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The secret British atomic LIVER message from LIVERPOOL – Beattles song “HELP” ( Part 2 )

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William Shakespeare around year 1600 wrote:
………………… “The WORLD is a stage and we are the players”.

In modern times,”The WORLD is a molecular cell social biology stage and we are the symbolic processing layers”

We will look at the stage performance of the Margaret Mead nuclear family – atomic bio-physics social anthropology. The atomic English language of the British LIVER is with iron hemoglobin protein messenger Margaret Thatcher.



As the IRON LADY…the moelcular cell biology government of Nature has ranked her liver ferrous oxide atomic data processor as a leading liver language messenger.

Hence symbol Fe = Ferrous oxide atom is with Fe = Fe.male structure …..which in Darwinian evolution of IRON of the periodic atomic table of life….gives an iron Hemoglobin humanoid subspecies–> hence an atomic species with identifier Fe = Female PRIME MINISTER Margaret Thatcher of 1982.



Thus according to modern atomic Darwin…. humans have evolved into 2 atomic species labeled:

–> Fe.male (left-sided ferrous oxide symbol with the Herbert Spencer INTERNAL biology government ……the IRON Heme group FE(ii) government and its ironic languages) and then the
–> Male structure who must use his EXTERNAL arm/hand to reach for an .Fe –> ferrous oxide iron object/tool in the EXTERNAL world of objects: iron automobile engines, iron hammer,etc.

Thus we have the clearly identifed atomic English langauge of the 26 proton English atomic alphabet of Ferrous oxide /IRON. The IRON LADY is not recognized by British science as existing in an atomic bio-physics humanoid format; instead, university and government EM=Employed professors and scientists view her as an EM = Electro.Magnetic EM.ployee Life ……like a television wave ….brain bio-television or brain bio-movies.

Other thinkers perceive her as radio wave; the music group RADIO HEAD amd other groups raise the questions of bio-radio….but then many authors have written many CLUES about this SECRET biological communications system that has been banned by the Central Nervous System government and the laws of Nature.
Of course, EM life forms are well-known by other names:

– Santa Claus and the Flying Reindeer
– The Arabic Flying Magic Carpet
– Ancient Greek and Roman GODS up in the Sky

…so,what else new in the world of well-publized secrets. Pay Attention?
Returning to the Darwin atomic evolution of iron HEME Groups ….. humans have evolved into 2 atomic species labeled:
–> Fe.male (left-sided ferrous oxide symbol) and

–> Male structure with EXTERNAL Fe (right-sided)



This structure of left-sided / right-sided occurs with many chemistry molecules….thus the molecular extension labeled: humanoid ..exhibits this property of Nature via the

Male.FE –> FEATURE of Ferrous oxide in the Sartre existential EARTH LAB

The laws of Nature makes a difference between these 2 different formats of humanoid iron LIFE…both in physical appearance and in symbolic mental activity. Nature is not fooled by some newspaper article that claims all things are ATOMIC equals in the Margaret Mead nuclear anthropology world. The modern VIEW of society –> atomic social sciences and atomic politics.

Thus we have a new basis for divorce…the atomic basis of the Margaret Mead nuclear social anthropology problems. Thus an accurate view of marriage as an atomic social relationship.

The male HEME group FE(ii) ion (with fe = ferrous oxide atomic fe=feelings) ……. sees some adult fe = ferrous oxide atomic fe = female structure.
Then the North Pole magnetic field flow lines that flow thru our bodies….. provide a magnetic field communications data pipeline …that passes these Heme group fe(ii) feelings and ironic thoughts between these 2 Heme Group species…a magnetic LINK …a magnetic attraction that may become 2 LOVERS.

Thus the bio-physics components of a LOVER involves the atomic thoughts of the 26 proton English alphabet of IRON in the Heme Group….between the 2 different IRON bio-physics bodies.

Such IRON species live within the North Pole magnetic field environment of COMPUTER EARTH system 370 and its Batch COBOL language statement…physically expressed as the Cobol ENVIROMENT with a link to CLI = Climate ….at the BAL = Baltic Sea in Europe…which clearly states EARTH and Europe is a BAL = Basic Assembler Language geological information structure with the CLI = Compare Logical Immediate instruction for President CLI –> Clinton.
But Washington, DC computer intellectuals do not care aout such details of existence of Earth and the Earth government…since the only BAL they care about is the sport of BASE.BAL(L)…… hence, the SCIENCE WARS (equivalent to World War 3).

Thus in summary we have 2 human species:

Fe + male –> Female structure such as the IRON LADY or Hillary Clinton

Male + Fe –> Male structures such as football players

Now how does this effect divorce?. Now the Hemeglobin iron flows thru the LIVER….and does both physical processing and symbolic data processing. The human biological computer name for
LIVER = Langauge interface VER= Vector .
…word vectors with the tongue vector Ver.bal
…or the magnetic field flow line vectors that pass thru thru body and interact with iron …thus a hybrid message system components.

