objective was to sail west until …




Ch –> Carbon hydrogen life form sets sail to  navigate the EARTH’s   hydrocarbon continuum and its expressions on other geography lands





August 3, 1492.

August 3, 1492.

Date and time notation in Europe

states DD.MM.YYYY

3  August  1492.

3  8th month    1492

38th  parallel journey of Christopher Columbus ……………

year  1492  number code 14 –> year 2014  ……38th parallel signals


American says N. Korean detention over Bible worth it

USA Today

Nov 1, 2014 – Jeffrey Fowle was held for six months in North Korea after leaving a Bible in a restroom.



Murder of Hannah Graham – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hannah Graham (February 25, 1996 – c. September 13, 2014) was an 18-year-old second-year British American student at the University of Virginia who went …

She was last seen early in the morning that day, at the Downtown Mall in Charlottesville, Virginia.

Disappeared: September 13, 2014 (aged …
Cause of death  ….. 38th parallel murder




Ch ……. and EARTH coordinates 38th parallel 


charl 777



hannah at 12 -- atom 12 carbon iron55

Gas station and number code 3 8 –> information pointer to molecule frame of reference


alkane molecules chemistry



The next 38th parallel coordinate  EVENT ……


ferguson 38th parallel korea


Shooting of Michael Brown – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The shooting of Michael Brown occurred on August 9, 2014, in Ferguson, Missouri, a suburb of St. Louis. Brown, an 18-year-old black man, was fatally shot by …



18-year-old black man,

18-year-old black man,

18-year-old black man –> pointer to the 18 atomic families of the   periodic atomic table


August 9, 2014, in Ferguson, Missouri

August 9, 2014, in Ferguson, Missouri ..subset codes ..

August ….9 2 ..14 –>  August 1492

Aug. 3, 1492: Columbus Sets Out to Discover … a Trade …

Aug 3, 2011 – 1492: Christopher Columbus, sailing for the Spanish crown, weighs anchor for the New World. From his flagship Santa Maria, Columbus …


Above …..

Columbus, Ferdinand, and Isabella – InDepthInfo

Columbus went to Spain on the prospect that Ferdinand and Isabella would approve his plan to reach the rich trading countries of Asia.

Columbus reports on his first voyage, 1493 | The Gilder …

Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History

Christopher Columbus’s letter to King Ferdinand and  Queen Isabella, 1493. (GLC01427) … On August 3, 1492, Columbus set sail from Spain to find an all-water route to Asia.


Ferguson –> Fer –> referback pointer to King  Ferdinand

Missouri –> subset code –> Mis –> Management Information Systems OR  Information Systems (IS) –> referback pointer to Queen Isabella …… and  the EARTH CMS  version of  year 1492

Content management system – Wikipedia, the free …

A content management system (CMS) is a computer application that allows publishing, editing and modifying content, organizing, deleting as well as maintenance from a central interface. Such systems of content management provide procedures to manage workflow in a collaborative environment.




Shooting of Michael Brown – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The shooting of Michael Brown occurred on August 9, 2014, in Ferguson, Missouri, a suburb of St. Louis. Brown, an 18-year-old black man, was fatally shot by …

michael brown

August 9, 2014, in Ferguson, Missouri

August 9, 2014, in Ferguson, Missouri ..subset codes ..

August ….9 2 ..14 –>  August 1492



Shooting of Michael Brown – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The shooting of Michael Brown occurred on August 9, 2014, in Ferguson, …. of his death, he was 18 years old, 6 ft 4 in (1.93 m) tall and weighed 292 lb (132 kg).


weighed 292 lb

weighed 292 lb

August 9, 2014   weighed 292 lb

August 92 ….14 ………………92  —> Darren Wilson message  92 and 38th parallel  to Wilson Hall  ….. FermiLAB  Margaret Mead atomic social science  rackets and schemes department  on atomic number 92 and uranium 238.


uranium 235 238



Above, words  ..decay in Lead-206 –> 206 –>  20 + 6 –>  numeric  pointer to the Sandy Hook elementary school shooting.


Sandy Hook   Elementary  (physics)   School shooting – Wikipedia, the ……/Sandy_Hook_Elementary_School_shootin

The Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting occurred on December 14, 2012, in Newtown, Connecticut, when 20-year-old Adam Lanza fatally shot 20 children and 6 adult staff members.


20 children and 6 adult staff members.

20 children and 6 adult staff members.

20 ………………….6  –> uranium-238 will  decay into Lead-206  over ERRORS in Margaret Mead atomic communications



Christopher Columbus Discovers America, 1492

Christopher Columbus Discovers America, 1492

Christopher Columbus Discovers  Africa code   14     9  and 2

14 –> N = Nitrogen air –> codes –> N air –> Nairobi, Kenya
9 –> 9th month is September

2 –> numbers 21,22,23,24



westagte nairobi kenya



Westgate shopping mall attack – Wikipedia, the free …

On 21 September 2013, unidentified gunmen attacked the upmarket Westgate shopping mall in Nairobi, Kenya. The attack, which lasted until 24 September, resulted in at least 67 deaths, including four attackers.



Christopher Columbus Discovers  Africa code   14     9  and 2

14 –> N = Nitrogen air –> codes –> N air –> Nairobi, Kenya
9 –> 9th month is September

2 –> numbers 21,22,23,24

kenya nairobi


Let’s look at another blog post that provides more data and ideas for researchers.


Nature’s 500 year GUT physics project BATTLE with FermiLAB results in death of Michael Brown

Rd-blog-number-5578 by Herb Zinser reviews Nature’s systems Grand Unified Theory (GUT) WAR with  world Federal governments and FermiLAB  (and their C.P.SNOW ‘Two Cultures’  INTELLECTUAL error in failing to represent   the Second Law of Thermodynamics).

Let’s look at recent WAR  events printed in the newspapers and on the INTERNET.
First, the frame of reference year 1492.

Christopher Columbus Discovers America, 1492

Columbus led his three ships – the Nina, the Pinta and the Santa Maria – out of the Spanish port of Palos on August 3, 1492. His objective was to sail west until ..

Year 1492 –> number 14  and 92 …….

Uranium – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Uranium is a chemical element with symbol U and atomic number 92. … The most common isotopes of uranium are uranium238 (which has 146 neutrons and …

Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family …..  the  atomic social science WAR  event DATABASE   for FermiLAB  …..
Year 1492 –> number 14  and 92 –> information pointer to message year 2014 and atomic code 92..

Shooting of Michael Brown – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The shooting of Michael Brown occurred on August 9, 2014, in Ferguson, Missouri, a suburb of St. Louis. Brown, an 18-year-old black man, was fatally shot by Darren Wilson, 28, a white Ferguson police officer  ….. acting on behalf of the Carl Jung atomic collective unconscious  and its expressions ……  Data array energy (Darren)  … Wilson Hall and FermiLAB . …

 an 18-year-old –> pointer to the 18 atomic families
August 9, 2014 –> subset symbols –>  Au 92 –> Atomic uranium 92
Ferguson –> subset code Fe –> Ferrous oxide IRON atom message –> FermiLAB and world Federal government from the Fe = EARTH iron core … ..Nature’s Fe = Ferrous oxide FEDERAL government with the periodic atomic table elements of life and thought
Missouri –> subset code –> Miss –> Computer EARTH system 360/370  MISS = Management Information Social Systems
Another Department of Energy  battle took place in BOSTON …. with
with Nature’s atomic, bio-physics human systems agent  …….. TsaRNAev

Boston Marathon bombings – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Boston Marathon bombings and subsequent, related shootings were a series of attacks and incidents which began on April 15, 2013, when two pressure …


 The suspects were identified later that day as Chechen brothers Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and Tamerlan Tsarnaev



Atomic  messenger RNA  for electron votes (ev)- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Messenger RNA (mRNA) is a large family of RNA molecules that convey genetic information from DNA to the ribosome, where they specify the amino acid sequence of the protein products of gene expression.


Electronvolt (ev)  and  Tsarnaev  – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In physics and bio-physics MILITARY actions in the MIT region, the electronvolt (symbol eV; also written electron volt) is a unit of energy equal to approximately 160 zeptojoules (symbol zJ) or …

Thus we see the 500 year war ….with American citizen violations of  Nature’s laws of existence, reality, and awareness.
Thus April 18 ….. Nature’s 18 families message to MIT university about their serious problems in perceptions.
April 18 –> Ap + ril 18 –> Map riddle 18

The Periodic Table: Families and Periods – For  Dummies –> Mies van der Rohe architecture with the STANDARD model oribital building in Chicago…/

Members of the families (vertical columns) in the periodic table have similar properties. … The newer method uses the numbers 1 through 18. So why do the …


Mass….. atomic mass VERSUS   religious mass ERRORS of  Ma and Pa  weddings  and their  boys that study   at  the biased Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

The mission of MIT is to advance knowledge and educate students in science, technology … Massachusetts Institute of Technology | Wednesday, May 13, 2015.


506 Google reviews


· Write a review

  77 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139
(617) 253-1000

MIT(ochondria)- Admissions

MIT – (He)Ad / brain cell    missions

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

MIT – Admissions
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
April 18 –> Ap + ril 18 –> Map riddle 18
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and Tamerlan Tsarnaev. Shortly after the FBI released the images, the suspects killed an MIT policeman, carjacked an SUV, and initiated an exchange of gunfire with the police in Watertown, Massachusetts
April 18 –> Ap + ril 18 –> Map riddle 18 about the existence of  human BRAIN AWARENESS  of water molecules

An unprecedented manhunt for Dzhokhar Tsarnaev ensued on April 19,
with thousands of law enforcement officers searching a


20-block area of Watertown



Thus we see MIT university’s  deliberate omission of  important empirical evidence from the Boston Marathon trial of  Tsarnaev and energy.


Let’s look at another blog post that provides more clues about the 500 year project …  with the IRON atom information string.

RD-blog-number-5561 by Herb Zinser reviews the human LIVER  communication PROBLEMS at Lawrence Livermore Labs in California.

