Category Archives: Uncategorized

Brain aquaporin molecules and their WALL STREET financial expression system and its MISUSE by humanoid water molecule structures.

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Rd-blog-number-4467 by Herb Zinser reviews the Carl Jung water molecule collective GROUP MIND and its various economic expressions  ….such as the aqua / water molecule continuum financial activity …..  known as category of: mergers and acquisitions.

Mergers and acquisitions – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) are both aspects of strategic management, corporate finance and management dealing with the buying, selling, dividing and …

‎Joint venture – ‎Mannesmann – ‎Valuation – ‎Mergers and acquisitions

Mergers and Acquisitions: Definition | Investopedia


The Main Idea One plus one makes three: this equation is the special alchemy of a merger or an acquisition. The key principle behind buying a company is to …

Mergers And Acquisitions (M&A) Definition | Investopedia


A merger is a combination of two companies to form a new company, while an acquisition is the purchase of one company by another in which no new company …

First, let’s look at the President Nixon announcement in year 72 ….. 1972 ….. about the water molecule continuum and entities that exist  as subset embedded within Nature’s larger continuum.


Watergate scandal – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The Watergate scandal was a major political scandal that occurred in the United States in the 1970s as a result of the June 17, 1972, break-in at the Democratic …

‎List of scandals with “-gate” suffix – ‎Watergate complex – ‎Presidency of Richard Nixon

The Watergate Story – The Washington Post…/watergate/…

The Washington Post

A June 1972 break-in at the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee at the Watergate office complex begins the chain of events that convulsed …

the Watergate office complex

the Watergate office complex

Symbolism – Merriam-Webster

the art or practice of using symbols especially by investing things with a symbolic meaning or
by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible

Below, the water molecule  office complex with logic gates   ….. molecular cell biology and SYMBOL LIFE and thoughts of molecules


Thus we have humans comprised of water molecules. These humans have thought, they   exchange ideas, they develop streams of consciousness   AND data streams of unconscious or subconscious thoughts …that exist at various levels.

  1. Stream of consciousness (narrative mode) – Wikipedia, the …

    In literary criticism, stream of consciousness is a narrative mode, or device, that seeks “to depict the multitudinous thoughts and feelings which pass through the mind.

  2. Stream of Consciousness – Definition and Examples › … › RAS Syndrome – Systrophe

    Stream of consciousness is a narrative technique that gives the impression of a mind at work, jumping from one observation or reflection to the next.

Thus we have various information data flows  …among groups of people and their MINDS  or  their membership  in  the GROUP MIND.

We financial systems based on the brain cell WALL –> WALL Street Journal newspaper reports on these brain cell expression activities.

News about Insider Trading Wall Street

News about Insider Trading Wall Street

News about  …………Trading  inside the brain cell Wall Street

News about Insider Trading Wall Street

News about Inside  …… cell  Wall  ..with COX biochemistry 

Publications | Cox Lab | Biochemistry | UW-Madison…/cox/public…
University of Wisconsin‑Madison

Feb 20, 2015 – 8: e56558. [PDF]. Nelson, D.L. and Cox, M.M. (2013). Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry, Sixth Edition (W.H. Freeman Publishers), New York.

Michael M. Cox | Faculty | Biochemistry | UW-Madison
University of Wisconsin‑Madison

Evelyn M. Mercer Professor in Biochemistry B.A., University of Delaware Ph.D., Brandeis University Phone: (608) 262-1181. Email: …

The super-symmetry parallel MIRROR of COX biochemistry expression  systems …..

SEC Biography: Chairman Christopher Cox…/commissioner…

Christopher Cox was the 28th Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission. He was appointed by President Bush on June 2, 2005, and unanimously …

  1. U.S. Pursues Sweeping Insider-Trading Probe – WSJ

    … are preparing insider-trading charges that could ensnare consultants, … The New Age of Insider Information on Wall Street. More from the series: THE MOLE:

    The mole is a social economic …. chemistry  molecule system based on Avogadro’s number.

President N (Nixon)  announced the evolution of Avogadro’s number into out daily business lives.

The Mole and Avogadro’s Constant – Chemwiki…/The_Mole_and_…
University of California, Davis

Feb 19, 2015 – One mole of oxygen atoms contains 6.02214179×1023 oxygen atoms. The number 6.02214179×1023 alone is called Avogadro’s number (N) and was representedby president N. …

Now, that we have established the biochemistry BASIS of WALL STREET and the Dow Jones Industrials ,   etc…..   let’s look at aquaporin financial activities.


Above, the lipid bilayer  …gave rise to the lipid expression –> lip + id –> lipper index idea …  popular with human molecular structures that  engage in financial trading.


Lipper Indexes Definition | Investopedia


A series of indexes that tracks the financial performance of different types of mutual funds. Lipper, which is owned by Reuters, allows investors to benchmark the …

Lipper Active Indices › Products › Content


Lipper Active Indices enable you to benchmark portfolios against the funds you … financial characteristics and the impact they have on portfolio classifications.

Lipper Sector Indices  ..for different biochemistry BRAIN sectors › Products › Content


Lipper has built the fund industry’s most extensive set of performance benchmarks and changed the way the financial industry analyzes mutual fund …

Thus we have  the aquaporin financial code –> aqua –> information pointer to –> acqua  –> Mergers and aquistions.

  1. Mergers and Acquisitions: Definition | Investopedia

    The Main Idea One plus one makes three: this equation is the special alchemy of a merger or an acquisition. The key principle behind buying a company is to create …

    Thus the brain cell wall  ….  SYMBOL LIFE … word trick –> aqua + porin –> aqua + money pores  into the pockets of those  that can THINK at the  Carl Jung molecular collective level of the abstraction  ladder   ……. a level with specific molecular GROUP economic transactions.

    In the case of mergers.. ..we have have  different data streams of consciousness   …… that merge together into a larger  stream  (which  may or may not be good for Nature’s Central Nervous System BRAIN symbol processor projects)

In other mergers and acquisitions …other molecule factors may come into play.



  1. Proposed Merger Between RJ Reynolds Tobacco Holdings, Inc ……/proposed-merger-between-rj-reynoldstobacco-holdings

    Proposed Merger Between RJ Reynolds Tobacco Holdings, Inc. and British American Tobacco p.l.c.



    Thus we have British-American  acetylcholine BUSINESS deal that Nature has questions about.

    The failure to communicate by people in the tobacco state of Virginia ….. creates problems.


    Consequently, the Virginia tobacco ordered the murder of British-American for  neurotransmitter  communications problems.



    Murder of Hannah Graham – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Hannah Graham (February 25, 1996 – c. September 13, 2014) was an 18-year-old second-year  


    British American student at the University of Virginia who went …


    Disappeared: September 13, 2014 (aged tobacco code….  …

    Cause of death:


How Does Nicotine Act – GalaxyGoo

Nicotine acts in the former manner, e.g., by mimicking a naturally occurring … So, first we will discuss what acetylcholine does and then how nicotine mimics it.

How Does Nicotine Act in the Brain? | NIDA for Teens…/how-does-nicoti…

National Institute on Drug Abuse

The nicotine molecule is shaped like a neurotransmitter called acetylcholine. … nicotine gets into the brain, it attaches to acetylcholine receptors and mimics the …

Nicotine mimics which neurotransmitter ?Acetylcholine or dopamine ……

Apr 10, 2013 – Best Answer: Nicotine mimics acetyl-choline but also has an effect on dopamine. Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter of the nervous system that …


Above, we have  INTERNAL choline  …………   and the EXTERNAL  message display EVENT at   Virginia TECH with choline representative –>  cho + line –> Mr. Cho + lines of English language sentences   on cellulose paper …. size 8 1/2 by 11.

  1. Virginia Tech shootingWikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    The Virginia Tech shooting (also known as the Virginia Tech massacre) was a school shooting that took place on April 16, 2007, on the campus of Virginia Polytechnic …

    1. Seung-Hui ChoWikipedia, the free encyclopedia

      4 Virginia Tech shooting. … Cho was noted for being good at mathematics and English, … Approximately one year before the incident at Virginia Tech, Cho also …


Thus we see various SECRET  university and community ….  SILENT   biochemistry expression systems  …..  from economic and financial systems to   nicotine / acetylcholine  /choline murder systems    …run by citizen /community neurotransmitter GROUPS …    for their amusement and entertainment.


Astrophysics secret codes revealed by brain astrocyte BRAIN LANGUAGE detectives

Published by:

RD-blog-number-4471 by Herb Zinser looks at the astrophysics galactic LOCAL REGION ….. the living EARTH cell  and Nature’s SYMBOL LANGUAGES to understand various newspaper articles and magazine stories related to stem word–> ASTRO.

First, let establish a perception about how words and numbers are used inside the BRAIN processor.

Levels of stem word ASTRO   used by astronomers and astrophysics students and graduates.

The fundamental VIEW of astronomy starts as a young boy is
 outside at night ..and looks at the night sky
 …the stars  and  begins to wonder.

Thus at age eight…age ten …..  .age twelve   .. a foundation level of thought
is   placed inside the BRAIN  …and that thought  may continue to grow with
studies and telescopes, etc.

What happened?

What goes wrong?

The brain is symbol processor  ….  and other people like to fool the brain.


Astronomy    …… foundation level 1


Boy goes to high school to study algebra and exponents.


Now we have the SECRET exponent level of astronomy …. created by  females  to manipulate  males observations and thought perceptions   regarding society.


As2tronomy level 2 with exponent à expanded à asstronomy

As1tronomy level 1  is still the original level  à astronomy


Thus males ..age eighteen ..their brain is diverted from looking at
astronomy equations and data    ……
they are taught that a higher level of  thought is (level 2)

..  using  eyes to look at girls as  stars of delight   .. has priority.