Now the magnetic attraction was mentioned before –>
thus the bio-physics components of a LOVER involves the atomic thoughts of the 26 proton English alphabet of IRON in the Heme Group….between the 2 different IRON bio-physics bodies.
Thus we have 2 component words: LIVER + LOVER…
both with a social engineering VER = Vector component.
The other messages are from the Beattle’s LIVER music messages of Liverpool, England…with the Hemglobin request for “HELP’ thru the atomic mass …mass communications media of the radio and television.

British government funds for science research have conveniently ignored this HELP message from NATURE via the molecular cell biology LIVER messengers from Liverpool. Thus the NEXT chapter for the textbook: Molecular and Cell Biology of the Liver edited by Albert V. LeBouton outlined in this BLOG. Are any research funds available to complete this new dimension of LIVER expressions?



The LIVER routes its messages to the human arm/wrist/hand and writes English word books for the EYE/optical nerve (year 1726) or the messages are for the mouth/vocal chords and EAR …via Beattle songs from 1964 thru 1974.

What company, what government will help understand the “HELP” the Liver song request ….of the city of LIVER data record pool….as symbolized by the physical geography city of LIVERPOOL with a LIVER population of about 435,000 walking and talking LIVER structures with Base 2 binary legs with the human TOE.

The liver map VIA the EXTERNAL construct of a LIVER demo city  






The human TOE component of TOE theory physics: Time Order Entry at which your human toes/shoes touch the EARTH gound/soil….which is like a computer terminal keyboard.
Thus we have the parallel processing example:

–> 1st we have the copper wire computer since 1960/1990 with a display terminal and a mouse and a keyboard….your finger presses keys …..applies pressure on the KEYS of alphabet symbols,etc

–> the COMPUTER EARTH system 370 …..the soil surface/ the Landau geo-physics surface is considered like a keyboard…..and as you walk …your legs/feet/toes apply pressure to the earth keyboard ….thus your legs/feet are the parallel function to your arms/fingers at your office copper wire computer. Thus you walk your leg/toes/shoes are typing…giving data entry input to COMPUTER EARTH….and there is a lot of garbage input data.

Thus TOE theory is also called the Theory of Everything ..including atomic humanoid structures with symbolic thoughts….including serious thoughts on how the EARTH LAB social engineering structure of Nature works.

Herbert Spencer wrote about this process in 1872…with the concept of the
–> INTERNAL biology government,its thoughts and expressions (and example is Reader’s Digest Magazine and its symbolic messages that originate in the digestive thought sytem)

or the

–> INTERNAL biology message book from the Large Test (intestines exam) and Small Test(intestines of biochemistry internal knowledge).using OLD English language words
…… the OLD Test of the Old Testament of the Intestinial symbolic knowledge
……and the Isaac Newton NEW Test…NEW Testament regarding the interaction of gravity with the atomic mass of the intestine digestive system.

Thus the phrase “FOOD for thoughts”……thus the FOOD created digestive system language expressions titled the BIBLE and printed in external fomat by the GUT = Grand Unified Theory of Nature’s physics department in year 1453 with GUT agent for external Tensor space/time messages: Gut.Ten.burg.
Thus we see that the GUT/guts/courage theory of Nature’s physics department is over 500 years in the making….with it’s emergence to the conscious level of expression in the last logarithmic ratio of 50 years……and of course we have the logarithmic CALTECH astrophysics life form.. from the algebra LOG universe ….the astrophysics Earth Lab mathematical-physics surface geography location of Logan, Utah.
Pasadena is like the 1960 television show “I’ve got a Secret”. But everyone is playing the secret game.

–> EXTERNAL biology world with physics, math models, chemsitry labs AND social institutions (outside the B.F.Skinner human body)
Thus we have 2 types of atomic human adult species. At birth …we all begin with an internal government and go to school to learn basic internal government symbolic languages: the usage of English words to ask for food, to ask for a house mortgage for shelter,etc. Most people only understand part of the external world; only that part necessary to get a technical job to get money to feed their internal government.

A few older individuals with math books, science experience, intellectual effort, and wisdom may transcend this
………and understand the larger gestalt of the
EXTERNAL goverments of EARTH and NATURE…and the EARTH LAB role of human subset governments and institutions.

Thus we have background clues …and now describe the British liver language system VIA humanoid inerface agents. See the BLOGs about the IRON LADY and the 26 proton English alphabet of the ferrous oxide iron atom–> Hence, atomic English langauge. Do you have the current version of English symbolic map inside your brain. NO? Pay attention please.