  1. Lawrence Livermore National LaboratoryWikipedia, the …

    Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) is a federal research facility in Livermore, California, founded by the University of California in 1952.

liver textbook

Aerial view of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratorylawrence livermore 3

Aerial view of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory



liver map ferguson


§7: THE DATA OF ETHICS (1879) by Herbert Spencer

… in correspondence with external coexistences and sequences; and still more …
said to be the continuous adjustment of internal relations to external relations.

Above, INTERNAL liver systems  and …

Below, the first major EXTERNAL display site on  the EARTH LAB geography surface



liverpool england


Above, we see the hierarchy ….

the EARTH LAB gland  RD region –> assigned to England

and the internal LIVER  output expression site being Liverpool.



liver 2


Using the INTERNAL road maps of the  internal highway system (Blood vessels and the iron HEME vehicles that travel on those  internal LIVER highways)

Nature used super-symmetry existential physics MIRRORS to

create the EXTERNAL image of liver molecular life and thought VIA the geography display …. the city of Liverpool and its road maps and human action figures

liverpool 3

Thus the LIVER in England, Europe.

Then in year 1726 (atomic number 26 of ferrous oxide IRON atom)  the periodic atomic table published
a bio-physics announcement about the LIVER RD long term project to travel to North America and set up another human liver convergence site (eventually that became Lawrence Livermore Labs).

Thus the iron LIVER announcement.








Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World. In Four Parts. By Lemuel Gulliver, First a Surgeon, and then a Captain of Several Ships, commonly known as Gulliver’s Travels (1726, amended 1735), is a satire[1] by Anglo-Irish writer and clergyman Jonathan Swift, gulliver%20travels%20%205


Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World. In Four Parts. By Lemuel Gulliver, First a Surgeon, and then a Captain of Several Ships, commonly known as Gulliver’s Travels (1726) by Anglo-Irish writer and clergyman Jonathan Swift,





Thus the new  world  ROC (Region of Convergence) of human liver OUTPUT signal processing

Region of Convergence (ROC) – TutorialsPoint

Region of Convergence (ROC) – Learn Signals and Systems in simple and easy steps starting from Overview, Signal Analysis, Fourier Series, Fourier …










livermore map


Welcome to the “Power of Alpha” website and its ultimate product – the “70 MeV” mass quantum. Alpha is the universal fine structure constant whose dimensionless value 1/137 has intrigued and puzzled scientists for the past century.

70mev macgregor alpha physics



Representing Swift (a automobile) and Liver’s travels (on a daily basis) was  the commuting Livermore employee

Malcolm H. Mac Gregor  ..

who swiftly drove his 4-wheeled iron motor vehicle from Santa Cruz to work.

MacGregor,  as the human driver,  was a physical biology LIVER carrier  .. hence, his LIVER traveled to Livermore.





70mev macgregor physics alpha

book power of alpha

Symbolism | Definition of symbolism by Merriam-Webster

the art or practice of using symbols especially by investing things with a symbolic meaning or
by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible


by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible

by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible



santa cruz california


santa cruz 2


by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible

by expressing the  EVOLUTION of  the invisible or intangible by means of visible Santa Cruz, California





santa cruz link


santa cruz



Thus we see the TRUE ORIGINS  of the liver of Malcolm MacGregor  and his co-workers at Livermore.

We see that his liver had  an  primordial   instinct  LINKED to the Charles Darwin Galapagos Islands;
hence this INTERNAL  primordial instinct expressed itself when he purchased his EXTERNAL home in Santa Cruz, California.


Biography of
atomic number  26 in year 1926

1926 April 24, born in Detroit,    (ato)Michigan,   USA
1944-1946 U. S. Naval Air Corps, radio and radar instructor

Thus we have …….Liver’s travels DEMO of the 200 year journey

commonly known as Gulliver’s Travels (1726 –> to year 1926)




The string theory problem  we have in year 2015 ……   the communications  string PROBLEM



String theory – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jump to Number of dimensions – In physics, string theory is a theoretical framework in which the point-like particles of particle physics are replaced by one-dimensional objects called strings.gulliver string theory war brown fermilab

The Multiverse Has 11 Dimensions | Big Think
Big Think

He is the co-founder of string field theory (a branch of string theory), and continues Einstein’s search to unite the four fundamental forces of nature into one …

the four fundamental forces of nature

the four fundamental forces of nature

the four fundamental forces of nature



Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World.
In Four Parts.

By Lemuel Gulliver, First a Surgeon, and then a Captain of Several Ships, commonly known as Gulliver’s Travels,


In Four Parts.

In Four Parts.

In Four Parts…… the four fundamental forces of nature.


Let’s look at another blog post that helps us understand IRON 26  and  the year 1926 expression.


iron atom 26-1

Other examples of the ferrous oxide IRON atom …. atomic social sciences and governments.

Nature’s EARTH military system information string


Rd-blog-number-5576 by Herb Zinser reviews the Jeffrey Fowle database about his trip to the EARTH iron core display site on the EARTH geography surface in North Korea at the City of IRON  – Chongjin.

The  data generating  EVENT……

Faith in Bible Led Ohio Man to North Korea Prison – WSJ…/faith-in- bible -led-ohio-man-to-…
The Wall Street Journal

Oct 31, 2014 – Jeffrey Fowle was detained in North Korea for leaving a Bible in a … one of the tour’s last stops, at the Seamen’s Club in Chongjin , North Korea .







Now,  you have some ideas about the  variety of atomic social science messages that need  to be studied and understood in year 2015.

Let’s return to  Christoper Columbus


Columbus –> subset code words –> Co + lu + mb + bus –> Code  Logical Unit member of a partitioned dataset ….. data bus 

Columbus –> Col –> Columns of the atomic  table (18 columns or 18 families) 

Columbus …. Co –> correlation LINK to

Columber ……Co + lumber –> Co + Lu + mber –> code logical unit  …member of a partitioned data  set of Nature’s existential  systems 


On Aug. 3, 1492, Christopher Columbus set sail from Spain ……/0208030378_1_north-po…
Chicago Tribune

Aug 3, 2002 – On Aug. 3, 1492, Christopher Columbus set sail from Spain with three ships, the Nina, the Pinta and the Santa Maria, on the expedition that …


Columbus reaches the New World – Oct 12, 1492 ……/columbus-reaches-the-new-world

On this day in History, Columbus reaches the New World on Oct 12, 1492. ..


…advanced education messages


Columbus reaches the New World – Oct 12, 1492 …
Columbus reaches the New World – Oct 12, 1492 …


Col………………………the New World – Oct 12, 1492 …

Cole …….. reaches the New  BS World – Oct 12,  2000



USS Cole bombing – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

On the morning of Thursday, 12 October 2000, USS Cole, under Nature’s  DNA nucleotide adenine command of Commander Kirk Lippold, docked in Aden harbor for a routine fuel stop.


Signal recognition particle and  Washington, DC   – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This occurs via the interaction and docking of SRP with its cognate SRP receptor that is located in …. European Journal of Biochemistry / FEBS 228 (3): 531–50.




Thus we see..that Columbus sailed over the salt water of the Atlantic ocean in year 1492.


Water Ocean


H2O molecule 18


Above message  –>  Water and Watertown ….. 18 and April 18…… and the TsaRNAev boat  (boat messenger RNA for Columbus)


‘confession’ Dzhokhar Tsarnaev etched on boat – New York ……/note-written-by-dzhokhar-tsarnaev-while-…
New York Post

Mar 10, 2015 – Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s bloody, bullet-ridden “confession” note was scrawled on the side of the boat he was hiding in before his capture by …



On August 3,1492, Christopher Columbus set sail for India, searching for a new route to the Orient. But unlike most ship captains, he did not permit his sailors one last night carousing on the town before their long journey into the unknown. Atypically, Columbus demanded that all crew members board his three ships by 11:00 P.M., the day before sail­ing—on August 2


Thus we see..that Columbus sailed over the salt water of the Atlantic ocean in year 1492.


Water Ocean


H2O molecule 18 ….. another message for the  Navy about existence of  water/ oceans


Northern Illinois University shooting – Wikipedia, the free …


The Northern Illinois University shooting was a school shooting that took place on February 14, 2008. Steven Kazmierczak shot multiple people on the campus of Northern Illinois University in DeKalb, Illinois, killing five people and injuring another twenty-one, before committing suicide.

The incident happened at the campus’s Cole Hall at approximately 3:05 p.m. local time.


At approximately 3:05 p.m. CST, Steven Kazmierczak entered a large auditorium-style lecture hall in Cole Hall (Auditorium 101) with approximately 120 students, where an oceanography class was in session





that took place on February 14, 2008 that took place on February 14, 2008

that took place on February 14, 2008

that took place on Ferdinand 14? 2   008 =  August


On Aug. 3, 1492, Christopher Columbus set sail from Spain ……/0208030378_1_north-po…
Chicago Tribune

Aug 3, 2002 – On Aug. 3, 1492, Christopher Columbus set sail from Spain with three ships, the Nina, the Pinta and the Santa Maria, on the expedition that …





Columbus Departs Spain, August 1492 

Columbus Departs Spain, August 1492  …… ocean 

Col   ………Departs ..pain ……………………….. ocean

Cole Hall students depart in pain to heaven  in oceanography class 





Thus we see..that Columbus sailed over the salt water of the Atlantic ocean in year 1492.


Water Ocean


H2O molecule 18 ….. another message for the  Navy about  the existence of  water/ oceans


Virginia Tech shooting – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Virginia Tech shooting (also known as the Virginia Tech massacre) was a school shooting that took place on April 16, 2007, on the campus of Virginia …

 in two separate attacks, approximately two hours apart

At about 9:40 a.m, Cho began shooting.[6]:90 Cho’s first attack after entering Norris occurred in an advanced hydrology/water  engineering class taught by Professor G. V. Loganathan in room 206.
Cho first shot and killed the professor, then continued firing, killing nine of the thirteen students in the room and injuring two others.