Hence, the sad end of many a young man’s astronomy career.

astrocytes – definition of astrocytes by Medical dictionary

n a large, star-shaped cell found in certain tissues of the nervous system. A mass of astrocytes is called astroglia. See also astrocytoma. Mosby’s Dental …

Functions of astrocytes and their potential…
National Center for Biotechnology Information
by HK Kimelberg – ‎2010 – ‎Cited by 86 – ‎Related articles

However, the converse does not appear to hold and it is recognized that there a number of other proteins and physiological properties that define astrocytes, …

To understand the SYMBOL LIFE  writings of astrophysicists   like Stephen Hawing, Kip S. Thorne, etc   …… one needs thimk of atsrocyte expression systems  …… and the human information amplifiers that enhance astrocyte powers.

Thus we get books  with embedded secret codes like ….

Thus he warned the world about the possible astrophysics battle in Blacksburg, Virginia . .. in the content of the military manual  –> Battlefield Earth. 

Thus Battlefield EARTH … black soil, farm land, agriculture and the city of Blacksburg, Virginia … site of the EARTH WAR actualization ….. message region.


Virginia Tech shooting – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Virginia Tech shooting (also known as the Virginia Tech massacre) was a school shooting that took place on April 16, 2007, on the campus of Virginia …

Thus we the BLACK HOLE battle SYMBOL MACHINE codes
–> Black maps to EARTH geography location Blacksburg 

–> Hole  …  those are grave holes dug in black EARTH soil  for the dead students  
students who were brain DEAD but physically alive  …….. are now brain DEAD and physical biology DEAD 

Thus we see Nature’s systems and Nature’s metabolism war of 37 degrees Celsius human body temperature  
at EARTH geography .. map coordinates 37 degrees.

  1. Temperature of a Healthy Human (Body Temperature)

    The normal core body temperature of a healthy, resting adult human being is stated to be at 98.6 degrees fahrenheit or 37.0 degrees celsius. Though the body …

Let’s return to astrocyte expression systems and the LANGUAGE of astrophysics.

For example  …. astrocytes in the format of Stephen Hawking  became interested in

 the astrophysics theory of  ….

………trophy   …… trophy wives code. 

  1. A Trophy Wife and Other Status Symbols – WSJ

    Reveal Navigation Options The Wall Street Journal … A Trophy Wife and Other Status Symbols … new play about the magnetic trophy wife of a Texas …

    1. Lachlan Murdoch, James Murdoch Get Expanded Roles – WSJ

      Mar 26, 2014 · Reveal Navigation Options The Wall Street Journal show search. … If they follow their fathers lead, the will only be interested in trophy wives, …

      1. New York City Is Wall Street’s Trophy Wife — NYMag

        New York City Is Wall Street’s Trophy Wife By Jessica Pressler And we have an unfavorable prenup. 0 Shares. Share … Because without Wall Street, …

Thus we have astrophysics … algebra subset word ..

………………….trophy  ……… the information pointer to

trophy wife –. subset letters–> fe –> ferrous oxide IRON atomic females

A group of astrophysics graduate students and professors  ….

have the plural –> trophy wives –> wives –> ves –> vector space

Thus we have IRON and  Vector space   …. . suggesting that their wives control

the EARTH iron core and the magnetic data fields.

Thus  ..the astrophysics wife –>  fe –> female structures with iron hemoglobin proteins watch TV  shows about iron-56  social science expression systems

  1. As The World
    • Rating: 8/10 ·
    • 590 ratings

    As the World Turns first premiered on April 2, 1956, and has been a mainstay on CBS daytime ever since. The show takes place in the fictional town of Oakdale …

Thus the North Pole/South Pole magnetic field flow lines …flow into a female human body and interact with such a bio-physics device  ………. and then she starts her manipulations and distortions of the atomic English language and its 26 alphabet letters of the 26 protons of ferrous oxide IRON atom. 

The IRON LADY……  Margaret Thatcher tried  to save the BRAIN  integrity of the English Language …
but was killed in the ALZ  wars –>  ALpahbet thru Z  …ALZheimer’s brain alphabet wars ..being fought by the BRAIN symbol processor  VERSUS university approved dribble and nonsense broadcast on  some television shows and  ….and in print.

Universities no longer …. have quality  control standards for integrity and honor …. at the general public level   …the social philosophy level.

Thus the NASA brain wars …over SYMBOL MACHINE  word–> ROC  …ROCKET science  …region of convergence.

Thus the attempted astrocyte murder of Gabby Giffords at the ROC site … store in Arizona.

Gabrielle Giffords – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

… 2011, Giffords was shot in the head outside a Safeway grocery store in Casas …… Gabrielle Giffords; Calls for Thorough Investigation into Motives of Shooter“.

  1. Properties Of Roc For Z Transform Help for z-Transform › … › z-Transform

    Home » Homework Help » Engineering Homework Help » Electrical Engineering » Digital Signal Processing Help » z-Transform … doubts regarding properties of ROC

  1. Z TransformROC values – Signal Processing Stack Exchange (with Joe Stack from Austin)

    Signal Processing Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for practitioners of the art and science of signal, image and video processing.

    Signal Processing Stack Exchange 

    Signal Processing Stack Exchange 

    Signal Processing Stack Exchange 

    1. Andrew Joseph Stack

      Andrew Joseph Stack III smashing his plane into an IRS building in Austin, Texas, on February 18, 2010 killing an IRS manager and injuring 13 others.

    1. Who is Joe Stack? –

      Joseph Andrew Stack, the software engineer being linked to Thursday’s plane crash in Austin



Thus NASA ought pay attention to EARTH space/time and EARTH LANGUAGE  ..such as  the Little Rocket science BRAIN test in year 1957 in Noah’s ARK –> ARKANSAS.


Eisenhower and the Little Rock Crisis – America’s Library › … › Dwight D. Eisenhower
America’s Library

Photograph of Arkansas National Guard troops at Little Rock’s Central High School. … That’s what happened in Little Rock, Arkansas in the fall of 1957.



Other ROC –> ROCKET codes –> ROC Kettle Moraine geography region  west of Milwaukee.

Kettle Moraine South – Wisconsin DNR…/km…

Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources

Dec 10, 2014 – The Kettle Moraine State Forest—Southern Unit is 61 miles east of Madison and 37 miles southwest of Milwaukee. Campers should check in at …

‎Kettle Moraine South Camping – ‎Activities and recreation – ‎Nature center – ‎Nature

Kettle Moraine North – Wisconsin DNR…/km…

Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources

Dec 22, 2014 – Kettle Moraine State Forest–Northern Unit, in Sheboygan, Fond du Lac … Milwaukee, Madison, Chicago and Sheboygan/Plymouth to Forest …

Kettle Moraine State Forest – State Parks

The Northern Unit of the Kettle Moraine State Forest is located 45 minutes north of Milwaukee. Please see a Wisconsin State Highway Map and our Forest Map …

SparkNotes: Waiting for Godot

Online Movie Version of Godot: Watch Instantly. by godot2013 … Official Online web series adaptation of Samuel Beckett’s Waiting for Godot. Found this review …

Beckett’s ‘Waiting for Godot’ – The New York Times

Bec  + kett’s ‘Waiting for Godot’ – The New York Times

Becon kettle Moraine’s ‘Waiting for Godot’ and the SYMBOL MACHINE information ROCKET  – The New York Times…/beckettgodot.html
The New York Times
D on’t expect this column to explain Samuel Beckett’sWaiting for Godot,” which was acted at the John Golden last evening. It is a mystery wrapped in an enigma ..

Star Wars explains the Senate PAGE error message FORMAT of expression EVENTS 

Published by:

Book-053 analysis report by Herb Zinser reviews  some SYMBOL MACHINE  information pointer clues found in Star Wars book. The CLUES suggest the  involvement factor of  human bio-optical-computer page ERRORs.

The human bio-computer SYMBOL PROCESSOR uses base 16 hexadecimal (oxygen atom 16)  AND is associated with COMPUTER EARTH system 370  geography / land computer address space at Base 16 reference point –> 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, DC.

Below, the Base 16  X 100 –> 1600 address space  …..that is the 16th block in Washington, DC  –> giving –> 16 Block DC  or rewritten in standard format –> DCB with the White House.

The human bio-optical computer SYMBOL PROCESSOR uses base 16 hexadecimal (oxygen atom 16)  AND is associated with COMPUTER EARTH system 370  geography / land computer address space at Base 16 reference point –> 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, DC.

Thus, in addition to the physical  building (the White House)  we  have  a 2nd White House  ..Nature’s optical data stream with electromagnetic waves /photon and SYMBOL content (nouns, verbs, equations, formula,etc)

Thus a book like STAR WARs exists on cellulose paper, and as you read the book page into your eye/optical nerve..they become pages in your bio-optical computer brain  … and they become page in the light data stream that reflects of your body …and they become emission pages in  the infra-red radiation from your skin /body temperature heat.

IBM Archives: System/370 Model 158IBM Haifa Labs


    The IBM System/370 Model … channel indirect data addressing was required to access a list of the real storage areas (page frames) … either System/360 or System/370.

    Thus the human eye/ brain computer has many features is common with copper-wire main frame computers  ..hence, the copper main frame computer and its BASIC technical language and its concepts  ….. act as  super-symmetry MIRROR tools to understand Nature’s human information processing system.

  1. OS/VS2 (SVS) – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Single Virtual Storage (SVS) refers … The storage key facility of System/360 and System/370 keeps track of when a page frame has been modified.

The STAR WARS book clue about the page wars.