A classic example of the social evolution process and expression of Nature’s intellect is VIA
the Jonathan Swift book “Gulliver’s Travels”. The book described the year 1726 biochemistry government long-term LIVER project plan to have future scientists bio-physics LIVERS TRAVEL to / converge at a world LIVER conference site……which is the well-known secret of Livermore, California. This is affirmed by the atomic liver messages of Malcolm H. MacGregor ==>

1) 1726 Jonathan Swift …symbolic book: The Power of atomic ALPHABETS (titled.. Gullible LIVER TRAVELS) to the future EARTH LAB ….liver convergence location with atomic agent….


see the Part 3 BLOG ….the mystery of Livermore,California and CALTECH

The secret British atomic LIVER bio-physics communications message system and Lawrence Livermore Labs (Part 1)

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Lawrence Livermore Labs and the secrets of atomic continuum message processing. LIVER biochemistry,  liver langauge and its symbol life, and liver messages.




William Shakespeare around year 1600 wrote:
………………… “The WORLD is a stage and we are the players”.

In modern times,”The WORLD is an atomic bio-physics stage and
……………….we are the symbolic processing layers”

We will look at the Computer Earth system 370 …370 year evolution of a stage performance of the Margaret Mead nuclear family – atomic social anthropology. The atomic English language of the British LIVER is with iron hemoglobin protein messenger Margaret Thatcher. As the IRON LADY…the molecular cell biology government of Nature has ranked her liver ferrous oxide atomic data processor as a leading liver language messenger.


Thus we have clearly identified the atomic English language of the 26 proton English atomic alphabet of Ferrous oxide /IRON…..and the IRON LADY is a Fe = Ferrous oxide atomic Fe = Female messenger for the periodic atomic table government. Her nuclear anthropology role is not recognized by universities…as they disregard the messages and expressions of NATURE’s intellect.

The other messages are the Beattle’s LIVER music messages of Liverpool, England…with their Hemglobin iron proteins request for “HELP’ thru the atomic mass …mass communications media of the radio and television.


Herbert Spencer wrote about this process in 1872…with the concept of the
– Internal biology government,its thoughts and expressions, and its optical nerve cities of words (and example is Reader’s Digest Magazine and its symbolic messages that originate in the digestive thought system)
– External world with physics, math models, chemsitry labs AND social institutions AND external cities like LIVERPOOL, England, Europe (outside the B.F.Skinner human body)

Thus we have 2 types of atomic human adult species. At birth …we all begin with an internal government and go to school to learn basic internal government symbolic languages: the usage of English words to ask for food, to ask for a house mortgage for shelter,etc. Most people only understand part of the external world; only that part necessary to get a technical job to get money to feed their internal government. A few older individuals with math books, science experience, intellectual effort, and wisdom may transcend this INTERNAL government STATE of MIND….and understand the larger gestalt of the EXTERNAL goverments of EARTH and NATURE…and the EARTH LAB role of human subset governments and institutions.

Thus we have background clues …and now describe the British liver language system VIA humanoid inerface agents. See the BLOGs about the IRON LADY and the 26 proton English alphabet of the ferrous oxide iron atom–> hence, atomic English langauge. Do you have the current version of English symbolic language map inside your LIVER and brain. NO? Pay attention please.

A classic example of the social evolution process and expression of Nature’s intellect is VIA
the Jonathan Swift book “Gulliver’s Travels”. The book described the year 1726 biochemistry government long-term LIVER project plan to have future scientists bio-physics LIVERS TRAVEL to / converge at a world LIVER conference site……which is the well-known secret of Livermore, California. This is affirmed by the atomic liver messages of Malcolm H. MacGregor ==>

1) 1726 Jonathan Swift …symbolic book: The Power of atomic ALPHABETS (titled.. Gullible LIVER TRAVELS) to the future EARTH LAB ….liver convergence location with atomic agent….

2) 2007 Malcolm MacGregor physics book: The Power of ALPHA (atomic Alphabets); and he announces that his LIVER has traveled because his California automoble license plate 70MeV ….is a significant subliminal mind SIGNAL in his book. Year 1726 becomes …via the modern Livermore messenger MacGregor ….. 17 + 26.
17 years denotes the patents/inventions of the unique work at Livermore Labs and

26 = the 26 iron protons in his liver Hemoglobin proteins and their

26 atomic iron proton English alphabet(INTERNAL government); and then his book descibes the relationship to EXTERNAl iron governments via his emphasis on his 4-wheeled ferrous oxide SWIFT automobile and its 70MeV identifier. Thus we see the deep down, subliminal mind of his atomic liver…..and its sucessful attempt to have MacGregor provide explicit, external communication SIGNS…. regarding the bio-physics symbolism of Gulliver’s Travels.

The social engineering research project: LAW of LIVER is with LIVER CIA agent known as LIVER NORTH (Oliver North) who studied El Salvador Dali spanish art in the Central Nervous System 370 brain computer… symbolic country in the brain geography map region of symbolic Central America …a parallel processing region to physical geography Central America.
Modern parallel processing logic…
..IF O.Liver North was in the Central America location,
then Liver North implies Livermore Labs, North America.
They have yet … to help clarify this aspect of Grand Unified THeory physics life.