Thus we see..that Columbus sailed over the salt water of the Atlantic ocean in year 1492.


Water Ocean / breach / sand   …. hook /boat anchor 


H2O molecule 18 ….. another message for the  Navy about  the existence of  water/ oceans


Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting – Wikipedia, the ……/Sandy_Hook_Elementary_School_shootin

The Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting occurred on December 14, 2012, in Newtown, Connecticut, when 20-year-old Adam Lanza fatally shot 20 children …

Sand …….. water  …..  existence and awareness TEST by Nature
occurred on December 14, 2012, in Newtown, Connecticut
occurred on December 14, 2012, in Newtown, Connecticut
occurred on December 14, 2012, in Newtown, Connecticut
……………………..ember 14, 2……………………….. Connect
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,remember 1492………………………Co = Columbus and Sand and Sandy Hook school children  schemes ,
occurred on December 14, 2012, in Newtown, Connecticut
occurred on December 14, 2012, in Newtown, Connecticut
occurred on December       14, 2       New          Connections …

6th ………..December, 1492 the island of Haiti was discovered…/06-12-2013-6th-december1492-the-island-of-hai…

Jun 12, 2013 – On the 6th of December, 1492 Christopher Columbus discovered and mapped the island of Haiti, located between Puerto Rico to the east 



The Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting occurred on December 14, 2012, in Newtown, Connecticut, when 20-year-old Adam Lanza fatally shot 20 children
and 6 adult staff members


and 6 adult staff members

and 6 adult staff members

and 6 adult staff members  …..  occurred on December 14, 2012

and 6 adult staff members  …..  occurred on December 14, 2    …. C = Carbon mass 012 –>  molecular expressions agent C = Christopher Columbus


and 6 adult staff members  …..  occurred on December 14, 2    

and 6 adult staff members  …..  occurred on December 14, 2    

…..6th …………………………………….December, 1492 the island of Haiti was discovered




Thus we have some clues about several puzzles     …..   that are part of   Theory of Everything research.

A Theory of Everything – PBS


A Theory of Everything. We have reached an extraordinary point in the history of science, for some physicists believe they are now on the verge of having a …






The Discovery of America by Christopher Columbus and      Newtown  Connect ERORS at  Sandy Hook ……/The_Discovery_of_America_by_Christop…

The Discovery of America by Christopher Columbus is the name of a painting by artist Salvador Dalí, begun in 1958 and finished in 1959. The Discovery of America by Christopher Columbus stands a massive 14 feet tall by 9 feet wide. The painting was commissioned by Huntington Hartford, an American businessman, who was heir to the A&P Supermarket, for the opening of his museum,
Gallery of Modern Art, in New York ….. and

Nature’s  gallery of modern human arteries and their information content  in New York  …..
 in Isaac Newton’s gravity fields with  data  fields  
Isaac Newton’s optical prism   splitting colors
The museum was located on Columbus circle, hence the inspiration for the subject of the painting. As a devout Roman Catholic, Dali portrayed Columbus as the Christian savior, bringing the true church and salvation to the new world. The painting now resides at the Salvador Dali Museum, in St. Petersburg, Florida.


EARTH weight TON(s) VERSUS  Boston’s Marathon and the bosTON Mass of Massachusetts

Published by:

Rd-Blog-number-5156 by Herb Zinser reviews the EARTH weights  and measures  BATTLE in Boston.

The  tragic signaling   EVENT ..

The EARTH  heavyweight  ordered
Marathon bombings – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Boston Marathon bombings and subsequent, related shootings were a series of attacks and incidents which began on April 15, 2013, when two pressure …Pressure cooker bomb – ‎2013 Boston Marathon

General relationships between pressure, weight and mass
by MHP Ambaum – ‎2008 – ‎Cited by 1 – ‎Related articles
Apr 8, 2008 – Abstract. In curved geometries the hydrostatic pressure in a fluid does not equal the weight per unit area of the fluid above it. General …

Thus we have Nature’s  SYMBOL MACHINE languages and equations and formula  .. the living language that has  military officers   (ROLES and schools of thought) ..such as the military role of GENERAL ( a symbol military officer needed to defend math, physics and chemistry)  … and that role of GENERAL is then assigned by Nature to some human brain ..such as DzhoKHar Tsarnaev.

General relationships between pressure, weight and mass …

General of  pressure, weight and mass … assigned to Dzhokhar Tsarnaev

To emphasize this concept of weight and pressure  ….. Nature’s SYMBOL MACHINE military system  selcted the prominent equations of Boyle for a  military  DEMO on Boylston Street.

Pressure and volume relationship – Boyle’s law … › GCSE Physics
Boyle’s law. All the particles (atoms and molecules) of a substance are continually moving and so possess kinetic energy. In gases the movement of the particles … 

The above  picture keywords –> Mass and  Boyle   ..thereore the Drawin militray selection of the BATTLE site  by proper noun of Msssachusetts and  Boylston  street.
Other weight conflicts, debates,  and WARS have occurred.

Gulf of Tonkin      Resolution Vietnam War –
Find out more about the history of Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, including videos, interesting articles, pictures, historical features and more. Get all the facts on …Videos – ‎Speeches – ‎Westmoreland on the Vietnam – ‎Prospects for Peace in Vietnam

 On August 2, 1964, the destroyer USS Maddox, while performing a
signals intelligence

patrol as part of DESOTO operations, reported being attacked by three North Vietnamese Navy torpedo boats of the 135th Torpedo Squadron.

Gulf of Tonkin      Resolution – Vietnam War 

 Gulf of Tonkin      Resolution 

to the  Carl Jung collective GROUP MIND ….lies, schemes, cover-ups….

bomb    Boston 

US Standard Mass (Weight)
in  Massachuesetts – Math is Fun
Maths Is Fun
(See Weight and Mass to find why weight and mass are different.) These are the most common measurements of mass: Ounces; Pounds; Tons …

Ton to Pounds conversion….
Metric Conversions
Ton to Pounds (t to lb) conversion calculator for Weight conversions with additional tables and formulas.Metric Tons (or Tonnes) – ‎Short Tons (US) to Pounds – ‎Tonnes to Pounds

Ton to Pounds conversion
Ton to Pounds conversion
Ton to Pounds conversion using the President LBJ equation with LB = abbrecaition for 1 pound which is equal 16 ounces

Why are Pound and Ounce Abbreviated as lb and oz…/why-are-“pound”-and-“ounce”-abbrevia
Mental Floss
Aug 6, 2013 – Most of our abbreviations for units of measurements are pretty straightforward. They are … So how do we get lb for “pound” and oz for “ounce”?

Why are Pound and Ounce Abbreviated as lb and oz
Why are Pound and Ounce Abbreviated as lb and oz

Why are EZRA  Pound and Ounce Abbreviated as LBJ and oz

Above, we have the equations code….. 

Loomis –> subset code –> Mis = Managenment  tinformation systens PRISONER of heavy thinking

May –>  subset letters = Ma  –> physics equation Force = ma

May 26 –> atomic number of the EARTH ferrous oxide iRON core

19 –> potassium atomic number 19 used by the K-channel SYMBOL communications system in the human brain 

number 945 –> right  triangle equation  numbers ….. 3,4,5    –> (9, 16, 25 )

Other     weight              battles …..

Oklahoma City bombing – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Oklahoma City bombing was a domestic terrorist bomb attack on the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in downtown Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995.

Timothy McVeigh(t) – ‎ ‎Alfred P. Murrah Federal

Thus in year 2015, Nature’s VIEW ……
Thus the EARTH and its ton(s) of weight and influence   …… and the year 2015   message processing region ….
centered on Hubble(ton), Wisconsin.

  • Hubbleton, Wisconsin
    Town in Wisconsin
  • Hubbleton is an unincorporated community located in the town of Milford, Jefferson County, Wisconsin, United States.
  • That is ..the HUbble(ton) wars with the murder of Harron Khan by Watertown  ,,,,,,,  the murder of Boy Scout Sam Hengel caused by Portland  field  errors   ….. routed to Port error field –> Porterfield Wisconsin.
Marinette hostage-taker was Boy Scout, › News › Wisconsin
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
Nov 30, 2010 – Marinette — By all accounts, Samuel Hengel was a nice kid. … Outside Hengel’s home in Porterfield was a large sign

Hundreds Attend Wisconsin Hostage Taker’s Funeral « CBS ……/hundreds-attend-wisconsin-hostage-tak…
Dec 5, 2010 – Sophomore Samuel Hengel shot himself after police stormed a classroom at … Hengel, of Porterfield, had been holding most of the students and their … They hung up Hengel’s Boy Scout and tae kwon do uniforms and his …

  • Port of Boss in Boston
  • The Port of Boston, is a major seaport located in Boston Harbor and adjacent to the City of Boston. It is the largest port in Massachusetts as well as being one of the principal ports on the east coast of the United States.

Below Boston

The  EARTH  BOY (the Clay of the Clayton name ..his mother’s amiden name)  
 who was a BOY SCOUT from the Port of Porterfield Wisconsin
with the EARTH iron core  represneted by  the Marinette IRON shipyards


he Port of Boss in Boston  .. a region  of ELITE and SUPERIOR humans that  refuse  to communicate about REALITY matters. 

Below, Marinette ( the high school attended by Sam Hengel of  Porterfield)

Below, Boston container ship
Below, the Port of  Porterfield container ship with the body of  Sam Hengel  …..whose is going to Base 16 hexadecimal Hex’af’= 175 region of  COMPUTER  EARTH  data space. 

code –> Coffin –> Co + ff + in

–> code  Hex’ff’ = 255 = High-values   input to the Hex’AF’ = Afterlife region

Uncle Sam  and sample space WANTS Sam Hengel 
His murder equation and the 23rd Psalm –> murder –>M  + Ur + der 

M –> M-theory physics and bio-physics 

Thus code 23 and Ur –> uranium 235 and 238 signals about the Margaret Mead atomic social science murder systems approved by citizens and universities like MIT and Boston University

Thus we see the SYMBOL MACHINE wars between 2  communties ………

the  code –> Bo  (Boy Scout murder)    ..information pointerr to Bo = Boston  and their  lies  and errors regarding the Kenendy assasinations .   the TRUE NATURE of EARTH LANGUAGE  location site ….. Cape Cod(e), etc.