  1. IBM Archives: System/370 Model 158IBM – United States…

    … 1980 The IBM System/370 Model 158 was … to access a list of the real storage areas (page frames) … concurrent execution of System/370 programs …

    concurrent execution of System/370 programs …

    concurrent execution of System/370 programs …

    concurrent execution of System/370 programs …

    concurrent execution of System/37.0 human programs at 37.0 degrees Celsius human body temperature  …

    concurrent execution 

    concurrent execution 

    concurrent execution 

    concurrent execution 

    concurrent execution 

    con cu  …..  execution 

    Wisconsin      Cudahy   execution  orders

    1. Wisconsin Sikh temple shootingWikipedia, the free …

      On August 5, 2012, 40-year-old Wade Michael Page fatally shot six people and wounded four others at a Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wisconsin. Page took his …

  1. Wisconsin Sikh temple shootingWikipedia, the free …

    Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting; Sikh … Page was an American white supremacist and United States Army veteran from Cudahy, Wisconsin. Apart from the …

Stars Wars SYMBOL MACHINE language analysis tools of keywords and concepts ….

Sikh –> subset letters –> Si + kh –> sin waves frequency KHZ

  1. 500 kHzWikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Since early in the 20th century, the radio frequency of 500 kilohertz (500 kHz) has been an
    international calling and distress frequency for Morse code 

Thus we have the PAGE …. bio-optical computer page errors  (the CAUSE)   …causing Nature to create the tragic signaling EVENT  ….hence, the Darwinian selection of proper nouns and the city of Cudahy  .. the selection of Wade Michael Page and his adjectives and other word identifiers maximize Nature’s message and its information content  for … serious researchers to study and explain.

A specific BOOK and its pages …. related to the SiKH Temple shooting with MR. WADE atomic michael page the WADE book

The city of Milwaukee and the citizens  of the State  of Wisconsin do not acknowledge the existence of molecules and organic chemistry …… .hence, the empty brain content   of  those people  ..  in violation of Nature’s minimum intellectual requirements regarding awareness.

Thus Nature’s bio-computer creates the     rampage    with messenger  Mr. Page (michael wade)  at the Sikh Temple in Oak Creek near Cudahy, Wisconsin.

Other sources of murder and crime are NOT a direct .

The citizen/ federal government approved murder system is very subtle and indirect ….. several steps removed from the EVENT.  This makes   very difficult to  trace …..   but several tragic signaling EVENTS  over several years  of time  … provide enough clues to figure out the structure of the murder system.

The SYMBOL MACHINE keywords and concepts  ……….

federal ……………. algebra subset word codes …. 
.. der –> information pointer to dermatology/skin  languages (the bedroom SECRET  infra-red

social engineering  …..  brain CONTROL languages)  .. and extensions  …  music  codes and body-hand signals at the dinner table, etc

murder ……… subset code

……der … dermatology/skin secret codes and crimes  ……..such as 

  1. Murder of Hannah GrahamWikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Hannah Graham (February 25, 1996 – c. September 13, 2014) was an 18-year-old second-year British American student at the University of Virginia who went …

    Therefore  …   in other words ………..

    1. Mur..der ..dermatology  of Hannah Grammar GramhamWikipedia, the free encyclopedia

      Hannah Graham (February 25, 1996 – c. September 13, 2014) was an 18-year-old second-year British American student at the University of Virginia who went …

Thus her back ….. her subconscious MIND attempt to communicate with British and American universties..about feedback control systems and the Constitution of the United States with Thomas Jefferson and  Monticello …code.

Monticello …………Jefferson and William  Jefferson Clinton  ..

mo…cell 0 –> molecular cell biology …….  agent zero missing from the communication LINK

  1. United States Senate PageWikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    A United States Senate Page (Senate Page or simply Page) is a non-partisan federal employee serving the United States Senate in Washington, DC. Despite the non …

  2. PagesU.S. Senate

    Pages. The Senate gained its first page in 1829, a nine-year-old boy named Grafton Hanson who was appointed by Senator Daniel Webster. Throughout the 19th century …

  3. U.S. Senate

    Official site of “the living symbol of our union of states.” Connect with Senators, and learn about Senate committees, legislation, records, art, history, schedules …

  4. Senate Page ProgramUnited States Senator Patty Murray

    Senate pages play an important role in the day-to-day operation of the Senate while watching history in the making. Living away from home and attending …

    Senate Page Program  ….. brain program for Wade Michael Page

    Senate Page Program –  with base 16 hexadecimal address 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue 

    Senate Page Program – ramPAGE  on Base 16 hexadecimal day..April 16 at Virginia TECH

    1. Virginia Tech shootingWikipedia, the free encyclopedia

      The Virginia Tech shooting (also known as the Virginia Tech massacre) was a school shooting that took place on April 16, 2007, on the campus of Virginia Polytechnic …

    Senate Page Program – United States ramPAGE  at  the
    Fortran computer program excution site …  


    Fort soldier ran on 2-legs as the shooting started


    Fortran applications


    Fort Hood Texas  and Pentagon computer science arrogance LIES about the event

  1. 2009 Fort Hood shootingWikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    On November 5, 2009, a mass murder took place at Fort Hood, near Killeen, Texas. Nidal Malik Hasan, a U.S. Army major and psychiatrist, fatally shot 13 …

Thus the executable instructions at Fort Hood.

  1. Field armyWikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    A field army (or numbered army or simply army) is a military formation in many armed forces, composed of two or more corps and may be subordinate to an army group.

  2. United States Army    Field ManualsWikipedia, the free …

    United States Army Field Manuals are published by the United States Army‘s Army Publishing Directorate. As of 27 July 2007, some 542 field manuals were in use. They …

Thus we have the Fort Hood rigged trial of Nidal Hasan and its cover-up by newspapers editors and reporters.

Another type of PAGE message came from Page –>  Paige ………..

  1. Penn State Cheerleader Paige Raque In Critical Condition …

    Oct 16, 2012 · Penn State Cheerleader Paige Raque In Critical Condition After Fall, School Rallies Around #PrayForPaige. Posted: 10/16/2012 12:40 pm EDT Updated: …

    Thus we see how some STAR WARS book clues  can be translated   by  the existence of  supportive REAL data events.


Nature VERSUS the citizen approved FCC electromagnetic program coding of human em( embryos) to create a new human  baby species with bio-radio and bio-televisio

Published by:

RD-blog-number-3160 by Herb Zinser reviews the electromagnetic battle of EARTH  over the brain programming of human EM life forms.  EM (Electro-Magnetic life forms) are known as EM (Employees) , EM (Embassy officials), etc.

The Solar System, natural sunlight, Thomas Edison light bulbs, and the eye/ optical system   VERSUS  the citizen employee approved FCC  radio and television attack upon brain stem and human embryo  —>  em  bio-physics interface  locations in human biology.

Let’s look at the mechanism of implanting EM data and instruction commands into the adult human brain stem  and fetus embryos.

Using television  broadcasts ….  EM baby pictures and instructions  are implanted into adult brains at a primordial EM LEVEL that exists in the brain stem. These  baby  picture  instructions to the adult are  .. that the goal in life is to be like a baby  ..hence, the creation of some types of Alzheimer’s  ..and the subsequent baby thoughts and behavior exhibited by senior  adults in nursing homes.

The music lyric on radio EM  broadcasts ……….
” I want you baby” …
” I need you baby” …
” I love you baby”    ……. as those lyrics are played over and over again  ……..    as songs are repeatedly played on the radio ..all day long.

These song lyrics are listen to by  EAR biology  cells and proteins in the body   ..the muscle proteins hear the music instruments and lyrics. … hence, the muscle desire to dance or move about.

Thus the music commands and instructions to proteins  …….


……………………………………………………….rote … play the radio song again 

……………………………………………………….rote … repeat command so the proteins are
programmed to focus on the concept of Baby –> make a baby in the bedroom by getting the wife pregnant

–> start the baby war in the BABY.lon region of Iraq 

–> make older citizens think like babies or get AL = AL.phabet –> AL = ALzheinmer’s  brain language errors

Let’s look at NATURE’s military actions  VERSUS defective children reflected by their parent brain awareness deficiency.


–> keyword–> Utoya –> subset letters  Ut –> pointer to social biology word –> Uterus.


Norway and Europe deny the existence adult female  women with a word –> uterus.

They have  a different WORD for that biology organ  …  as they manipulate the sub-conscious MINDs dictionaries


Hence, the shooting at UTOYA, Norway.


Hence, the April 16,2007 shooting with the Virginia  TECH english department for allowing that language crap and word scheme to occur  ..trying to fool Nature’s version of the Central Nervous System 370 abstract  brain SYMBOL PROCESSOR used by the Alfred Korzybski  BRAIN   MODEL.

DF]the fully functioning personality – The Institute of General ……/13-3-hayakawa.pdf

by SI HAYAKAWA – ‎Cited by 20 – ‎Related articles

ONE of the bases of my inquiry to this question arises from Korzybski s claim … the characteristics ofwhathe calls the fully functioning person or the creative.

General Semantics and Contemporary Thomism

Margaret Gorman, ‎R. S. C. J. Margaret Gorman – 1962 – ‎Language Arts & Disciplines

Whereas to the fully functioning personality as Rogers, Maslow and Korzybski see him, morality and ethics come naturally as the result of proper evaluation.





Uterus Pictures, Anatomy & Diagram | Body Maps – Healthline
Healthline Networks

The uterus is a female reproductive organ located between the bladder and the rectum, in the pelvic area. The uterus has three layers: the inner lining …





Utøya and the Uterus – Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaøya


Utøya is an island in the Tyrifjorden lake in Hole municipality, in the county of Buskerud, Norway. The island is 10.6 hectares (26 acres), situated 500 metres …



 The bedroom pussy hole CODE –> Hole municipality



‎Overview – ‎The name – ‎2011 massacre – ‎References

2011 Norway attacks – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The second attack occurred less than two hours later at a summer camp on the island of Utøya in Tyrifjorden, Buskerud. The camp was organized by the AUF, …

‎Anders Behring Breivik – ‎Workers’ Youth League – ‎International reactions – ‎Necessity

Notice, the EARTH geography configuration of the lake  … at the bottom half  ….  
look like it has a left fallopian tube   and right  tube (of water)  ..
a very rough approximation   …a concept suggestion  to the subconscious  mind …….  of the super-symmetry existential physics MIRRORS.