S.I. Hayakawa in the book ” Language in Thought and ACTION’ and book “Symbols, Status, and Personality” stresses the difference between these many different levels of brain maps…symbolism and physical reality,etc. Hollywood invented nonsense can confuse the modern lazy intellectual (as it did me for many years); thus the LIVER engineer’s near Hollywood, California won’t communicate with folk like myself.

Language in Thought and Action



But some LIVER questions remain….best answered by the theorists, engineers, and researchers at the LAW of LIVER social engineering LABS in Livermore, California, USA.



The empirical data sought …   per plate 70Mev (symbolic license plate with informational FOODS for Thought) is:


– Is MacGregor familiar with the existence of Beattle music and their LIverpool origin…… that is LIVER bio-computer buffer pool data records.?

– Does LIVERMORE Labs have a cafeteria…..and are LIVER sandwiches sometimes on the menu?
How about LIVER and onions with mashed potatoes?

Process of manufacturing liver sausageSWIFT & CO

Process of manufacturing liver sausage - SWIFT & CO   

and Nature’s super-symmetry SYMBOL MACHINE 

Process of man   Gull liver   sage (wisdom)  -  (Jonathan) SWIFT & CO


10+ items – Complete Patent Searching Database and Patent Data 

Process of manufacturing liver sausage.


POTATOES helped leading theoretcial physicists develop the theory of:
….TOES = Time Order Entry Systems for EARTH LAB life..
….TOE Symbol of the….. Theory of Everything including poto.TOES, the potato parallel football with atomic BOTANY agents Washington Redskins, etc.

Secret British social psychology experiments revealed by the Carl Jung collective bargaining labor agreements with the unconscious mind of British AIRWAYS.

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Often newspapers report news about labor unions, the occasional labor stike, and labor negotiations about wages and working conditions with companies. This processs is called collective bargainging… example would be the year 2010…..March/April  collective  bargaining processes with British Airways employees (many other examples are provivded by other groups /collectives that participate in the Carl Jung collective unconsciousness LAB RESEARCH on Earth Lab with experimental human specimens).




collective unconscious – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

By Sandro Botticelli (1480 ou 1495). According to Carl Gustav Jung, hell represents, among every culture, the disturbing aspect of the collective unconscious.


Carl Jung – The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious

The collective unconscious was expressed through ‘archetypes’, universal thought-forms or mental images that influenced an individual’s feelings and action.

British Airways strike and human rights – the union strikes back | UK…/britishairways-strike-and-human-right…

Jun 21, 2010 – British Airways Plc v Unite the Union [2010] EWCA Civ 669 (20 May …. the rights of workers to use their collective bargaining power, versus the 



The EARTH is a laboratory of Nature…..with many human subset species involved in various stages of symbolic brain evolution. This process was explained by Lewis Carroll around year 1865….with his Alice stories ….a style of writing to explain very serious matters…such as the human guinea-pig experiments.…reference in “WHO Stole the Tarts”.


Lewis CarrollAlice’s Adventures in Wonderland Page 33…/…

slipped the guineapig, head first, and then sat upon it.) `I’m glad I’ve seen that done,’ thought Alice. `I’ve so often read in the newspapers, at the end of trials




In year 1872, Herbert Spencer provided more clues….as did several others…such as Russell and Whitehead in year 1910.

Carl Jung theories involved the collective unconsciousness, dreams and myths, and symbols and man.





Major JUNGIAN social engineering experiments were performed by Joseph Stalin and the collective system….major attempts in brain thought research …..into group awareness and group thoughts
an independent individual who relies upon math and empirical data to build an accurate explanation of a process that exists of EARTH LAB. Physics,chemistry, genetics, etc…have used serious techniques to explain the atomic and molecular structures of plastics, medicines, etc.

However, a VOID exists in atomic social psychology research of the human atomic brain. This intellectual VOID is deliberately planned SECRET VOID used by university collectives to manipulate and distort the SOCIAL CONTRACT with Nature as researched by John Locke, David Hume, and others. The existence of the intellectual VOID about an puzzling situations …..whose explanation can be found amongst high school senior level books…. or freshman college textbooks in genetics, math, humanities, history, English, etc. …is the VOID’S self-confession of a cover-up.
The explanation/answer is arrived at upon completion of an intellectual PUZZLE posed by NATURE. The many pieces of the puzzle are to be found amongst the various textbooks, along with personal work and social experiences, newspaper and television messages, music lyrics, etc. Thus the 500 pieces ……..many months of of serious thought and pondering….provide some amazing revealations about oneself and society.