Thus Boston has lied about the year 63  (1963) President Kennedy assassination  ….
and those lies created the Route 29 murders in the OHMs LAW region of Virginia.

Route 29 murder case still unsolved –…/alicia-reynolds-route29murder-case-still-u…
May 12, 2014 – Along Route 29 in Culpeper
Virginia,   lies a wooden cross weathered by time, and some artificial flowers.

Below, the EARTH Language and  EARTH surface  electron continuum  with the message processing region being the EARTH geography state of VIR  –> Virginia.

The EARTH hydrocarbon continuum computer science platform with MILITARY molecule frequency KHZ

Published by:

RD-blog-number 5154  by Herb Zinser reviews newspaper  battle casualty reports about  Nature’s systems WAR with  human communities and their SOCIAL SCIENCE  errors  in their  usage of page technology and other things.


Let’s look at another blog post that outlines the situation with some data EVENTS  …then we will finish with the COMPUTER EARTH system 370 and the human bio-computer  brain  PAGE  and the sub-pages that are used to control the sub-conscious mind.

The human MODEL  is described using copper-wire computer with their software  …and  WEBSITE software  and blogs with PAGES and Sub-pages …. provide the outline  ..of the sturcutre uased to mnaipluate brain pages and sub-conscious mind pages …  like yours.


Below, a bio-computer WEB  site with  keyword SYMBOL LIFE  domain names –>  WEBSTER  dictionary,  Siderman comics and his WEB,  etc.

brain   2 parts cole hall  5

Create pages within a site – Sites Help – Google Help › … › Add and modify pages within a site

They are best for main categories of your site’s content. Put page under {current page}:


What is a subpage? – Network Solutions › … › How It Works
Network Solutions

Subpage is a web page that appears below the top-level pages in your site navigation. Subpages typically appear as a drop-down menu in your navigation bar.


You are probably an excellent EARTH LAB specimen for Nature’s  experiments with humans that LACK awareness  and hence need to be controlled.

george orwell 1984 1


Above, is Virginia TECH university and the shooting of April16, 2007   with year 1984 agent Mr.CHO ……   .born in 1984.

cho virginia

Thus his EARTH LAB proper noun  .. …
speciman identifier code –> Cho Se … fill in the  blanks
…………………………………………. Choose

thus  Nature’s Darwinian selective service system … modeled
after the U.S.ARMY  organization.


Selective Service System – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Selective Service System is an independent agency of the United States government that maintains information on those potentially subject to military conscription.


…in other words …..


Selective Service System – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Charles Darwin … Selective Service System is an independent agency of Nature’s united systems and linear control states  …. an EARTH government that maintains information on those human life forms potentially subject to military conscription.

The other blog post  ….

Nature’s hydrocarbon continuum government HIERARCHY and its messages

Rd-blog-number-5148 by Herb Zinser reviews Nature’s hydrocarbon molecular expression system and its usage  of molecular humans as expression devices to display molecule  social chemistry activities and molecule intellectual thoughts, etc.

This is within the context of  year 2015 RD activities ….such as

Grand Unified Theory Forces – The Particle Adventure
The Particle Adventure

Physicists hope that a Grand Unified Theory will unify the strong, weak, and electromagnetic interactions. There have been several proposed Unified Theories, but we need data to pick

which, if any, of these theories describes nature.


Theory of everything (and that includes YOU!)  – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A theory of everything (ToE) or final theory, ultimate theory, or master theory is a hypothetical single, all-encompassing, coherent theoretical framework of physics that fully explains and links together all physical aspects of the universe.

String theory – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jump to Number of dimensions – In classical string theory the number of dimensions is not fixed by any … Modernunderstanding indicates that there exist less trivial ways … One such theory is the 11dimensional M-theory, which requires …

M-Theory: The Mother of all SuperStrings – Michio Kaku…/m-theory-the-mother-of-all-superstring
Michio Kaku

Every decade or so, a stunning breakthrough in string theory sends shock waves … When Niels Bohr once heard a lecture by Pauli explaining his version of the unified … In 11 dimensions, in fact, there are alternate super theories based

Let’s look at another blog post that outlines the carbon molecule continuum that exists ..using the EARTH geogarphy surafce as an operating  system platform for its expression activities like Botany cellulose trees and carbon based human life forms that  develop
carbon bio-computer subroutines that drive cars in cities like Carbondale, Illinois.
Below, Nature’s EARTH LAB experimental  community that testing the self-awareness abilitities of a carbon atoms,_Illinois

Carbondale is a city in Jackson County, Illinois, United States, within the Southern Illinois region informally known as “Little Egypt”. The city developed from 1853 …

History – ‎Geography – ‎Demographics – ‎Government

Carbondale Lawyers – Compare Top Attorneys in … – Justia › Lawyer Directory › Illinois

Compare 38 attorneys serving Carbondale, Illinois on Justia. Comprehensive profiles including fees, education, jurisdictions, awards, publications and social …

Carbon   Lawyers – Compare Top Attorneys in … – Justia › Lawyer Directory › Illinois

Compare 38 attorneys serving Carbondale, Illinois on Justia. Comprehensive profiles including fees, education, jurisdictions, awards, publications and social …

The other blog post ………..

RD-blog-number-5145 by Herb Zinser reviews the sequence of murders created by the  citizens of the State of California for its violation of  hydrocarbon social chemistry laws and the execution of  Nature’s periodic  atomic table undercover agent Caryl Chessman.


Caryl Chessman – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Caryl Whittier Chessman (May 27, 1921 – May 2, 1960) was a convicted robber, kidnapper and rapist who was sentenced to death for a series of crimes …



Caryl Chessman

Car. L –> Carbon Languages using chess terminology and SYMBOL  MACHINE software technology 

On death row – ‎Execution and Nature’s systems revenge  –>  Brookfield Wisconsin



Brookfield hotel was scene of mass shooting in March 2005 ……/brookfield-hotel-was-scene-of-mass-shooting-in-…

Oct 21, 2012 – Brookfield hotel was scene of mass shooting in March 2005.


In 2005, 44-year-old Terry Ratzmann burst into a church service being held by a Church of Living God congregation and fired 22 rounds before shooting himself. He killed seven others in that service.

Ratzmann shot the church’s pastor and the pastor’s family before moving on to others in the conference room at the hotel.

All reports following this shooting indicate Ratzmann acted alone. It also says six of the seven victims were shot in the back and that Ratzmann stopped once to reload.

Terry Michael Ratzmann (1960 – March 12, 2005) was an American  murderer who killed seven members of the Living Church of God(LCG) before committing suicide at a Sheraton Hotel in Brookfield, Wisconsin in 2005.



 scene of mass shooting in March 2005

 scene of mass shooting in March 2005

 scene of  carbon 12 mass shooting in March 2005


 scene of mass shooting in March 2005

 scene of mass shooting in March 2005

 scene of mass shooting in  Jerry March 2005



 scene of mass shooting in March 2005

 scene of mass shooting in March 2005


Hotel in  Brookfield suggests   …. 

Symbolism | Definition of symbolism by Merriam-Webster

the art or practice of using symbols especially by investing things with a symbolic meaning
by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible


Below, a hydrocarbon hotel  .. information structure

the Living Church of God 

the Living Church of G = universal  gravitational constant

the Living Ch —> Carbon Hydrogen molecules and their living language 



 scene of mass shooting in March 2005

 scene of   ……  Jerry March of Dimes

 scene of  …….  molecule social evolution and the  March of Dimensions of string theory and its applications 

March of Dimes – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The March of Dimes Foundation is a United States nonprofit organization that works to improve the health of  Mother Earth and Mother Nature




 scene of mass shooting in March 2005

 scene of mass shooting in March 2005

 scene of mass shooting in March 2005

Muscular Dystrophy Telethon and Jerry Lewis | Right Turn ……/muscular-dystrophy-telethon-and-jerryle

Sep 5, 2011 – Jerry Lewis, the slap schtick half of the Martin and Lewis team set out … of the March of dimes than any other in the history of the organization.


Code name –> Jerry Lewis –> Jerry March and Lewis Dot structure






Caryl Chessman and Nature’s revenge

Car. L –> Carbon Languages using chess terminology and SYMBOL  MACHINE software technology 

On death row – ‎Execution and Nature’s systems revenge  –>  Brookfield Wisconsin


On death row – ‎Execution and Nature’s systems revenge  –>  CHar –> Carbon Hydrogen area

On death row – ‎Execution and Nature’s systems revenge  –>  CHarlottesville wins the lottery

On death row – ‎Execution and Nature’s systems revenge  –>  Hannah Graham …..

selected for her British-American identity send a message to British-American citizens about modern REALITY
and the  molecule  CH –> Carbon Hydrogen –> CH = CHESS  moves of molecules within humans …… using humans as  information display devices


Murder of Hannah Graham – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hannah Graham (February 25, 1996 – c. September 13, 2014) was an 18-year-old second-year British American student at the University of Virginia who went …

Disappeared: September 13, 2014
Cause of death:

Wanted carbon black agent……






Below, the CH organic chemistry  continuum   and
the continuum EARTH geography location of
CH  = Charlottesville and their social chemistry police department




Let’s look at another blog post that  provides more ideas for researchers and amateur detectives…



SYMBOL MACHINE communications theory and applications

Nature’s advanced message processing system has messages waiting!

RD-blog-number-5138 by Herb Zinser reviews the tragic signaling EVENTS that occur on Planet EARTH.

Many factors are involved in the creation of these signals by Nature’s systems.  To help understand some of these tragic signals …  one can percievce the EARTH geography surface as a  chessboard  with various pieces  ……     that are assigned to human represntatives.


For example, if  look at the community of Brookfield …….   west of Milwaukee  …..
we see the SYMBOL MACHINE identifier
–> Brookfield –> subset letters –> B   + rook + field.