Another a battle ..the uterus Fallopian tube war –> fall —>Fallujah.




First Battle of Fallujah – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Battles and operations of the Iraq War in Anbar Province … Main article: Fallujah killings of April 2003 ….
Further information:
31 March 2004 Fallujah ambush  ……see codes 

….March –> Jerry March book “Advanced Organic Chemistry” applications
to the social chemistry expression system of  pussy molecules  
…and Nature’s  INTERNAL  molecular hydrocarbon pussy war  and its
EXTERNAL  display of violence on the Earth geography surface.


Fallopian tube definition – MedicineNet – Health and Medical …


Fallopian tube: One of the   two  Fallopian   tubes that transport
the egg from the ovary to the uterus (the womb). … Female structure illustration – Fallopian tube.



Images for women two fallopian tubes


First Battle of Fallujah – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Battles and operations of the Iraq War in Anbar Province … Main article: Fallujah killings of April 2003 …. Further information: 31 March 2004 Fallujah ambush.





 Second Battle of Fallujah – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Battles and operations of the Iraq War in Anbar Province · Fallujah … and December 2004, considered the highest point of conflict in Fallujah during the Iraq War.



Thus we have Nature’s SYMBOL MACHINE and EARTH LANGUAGE geography region keywords …

Babylon –> subset word –> baby and the social policy  war region

Baghdad –> subset word –> bag –> implies –> waterbag 

Fallujah –> subset word –> Fall –> suggest –> fallopian tubes

Because the hypnotized Pentagon takes orders from pregnant women …we receive these biased  information reports from Washington, DC. The incomplete  explanations of REALITY are approved  by universities and think tanks …..   who are busy thinking of football games, pizza parties.   The men at these INTELLECTUAL institutions actually believe their wives  ..who say to their husbands   ” You are the smartest  and most brilliant man in thee world”.

Now, that may be true for HER personal world….   but BIG PICTURE thinkers have to keep the their wives compliment in perspective  …and they have failed to do that ….. as they worship their own in-bred  bull-stories   …..  that are not in alignment with empirical data facts, events, and the scientific analysis of social signaling EVENTS.

Nature’s SYMBOL MACHINE is comprised of  nouns, verbs, concepts, math equations,  flowcharts, etc.  The ideas found in math and science textbooks are part of the SYMBOL MACHINE. Using Galileo’s suggestions  of  ” 2 CHIEF WORLD  SYSTEMS”   we now perceive Sartre existentialism as partitioned into 2 or more data spaces……. the  2  CHIEF existential entities 1) physical reality of objects: concrete highways, iron  automobiles, cellulose trees, humanoids, biochemistry molecules. photons of information,etc.

2) The world of symbols, concepts, process control system flowcharts, biochemistry diagrams,  math and physics equations, etc. Maps and Territories – Rijnlandmodel

Language in Thought and Action, S.I. Hayakawa.
Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and Territories
There is a sense in which we all live in two worlds.

Below, the battle at   Fort   (MOTHER) Hood …….   Mother Nature (amino acid code NH) VERSUS Mother Hood amino acid violations

2009 Fort Hood shooting – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


On November 5, 2009, a mass murder took place at Fort Hood, near Killeen, Texas. Nidal Malik Hasan, a U.S. Army major and psychiatrist, fatally shot 13 people …

‎Shootings – ‎Casualties – ‎Shooter – ‎Reaction

Equation ..year 2009 –> 2 and 009
–> code 2 —–> adults (Mr. and  Mrs.)

–> code 009 –> Mrs. 9 months pregnant 

Below, the amino acid NH …  assigned  to a human representative  human agent NH =  Nidal Hasan

Washington, DC and the Department of Justice deny the existence of amino acids and factors involved in the FORT Hood battle.  

The next battle of NATURE VERSUS   EM = EMbassy, Federal government, and FCC   embryo experimental  projects  ……

Above, the  EMBRYO attack vectors broadcast by radio and television in the OOC region –> Oklahoma, Oklahoma City.

Consequently,  Nature’s ordered attack on defective  OOCYTES  ………military code –> OOC   ….. hence, the Darwinian selection of  geography proper nouns whose initial generate OOC –> hence, Oklahoma, Oklahoma City



Oocytes – definition of Oocytes by The Free Dictionary

A diploid cell from which an egg or ovum develops by meiosis. A primary oocyte divides to produce a polar body and a secondary oocyte, which divides again to …

A primary oocyte divides to produce a polar body and a secondary oocyte, which divides again to …

 which divides again to …

 which divides again to …

 which divides again to …

Oklahoma City bombing – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The Oklahoma City bombing was a domestic terrorist bomb attack on the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in downtown Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995.

‎Timothy McVeigh – ‎Terry Nichols – ‎Ruby Ridge – ‎Alfred P. Murrah Federal


www.internationalstemcell.com1800 × 818Search by image

Different activation techniques applied to human oocytes allow the creation of either HLA heterozygous human parthenogenetic stem cell lines (hpSC), …


Above diagram and its equation  ……


Oocyte –> maps to physical reality EVENT  –> Ooc –> Oklahoma Oklahoma City


Blastocyst –> Nature creates a blast ..hence, the bomb blast.


All of this information was deliberately omitted from  the biased and rigged trial of  a PRISONER OF WAR (The SCIENCE WARS) Timothy McVeight ..  in violation  of the Constitution of the United States>


Violations by citizen brain nonsense and  dribble   …. that determines … .Department of Justice  …..pussy JUICE  JUSTICE   trial  policy.


Notice, that Justice  has a algebra subset control word ….

……………  ……. hence, Janet Reno pussy juice LAW   with her action message display …

Janet Reno Statement – PBS


Attorney General Janet Reno’s Opening Statement Before The Crime … “Three days after the Waco standoff began, David Koresh promised the FBI (FermiLAB,  Batavia, Illinois atomic social science FBI)  that  he and …

David Koresh Texas  ….

Da……Ko        Tex

Data   KOTEX   law school message CODE  

from Nature’s INTELLECT 

Waco, Texas: Where A Part Of America’S Heart And Soul Died.

Waco, Texas systems

     ko Tex ass … modern poetry

David Koresh and the Branch Davidian religious sect in Waco, Texas, held center … The conspiracy of the FBI, President Clinton, and Janet Reno has resulted in …



The     Waco massacre,   a fiery end to a whacko cult…/story-fndir2ev-1226623449407

Apr 18, 2013 – This is a 1981 file photo of David Koresh taken at the Mount Carmel … newly-appointed U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno approved FBI plans .

The Nature’s SYMBOL MACHINE language analysis  tools help us understand  the secret BRAIN   manipulation codes.


Star Wars and Cavendish Labs CAVE  intellectual battle reports 

Published by:

Book-027 analysis report by Herb Zinser looks at SCIENCE WAR clues in a STAR WARS book.

  1. Revisiting the Science Wars | Psychology Today…/201206/revisiting-the-science-wars

    Thinking of science as a system of justification can help us resolve the tension between science and human values.

    1. The Science Wars Homepage

      Resources . Science Wars Articles; When Did The Science Wars Start? What Are the Science Wars Really About? by Dorothy Nelkin ; Science Wars: who are the …

Star Wars?  
Writing  about hypothetical battles millions of miles away from EARTH?  Yes. 

  1. Reading Bewteen the lines essays

    Reading Bewteen the lines essays To help understand poetry better the reader must look at the poem in two different ways. The first way a reader should look at a poem …

    1. Definition of “read between the lines” | Collins English … › English Dictionary

      read between the lines; read between the lines; Usage examples; Trends; … But then they clearly haven’t quite got that knack I have of being able to read between

      1. Read Between the Lines – 999 Ideas

        Why do we have to read between the lines to get it? Another Example. … Again, you have to read between the lines to see something very interesting here.

  1. DoublespeakSourceWatch

    Aug 30, 2009 · Doublespeak is language deliberately constructed to disguise its actual meaning, such as euphemisms. The word doublespeak was coined in the early 1950s.

    1. Introduction to Doublespeak – DamronPlanet

      While it is true that politicians can use any word they want, we reply that language works only when those using it agree on what the words mean, and that the meaning …

      1. DoublespeakWikipedia, the free encyclopedia

        Doublespeak is language that deliberately disguises, distorts, or reverses the meaning of words. Doublespeak may take the form of euphemisms (e.g., “downsizing” for …


Star Wars –> Hollywood movie  stars and their influence on society 

Star Wars –> music STARS  like the U2 band for Uranium 238 atomic music

Star Wars –> President N (Nixon) for Avogadro’s number in chemistry

Star Wars –> Hawking, Watson, and Cricket –> astronomy and DNA at Cambridge University 

Above, the 4 DNA nucleotides message for Cavendish Labs in England.

  1. Watson and Crick describe structure of DNAPBS

    Watson and Crick describe structure of DNA 1953 Photo: Model of DNA molecule. In the late nineteenth century, a German biochemist found the nucleic acids, long-chain …

  2. Molecular Structure of Nucleic Acids: A Structure for …

    When Watson and Crick produced their double helix model of DNA, it was known that most of the specialized features of the many different life forms on Earth are made …

Nature’s Watson and IBM …  message ignored by Cambridge University in year 2015.

Thus we have Nature’s  double-helix human agents with the same proper noun in the same TIME period of periodic atomic table expressions.

Watson (DNA)  and Watson ( IBM)

Thus universities ought upgrade their perception of existence in year 2015.