The Manhttan project of 1943 had 2 components:
– the solid atomic uranium atom and its usage for physics ..nuclear reactors for electricity
– the symbolic uranium nuclear family under the auspices of Margaret Mead anthropology.
Thus the Margaret Mead nuclear anthropology studies of the periodic atomic table ….which in year 2011 is expressable by such concepts as: the human atomic brain, atomic social psychology, atomic political science, atomic economics, atomic social engineering policy,etc.
Such important matters are ignored ..hence the SCIENCE WARS and their casualties.

Thus in review…we see British and American university experiments with the unconscious MIND…..
a shot-gun approach that has resulted at the shootings: Cole Hall, Virginia Tech, Columbine High School, etc. Thus we see history repeat itself.



Examples of Nature’s research into the Central Nervous System 370 abstract brain symbolic computer and its Cortex Cobol program bugs…and empirical group collectives:



Joseph Stalin
Иосиф Виссарионович Сталин (Russian)
იოსებ ბესარიონის ძე სტალინი (Georgian)
Stalin at the Tehran Conference in 1943.
General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union
In office
3 April 1922 – 16 October 1952
Preceded by Vyacheslav Molotov
(as Responsible Secretary)
Succeeded by Nikita Khrushchev
(office reestablished)
Chairman of the Council of Ministers

In office
6 May 1941 – 5 March 1953



–> Josph Stalin had his collectives …and many people were executed by Stalin’s comrades

–> today, the college campus is a collective of students; the Carl Jung collective unconscious WAR Zone …with shootings at Virginia Tech,etc.

No attempts are made by universities, governments, or companies to undertand the situation.
The newspapers report the surface veneer of the school tragedies; their facts are accurate (time, place, who was shot, etc.) …but their explanations are incomplete regarding the deeper causes.

Thus we see a simple CAUSE –> EFFECT pattern
Past — Stalin collectives –> executions of non-collective men
Now — university collectives –> executions of students
Now — major city collectives –> executions via crimes or brain ganglion agents: gangs




So why the code of silence about the Carl Jung secret experiments?
George Orwell (book 1984 Big Brother etc.) and Aldous Huxley (Brave New World) provide CLUES explained by CLIFF Notes (or equivalent publisher).

As parallel processing sources of empirical data on collectives …the British Airways collective bargaining process (other examples would suffice) could be reviewed…thus providing clues to the Carl Jung atomic collective (in theory a human is composed of atomic MASS versus religious MASS). Thus by looking at the COLLECTIVE UNCONSCIOUSNESS bargaining processes…the thoughts expressed or NOT expressed…..serious social scientists can build a comprehensive model that would encompass:

–> the labor union collective bargainning ….such as the AFLCIO
.with CIO subset letter symbols of the larger word:
unconsCIOus  ……  Mind

–> the UN group in New York City…..a world-wide collective (United Nations of brain levels) gathered to study THEIR …..UNconcious   MIND. However, their difficulty is they are so deeply unconscious….they haven’t been able to emerge from that level…so perhaps some HELP is needed to lift their minds up.

–> The history of the Stalin collectives

–> The university campus collectives …current problems

….with the dormitory DORMANT student brain ..

….and the George Orwell OCEANIA battle in Oceanagraphy Class at Cole Hall, NIL, DeKalb and repeated tragic message…orginal message with the U.S.Navy and their National Science Foundation PSSC ripple tank/water tank…. physics wave experiments with the U.S.S.Cole and an ocean…OCEANIA and Book 1984 project plan errors ignored by WASHINGTON, D.C. and their exclusive monopoly on intellectual understanding of EARTH LAB.





The Airlines and Air Force messages:

–>We have the message of Runway 26, English Lexicon (atomic 26 proton alphabet of iron Hemeglobin WAR) in Lexington, Kentucky, USA and
the Coma airlines message of the COMAIR tragedy of Base 16 the curse/hex of the HEX’FAA”.

–>Thus British Airways brain agreements help the British RAF that in

fighting in COMPUTER EARTH Base 16 HEX Region X’AF = 175 –>
………….Region…AF.ghanistan data processing …British computer science war.

Universities deny the existence of such possiblilities….despite the abundance of data regarding the war situation. University students ought pay attention to reality……….instead of music and other distractions..

Oxford University – oxygen atomic computer BASE 16 hexadecimal LUNG errors

Published by:


An EARTH LAB test site for Ox = Oxygen atomic BASE 16 data processing in atomic bio-physics humans was established by NATURE at Oxford University in year 872.  Thus the periodic atomic table element of oxygen  .. in that TIME period … decided to  open a university for oxygen LUNG bio-computer  devices  ….. so they could acquire  oxygen self-awareness.