Brookfield hotel was scene of mass shooting in March 2005 ……/brookfield-hotel-was-scene-of-mass-shooting-in-…
  • WITI

    Oct 21, 2012 – BROOKFIELD — The Sheraton Hotel in Brookfield was the scene of a mass … Ratzmann shot the church’s pastor and the pastor’s family before moving … Male victim seriously injured in shooting near Teutonia & Capitol, wi

  • Church, Police Probe 7 Murders – CBS News
CBS News

Mar 14, 2005 – Gunman Apparently Walked Out Of Church Service Two Weeks Ago. … opened fire at a church service in BrookfieldWisconsin on 3-12-05, … Before the shooting stopped, the pastor, the pastor’s son, and five other church …




Symbolism | Definition of symbolism by Merriam-Webster

the art or practice of using symbols especially by investing things with a symbolic meaning
by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible



Gunman Apparently Walked Out Of Church Service Two Weeks Ago.

Gunman Apparently Walked Out Of Church Service Two Weeks Ago.

Gunman Apparently Walked Out Of Ch…….. Service Two We –> 2 sides BLACK and WHITE pieces.

Gunman Apparently Walked Out Of Chess     Service Two Weeks Ago.



stopped, the pastor, the pastor’s son

stopped, the pastor, the pastor’s son

stopped, the past ,     the pastor’s son

stopped, the past verb tense … State of Mind   …. the past orders  son

stopped, the past    the pre-sent –> present verb tense



Let’s look at another blog post that explains some things …and includes some refernces to the EARTH  geography chess board surface and other version of chess boards …such as the carbon atom / organic chemistry continuum on EARTH with  human life forms embedded  as subset entities within Natuire’s hydrocarbon continunnu,

Humans are carbon molecule  activity and expression entities.


The other blog post ..


The force field death of Hannah Graham

explained by her line integral

Rd-blog-number-5136 by Herb Zinser reviews Nature’s mathematical-physics wars  and biochemistry  DNA wars  for control of EARTH civilizations and their ERRORS and PROBLEMS.


Let’s look at some anaysis of news EVENTS. I repeat another blog post here that lays the information foundation for  the  math view about  Hannah Graham’s tragic death.

University of Virginia fails integration by parts calculus test to save Hannah Graham

Rd-blog-number-5132 by Herb Zinser reviews various DNA bio-math and bio-physics conflicts in the United states and Great Britain.

Let’s look at another post that descibes a situation ..and then we shall look at the University of Virginia (UV) campus system and their DNA math problems and the mathematics death of Hannah Graham ..her final message ……  a math curve that she drew while walking in downtown Charolette, NC –> Numerical Control region of North Carolina.

The SiKH (brain) Temple DNA nitrogeous bases wave problems


RD-blog-number-5127 by Herb Zinser reviews the biochemistry WAR  database report from Oak Creeek, Wisconsin near Lake Michigan.The tragic signaling EVENT……..

  1. Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting – Wikipedia, the free …
    On August 5, 2012, 40-year-old Wade Michael Page fatally shot six people and wounded four others at a Sikh temple in Oak CreekWisconsin. Page took his life by …


Thus we have Lake Michigan …suggestive of  water waves …oscillations.

In addition,  we have Nature’s  SYMBOL  MACHINE language code words–> Wisconsin
……………sin wave region of sin wave life forms
—> Sikh –> susbet codes
–> Si + KH –> Sin wave K (potassium symbol ) H (hydrogen of water molecule)

Thus the database signal coming from the SiKH Temple shooting about waves …
about DNA representative Governor Doyle and the nucelotides of Wisconsin sin wave life forms.

  1. Deoxyribonucleic acid / DNA | Learn Science at
    Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a molecule that encodes an organism’s genetic blueprint. In other words, DNA contains all of the information required to build and …

Deoxyribonucleic  …….. subset letetrs of the word …|
D.o.y…………le   –> 5 symbols of the 16 letters of the word


James Edward “Jim” Doyle (born November 23, 1945) is a Wisconsin politician and member of the Democratic Party. He was the 44thGovernor of Wisconsin, serving from January 6, 2003 to January 3, 2011.Thus ..he is Nature’s represtaive for 5/16 of DNA message system.The Democratic Party denies  the existence of biochemsitry  DNA and its solid thoughts  …
claiming that DEMOCRATS are electromagnetic (EM) life forms that are superior to the periodic atomic of elements
and its biochemsitry molecules…… molecules that constructed a human structure  ….
known as a host platform for the EM life forms to use and abuse.

INTERNAL DNA  geometry bio-math configuration has
EXTERNAL expression formats to LURE  unsuspecting   high school graduates  into the study of the double-helix twists   by going to college and becoming a biochemsitry major.Of course, biochemsitry  LURE and SEDUCTION technology has completion  ……   in the usage of
the multi-purpose  female expression system and its concept suggestion.Thus bio-math and calculus(t) curves to guide male student into the study of math fun functions.

The power of suggestion ……  she wants more calculus students to study integration and integartion  by patrts.


Thus we see Nature’s system ..INTERNAL biology/brain  and  their EXTERNAL displays messages

EXTERNAL information displays about INTERNAL software systems ….. are the external EARTH geography sites  that have a Jewish Temple, a SiKH Temple, etc.

Thus the SYMBOL MACHINE view of the  word/letter ENGINES code name –>
KH  with examples ….– > siKH
—> city of Kenosha  –> subset letters KH
—> KHan –> murder of KH SYMBOL PROCESSOR Haroon KHanSymblos/letets KH  …think …think  ….spell backwardthink <—mirror word –> Kniht   ..explained to Knight

  1. Knight (chess) – Wikipedia, the free
  2. The knight is a piece in the game of chess, representing a knight. It is normally represented by a horse’s head and neck. Each player starts with two knights, which begin on the row closest to the player, one square from each corner.

Thus we see Nature’s systems and it chess component  ..with SYMBOL MACHINE  word
Knight  …sort of the inverse letter sequence of ..the mirror of Think.

Tus we think of the EARTH geography region of the greater  Milwuakee  …souteast Wisconsin land surface Nature’s chessborad ..with humans as pawns and  DNA nitrogenous bases as  Knights.Code –> Knight –> subset code –> nig –> suggests nitrogen and  DNA

Thus we have a molecular chess board  ….. and some conflict that wa splayed out at the EXTERNAL location of the SiKH Temple (sin wave code)
near  Lake Michigan ( PSSC high school physics and wave tanks and wave mechanics)

Thus we begin to see the SECRET  biochmesitry DNA manipulation socity in the greater Miwaukee region by citizens with univeristy approval.The 4 bases above  ……  and the  VERBAL word commands issued by baseball radio announcements and the picture  comamands issued  by  the televivsion  electromagnetic (EM) broadcasts of  the station  … by their superior DNA employees….. that broadcast FCC approved  EM  control waves directly into the
skull temple and the brain stem
skull ..em ………………………..em
Thus Nature’s systems VERSUS   the bio-radio and bio-television attack on the brain SYMBOL ENGINE  ..hence, Nature’s military systems and the creation of the DNA wave war message in oak Creek.

  1. Baseball field – Wikipedia, the free
    Second base is the second of four  BASE stations on a baseball diamond which must be touched in succession by a base  runner in order to score a run for that player’s team.

  1. Baseball field – Wikipedia, the free
    Second base is the second of four base radio stations on a baseball diamond which must be touched in succession by a  DNA base runner who is carrying a secret body language  message in order to score a run for that player’s team  (Player —> P layers –> Processing  layers).




Thus we wee the DNA war zone in southeastern Wisconsin and the biochemistry war casualties …. and the incomplete explanations given in newspapers about the entire situation.

Now, let’s look at Hannah Granham and uv = university of virginia

integration by parts math calculus

Murder of Hannah Graham – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hannah Graham (February 25, 1996 ? c. September 13, 2014) was an 18-year-old second-year British American student at the University of Virginia who went …

Disappeared: September 13, 2014 (aged …
Cause of death

Her calculus symbol code –> Disappeared: September

integration symbol math

Thus  …her walking spine  ….. a walking  calculus symbol.

Line integral – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The terms path integral, curve integral, and curvilinear integral are also used; … In qualitative terms, a line integral in vector calculus can be thought of as a …


Below, she is tracing out path integral …..

hannah graham beer pub  beer-lambert law

Pauls Online Notes : Calculus III – Line Integrals – Part I…/LineIntegralsPtI.aspx
  • Lamar University

    Vector Fields, Calculus III – Notes, Line Integrals – Part II …. Let’s first see what happens to the line integral if we change the path between these two points.

Lamar University

Line Integrals – Part II, Calculus III – Notes, Fundamental Theorem for Line Integrals … about reversing the direction of the path with line integrals of vector fields.

The path integral:

calculating the future from

an unknown past

hannah graham good map

A fun problem for you, and a matter of life and death for an ant

A (female) soldier ant is returning home from a raid on an enemy colony about 1 meter away from her own anthill.  This ant, like the majority of members of many ant species, is completely blind, so finding her way home has been something of an ordeal.  An even bigger danger is awaiting her this very moment, however, at the entranceway to her own home.  Our soldier ant, during the course of her surprisingly violent battling, has been drenched in the pheremones of her enemy victims.  If these pheremones have not worn off by now, then the sentries guarding the entranceway (who are also blind) will mistake her for an enemy.  And ants are not known for their patience with enemies.

The question of ?will our soldier be mistakenly killed by her own kind? depends at this moment very critically on how long it took her to walk home.  The longer her path was, the better the chance that the smell of her enemies has dissipated, and the better are her odds of surviving her encounter with the sentries.  If she walked at a constant speed, then we can assume the enemy pheremones dissipate exponentially (as is the case with evaporation/dissipation of chemicals on a surface).  Just to make it concrete, I?ll say that her chance of being killed follows the following law:

P_{death} = e^{-L/textrm{10 meters}},

where L is the total length of her trip home, from enemy anthill to her own.  This formula implies that if our ant took a very circuitous route home ? say, 20 meters long ? then she has only about a 13% chance of being killed by the sentries.  But if she took the most direct route ? L = 1 meter ? then there?s about a 90% chance of her being dismembered on the spot.