Above, last line –> Yavin 4 –> subset codes ….   Y   4 –> y-chromosome communications LINK to 4 DNA nucleotides

Notice, the Star Wars bio-math algebra  chromosomes above  …… X and Y math variables used in chromosome math functions  –> f(x,y)  and their LINK to 4 DNA nucleotide education systems in the United States … that is the 4 years of high school is phase 1 of 4 DNA nucleotide thoughts education


the 4 years of college are the 2nd phase of 4 DNA nucleotide thought systems

The errors of the Department of Education resulted  in the murder of Sam Hengel, and  arrogant, snob THINKERS at  Cavendish Labs refuses help explain the tragedy.

  1. Answers sought in northern Wis. hostage › News › Nation

    Dec 02, 2010 · Answers sought in northern Wis. hostage … old student Sam Hengel held 23 students and one teacher hostage at the school on Monday. Hengel died …

  2. Wisconsin Teen Samuel Hengel Dies After Shooting Self in ……

    Nov 30, 2010 · A 15-year-old student, Samuel Hengel, died today after shooting himself Monday night after holding a teacher and 23 classmates hostage, police said.

Above, reference to Stephen Hawking book on  math INTEGERS.

Thus, given the even integers ….. 2,4,6,8,10,12, ……..  1942 …… God created Stephen Hawking with the following features.


Hawking was born on 8 January 1942[1] in Oxford, England, to Frank and Isobel Hawking.

a) OXford –> implies ox –> Oxygen atomic mass 16  ….  in geography region in England.

b) year 1942 –> code 42 –> Base 4 exponent 2 –> base 16 hexadecimal life form BORN  … yet the university known as Fantasy Island  ..  continues to deny  he breathes oxygen and uses computers

c) his father Frank –> agent code –> F + rank –> base 16 hex’F’ = 15   rank and file of data 

d) his mother Isobel –> agent code IS = Information System agent for her existential  mother ..MOTHER EARTH  and its link to COMPUTER EARTH …..   therefore agent IS  in year 1942  gives birth to agent 42 –> base 16 agent  for TIME and SPACE  …. who needs to recognize the existence of Time SQUARE in year 2015.

Above message code–> enter at 8 Avenue for ACE  –> translated –> enter a dimension of string theory  VIA
–> enter January 8   for  agent ACE  who is in wheelchair  at TIME year 42 (1942) 

British universities refuse to study this message  ……. to elite on the  INTELLECTUAL  humanities nonsense scale  …as they ignore  the C.P.SNOW “TWO CULTURE” messages from year 1959.

The Two Cultures is the title of the first part of an influential 1959 Rede Lecture by British scientist and novelist C. P. Snow.[1][2] Its thesis was that “the intellectual life of the whole of western society” was split into the titular two cultures — namely the sciences and the humanities — and that this was a major hindrance to solving the world’s problems.

Where is the down-to-EARTH communications bridge of Cambridge?

Message that Cambridge University and Cavendish Labs ought try to understand.

Code–> Idiot’s Array –>  math fools and idiots of linear algebra / matrices FAIL to stand up and speak.

Thus we have  the Solar System wars on EARTH   …as sunlight and its electromagnetic field forces  (with SYMBOL LIFE) continue the attack against  universities and their  human bull-stories and incomplete explanation of tragic signaling events.

Above, Cavendish Labs  EM spectrum language  codes   –> Darth Vader –> Vader –>  Va + der  –> Va(post office abbreviation for geography state of Virginia)   + der (dermatology  …skin infra-red emissions) .

  1. Murder of Hannah GrahamWikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Hannah Graham (February 25, 1996 – c. September 13, 2014) was an 18-year-old second-year British American student at the University of Virginia who went missing on …

Above, we see  her back signal –> a feedback signal for British universities to study and explain.

Murder …

…..der …dermatology and hot adult bodies and their heat output languages used for social engineering control systems,  etc  

Perhaps, some college student or professor in Britain will help figure out Nature’s Hannah Gra –> Grammar message.


Darth Vader explains dermatology economic and financial systems

Published by:

Book-021 analysis report by Herb Zinser  reviews the STAR WARS  secret codes and outlines that help explain  modern social economic systems.

Let’s translate some words.


The 7-11 store codes and Siadem Forte –> Fort –> Fort Hood shooting  over 4 DNA problems at grocery stores.


7-11 –> minus 4 –> missing 4 H Club of America DNA specimen with 4 DNA nitrogenous bases.


The 7-11 battle at Fort Hood  ………. Fort Hood shootings: Army major Nidal Malik Hasan kills 12 ……/Fort-Hood-shootings-Army-major-Ni…

Daily Mail

Nov 9, 2009 – Rampage: Video footage shows Major Nidal Malik Hasan shopping at a 7-11 store just outside Fort Hood, Texas, seven hours before he shot …



Thus we see the biochemistry economic manipulation system ……


BranD Names  and their marketing language  DNA commands …….

……DNA   commands broadcast via television, radio, and print .



Of course, we are reminded of the marketing wars .. that got transformed into physical violence in Asia.


branD NAMe …………

………NAM   –> View  tv  names 

…….D NAM ….
……….NAM D


Battle of Nam Dong – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Part of the Vietnam War …
The Battle of Nam Dong took place from July 5-6 1964, when the Viet Cong and PAVN attacked the Nam Dong CIDG camp in an …



Above, are various well-known factors in Federal Reserve  System  …. symbols tools used to direct people and their thoughts.



–> Cash is dead –> reference to phrase ” cash is trash”

Cash Is Trash-Kiplinger

Aug 24, 2009 – The phrase “cash is trash,” incidentally, isn’t an original. Elaine Garzarelli, who gained fame for predicting the 1987 stock-market crash, coined …

Where did the phrase “cash is trash” originate?…/where-did-phrase-%3Fcash-trash%3F-orig…

Feb 18, 2011 – At the time “cash is trash” was rolling off the tongue of just about every … He believed the phrase was originally coined by one Elaine Garzarelli, …

–> I don’t own Cash any favors  …..with John Cash   music lyrics for the banking system

Johnny Cash – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


John R. “Johnny” Cash (February 26, 1932 – September 12, 2003) was a singer-songwriter, actor, and author, widely considered one of the most influential …

‎June Carter Cash – ‎Albums discography – ‎Vivian Liberto – ‎John Carter Cash



Other financial system KEYWORD … proper  nouns assigned to human agents  …


Ernie Banks Statistics and History |…/bankser01.shtml


2/20 Cubbies Crib: Morning Marquee: Cubs’ to honor Ernie Banks throughout season: In news that was surprising to none of us, the Chicago Cubs announced.



FDIC: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and Ernie Banks

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) is an independent agency created by the U.S. Congress to maintain stability and public confidence in the …

‎Bank Data & Statistics – ‎Deposit Insurance – ‎Understanding Deposit … – ‎Call Reports






FDIC: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and Tyra Banks 

Tyra Banks – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Jump to Modeling career – Banks’s Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue cover from January 26, 1996 … When she got the opportunity to model in Europe, she …

‎Life-Size – ‎The Tyra Banks Show – ‎Korea’s Next Top Model – ‎Asia’s Next Top Model

Thus you see how small  message codes/ concepts  may be embedded in a larger story like Star Wars.

Now, let’s look at the  Vader –> Va + der –> Valentine’s & dermatology / skin languages of the bedroom.


Darth Vader  ..the bedroom city of hot skin women and arrogant  men  ..who ought study social science and political science outside their bedroom mentality ……. and their bedroom SECRET 
neurotransmitter language financial systems  …… subset code …..
..euro …
..euro doll   ….. euro dollar money system based on  …. some hot doll

Lingerie – Bedroom LINGO tricks and schemes!prettyPhoto[inline]/0Lingerie: All Products; Categories; Massagers; Bath, Body, …

Purple & Black Baby Doll –> Dollars –> euro  dollars  …

Bedroom Kandi is a trademark of Kandi Koated Entertainment.

LINGERIE – COLLECTIONS – Bedroom Costumes – Lucky Doll … Locations 1832 Oroquieta St. Sta. Cruz Manila,1003 Philippines

Babydoll Lingerie, Lace Babydoll , Sheer Baby doll , Sexy … Lingerie features a large selection of sexy babydolls, Lingerie Babydolls in a range of colors and styles. Shop our selection of Lace Babydolls, Open Cup …


Prezzo di Listino € 79,99

Prezzo Scontato € 37,90 –> for humans at 37 degrees Celsius body temperature

37 Celsius – Paris  Parallel information systems …. Body temperature chart | F to chart for Celsius and Fahrenheit temperature values in the vicinity of 37 degrees C. Useful for converting body temperature measurements.

Currency Calculator (Euro, US Dollar ) – X-Rates Free Currency Exchange Rates Calculator helps you convert any amount from one currency to another.

Currency Calculator (Euro, US Doll ) -seX-Rates

Currency Calculator

(nEUROtransmitter, US Dollar ) – X-Rates

Thus, in year 2015, you have a few clues about the human EYE wars in progress ….  and your probable involvement in them ….. 

as an optical  traitor that will not help explain the situation .


Thus we have the IRS tax system.



Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and internal biology systems

Internal Revenue Service

The IRS is the U.S. government agency responsible for tax collection and tax law enforcement. Contains downloadable forms, instructions, and agency …


Internal Revenue Service – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is the revenue service of the United States

federal      government of

dermatology/skin structures.. The government agency is a bureau of the Department of the …




American Academy of    Dermatology

American Academy of Dermatology

The American Academy of Dermatology promotes leadership in dermatology and excellence in patient care through education,research,and advocacy.



American Academy of    Dermatology presents


American      Academy      of    Der  


–> The rise of  Darth vaDER



American Dermatological Association, Inc.

American Dermatological Association‑ADA

About the association, membership, meeting information and contacts.