A History of Oxford University
According to legend Oxford university was founded in 872 when Alfred the Great In that year the first Chancellor was appointed, a man named Robert


When was Oxford University Founded? – › AllEducationOther
dwalker: The legend of Oxford’s founding says that Oxford University was founded in 872 by Alfred the Great. The truth is it began in the 12th century. The first

Thus we have the atomic bio-physics SIGNAL —> Carbon 12 and the 12th century ……. year 872 –> oxygen atomic number 8 and nitrogen atomic number 7   …. and number 2 implies 2 atoms make 1 LUNG molecule.     Thus the early signals from year 872 and the 12th century  ……  and the  year 2013  … State of Denial of those existential  messages by  Oxford.

University of Oxford in Oxford, United Kingdom


In year 1982 the oxygen atomic BASE 16 Hex’Fa’= 250 = Fa = Faculty INTELLECTUAL wars were physically fought in the Base 16 Hex’Fa’ = Falkland Islands with Argentina  ……. symbolic of Arg = Argument parameter ERRORS of an Argonne National Labs humanoid nuclear anthropology experiment in North America.



The symbolism and parallel processing EVENTS clearly identify the secret INTELLECTUAL problems of the oxygen breathing OXFORD hexadecimal professors.

Failure to recognize the existence of the modern Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family…..atomic brain government is a modern atomic social anthropology problem for  the British military …who are mislead by biased, elaborate professorial explanations of Sartre existential conflict.



Year 1982 Base 16 universe Hex’FA’ = 250 –> FA.1k data stream Islands WAR
Year 2010 Base 16 inverse.. Hex’AF’ = 175 –> AF.ghanistan inverse universe war zone

The COMPUTER EARTH system 370 LAND war is being fought by American and British soldiers……..who are given incorrect explanations of the TRUE  NATURE of the war.   LAND = Local Area Network Data   …. thus the mountain of data from geography data region in Asia. 

Universities are responsible for the incomplete explanations about the Afghanistan SCIENCE WARS. Perhaps, individual world-class citizens can join with me …to spread these more accurate descriptions of the conflict.

The errors at OXFORD UNIVERSITY are in myoglobin protein intellectual awareness.
The myoglobin protein has the oxygen BASE 16 hexadecimal atomic biochemistry computer and the iron HEME group English language of 26 ferrous oxide protons and their 26 atomic English alphabet letters. Myoglobin protein is a source of INTELLECTUAL MUSCLE.

Myoglobin – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Myoglobin is an iron– and oxygen-binding protein found in the muscle tissue of vertebrates in general and in almost all mammals. It is related to hemoglobin,

A math gap exists between oxygen BASE 16 and iron 26 proton English alphabet symbols used by the arm,wrist, hand of newspaper writers and authors. The decimal gap of 10(TEN) fingers ought be bridged…to have a good communication bridge within the symbolic body that co-exists with the physical human body.

 The human TEN.ZIN   fingers may have the communications property  ……..

Structural Biochemistry/Zinc fingers – Wikibooks, open books for an

Structural Biochemistry/Zinc fingers. From Wikibooks, open books for an open world. < Structural Biochemistry. 

The modern English alphabet is a Latin alphabet consisting of 26 letters – the same letters that are found in the ISO basic Latin alphabet:

Majuscule forms (also called uppercase or capital letters)

This is the TENZIN gap…a missing link with Nature’s ZINJAN skull update project…the 500 year symbolic brain evolution project of Nature that began around year 1453 with the Gutenburg printing press and the dramatic increase in the availability of books.

The books allowed the eye/optical nerve to rapdily evolve to the symbolic levels….with symbolic cities built inside the brain. This symbolic effort of NATURE was then demonstrated in year 1600 by the works of William Shakespeare…..a messenger for Nature’s intellectual optical nerve development projects.

TENZIN Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet and his organization, have not acknowledged their role in these serious matters; thus the back-up system agent TENZIN for Nature has been activated…identifier = BIG TEN Universities ( University of Wisconsin region …anthropology agent ZINJAN).

OXFORD is the Maragret Mead atomic nuclear family test location for Ox=Oxygen brain Base 16 hexadecimal processor awareness. It is very important for the OX=OXYGEN OXFORD Dictionary to recognize the existence of the periodic atomic table government and its elements of thought. Atoms are the original source of thought and ought receive diplomatic recognition with proper respect.


The TEN fingers of biochemistry structure  TenZin Gyatso  ….. when visting the BIG TEN University of Wisconsin in Madison … ought consider locating Nature’s  communications TENZIN  Zinc Fingers agent wearing an Oxford cotton shirt near   Wisconsin’s Oxygen hexadecimal Highway 16. 
  • Zinc Biochemistry

    The complete biochemistry of zinc is far outside the scope of this handbook. (3) Since the discovery of zinc fingers in 1985, over 200 proteins, many of which

  • Nutritional Biochemistry – Page 805 – Google Books Result
    Tom Brody – 1999 – Technology & Engineering

    It resides close to the surface of the protein and participates in the chemistry of catalysis. Zinc Fingers
    A special sequence of amino acids that contains residues .