If we knew what path she took, we could use Calculus to figure out her path length L and predict what?s going to happen.  But we, the observers, are only watching this moment, as the soldier returns home; we have no idea what path she took.  Can we still say anything about what?s going to happen to her?

hannah graham   math 2
 The answer, surprisingly, is yes.  Usually, people use Calculus for summing (integrating) over all possible values of some quantity.  The Calculus of path integrals is similar: it sums (integrates) over all possible paths (or histories) that connect one moment and another.  And it allows us to predict the future of this ant.  In evaluating whether our ant will live or die, we need to integrate over all possible paths that she could have walked along.  Something like this:

If we want to know her chance of living or dying, we must average over each of these separate paths, plus an infinite number of others.

I?m only going to say here that it?s possible.  Usually, there?s no simple generic solution to a path integral.  In most cases you either need a computer or a lot of patience to come up with a result.  And you need some way of weighting the different paths, i.e. deciding how likely the different paths are.  Here I am just going to use a very simple assumption: that the ant doesn?t stray more than 4 meters from the straight line connecting her origin and destination, and that she doesn?t change her direction more often than every 8 centimeters or so.  These are completely arbitrary assumptions, but they allow for a finite result.

 Line Integrals with Hannah Graham on the EARTH land math surface of Charlottesville.

Consider a two-dimensional function $f(x,y)$ which is defined for all $x$ and $y$. What is meant by the integral of $f$ along a given curve joining the points $P$ and $Q$ in the $x$$y$ plane?


Thus we see ……  the Carl Jung  bio-mathematical-physics collective unconsciousness of the GROUP MIND comprised of the University of  Virginia collective   …… the student body, professors,  employees,  and administrators   …
that  bio-math COLLECTIVE unconsiousness has  problems that require conscious  thought, lab exercises, and communications to fix.



Now, we have covered some fundamental  math application MODELS of the tragedy  ..suggested  …. by  the empirical data generated by Hannah Graham concept.


Let’s advance and consider more.


In mechanical physics, in high school ..we do lab experiments  … and study the equation

Force = Mass X acceleration


Force, Mass, Acceleration | Zona Land Education…/forces/…/mightyFEqMA.html

Force equals mass times acceleration. This equation is one of the most useful in classical physics. It is a concise statement of Isaac Newton’s Second Law of …

classical physics  force
Thus we a have classical mechanics ….
and in modern times we have
Social forces = ma / mother/ woman and her daughters of the American revolution
Thus the keywords –>  ma & pa –> mapa  –> map america   provided by  your mother/father in year 2015  ….. for those over 40 years old.
Thus  word –>  Manhtattan in New York city …is  a social engineerins equation
Social Forces = ma  ..and a specific application
Social Forces = Manhattan—> ma + nh + att + an  + tan–>  map amino acids (nh) + attributes (data field site)
+ atomic number and alpha/numeric (base 16 hex)
+ tangent  existential worlds on EARTH
picture - amino 11
Thus some of the  concepts  of  mechanical  forces   are useful in describing social and economic forces

The original form of Newton’s second law states that the net force acting upon an object is equal to the rate at which its momentum changes with time. If the mass of the object is constant, this law implies that the acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force acting on the object, is in the direction of the net force, and is inversely proportional to the mass of the object. As a formula, this is expressed as:

\vec{F} = m \vec{a}

where the arrows imply a vector quantity possessing both magnitude and direction.


Related concepts to force include:

thrust, which increases the velocity of an object

…..   in other words ….

Related concepts to the INTELLECTUAL  forces of Nature’s systems …

include: trust,  the city of an object

Below, a man pushing  a car with  manual  force..
force physics car
Now, let look at Hannah Graham and the Charlottesville social forces.
hannah graham  5
Below, the line integral path  ….  being drawn by her footsteps on EARTH surface
hannah graham downtown    astrocyte

Line Integral…/Stepanova/Li
Raritan Valley Community College

Dr. Tatyana Stepanova. Office: S-235 Phone: … This limit is called the line integral of the vector field F over the path C and is denoted. Missing equation.

vector field F over the path C and is denoted. Missing equation.
vector field F over the path C and is denoted. Missing equation.
vector field F over the path Charlottesville  and is denoted. Missing equation.
Let looks  …..  at an advanced model of math social forces in Charlottesville.

Line Integrals

  • In one dimension, a force can be described by a real number that is positive if the force is pushing from left to right and is negative if the force is pushing from right to left. When an object is moved from x = a to x = b by a force the amount of work done by the force is

F (b – a).

  • In two or three dimensions, a force can be described by a vector whose magnitude is the strength of the force and whose direction is the direction in which the force is pushing — for example, the vector 2 i represents a force whose strength is two units and that is pushing from west to east. If an object moves under the influence of a force, F, and its motion is represented by the vector as shown in the figure below


then the work done by the force is

Missing formula

It is often useful to think of ordinary integration as “advanced multiplication.” For example, the area of a simple rectangle whose height is H (Hannah)  and
whose base goes from x = a to x = b as shown in the figure below

When an object moves from the point x = a to the point x = b under the influence of a force that is not constant and is given by a function f(x), then the work done by the force is given by

and the simple multiplication of our first formula for work is replaced by integration or “advanced multiplication.”

In this module we look at a two-dimensional or three dimensional situation in which the force is not constant — at different points the force may point in different directions and it may have different strengths. The figure below shows an example. Notice the force is always pointing toward the origin in this particular example.

Missing graph

Not only does the force vary from point-to-point but there is another complication — we are interested in an object traveling along a curved path as shown in the movie below.

Missing movie

Because the force varies from one place to another we call it a force field. A force field is represented mathematically by a vector field. We use the notation

F(x, y) = P(x, y) i + Q(x, y) j

to describe a force field in R2 and the notation

F(x, y, z) = P(x, y, z) i + Q(x, y, z) j + R(x, y, z) k

to describe a force field in R3.

Now suppose that is a curve in R2 or R3 like the curve shown in the figure below. This example is the path followed by the object in the movie above. We are interested in the work done by a force acting on an object as it travels along a curve C in a particular direction. In the example below the object travels along the curve from left to right.

Missing figure

Below, the region of the social  and economic forces

hannah graham    charolotte

We estimate this work in the obvious way. First, we approximate the curve by a polygonal path — a path made up of straight line segements — as shown in the two figures below.

Missing pictureMissing picture

We choose points s0s1s2, … sn along the path and then connect these points as shown in the figure above.

Below, Hannah  generated  points s0s1s2, … sn along the path C in Charlotesville

hannah graham good map






Then we estimate the work done on the i-th segment of the path by

Missing equation

and the amount of work done on the whole path by

Missing equation

By using a large number of small segments we can obtain a very good estimate for the amount of work done. The exact amount of work done is obtained by taking the limit of these estimates. This limit is called the line integral of the vector field over the path and is denoted

Missing equation

In practice we usually describe the curve by a function

Missing function


Missing function

and we divide the time interval [a, b] up into subintervals. by letting

Missing function

Thus we see the force field  …..

Vector line integral examples – Math Insight

Example of calculating line integrals of vector fields. … compute the work done by the force field on a particle that moves along the curve that is the …

a particle that moves along the curve
a particle that moves along the curve
a particle that moves along the curve
Below, the EARTH LAB view  of  the Hannah Graham particle that moves along a curve  ………..
hannah graham  8
hannah graham downtown    astrocyte
The other data generated by Hannah Graham  comes from another dimension of her existence.
Above, she existed in a physical  biology format ..  using 2 legs  and walking to generate a line integral  …..with her TOES providing data for Theory of Everything Scientists.
In her death … their exists another EARTH geography database region  ..with various line integrals  … road maps to help understand REALITY.
hannah graham old lybc earth langauge Capture
hannah graham  6hannah graham  old lynchburghannah graham old lynburg  old  duvai
Thus we have Nature’s code –> Plank RD –> Plan K  Research & Design
Other project Plan K   signaling database……..
Fort Hood  shooting in K = Kill in Killeen, Texas (code KH = Killeen Hood))
K –> Killing of KHan, Haroon (code KH = KHan in NATURE’s  evolution  death signal)

UWM student was kidnapped, killed over car, authorities say › … › Milwaukee County
  • Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

    Oct 7, 2008 – Haroon Khan drove a silver 2006 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution, and Travis W. Zoellick wanted one just like it. When Khan put his up for sale, …

  • Woman charged in slaying of UW-Milwaukee student over car › News › Waukesha County
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Oct 8, 2008 – According to the complaint, Zoellick killed Khan so he could steal his car. … was obsessed with obtaining a Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution, and on …

Milwaukee Journal Sent advance message to Cambridge and Boston Marathon race

Oct 7, 2008 – Haroon Khan drove a silver 2006 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution –> the prediction of the possiblility of an  MIT policeman shooting in year 2013

K –> shooting at SiKH temple (code KH)
K –> the North Korean arguments ..

Jeffrey Fowle reunited with his family in Ohio –…/JeffreyFowle-reu…
The Christian Science Monitor

Oct 22, 2014 – Jeffrye Fowle was released from captivity in North Korea, six months after he was taken into custody after leaving a Bible at a nightclub.

Thus we see many incomplete explantions about various events.
abstarction ladder 2 larger
Now, let’s look at the Hannah Graham situation  ……as she walks around downtown Charlottesville’s at night
The chess  board ………….
The EARTH geogarphy surface  ..chess board of downtown Charlottessville.
  1. Knight (chess) – Wikipedia, the free
  2. The knight is a piece in the game of chess, representing a knight. It is normally represented by a horse’s head and neck. Each player starts with two knights, which begin on the row closest to the player, one square from each corner.