Darth Vader – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Darth Vader (born Anakin Skywalker) is a  character in the Star Wars universe. He appears in the original trilogy as a pivotal figure, as well as the …

‎David Prowse – ‎Sebastian Shaw (actor) – ‎Norman Bates – ‎Bob Anderson

Darth Vader |

Star Wars

Once a heroic Jedi Knight, Darth Vader was seduced by the dark side of the Force, became a Sith Lord, and led the Empire’s eradication of the Jedi Order.


Internal Revenue Service – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is the revenue service of the United States

federal      government of

dermatology/skin structures.    The government agency is a bureau of the Department of the …



The IRS …..and its  bio-physics foundations



Infrared spectroscopy – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Infrared spectroscopy (IRS) is the spectroscopy that deals with the infrared region of the electromagnetic spectrum, that is light with a longer wavelength and lower frequency than visible light. It covers a range of techniques, mostly based on absorption spectroscopy.

‎Infrared spectroscopy – ‎Fourier transform infrared – ‎Near-infrared spectroscopy



Thus we see the tax system that collects money for the dermatology / skin government .. EARTH LAB   indentifier word …. Federal.


federal –> code letters –> Fed  + der  + al


Fed is the past verb tense of eating.


Der refers to  living  dermatology  containers  ..  humanoid packages wrapped in skin … that need to be fed daily  …. breakfast, lunch, and dinner.




Thus we see .. from Nature’s SYMBOL MACHINE  point of view     an interesting puzzle about  human society and its secret economic system languages.




Commissioner     John     Koskinen – Internal Revenue Service

Internal Revenue Service

John Koskinen is the 48th IRS Commissioner. … Mr. Koskinen also served as Legislative Assistant to New York Mayor John Lindsay and Administrative Assistant …

Nature’s secret agent code –>  Koskinen 

–> Ko + skin + en   –> Know  skin  english language 


The Star Wars experience of Jeffrey  Fowle with the DARK LORD codes

Published by:

Book-016 by Herb Zinser reviews messages embedded within the Star Wars military manual titled the Dark Lord.

To understand the book, we need to understand the SYMBOL MACHINE.

Nature’s SYMBOL MACHINE  is comprised of  nouns, verbs, concepts, math equations,  flowcharts, etc.  The ideas found in math and science textbooks are part of the SYMBOL MACHINE. Using Galileo’s suggestions  of  ” 2 CHIEF WORLD  SYSTEMS”   we now perceive Sartre existentialism as partitioned into 2 or more data spaces……. the  2  CHIEF existential entities 1) physical reality of objects: concrete highways, iron  automobiles, cellulose trees, humanoids, etc.

2) The world of symbols, concepts, process control system flowcharts, biochemistry diagrams,  math and physics equations, etc. Maps and Territories – Rijnlandmodel

Language in Thought and Action, S.I. Hayakawa.
Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and Territories
There is a sense in which we all live in two worlds.


Thus we have the source domain of SYMBOL LIFE and thought that may get a mathematical-physics mapping to the destination range of physical biology with human proper nouns, human activities, etc on the geography surface of EARTH. 



The Jeffrey Fowle codes



Jeffrey Fowle released from North Korea after being held for ……/vCyGhZ/

Jeffrey Fowle released from North Korea after being held for 6 months.


North Korea releases American detainee Jeffrey Fowle … › … › Asia › North Korea

The Daily Telegraph

Oct 21, 2014 – American detainee Jeffrey Fowle has been released from North Korea nearly six months after he was taken into custody, the State Department ..

Jeffrey Edward Fowle – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Jeffrey Edward Fowle (born c. 1958) is an American citizen arrested in North Korea in May of 2014 for leaving a Bible in a nightclub in the northern port city of Chongjin.

In May 2014 Fowle was arrested in North Korea after authorities discovered a Bible he had left behind in a nightclub.[1][2] Religious proselytism is a crime in North Korea.[3] At the time, Fowle was one of three incarcerated Americans in North Korea and they were individually granted interviews continually pleading for help. September 1, 2014 was the first time these captives were been allowed to interview together with two American news stations, CNN and The Associated Press.[4]

Jeffrey Edward Fowle

Jeffrey edward Fowle –> Fowl –> letters –> Flow

……. ey e..war   Flow  –> optical data stream flow 



US Tourist Jeffrey Fowle Was Arrested in North Korea for … › world

The Christian Post

Aug 3, 2014 – North Korean authorities arrested U.S. tourist Jeffrey Fowle three …

under a bin in the toilet

at a restaurant during his 10-day visit to that country, …


the art or practice of using symbols especially by investing things with a symbolic meaning or   by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible…

May 23, 2008 – The message may seem like it isn’t saying anything significant. But if you read and think harder or look deeper into the meaning you will find what your looking for or what the person is trying to say …



d_r_siva answered 7 years ago

It means trying to understand the deeper meaning of literature rather than just the written words.…  read between the lines:  To perceive or detect an obscure or unexpressed meaning: “learned to read between the lines of corporate annual reports to discern areas of fiscal weakness.”…  read between the lines: 
to try to understand someone’s real feelings or intentions from what they say or write. “Reading between the lines, I’d say that Martin isn’t very happy with the situation. “…  Meaning:  Discern a meaning which isn’t made obvious or explicit. 



Meaning: When you read between the lines you try to understand what someone implies, but doesn’t openly state, when they say or write something.  For example: 
I got a letter from Robyn and she isn’t happy. She didn’t say anything but I could tell by reading between the lines that something’s wrong.



American says N. Korean detention over Bible worth it…/18294911/

USA Today

Nov 1, 2014 – Jeffrey edward Fowle of Miamisburg, OHIO, gives his account of detention in North Korea. Fowle was detained for six months after purposefully leaving …

Miamisburg man detained in N. Korea is family man of three …


Jun 6, 2014 – DAYTON, Ohio (WDTN) – 2 NEWS has confirmed that Jeffrey Fowle, 56

American says N. Korean detention over Bible worth it…/18294911/

USA Today

Nov 1, 2014 – Jeffrey edward Fowle of MiamisburgOHIO, gives his account of detention in North Korea. Fowle was detained for six months after purposefully leaving …

Thus we have Nature’s system LINK of  ami (20 standard amino acids)   wit 20/20 optical standards ….. VIA  secret SCIENCE agent ..   Jeffrey e.  Fowle ….. and his  data generating experiment in Asia  for   OO –>  OhiO  optical systems  and the OhiO STATE of MIND  optical nerve symbol processor.



In addition, he is a bio-physics linkage agent for the  EARTH iron core and the NORTH POLE magnetic field flow lines that pass thru and interact with the human body.

US Tourist Jeffrey Fowle Was Arrested in North Korea for … › world

The Christian Post

Aug 3, 2014 – North Korean authorities arrested U.S. tourist Jeffrey Fowle three months ago … Fowle, a 56 year-old from Miamisburg, Ohio, who used to attend church … Chongjin Seamen’s Club, in the North Korean city of Chongjin just before he … lying under a bin meant for discarding used toilet paper by aged people.

Thus we have Jeffrey Fowle as Nature’s messenger  and integrator  of various concepts and existential formats that exist in the various Carl Jung collective unconsciousness levels and its thoughts  …thoughts that rise up to a level of some type of visible expression ….  a such as the display format of Jefferey Fowle’s actions and behavior   …that contain Nature’s primordial message from the EARTH’s iron core  …route message/ LINK to/  city of IRON (Chongjin) on the geography surface of EARTH.

Mission accomplished by agent Jeffrey Fowle.  It is now scientists and researchers that need to decode and translate Nature’s message into   everyday science words and concepts  found in basic college textbooks.



Now, we mentioned the IRON atom and its communications line.

The ferrous oxide IRON atom has atomic number 26 and  has  26 letters of the atomic English alphabet.


The next role of INTEGRATOR  Jeffrey Fowler and his secret  bio-math life   ……….

Integration by Parts – SOS Math

Calculus: Techniques of Integration … A partial answer is given by what is called Integration by Parts. In order … This is the main idea behind Integration by Parts.


Thus the Jeffrey Fowle integration of various formats of existence…..


a) he lives in a house with electric fields and  —> the city contained on word –> electricity  ..hence, his role as a street worker in the EARTH land /geography dimension  …..  might be useful in developing STREET signs and ROAD maps for the city in  electricity 


b) At Christmas he believes in Santa Claus  ..the magnetic DATA FIELD  life form from the North Pole


c) during daytime, he uses sunlight electromagnetic fields to see … as he works outside  … repairing streets  …while he and his co-workers listen to the song …



Where the Streets Have No Name – Wikipedia, the free …


“Where the Streets Have No Name” is a song by Irish rock band U2. It is the opening track from their 1987 album The Joshua Tree and was released as the … 




Thus we see the integration by parts process  with Jeffrey Fowle …… he is working outdoors with fellow street workers …..



North Korea detainee Jeff Fowle close to losing job | Dayton ……/nhDCB/

Sep 1, 2014 – UPDATED: Jeff Fowle, the Moraine street department worker held ….. in North Korea, is close to losing his job because of his 



the Moraine street department worker 

the Mo + rain + e street department worker 

the Molecular brain electron streets/ circuits    department worker 



Thus we have the pieces to the puzzle that need to be integrated into a SYSTEM DIAGRAM  … 


1) the electric field of electricity  .and the related magnetic field of copper wire –> interact with the body and eyes of Jeffery


2) the North Pole magnetic field flows into Jeffery’s body and eyes (just magnetic lines)


3) sunlight comes into Jeffery’s eyes with alternating electric /magnetic existences


His subconscious MIND processor takes these various components and tries to get them to work together some coordinated fashion  …. for Nature’s LINKAGE  communications  project.



Then, his subconscious mind is instructed to take HIS version of this hybrid EM Poynting vector entity  and ren·dez·vous with the capital of poynting vectors  which is in  North Korea.