British Science Wars – introduction

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Updated by Herb Zinser


British Science Wars and modern military perspectives

Lewis Carroll in year 1865 provided clues to the astrophysics galactic LOCAL REGION experimental area known as EARTH LAB.



Who Stole the Tarts? | Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, by Lewis
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll: Who Stole the Tarts? In the very middle of the court was a table, with a large dish of tarts upon it: they looked …. Here one of the guineapigs cheered, and was immediately suppressed by the ‘I’ve so often read in the newspapers, at the end of trials, “There was some ..

New Guinea campaign

World War II Pacific: New Guinea, Burma, & China  In early 1942, following their occupation of Rabaul on New Britain, Japanese troops began landing on the 


Images for british world war new guinea

U.S. Marines moving supplies and weapons during the battle for Cape Gloucester, New Britain Island, New Guinea, during World War II.
Credit: U.S. Department of Defense




The New Guinea campaign opened with the battles for New Britain and New Ireland in the Territory of New Guinea in 1942. Rabaul, the capital of the Territory was overwhelmed on 22-23 January and was

The Lewis Carroll  symbolic machine  language WAR  … a communications conflict that was transformed into physical REALITY  and physical  military operations carried out by the British military …….  on the geography surface of EARTH at the appropriate  Lewis Carroll signaling location.





Thus we wonder about the British and their incomplete explanations for World War 2;   considering their  omission of   possible major factors and concepts …… such as the Lewis Carroll  perception of “How  the World Works”  …. a knowledge database  from  year  1865 that is ignored in year 2013 by   modern British military  historians and intellectuals.

Other authors provided more clues; thus the SCIENCE WARS had a 125 year heritage that was properly labeled the SCIENCE WARS around 1990/1995. The first description of the 1990/1995 SCIENCE WARS ….concerned the science debates about physics/astronomy project priorties, budgets and new funding.   

In addition, we had the Alan Sokal  secret physics signal  involving  the  ARCH DUKE Ferdinand  project at Duke University ………  thus the Alan Sokal super-symmetry / mirror  signal  between the year 1914 assassination EVENT   and the year 1996  war EVENTS in the same European geography region of Yugoslavia.


Here one of the guineapigs cheered, and was immediately suppressed by the ‘I’ve so often read in the newspapers …… below, we see human expressions  within  Nature’s  vast system …… a variety of existential views, levels of perception, streams of consciousness  WITH  the UN headquarters in Manhattan  ….. that is UN headqarters –> the Carl Jung world collective meeting place of the UNconsious people.   Thus the accurate identifier –> UN head –> the citizen groups  of UNCONSCIOUS  heads  of each geography country  send  their most articulate  UNCONSCIOUS spokesperson  to Manhattan  …. to help NYU,  Columbia University, and newspaper intellectuals  become unconscious.   
Join the crowd.

1_) SCIENCE WARS: NYU physicist Alan Sokal’s clever

A New York University physicist, fed up with what he sees as the new critique of science to Sokal’s attention, Friday called the hoax “a the piece is reproduced below, in its entirety, from the pages of The New York Times, 21 May 1996, A23.


Some blog numbers and their titles covered in Herb Zinser’s  SCIENCE WARS are:

-101 The Lewis Carroll war in Afghhanistan – British Military
-102 Oxford University – oxygen atomic computer Base 16 LUNG error
-103 Dr.Watson in Afghanistan – British Military mystery
-104 Standard Model WAR – the physics Double-helix dilemma
-105 Princess Diana and EARTH LAB: Quantum tunnel
-106 Greenwich Mean Time and the TIME WAR
-107 British brain computer – 24 hour clock TIME failure
-108 The IRON LADY – Margaret Thatcher
-109 The Symbolic Origin of the Universe
-110 The Inverse Universe
-111 The Iron Lady -the final Battle of Great Britain with brain warrior Margaret Thatcher
-112 Lewis Carroll and the student brain experiments
-113 Dr.Watson in Afghanstan – British RAF problem
-114 Dr.Watson and the English Language ETHER brain WAR
-115 Dr.Watson and the Laurent expansion of math war into Afghanistan
-116 Dr.Watson explains DNA subset messenger Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
-117 Dr.Watson explains the DNA English language of Doyle
-118 The secret British atomic LIVER communications message ….system manual: Gullible LIVER’s Travels by Jonathan Swift
-119 The British biochemistry clinical trial of President Clinton
-120 The British atomic LIVER messages from LIVERPOOL: Beattles song “Help” the city of LIVERPOOL data record buffer pool
-121 Gulliver’s LIVER Travels to Lawrence Livermore LABS via California license plate MeV70
-122 The William Shakespeare blood plas.MID ….English langauge evolution…biochemistry –> A..MID.summer …Night’s Dream
-123 Carl Jung collective bargaining labor agreements with the unconscious mind of British Airways



Additional SCIENCE WAR subjects are listed on the above TOOLBAR on your computer screen.   You may CLICK on those NOUNS for access to detailed  battle reports.