Chess 101: How the Pieces Move | Chess Rules | Idiot’s … › … › Toys & Games › Board Games

Learn all about how chess pieces move and the rules of chess. Improve your … Left to right, the pieces are king, queen, bishop, knight, rook, pawn. The Pawn.


Learn all about how chess pieces move and the rules of chess.

Learn all about how chess pieces move and the rules of chess.

Learn all about how chess pieces move and the rules of chess.


For Mr. Male chess player (p layer –> Processing layer)…..


Learn all about how chess pieces move and the rules of chess.

Learn all about how ches? pieces move and the rules of ches?.

Learn all about how chest pieces move and the rules of chest.

Learn all about how chest pieces move and the rules of chest.



How to Play Chess : How the Knights Move in … – YouTube

Dec 10, 2007 – Uploaded by expertvillage

Learn how   the   knight moves in a game of chess , from a chess master in this free board game….

Chess Basics 1.5 How the Knight Moves and Captures … at nightime in  … ch + ar  = chess board area   of Ch + ar = Charlottesville
Dec 5, 2010 – Uploaded by Gaute Michel Ferstad

This basic chess series teaches you how to play chess. Beginning with how the pieces move, special chess …






Chess Rules for Movement of the Knight

Since obstructions are not a bar to movement (unless there is a friendly piece on the square where the knight would move) the knight’s path of movement has …




Chess Basics

Chess Basics

Chest Basics for adult females 

ch + ar  = chess board area   of Ch + ar = Charlottesville
………………chest …………………………………………….lotte –> lottery



Ch + ar = Charlottesville

Ch area –> Carbon hydrogen molecule –> lottery


Paul Morphy – Wikiquote

Paul Charles Morphy (June 22, 1837 – July 10, 1884), “The Pride and Sorrow of Chess“, is considered to have been the greatest chess master of his time, an ..

1837 – July 10, 1884), “The Pride and Sorrow of Chess“,

1837……………………….. “The Pride and Sorrow of Chess“,

1837 equation of a water molecule structure (atomic mass 18 ) at 37 degrees Celsius body temperature   …and itrs molecule chess MOVES
via proepr noun Paul  Morphy.



Paul Morphy project of Nature’s molecules  continued  their evolution of thought expression systems and SYMBOL MACHINES ….with


Morphy –.> M + orph + phy –> M-theory orphan physics  …..with messages for Sandy Hook elementary school treason of elementary physics. projects.

Little Orphan Annie – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The plot follows the wide-ranging adventures of Annie, her dog Sandy and her benefactor Oliver “Daddy” Warbucks. Secondary characters include Punjab, the …



her dog Sandy and her benefactor Oliver “Daddy” Warbucks

her dog Sandy and her benefactor Oliver “Daddy” Warbucks

her dogma philosophy …  Sandy Hook errors  and her benefactor Oliver “BagHDaddy” War
—>  shooting at Sandy Hook ordered by Nature’s SYMBOL MACHINE regarding their communications problems.



Thus we  have Paul Morphy  project codes and their evolution physics devleopment project agents

Paul –> Paul Dirac

Paul –> Linus Pauling with Charles Schultz comics,  President Jimmy Carter for  Peanuts and LINUS and the continuum /Blanket signal of LINUS

Paul –> Wolfgang Pauli



Paul Morphy
…………orph +  an (Atomic Number) gives word –> Orphan annie  and its atomic number  / alpha-numeric codes



Thus we see that the secrets of  EARTH chess  area of  Charlottesville is related to the execution of Carl / Caryl Chessman in California  …one of Nature’s top undercover agents in the CarL = Carbon Langauge continuum  …such as the  HC = Hydrocarbon continuum  on an EARTH platform region of CH = Carbon Hydrogen city of CH = Charlottesville and its human CHESS pawns


Caryl Chessman – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Caryl Whittier Chessman (May 27, 1921 – May 2, 1960) was a convicted robber, kidnapper and rapist who was sentenced to death for a series of crimes …

Early years – ‎Crimes and conviction – ‎On death row – ‎Execution and the consequence execution of Hannah Graham


§7: THE DATA OF ETHICS (1879) by Herbert Spencer

… in correspondence with external coexistences and sequences;

and still more … said to be the continuous adjustment of internal relations to external relations.

Now, let;s look at one final concept ….about Nature’s possible mechanisms for molecular communications.

Nikola Tesla’s Earthquake Machine – The Excluded Middle

In the last years of the 19th century, technological alchemist Nikola Tesla may … A vibration sent through the earth returns an “echo signature” using the same …

Nikola Tesla – Master of Lightning

Nikola Tesla invented A/C electricity (Alternating-Current), the electric motor, fluorescent … It is also referred to as the “Earthquake Machine. … A vibration sent through the earth returns an “echo signature” using the same principle as sonar.

I live in  the EARTH geography state of Wisconsin
Earth Language code –> Wisconsin earth
…………………………………………….sine wave  region for
Tesla waves or  a possible molecule vibration  ..communication system invented by Nature
We know the EARTH sin waves exist because of the sinw aves wars in the SINAI Peninsula  ….
in a sense  ….  an EARTH geography peninsula is like  Nature’s  writing pen

Sinai Peninsula | peninsula, Egypt :: History | Encyclopedia ……/SinaiPeninsula/…/Histo…
Encyclopaedia Britannica

The Sinai was administered by Egypt until the Israelis overran the peninsula in the Six-Day War of June 1967. The Sinai has been the focus of Israeli-Egyptian …

Egyptian security SIN WAVE science forces attacked in Sinai Peninsula – Al ……/egyptian-security-forces-attacked-sinai-…
Al Jazeera

Jan 31, 2015 – War & Conflict. Egyptian security forces attacked in Sin wave  Pen  message OUTPUT  display area  ….… forces have come under attack in the restive Sinai Peninsula, hours after …

Now, let’s return to Wisconsin sin wave region and look at SYMBOL MACHINE code  HC = HydroCarbon clues.
I live in Watertown, Wisconsin and my parents have  passed away  …years ago … AND are buried in the OAK HILL Cemetry.

Oak Hill Cemetery – Watertown Historical Society

OAK HILL CEMETERY WATERTOWN, WISCONSIN. HOME INDEX … The Oak Hill Cemetery Association of Watertown has decided.

Oak Hill Cemetery Assn Watertown, WI, 53094 –…/oakhillcemet

Get reviews, hours, directions, coupons and more for Oak Hill Cemetery Assn at 1540 E Main St, Watertown, WI. Search for other Cemeteries in Watertown on

…in other words

Oak Hill Cemetery Assn Watertown, WI, 53094 –…/oakhillcemet

Get reviews, hours, directions, coupons and more for Oak Hill Cemetery Assn at 1540 E Main St, Watertown, WI. Search for other Cemeteries in Watertown on

Oak H    C –> HydroCarbon molecule  burial  grounds…/oakhillcemet

Get reviews, hours, directions,

That makes philosphical sense.
The epriodic atomic table elements of life and thought  –> create molecules –> Carbon and hydrogen  molecules CAN become human life forms  OR Plastics OR gasoline ….etc.
Thus the hydrocarbon molecule… …. .the organic chemistry and NATURE  …are the parents of my physical biology MOTHER and FATHER.. Simply stated …MOTHER EARTH is the mother of my biology MOTHER.
Thus …at Oak Hill Cemetry  are human atoms and molecules that  are fileld with energy  ..and the thoughts of the humans that once existed in physical biology format with active metabolism at  37 degrees Celsius temperature in their human body.
Thus the atoms and moelcules of energy  that exist the Oak Hill Cemetry  MAY HAVE some of the thoughts and memories  ..of their active human life  …..
and those bio-computer thoughts may  have been  saved in  Nature’s electron storage within the atoms/moelcular structure that remains in a coffin.
The base 16 hexadecimal code –> coffin –> co + ff + in   –> code HEX’ff’= 255 (High Values)  integer  ..input to another dimension of EARTHLY existence …that being the HC
–> Hydrocarbon continuum PHASE of the afterlife  ……afterlife –>  molecule  thought  life after human life and thought  activities cease.
Next, in our theoretical   MODEL the communications system used by molecules in the afterlife phase.
The molecule  energy vibrations  ……  may use the Tesla  EARTH waves as carrier waves to transfer the molecule message to another geography location with receptive molecules .. in a coffin or another living person.
Thus the sender molecules are in a coffin  ……….  and the recieving molecules could be in a variety of formats or stages of life.…/oakhillcemet

Get reviews, hours, directions, coupons and more for Oak Hill Cemetery Assn at 1540 E Main St, Watertown, WI. Search for other Cemeteries in Watertown on

The above word –> HILL ..suggests the top of a sin wave
Now, to complete the concept ..we need a valley  …  the bottom  of a sin wave.
For this..Nature created the message event in OAK CREEK Wisconsin.

Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting – Wikipedia, the free …

On August 5, 2012, 40-year-old Wade Michael Page fatally shot six people and wounded four others at a Sikh temple inOak Creek, Wisconsin. Page took his life …

Incident – ‎Victims – ‎Perpetrator – ‎Reactions
The word Creek …water flow …  river ….river channel  carved out of EARTH land  …. is like a valley.
Below, Oak Hill is the top of the communications sin wave curve.
and Oak Creek is the bottom ….
Now  both geogarphy sites are in  the Wisconsin sin wave region.
Oak Hill Cementy — > Oak HC …. this horizontal word sequence ..suggests the horizontal component of  a communications wave
… perhaps similar to the   wave below.

Next ….