Poynting vector – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Jump to Invariance to adding a curl of a field – Since the Poynting vector only occurs in Poynting’s … A new “magnetic free” Poynting vector leading to the …

‎Definition – ‎Formulation in terms of … – ‎Time-averaged Poynting vector

Pyongyang and Poyn Poynting vecotrs- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Jump to After the Korean War – Pyongyang is the capital of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (commonly known as North Korea) and the largest …

‎Ryugyong Hotel – ‎Yanggakdo Hotel – ‎Pyongyang Metro – ‎Juche Tower



noun: rendezvous; plural noun: rendezvous
  1. 1.
    a meeting at an agreed time and place, typically between two people.
    synonyms: meeting, appointment, assignation; More

iosn of this  to rn


Above, the earth SPHERE surface  and the location of the  code –> Poyn vector ….. symbol  permutation –> Pyon capital.

Thus we have data generating experiences of Jeffrey Fowle   AND the cover-up  of the TRUE NATURE of his mission by the newspaper publishers in their  attempt to control  the human EYE optical data stream VIA language manipulations, incomplete explanations, etc. 



The secret codes of author James Luceno ………….



Maxwell’s Equations – HyperPhysics…/maxeq.h…

Georgia State University

Maxwell’s equations represent one of the most elegant and concise ways to state the fundamentals of electricity and magnetism. From them one can develop …


Maxwell Equations — from Eric Weisstein’s World of Physics

The Maxwell equations are the set of four fundamental equations governing electromagnetism

(i.e., the behavior of electric and magnetic fields in human beings that read STAR WARs books ). They were first …


James Luceno – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Jump to Star Wars – In the Star Wars universe he has written three Star Wars: The New …
In an interview with Star Wars Insider magazine, Luceno said that …


EARTH LANGUAGE  of Tesla EARTH waves and Schuman resonance and BRAIN LANGUAGE

Published by:

RD-blog-number-3746 by Herb Zinser uses Nature’s SYMBOL MACHINE to understand EARTH LANGUAGE and the Tesla EARTH waves expression system.


Nature’s SYMBOL MACHINE is comprised of  nouns, verbs, concepts, math equations,  flowcharts, etc.  The ideas found in math and science textbooks are part of the SYMBOL MACHINE.

Let’s look at Tesla concepts.

Terrestrial stationary waves – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


It was considered by Nikola Tesla to be his most important discovery. Earth’s surface constitutes an interface that supports the wave. On July 3, 1899, Tesla …

Tesla’s Earthquake Machine – The Excluded Middle

For the past few years, he had pondered the sigificance of waves and resonance … A vibration sent through the earth returns an “echo signature” using the same …

An example of an EARTH geography wave region is the State of Wisconsin.

Wisconsin earth …. subset  codes

……… sine  wave LAND /soil/ground / Landau geo-physics  

Above, the TRUE NATURE of existence .. of Wisconsin sin waves and sin equations.

Oshkosh, Wisconsin – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia,_Wisconsin


Oshkosh is a city in Winnebago County, Wisconsin, United States, located where the Fox River enters Lake Winnebago from the west. The population was …

Oshkosh, Wisconsin 

Os ……………… sin 

Oscillating ………sin waves city  in the STATE of sin waves –> wis + con + sin

Thus we see the fundamental FORMAT of all varieties and  formats of bio-physics human life and expression on Wisconsin
………..  are  based on oscillating waves  ………  vibrations.

Now, Let’s look at Schumann concepts …………


The Discovery of Schumann Resonance – Earth Breathing

Due to their extremely low frequency these waves could penetrate the earth without resistance and thereby Tesla discovered the resonance frequency of the ..

When we consider that the ionosphere surrounding our planet is electrically positive charged whilst the earth’s surface carries a negative charge, we must conclude that this amounts to a prevailing electrical tension within the earth/ionosphere cavity. This tension is discharged when thunderstorms develop in this cavity. In physics two concentric electrically charged balls, one placed inside the other, are called ball condensers, or capacitors.

The inside of the ionosphere layer is used in wireless information transfer to bounce off radio waves emitted by transmitters on the earth’s surface. In this way the information can be transferred over large distances.

The physicist and inventor Nikola Tesla was the first to carry out

It wasn’t until more than half a century later in 1952, when the German physicist Professor W.O.Schumann of the Technical University of Munich predicted that there are electromagnetic standing waves in the atmosphere, within the cavity formed by the surface of the earth and the ionosphere. This came about by Schumann teaching his students about the physics of electricity. During a lesson about ball condensers he asked them to calculate the frequency between the inner and outer ball, meaning the earth and ionosphere layer. They came up with a calculation of 10Hz.  

Let’s use EARTH LANGUAGE to understand some words and concepts  ……..
and the evolution of resonance –> reson + ance –>to –> reason / sensible thought /  thought with math and science.

Thus resonance waves   ..over millions of years ..  became  more organized and structured   …hence, modern thought that we occasionally see in year 2015.

The SYMBOL MACHINE word equation
–> Schumann —subset word 

–> …human

Thus we ask ourselves…. who are  Schumann  ….evolved humans  ..and what are their characteristics  

Schumann   … subset letter  codes …

………..nn –> reference to linear algebra President Nixon representing N x N square matrices  ..
and the matrices geography wars in Vietnam ..identified by 

…………….rice  fields  ..part of Einstein’s field theory which includes matrices.

Definition of the military term column formation…

Definition of the United States Department of (Math) Defense military term “column formation “.
(*) A formation in which elements are placed one behind the other.

Who is another  Schumann  ….evolved human?  

Schumann   … subset letter  codes …

Sch —> Schrodinger and his extension of Schumann waves to wave mechanics

The SYMBOL MACHINE language analysis of word  equation
–> Schrodinger
–> Sch  + rod + dinger –> translated into resonance WAVE military applications ……….

–. school  gun/rod  dillinger/gangster format  

In modern times, we have the RESONANCE wave attack at the  water continuum …. wave/sand interface  ..represented by  the Sandy Hook elementary school problems in REASON  in making  BRAIN thought connections in the
State of MIND ( Connect interface Cut)  represented by the Earth geography state of Connecticut.

The Schumann’s Resonances and Human Psychobiology …

Jump to Measuring Brainwaves – EEG Research – MEASURING BRAINWAVES: EEG RESEARCH The resonant cavity 

Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting – Wikipedia, the ……/Sandy_Hook_Elementary_School_shootin…


The Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting occurred on December 14, 2012, in Newtown, Connecticut, when 20-year-old Adam Lanza fatally shot 20 children …

Date: December 14, 2012; c. 9:35 am – c. …

Weapons: Bushmaster XM15-E2S; Glock …

Sandy Hook Elementary physics DEMO shooting of Schrodinger parallel processing: What happened? – CNN …


Twenty-six people — 20 students and six adults — were shot and killed at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut on December 14.



The Sandy Hook interface to the DIMENSIONs of  expression of the Schrodinger wave equation.

The Multiverse Has 11 Dimensions | Big Think

Big Think

There is something that has miserably failed to convince me in string theory. Why the fact that we have not yet discovered other dimensions and mathematical …

M-Theory: The Mother of all SuperStrings – Michio Kaku…/m-theory-the-mother-of-all-superstring…

Michio Kaku

Every decade or so, a stunning breakthrough in string theory sends shock waves racing …. In 11 dimensions

At Columbine High School we have another example of Nature’s social engineering ERROR …. feedback social process control  EXPRESSION system.

The Periodic Table: Families and Periods – For Dummies…/…

Members of the families (vertical columns) in the periodic table have similar properties. … The newer method uses the numbers 1 through 18. So why do the …



Columns –> subset code –> Col –> message site –> 


Columbine High School shootings – Facts & Summary …


On April 20, 1999, two teens went on a shooting spree at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado, killing 13 people and wounding more than 20 others … 


Columbine High School atomic mass massacre



The Columbine High School massacre was a school shooting that occurred on April 20, 1999, at Columbine High School in Columbine, an unincorporated area of Jefferson County in the state of Colorado.
In addition to the shootings, the complex and highly planned attack 


the complex and highly planned attack 

the complex and highly planned attack 



the periodic atomic table of elements of life and thought  
….  the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family  …..
in  a complex and highly planned attack 







Suicide  of perpetrators


  • . Eric Harris, age 18. Committed suicide by a single shot to the mouth.


Periodic table – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Lanthanides and actinides separated   ( 18 columns)

and in the main table (right; 32 columns) … A group or family is a vertical column in the periodic table.


Thus we see the evolution of  Tesla  waves and oscillations and Schumann resonance …and the wave wars>

In addition, the wave war at Cole Hall ocean class ……….. 


Nikola Tesla EARTH waves and Wisconsin sin waves created  Madison  string theorists 

Published by:

RD-blog-number-3741 by Herb Zinser reviews the existence of the geography state of Wisconsin and the properties of the EARTH soil/ land of the EARTH geography surface that comprise Wisconsin.

Terrestrial stationary waves – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


It was considered by Nikola Tesla to be his most important discovery. Earth’s surface constitutes an interface that supports the wave. On July 3, 1899, Tesla

The Discovery of Schumann Resonance – Earth Breathing

Due to their extremely low frequency these waves could penetrate the earth without resistance and thereby Tesla discovered the resonance frequency of the …

Thus we have the EARTH LANGUAGE code for string theory ……..

Wisconsin earth ………..

……….sine  waves of LAND  next to Lake Michigan sin waves of water 

dualities –> implies 2 –> implies binary
–> implies DOUBLE-HELIX character to Nature
–> implies LAND wave and WATER   waves 

Thus we have string theory ………..  practical applications in Wisconsin.

Children – Jump Ropes / Accessories: Sports & Outdoors…, Inc.