CONTACT: Principle science researcher HERB ZINSER

Mail Address: P.O.BOX 134, Watertown, WI 53094-0134,USA


The Iron Lady – Margaret Thatcher

Published by:

RD-Blog-108-updated  Herb Zinser  

The Right Honourable

The Baroness Thatcher


Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
In office
4 May 1979 – 28 November 1990



British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher is an agent for the Margaret Mead nuclear anthropology family. The IRON LADY represents the 26 protons of the ferrous oxide atom of the periodic atomic table of life. The 26 protons of iron communicate using their ironic English alphabet of 26 symbols.



Margaret Thatcher:

The Iron Lady 

 20th Century History



Originally a research chemist before becoming a barrister, Thatcher was elected …… by NATURE’s biochemistry systems  ….. 

Thus we have the atomic English language of ferrous oxide atom via the iron hemoglobin protein …….. hence the social science expressions of Hemoglobin human fe = ferrous oxide atomic bio-physics fe = female structures. For male scientists…this may explain all of the previously unexplainable dimensions of female brain thought formation.



Majuscule forms (called uppercase or capital letters)




The IRON LADY, as an atomic social anthropology messenger, has a history of battles involving symbolic military tools and/or physical military tools in various media. The 1982 Falkland Islands war has become a major frame of reference in the SCIENCE WARS on earth. Her efforts help us understand world events such as:

Year 2001,Sept. 11. The IRON LADY and the IRON TOWERS of the World Trade Center –> a Computer Earth battle involving the NORTH POLE magnetic data field interaction with the IRON TOWERS and the biological read/write human TAPE HEADS working within the Base 2 binary towers.

The interaction mechanism: the North Pole magnetic field flow lines interact with the iron protein intelligence within the human body/brain….providing the method of symbolic data transfer. The HUMAN computers within the iron towers had serious data thought errors. Their hemoglobin HEME group Fe(ii) ion economic explanations are incomplete.

IRON Lady …. the fe = ferrous oxide –> fe= female research chermist into bio-physics iron politics …




The COMPUTER EARTH system 370 components (37th President Richard Nixon): device UNIT = North Pole magnetic (Nixon) tape with a cortex READ/WRITE tape HEAD.

Falkland Islands message and the subsequent 2nd message for the British government…that is ignored by British science.

1982 FALKLAND Islands war – IRON LADY
2006 FALK Milwaukee,WI,USA – IRON GEAR


The 26 protons of iron of the periodic atomic table government ….sent an explicit message to industry in FERROUS OXIDE atomic year 26 = year 2006. The iron core COMPUTER EARTH geology event components are:

Base 16 HEX’FA’ = 250 –> 1k data stream of COMPUTER EARTH message processing systems:
1982 HEX’FA’ 1K Islands war and message repeated in year
2006 HEX’FA’ 1K iron gear factory explosion in Milwaukee.

Explosion and Fire at the Falk Corporation 12/6/06 – TODAY’S TMJ4


MILWAUKEE - An explosion and five-alarm fire ripped through Milwaukee’s Falk Corporation, 3001 W. Canal Street in the Menomonee Valley just after 8 a.m. 


Explosion and Fire (at Falk Corporation, Mil, Wis) 3 dead, 37 injured 


Dec 8, 2006 – MILWAUKEE - An explosion and three-alarm fire have been reported at the Falk Corporation, 3001 W. Canal Street in the Menomonee Valley.


37 injured 

37 injured  

Systems  IBM System /   370 Principles of Operation - The UK Mirror ...…/ibm/370/…/GA22-7000-0_370_Principles_Of

Systems. IBM System/370Principles of Operation. The IBM System/370 is a data processing system 


The year 2006 EVENT provides sufficient detail to understand new dimensions of Sartre primordial existential life on EARTH. The year 2006 Base 16 Hex’FA’= 250 lk data stream for the I/O computer PORT of Milwaukee experienced ERRORS….the failure to upgrade the city of Milwaukee computer science region to the year 2000 STANDARD MODEL physics requirements of Y2K –> 2K data stream ability.

The Falk factory message:
Hex’FA’ 1K = 1K gas data pipeline ERROR at wave mechanics I/O PORT of Milwaukee at Lake Michigan. The ABEND per Computer EARTH system 370 resulted in 3 deaths and over $100 million in property damage. The Wednesday event DEC 6.2006 involved Earth System 370 SNA VTAM Logical Unit = = = LU 6.2 data pipeline.

Thus we have a puzzle…starting in 1982 with the IRON LADY, Margaret Thatcher …and now the thoughts of an IRON MAN. Newspapers and book authors interested in these theories and examples ought contact me.


Contact: Principle science researcher HERB ZINSER.

Mail Address: P.O.BOX 134, Watertown, WI 53094-0134, USA