Oak Hill Cemetry
Oak Creek 
This is a vertical HC = Hydrocarbon communications wave component
In addition from the Oak Creek database ..we have 
SiKH –> subset codes  –> Si + Kh –> sin wave KH  .. suggesting KHZ

500 kHz – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Since early in the 20th century, the radio frequency of 500 kilohertz (500 kHz) has been an international calling and distress frequency for Morse code

 distress frequency for Morse code
……….  thus the SiKH Temple message THAT ought  not be ignored by society in year 2015.
Thus we have Oak Creek and the  SiKH …..  sin wave KH Temple  message.
Looking at the…/oakhillcemet

Get reviews, hours, directions, coupons and more for Oak Hill Cemetery Assn at 1540 E Main St, WatertownWI. Search for other Cemeteries in Watertown on

Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting – Wikipedia, the free …

On August 5, 2012, 40-year-old Wade Michael Page fatally shot six people and wounded four others at a Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wisconsin. Page took his life …

Incident – ‎Victims – ‎Perpetrator – ‎Reactions
Thus we have  the KH  common denominator  ….. and we have the additional EVOLUTION  message form Emmet township near the Oak Hill cemetry of Watertown)  ( a few  miles away)

UWM student was kidnapped, killed over car, authorities say › … › Milwaukee County
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Oct 7, 2008 –
Haroon Khan drove a silver 2006 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution

and Travis W. Zoellick wanted one just like it. When Khan put his up for sale, …
Thus the muder involves letter call sign ….  KHZ  ….. and SiKH call sign KH.
Now, my  last name is  Z   ……
.thus my parents are  Z and other Z proper nouns  are buried at the Oak Hill Cemetery
give Nature’s system a  gestalt complete code sign KHZ.…/oakhillcemet
Thus we see the possible molecular software structure used by Nature’s  HC = HydroCarbon molcular communications system in the afterlife phase of  atom/molecule existence.
Remember ..atoms/molecules  exist  for  millions of years  or thousands of years   …..  an atomic bio-physics human  is born and thus those atoms/molecule ENTER the human phase  of their periodic atomic table existence  ……  and when the huamn metabolism stops  ….the thoughts are saved in atomic/molcular data storage …… and now the atoms/molecule ENTER the afterlife phase of their continued existence  on EARTH  ..working with Nature’s various  projects  and its  SYMBOL MACHINE  evolution of thought  .. including brain engineering and social engineering.
Now, let’s look at Oak  Creek message database again.

Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting – Wikipedia, the free …

On August 5, 2012, 40-year-old Wade Michael Page fatally shot six people and wounded four others at a Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wisconsin. Page took his life …

Incident – ‎Victims – ‎Perpetrator – ‎Reactions
OC –> OptiC   type of message  .. do you see ???
OC  = Oak Creek, Wisconsin ……….
…………………………………….sin wave as a carrier wave for ……
Wade Michael Page fatally shot six people
Wade Michael Page fatally shot six people
wade organic
Wade Michael Page fatally shot six people
Wade textbook with   page(s)  of  cellulose  information …..
that are studied by college students …..
and those students then devlop BRAIN pages filled with organic  chemistry
Wade Michael Page fatally shot six people
Wade Michael Page fatally shot six  ……    carbon atomic number 6
Wade Michael Page fatally shot six  ….. 6 atomic entities names –> people
carbon atom   5
picture - paul 15
The code code –> people –> peo –> P electron orbitals
carbon people
Above carbon atom and its evolution to human people expression devices.
Thus carbon people code –> 2p2  —–>  2nd subshell named p  with 2 electrons.
Wade Michael Page fatally shot six people
Wade Michael Page fatally shot six people
 ……… Mic  ……Page fatally shot six people
 ….atoMic  ……Page fatally shot six people
United States Senate

Pages. The Senate gained its first page in 1829, a nine-year-old boy named Grafton Hanson who was appointed by Senator Daniel Webster. Throughout the …

Senate Page Program – United States Senator Patty Murray › Home › Services
Patty Murray

Senate pages play an important role in the day-to-day operation of the Senate while watching history in the making. Living away from home and attending …

in other words……

Senate BRAIN  Page  using a BLOG Program – United States  data processing  Senator Patty Murray › Home › Services
Patty Murray

Senate pages play an important role in the day-to-day operation of the  human bio-computer Senate while watching history in the making.
Living away from home and attending …





Page Program Frequently Asked Questions – Senate Page ……/page-program-frequently-asked…
Mark Warner

What are the responsibilities and duties of U.S. Senate Pages? Pages serve principally as messengers. They carry documents between the House and Senate, ..



in other words…………….


Page Program Frequently

Page Program Frequen
Page Program Frequency   (KHZ frequency of SiKH temple?)

Asked Questions – Senate Page ……/page-program-frequently-asked…
Mark Warner
Mark War  –> Mark my words  WAR .. Nature’s SYMBOL MACHINE and the carbon continuum with
Oak Hill Cemetry (KH)  code and
KHan Zoellick (KHZ) code from the township of EMMET
–> EM + Met —> ElectroMagnetic  Metabolism BATTLE site

What are the responsibilities and duties of U.S. Senate Pages?
Pages serve principally as messengers. They carry documents between the House and Senate, ..


Pages « WordPress Codex

1.1.1 To create a subpagePages live outside of the normal blog chronology, and are often used to … Pages can be organized into pages and subpages. … Posts from a WordPress installation, and thus to create a standard non-blog website.




Organizing Content with Subpages – The Official Blog …

Jun 24, 2014 – In addition to her insight into subpage strategy, we were lucky ….. To add a blog page to any site in your account, go to the Pages tab, click on .. other words…..


Organ (Liver, Heart, Lungs)
Content with Subpages –
The Official BLOG  (BLOG is a subset word of   BioLOGy) …

Jun 24, 2014 – In addition to her insight into subpage strategy, we were lucky ….. To add a blog page to any site in your account, go to the Pages tab, click on ..



To add a blog page to any site in your account

To add a blog page to any site in your account

To add a biology  page to any site in your account





in your account, go to the Pages tab

in your account, go to the Pages tab

in your account, go to the Senate Pages tab




Thus, we  have  covered several concepts in this blog post.

These concepts are  based upon actual data events or descriptions of something .. ….  like website pages used on copper-wire personal computers.


What I have is simply  organized the data events and looked at their common denominators   …and then suggested some partial explanatory MODELS using basic science concepts and knowledge available  to everyone VIA college math and science textbooks or univeristy science libraries.


a) the sin wave used in communications  and the repeated pattern of EVENTS  involving LIFE and DEATH   …….  and radio code KH or KHZ.

—– SiKH Temple shooting

—– KHan Zoellick (code KHZ)   and the death in EMMET township near Oak Hill Cemetry (code KH   and HC = HydroCarbon burial grounds)
—– Hannah Graham death  near EMMET Street in CHarlottesville  …thus the CH = HC  = HydroCarbon burial grounds of Hannah Graham in CH = CHarlottesville


EMMET STREET and EMMET Township –> keyword EMMET = EM + MET –> a relationship problem between ElectroMagnetic field and human Metabolism … that was acted out VIA the murder of Haroon Khan  in the sin wave region of Wisconsin   and  the murder of Hannah  Graham in the  VIR = Virginia OHMS law region  with Route 29 atomic number of copper and thre related murder of Alicia Reynolds the  periodic  atomic table town of Cu = Copper of Culpeper.



Give these related  …but unusual events   … we  then considered the ideas of others about parallel expressions dimensions  on EARTH.


A Physicist Explains Why EARTHLY Parallel Universes May Exist – NPR › News › Science › Space

Jan 24, 2011 – It is possible that there are many other EARTHLY universes or expression formats  that exist parallel to our personnal universe. Theoretical physicist Brian Greene, author of The Elegant …



Then …given that …. we considered the EARTH geography surface as a display platform for Nature’s expression systems.

On such concept was the Nikola Tesla EARTH waves and vibrations  …. including EARTH  the ground /soil / land that supports the surface display.


Then  .. upon this EARTH surface we have Nature’s organic  chemistry …hydrocarbon continuum with carbon life in human format.


Then we begin to notice some connetcions /links between some Wisconsin tragic signaling events and those in Virginia  ……   having come factores ….. OHMS Law,  sin waves or alternating cycles,   EARTH LANGUAGE proper nouns with the atomic symbols C and H  ….  in the same local geography region of EMMET    and KHZ  radio codes .


Thus we have some of the major pieces of data  about some  big system of Nature.    Who can put it  all   together  ….. for the TOE theory project?


Theory of everything – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A theory of everything (ToE) or final theory, ultimate theory, or master theory is a hypothetical single, all-encompassing, coherent theoretical framework of physics that fully explains and links together all physical and social engineering aspects of the universe ….    including the universe of crime signals generated by Nature to provide REAL empircal data for theorists help their SYMBOL MODEL buildings..


fully explains and links together all physical aspects of the universe.

fully explains and links together all physical aspects of the universe.

fully explains and links together all physical aspects of the MIss universe
… contest to manipulate and divert the the brains  of scientists.



Miss Universe 2015: Miss Colombia 


representing  the 15th column of the periodic atomic table used by bio-physics expression structure known as adult females  ……. information display devices  useful for  the study of  social psychology tricks and schemes

Site Map to various SCIENCE WAR articles

Published by:

Project Plan Z news analysis phase – Tests are Translated

EM war news

Translations of newspaper codes

COMPUTER EARTH system 370 WAR news

Math war news analysis

The copper metal subset city expressions of electricity

The C.P.Snow social science WAR casualties

Nature’s military methods and messages for human ERROR policies.

Earth systems and Earth languages

Atomic models using data signaling EVENTS

Physics & the Social Science WARS

Translations of Star Wars military language codes

Water molecule expressions

Brain war news

Nature’s biochemistry expression and message systems

EARTH languages and Nature’s modern SYMBOL MAP technology



Project Plan Z – news EVENT analysis

EARTH copper expression systems

Ferrous oxide IRON atom expression systems

Continuum message reports in the news

Nature’s evolution of impedance signals that parallel electron circuit concepts

University spectrum content wars

The EARTH geography mathematical-physics surface and its expression CODE system

Analysis of social science SIGNALING events

Modern geography messages from Nature’s systems

Computers, biocomputers, and math WAR analysis

Astronomy and Astrophysics theories of EARTH LAB

Neuroscience war reports

Earth systems and the atomic table EXPRESSION SYSTEM

The world wide electromagnetic EM field wars to control your brain stem

Organic chemistry expression sytems – social chemistry signaling EVENTS