Results 1 – 24 of 293 – Vortex Weighted Jump Rope – Heavy Speed Rope for Crossfit Workout – Best Exercise for Kids or …. Speed Rope Cable for Adults and Kids.,

Double Dutch is a game in which two long jump ropes turning in opposite directions are jumped by one or more players jumping simultaneously. In America, double Dutch began in the cities[citation needed]. It is popular worldwide.[1] Competitions in double Dutch range from block parties to the world level. During the spring of 2009, double Dutch became a varsity sport in New York City public high schools.

From Nature’s point of VIEW ….. the EARTH and the geography region of Europe is a rope ….. and the rope center of mass is HUNG in the country of HUNGary –> HUNG + G + ary –> Hung Gravity constant array 

Europe …….

…rope implies string 

String theory – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Jump to Number of dimensions – In classical string theory the number of dimensions is not fixed … One such theory is the 11-dimensional M-theory, which …

‎M-theory – ‎Introduction to M-theory – ‎String – ‎Calabi–Yau manifold

M-theory – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The fundamental objects of string theory are open and closed strings. …. refers to a two-dimensional brane. In string theory, the fundamental objects that give rise …

The Multiverse Has 11 Dimensions | Big Think

Big Think

There is something that has miserably failed to convince me in string theory. Why the fact that we have not yet discovered other dimensions and mathematical …

M-Theory: The Mother of all SuperStrings – Michio Kaku…/m-theory-the-mother-of-all-superstring…

Michio Kaku

Every decade or so, a stunning breakthrough in string theory sends shock waves racing …. In 11 dimensions, in fact, there are alternate super theories based on …

Below,  the string theory region of Europe  with an I/O PORT  at Portugal (input/output to rope theory cousin of string theory)

Hungary in Revolt, 1956: The First Rip in the Iron Curtain ……/hungary-1956-a-rip-in-…

The Huffington Post

Oct 23, 2014 – It lasted less than three weeks, from October 23 until November 10, but the Hungarian Revolution that convulsed Budapest and the rest of …

Thus in year 1956 –> number 56… we have the periodic atomic table IRON-56 Curtain expression element  and its interaction with HunGARY  human gravity life forms. . 

The  Isaac Asimov psychohistory …… IRON CURTAIN  equation .

…………………………………………….IRON Cu = Copper 

Thus, we see year 1956 Iron Curtain messages   ..information strings  from the periodic atomic table  AMPLIFIED via human displays on the EARTH geography surface in Europe.   Route messages to Tesla SIN wave state of WisconSIN.



In Wisconsin, in year 2015 …. they ignore everything  ..especially data facts not approved by the university INTELLECTUAL sports department  Camp Randall.



Alice in Dairyland – Wisconsin Department of Agriculture …

One of the most recognizable spokespersons of Wisconsin agriculture, Alice in Dairyland is a public relations professional working for the Wisconsin Department …

Images for the cow jumped over the moon

Images for the cow jumped over the moon

Images for the Wisconsin INTELLECTUAL cowards jumped over the moon –> code –> Mo on –> Molecule oxygen 

University of Wisconsin System

University of Wisconsin System

Regents honor 7th annual Diversity Award winners (Feb. 6 news summary) · Regents weigh in on proposed biennial budget and impact on UW System (Feb.



Thus, in year 2015, Nature’s SYMBOL MACHINE and EARTH Language help us understand some pieces of applied ROPE theory and String thoery …..  to geography  and people and cities like OSHKOSH.



Oshkosh, Wisconsin – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Oshkosh, Wisconsin – Wikipedia,


Os……………….sin – Wikipedia,


Oscillating        sin wave  – Wikipedia,,_Wisconsin


Oshkosh is an OS –> OSCILLOSCOPE  city in Winnebago County, Wisconsin, United States, located where the Fox River enters Lake Winnebago from the west. The population was …

EARTH LAB instructions …… place the ground clip in OS = OSHkosh  and  put the probe in Madison.


The Niloka Tesla EARTH wave alternating cycle and  the Schrodinger wave equation describe modern human society.

Published by:

RD-blog-number-3775 by Herb Zinser uses Nature’s SYMBOL MACHINE language analysis tools and EARTH LANGUAGE to understand Telsa EARTH waves  and their expression on the EARTH geography surface.

At the atomic level ….waves exist and are described by the wave equation.

Thus, between the atomic level and the larger sized EARTH geography surface …we have a wave continuum   ..os oscillating waves in a variety of formats of expression.

Two EARTH geography surface …..regions of land  .. have EARTH LANGUAGE  sin wave identifiers.

Wisconsin …….

……….sin wave code

The other is the SIN WAVE  mathematical-physics war region by Israel ….. known as the SINai.

Notice the geography shape of the peninsula  …looks like the negative, bottom half of a sin wave curve.

Terrestrial stationary waves – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


It was considered by Nikola Tesla to be his most important discovery. Earth’s surface constitutes an interface that supports the wave. On July 3, 1899, Tesla …

The Tesla Longitudinal Wave – Tesla Universe › Articles

Sound waves are longitudinal in nature and propagate in the form of … Tesla said he could measure any distance on earth with an accuracy of ± four feet, …

The Discovery of Schumann Resonance – Earth Breathing

Due to their extremely low frequency these waves could penetrate the earth without resistance and thereby Tesla discovered the resonance frequency of the …

What other EARTH LANGUAGE  and SYMBOL MACHINE clues help us understand people and society.

For example ..we have the OS awards ..that is the Hollywood OSCAR awards for the best movie (INTERNAL brain oscilloscope technology)  that is equivalent to   the  EXTERNAL research  probe known as ………

Hollywood as Tesla AC life forms  with EARTH LAB identifier –> actor (male) or actress (female).

Actor–> equation–> ac + or 

Actress –> formula codes –> ac +  ress –>
reword the  symbol + as add
–> thus giving —————> ac  add  ress –>  ac address …..on the surface of EARTH LINKED to Computer EARTH system 370.

The EARTH geography surface land is measures in AC units  –> acres  of land.

Thus in Hollywood and Beverley Hills  ..with expensive homes .. the expensive residence  of  an actress  ..we ahve the SYMBOL MACHINE map  ..of her life  ………….

Images for beverly hills actress homes

We have EARTH geography land units –> acres

acres –> ac + res –> ac + residence (of an ac human life form with code actress)

actress –> ac  add (+ symbol)  ress –> ac address  …. thus she is existing in an address space this case .. .
an existential  TESLA   AC address space (other types of address spaces exist for you and your friends).

System address spaces and the master scheduler – IBM…/zosbasics/…ibm…/zconcepts_105.htm


Many z/OS system functions run in their own address spaces. The master scheduler subsystem, for example, runs in the address space called *MASTER* and is …

System Address Space Creation – IBM…ibm…/addrcre.htm


In addition to initializing system areas, MVS™ establishes system component address spaces. MVS establishes an address space for the master scheduler (the …

Now, we have existential continuum with several CONCEPT components   ..Tesla AC waves ..Computer Earth ….  addressing spaces ,,etc.

Let’s consider  more detail.

Let’s assume an actress gets up in the morning …. has no clothes on    ……  takes a shower.

In the shower ….  she has no clothes LINK to the information continuum.

She gets out ..dries off …and puts on  BRA   ….. for  example  a computer science BALI bra. 

SYMBOL MACHINE codes above  … 

Bali  bra –> Basic Assembler Language interface  bra

Double-Support –> Double agent and supports COBOL double-word size 64 = 32 + 32 

Next, assume she has some important show to appear on …so she gets dressed up

For this occasion..she uses a designer dress ….. and proceeds to the actions
–> add dress to body –> giving her an
…….address  …… thus she acquires   addressability within the address space of existence on EARTH.

TO LINK to an IBM OS/JCL address space …
she uses an Oscar de La Renta dress  …  that is ..  in other words

……………..Os     de  la            ……..

……………..Os/JCL code  Load Address instruction .

Thus we see some pieces to a elaborate process ….. that actress get involved in .. as subset entities living with the EARTH CONTINUUMS.

In addition ..a separate role of the actress .. but very informative about the Solar  System star ..the first star in our astronomy lives….. .

actress –> ac + tre+ ss  …..

ac = alternating cycles of  day,night, day, night as the EARTH rotates every 24 hours on its axis

tree–> cellulose tree that receives sunlight for its existence

ss—> Solar System (SUN is the star)  expects its Hollywood stars to acknowledge their heritage to the public

tree –> implies lumber –> LU +MBER –> Logical Unit member of a partitioned data set (PDS)   ….. thus an actress is a member of some Sartre tree   existential PDS   with her LU =LUNG 

Other examples of EARTH LANGUAGE and super-symmetry …… are symmetry expression MIRRORS    between  NORTH hemisphere and the SOUTH hemisphere.

North — Argonne National labs  with equation unit of measure …. ..ev


South –> Argentina  with bio-physics human … information  display  entity ..ev – evita Peron 


Biography of electron dancer María Eva “Evita” Perón – Latin American History

María Eva “Evita” Duarte Perón was the wife of populist Argentine president Juan Perón during the 1940’s and 1950’s. Evita was a very important part of her ..



North –> Falk iron gear Milwaukee, Wisconsin 

…………………………………………………..sin wave message ………


2006 Falk Corporation explosion – Wikipedia, the free …

The 2006 Falk Corporation explosion refers to a large and fatal propane gas explosion at the Falk IRON GEAR Corporation facility in the industrial Menomonee River Valley neighborhood of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, on December 6, 2006. 



South –> Falkland Islands war with the IRON LADY and Argonne National Labs  agents in Argentina  …..that is, Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family …… atomic social conflict expressions agents ……..




In the early spring of 1982, about 1,800 people were living in the Falkland Islands. Considering themselves British citizens, the residents spoke English and …

Thus you have some clues to various puzzle about Nature and events.
